Scientific Cruise Repo Expedition 2001 of RV '' The German-Russian P Run-off (SIRRO) and the Edited by Ruediger Stein and Oleg with contributions of the Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch. 419 [ ISSN 1618 - 3193 Scientific Cruise Report of the Kara Sea Expedition 2001 of RV "Akademik Boris Petrov": The German-Russian Project On Siberian River Run-off (SIRRO) 2nd the EU-Project "ESTABLISH '' Wissenschaftlicher Fahribericht der Karasee-Expedition 2001 mit FS "Akademik Boris Petrov": Das deutsch-russische Verbundprojekt "Siberian River Run-off (SIRRO)" und das EU-Projekt "ESTABLISH" Ruediger Stein Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Colunibusstrasse, Bremerhaven, Germany e-mail: rsteinaawi-bremerhaven.de Oleg Stepanets Vemadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chen~istry Kosygin Street, Moscow, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Table of Content 1, Introduction (0. Stepanets, R. Stein) 2. Itinerary (R. Stein, 0. Stepanets) 3. Pl~ysicaland Chemical Oceanogr;~phy (V. Stanovoy, A, Latko, B. Shmelko~.:J. Simstich) Hydrological conditions in the Kara Sea during summer cruise 2001. (B. Shmelkov, A. Latko, V. Stanovoy) Short-periodic intemal waves in the Kara Sea. (V. Stanovoy, B. Shmelkov) Water temperature fluctuations in the marginal zones of t11e Svjataya Anna and Voronin Troughs. (V.Stanovoy, B. Shmelkov) Temperature at the sediment s~irface- mini heat probe versus CTD (J. Simstich, B. Shmelkov, V. Stanovoy) 4. Sediment trap investigations in the Kara Sea (C. Gebhardt, N. Lahajnar, B. Gaye-Haake, I. Fetzer, H. De~lbel) 5. Marine Biology (H. Deubel, R. Beude, M. Engel, I. Fetzer, V.V. Larionov, E.-M, Noethig) Phytoplankton distribution in the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and adjacent 41 Kara Sea (V.V. Larionov) Phytoplankton biomass and prod~lctionin the Ob and Yenisei est~laries 45 and adj acent Kara Sea (R. Beude, E.-M. Noethig) The pelagic larvae of macrofa~lnain the central Kara Sea 46 (I. Fetzer) Spatial distribution of zooplankton in the southem Kara Sea 50 (M. Engel) Are resting eggs an overwintel-ing strategy of neritic calanoid copepods ? 52 (M. Engel) Benthic studies along a transect from the estuaries of Ob and Yenisei 54 into the central Kara Sea (H. Deubel) 6. Marine Geology (R. Stein, M.V. Bourtman, M. Chudetsky, H. Deubel, K. Dittmers, A. Eulenburg, G. Kolesov, M. Levitan, F. Schoster, J. Simstich, Sediment san~plingprogram (F. Schoster, H. Deubel, K, Dittmers, A. Eulenburg, M. Levitan, F. Niessen, J. Simstich, R. Stein, T. Steinke) GeoChirp and ELAC sediment echograph profiling (F. Niessen, K. Dittmers) Physical properties of the sediments (K. Dittmers, F. Niessen) Cornposition of fsaction >63 m of surface sediments fiom Ob, Taz, and Yenisei rivers and the southem Kara Sea (M.A. Levitan) New data On heavy minesal distribution in southern Kara Sea surface sediments (M.V. Bourtman, M.A. Levitan) Chemical characteristics of main lithofacies based On instrumental neutron-activation analysis data (M.A. Levitan, G. Kolesov, M. Chudetsky) Lithostsatigraphy of gravity cores ("Akademik Bons Petrov" Kara Sea Expedition SImO-2001) (R. Stein) 7. Geochemistry (0. stePinets, M.P. Bogacheva, A. Bosisov, A.M. Bychkov, A. Eulenbesg, B. Gaye-Haake, C. Gebhardt, B. Hollmann, L.A. Kodina, H. Koehler, V. Komarevsky, G.S. Kosobeinik, N. Lahajnas, A.Ligaev, S.V. Ljutsarev, B. Meon, V.I. Pesesypkin, F. Schoster, E. Sizov, G. Solovjeva, R. Stein, V.G. Tokasev, L.N. Vlasova, T.I. Waisman) Bacterial cons~~mptionand transformation of dissolved organic 121 matter (DOM) in the rivers Ob and Yenisei and the adjacent Kasa Sea (B. Meon, H. Koehler) Geochemistry of carbon and silica: water column and 127 sediment sampling. Material, methods and first results (C. Gebhardt, N. Lahajnas, B. Gaye-Haake) Composition of particulate osganic matter in the wates colunln 130 and sediments of the Yenisei River and inner Kara Sea (R. Stein, B. Hollmann) Stahle osganic carbon isotope ratio, lignin and n-alkanes in the surface 134 sediments of the inner Kara Sea. (L.A. Kodina, V.I. Peresypkin) Casbon isotope composition of phytoplankton biomass and calculation 143 of the plankton material shase in the Yenisei and Kasa Sea POC load. (L.A. Kodina) POC isotope composition in the Ob - River and Estuasy as compased 15 1 with the Yenisei System. (M.P. Bogacheva, S.V. Ljutsasev, L.A. Kodina) Geochemistsy of hydsocasbon gases in the Kasa Sea sediments. 158 (G.S. Kosobeinik, V.G. Tokasev, T.I. Waisman) New findings of ikaite in the Kasa Sea sediments. 164 (L.A. Kodina, V.G. Tokasev, L.N. Vlasova, A.M. Bychkov) Vasiability of element concentrations in suspended matter and 173 sediments of the Kasa Sea and the Yenisei and Ob rivers. (F. Schostes, A. Eulenbesg, V. Rachold) Anthropogenic pollution of the Kara Sea and estuasies of the Yenisei 180 and Ob sivess based On data of the 2000 and 2001 cruises. (0. Stepanets, A. Bosisov, A.Ligaev, G. Solo\~jeva,E. Sizov, V. Komasevsky) 8. Contributions of the "ESTABLISH" Project (M.A.K. Sickel, J. Bsown, S. Gesland, E.M. Kosobova, 0. Ch. Lind, V.G. Linnik, T. Panteleimonov, V.B. Pogsebov, V.V. Suskov, N.G. Uksaintseva) 8.1. Siudies On plutonium speciation and sadionuclide concentsations in the Ob and Yenisei estuasies and the Kasa Sea undes the EU psoject ESTABLISH (M.A.K. Sickel, 0. Ch. Lind, J. Bsown, S. Gesland) 8.2. Benthic studies within the ESTABLISH Project (T. Panteleimonov, V.B. Pogsebov) 8.3. Tessestsial investigations in the lowes Yenisei during the 36 voyage of RV "Akademik Bosis Petsov": Pseliminasy sesults. (E.M. Kosobova, N.G. Uksaintseva, V.V. Suskov, V.G. Linnik) 9. References 212 10. Annex 10.1. Station list 10.2. Lithological core description 10.3. Sunmasy table of planned investigations by pasticipating institutes 10.4. List of pasticipants 1 Introduction ^vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS, Moscow -~lfredWegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven Within the framework of the joint Russian - German project On "The Nature of Continental Run-Off from the Siberian Rivers and its Behavior in the Adjacent Arctic Basin (Siberian River Run-off - SIRRO)" and based on the results of the first three Kara Sea expeditions in 1997, 1999, and 2000 (Matthiessen and Stepanets, 1998; Stein and Stepanets, 2000, 2001), a fourth expedition with RV "Akademik Boris Petrov" was carried out in the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and adjacent inner Kara Sea in August- September 2001 (Fig. 1-1). The participating Russian and German scientists intended to study biological, geochemical and geological processes relevant for the understanding of the freshwater and sediment input by the Siberian rivers Ob and Yenisei and the impact on the environments of the inner Kara Sea. In addition to SIRRO group, Russian and Norwegian scientists involved in the EU Copernicus project ESTABLISH (Estuarine Specific Transport and Biogeochemically -Linked Interactions for zelected Heavy metals and radionuclides) participated in the 2001 expedition (see Chapter 8). The ESTABLISH project focuses On the marine- freshwater interface in the Yenisei Estuary in connection with modelling of the transport of contaminants (heavy metals and radionuclides) from inland to the Open sea. The scientific program of the expedition covered a wide range of objectives: (1) to characterize the supply of the rivers Ob and Yenisei with respect to their dissolved and suspension load, to identify processes modifying the river supply in the estuaries and the inner shelf sea, and finally to analyse the dispersal and deposition of the river supply in the Kara Sea; (2) to study the response of the planktic and benthic biota on variations in the river supply along the salinity gradient from the estuaries to the inner shelf; (3) to study the geochemistry of dissolved and particulate organic matter and hydrocarbon gases in the water column and the sediments; (4) to study the dispersal and distribution pattem of contaminants; (5) to study temporal and spatial changes in the late Quaternary paleoenvironment along transects from the estuaries of the rivers Ob and Yenisei towards the Open Kara Sea; and (6) to study the extent and history of late Quaternary glaciations in the inner Kara Sea. The research Institutes involved in this expedition were from the Russian side the Vernadsky Institute of Geochen~istryand Analytical Chemistry (GEOKHI) Moscow, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St. Petersburg. the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (IORAS) Moscou-. the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography. Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) Moscow, the Mumlansk Marine Biological Institute (MMBI). the Moscow State University. arid SPA Typhoon, and from the Geiman side the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) Bremerhaven. the Research Center for Marine Geosciences (GEOMAR) Kiel, and the Institute for Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry (IFBM) Hamburg. From Norway. scientists from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) in 0ster5s and the Institute for Soil and Water Sciences, Agricultural University Norway (AUN) in As were on board "Akademik Boris Petrov". This report presents the scientific program and initial results of the expedition and outlines future research to be performed On the material obtained during the expedition. In addition. some results from studies of the 1997, 1999, and 2000 material are also presented. The success of our expedition is mainly based On the excellent cooperation between Crew and scientists. We would like to thank captain Igor Vtorov and his Crew for their untiring and ablc Support during work onboard RV "Akademik Boris Petrov". Fig. 1.1: Cruise track of the Kara Sea Expedition 2001 with RV "Akademik Boris Petrov" into the working area. More detailed information about the cruise track in the working area See Figure 6.4. 2 Itinerary I~lfredWegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven 2~emadskyInstitute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS, Moscow RV "Akademik Boris Petrov" left Murmansk early in the morning of August 11, 2001.
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