29 by Bernard Bingen1, Jenny Andersson2, Ulf Söderlund3, and Charlotte Möller4 The Mesoproterozoic in the Nordic countries 1 Geological Survey of Norway, 7491 Trondheim, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Geological Survey of Sweden, Box 670, 75128 Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Department of Geology, GeoBiosphere Science Centre, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, 22362 Lund, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Geological Survey of Sweden, Kiliansgatan 10, 22350 Lund, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] During the Mesoproterozoic, central Fennoscandia and Laurentia (Greenland) were characterized by a weakly extensional stress regime, as evident from episodic rapakivi granites, dolerite dykes, continental rift intru- sives, sandstone basins and continental flood basalts. Along the southwestern active margin of Fennoscandia, the 1.64–1.52 Ga Gothian and 1.52–1.48 Ga Tele- markian accretionary events resulted in oceanwards continental growth. The 1.47–1.42 Ga Hallandian- Danopolonian event included high-grade metamor- phism and granite magmatism in southern Fennoscan- dia. The pre-Sveconorwegian 1.34–1.14 Ga period is characterized by bimodal magmatism associated with sedimentation, possibly reflecting transcurrent tecton- ics. The Sveconorwegian orogeny involved polyphase imbrication of terranes between 1.14 and 0.97 Ga, as a result of a collision between Baltica and another major plate, followed by relaxation and post-collisional mag- matism between 0.96 and 0.90 Ga. Recent geologic data support classical models restoring the Sveconorwegian belt directly to the east of the Grenville belt of Laurentia at 1.0 Ga. Fragments of Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic crust showing late Grenvillian-Sveconorwegian (1.00–0.92 Ga) magmatism and/or metamorphism are exposed in several tectonic levels in the Caledonides of Scandinavia, Svalbard and East Greenland, on both sides of the inferred Iapetus suture. Linking these frag- ments into a coherent late-Grenvillian tectonic model, however, require additional study. Figure 1 Sketch map of Fennoscandia in a Mesoproterozoic context. Abbreviations: ÅR: 1.59–1.56 Ga Åland rapakivi suite. AG: 0.97–0.95 Ga Agder post-collision granites; BDD: 0.98–0.95 Principal Mesoproterozoic lithotectonic Ga Blekinge-Dalarna dolerites; CSD: 1.27–1.25 Ga Central domains Scandinavian Dolerite Group; FåG: 0.93–0.92 Ga Flå, Bohus post-collision granites; JøG: 0.96–0.93 Ga Jøstler, Hafslo post- collision granite plutons; K: Kongsberg terrane; KG: 1.45 Ga Fennoscandia (the Fennoscandian shield) represents the northwest- Karlshamn granite; MZ: Mylonite Zone; PZ: Protogine zone; ern part of Baltica or the East European Craton. At the start of the PZD: 1.22–1.20 Ga Protogine Zone dolerite and granites; RA: Mesoproterozoic, it consisted of Archean core (Karelia and Mur- 0.93 Ga Rogaland anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite complex; mansk cratons) surrounded by Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian RjGp: 1.51–1.50 Ga Rjukan group bimodal volcanic rocks; RR: domains (sensu lato) intruded by the Transcandinavian Igneous Belt 1.53–1.50 Ga Ragunda rapakivi suite; SFDZ: Sveconorwegian (TIB, Figure 1). During the Mesoproterozoic, the centre of Frontal Deformation Zone; SF: Sveconorwegian Front in Fennoscandia hosted episodic continental magmatism. The Timan- Western Gneiss Complex; SLM: 1.57 Ga Stora Le-Marstrand ian margin in the northeastern was passive, while the southwestern formation; SR: 1.55–1.53 Ga Salmi rapakivi suite; TeB: 1.28–1.14 margin was active and the location of substantial continental growth. Ga Telemarkia bimodal magmatism; Tro: 1.20–1.18 Ga Tromøy A regional metamorphic event, the Hallandian or Danopolonian gabbro-tonalite complex, Bamble; WR: 1.65–1.61 Ga Wiborg orogeny is recorded in the southern part of Fennoscandia. Greenland rapakivi suite. Episodes, Vol. 31, No. 1 30 was part of Laurentia. It is mainly made up of an Archean to Paleopro- terozoic craton and contains only a minor Mesoproterozoic component. Mesoproterozoic events in Fennoscandia At the end of the Mesoproterozoic, the southwestern margin of Fennoscandia was reworked during the Sveconorwegian orogeny, producing the c. 500 km wide Sveconorwegian orogenic belt (Figure 1.65–1.50 Ga Rapakivi magmatism 1). This belt is made up of five principal lithotectonic domains/seg- Granite with a rapakivi texture, i.e. plagioclase mantling K- ments, separated by Sveconorwegian crustal-scale shear zones. The feldspar phenocrysts, are diagnostic of a number of shallow, non- easternmost domain, the Eastern Segment, exposes reworked foliated, dominantly felsic, plutons/batholiths intruded in central lithologies of the TIB. West of the Mylonite Zone, a major Sve- Fennoscandia (Figure 1; Haapala et al., 2005). Four rapakivi suites conorwegian lithotectonic terrane boundary, the Idefjorden, Kongs- are distinct in time and space: from east to west, (1) the 1.55–1.53 Ga berg, Bamble and Telemarkia terranes are allochthonous and mainly the product of Mesoproterozoic continental growth (Bingen et al., Salmi suite, (2) 1.65–1.61 Ga Wiborg suite, (3) 1.59–1.56 Ga Åland 2005). Though most available evidence supports that they were mar- suite, and (4) 1.53–1.50 Ga comparatively small plutons of the ginal or attached to Fennoscandia during the Mesoproterozoic, mod- Ragunda suite in central Sweden. Rapakivi plutonism overlaps in els involving terrane accretion during the Sveconorwegian orogeny time with intrusion of dolerite dykes and sills in Sweden and Finland are plausible. and a large anorthosite complex, the 1.53–1.50 Ga Mazury complex Late Grenvillian-Sveconorwegian overprint is detected in sev- in Poland. The rapakivi granites and related magmatism reflects an eral units at different tectonostratigraphic levels in the Paleozoic intracontinental extensional setting. Caledonides of East Greenland, Svalbard and Scandianavia (Figures 1, 2, 3). These rocks carry an important testimony for the under- 1.64–1.52 Ga Gothian accretion standing of the Mesoproterozoic, but are difficult to read, due to uncertainties in the Caledonian history. The Idefjorden terrane, and parts of the Bamble and Kongsberg terranes, west of the Mylonite zone (Figure 1), are made up of 1.64–1.52 Ga plutonic, volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The mag- matic rocks have a juvenile calc-alkaline geochemical signature typ- ical for an active margin setting. Some tholeiitic mafic metavolcanic rocks with oceanic volcanic arc signature and some metasediments showing a restricted zircon provenance pattern suggest that at least part of the island arc sequence formed off-board of a Paleoprotero- zoic continent. The Gothian event relates to the 1.64–1.52 Ga geological evo- lution in the Idefjorden terrane (Figure 4) and can be classified as an accretionary event. The lithologies exposed in the Idefjorden terrane can be interpreted in the context of a single, progressively maturing, volcanic arc, variably-distal to Fennoscandia (Andersen et al., 2004), or as several volcanic arcs accreted shortly after formation. Due to Sveconorwegian overprint, structures related to the Gothian event prove difficult to trace at any large scale. Gothian amphibolite-facies structures are locally observed, but robust age constraints on Gothian metamorphism are lacking. 1.52–1.48 Ga Telemarkian accretion The southwesternmost Sveconorwegian terrane, the Tele- markia terrane (Figure 1), can be divided into four sub-domains, the Telemark, Hardangervidda, Suldal and Rogaland-Vest Agder sec- tors. These sectors show distinct lithologies and metamorphic over- print, but share a common record of voluminous 1.52–1.48 Ga mag- matism. This continental building event is here referred to as the Telemarkian (Figure 4). The geochemistry of the 1.52–1.48 Ga mag- matic suites is poorly characterized, except for the Rjukan Group bimodal volcanics in Telemark, which show a continental rift signa- ture. The magmatic rocks are overlain by quartzites, containing abundant Paleoproterozoic and Archean clastic material. This implies proximity of an evolved continent. Formation of the Tele- markia terrane at 1.52–1.48 Ga is probably best interpreted in the context of a continental arc. 1.47–1.42 Ga Hallandian and Danopolonian orogenies In central Fennoscandia, rapakivi intrusives are unconformably overlain by an up to 800 m thick, cover of continental sandstone, the Jotnian sandstones (Figure 1). These are preserved in undeformed basins and interlayered with a c. 100 m thick tholeiitic basalt, show- ing geochemical similarity with rift-related or continental flood basalt. Some 1.46 Ga dolerites may represent feeder to the basalts. Contrasting with the extensional regime in central Fennoscan- Figure 2 Sketch map of the Caledonian margin of Laurentia. dia, the south-southwestern margin (southern Sweden, Bornholm Svalbard is reconstructed following Gee and Teben'kov (2004). and the concealed basement of Lithuania and Poland) was the loca- March 2008 31 ciated with sedimentary basins can be interpreted in the context of an extensional or transtensional regime located in a continental arc, continental back-arc or Basin and Range environment. Large scale transcurrent movements of the Sveconorwegian terranes probably took place before and during the Sveconorwegian orogeny. This is compatible with the lack of evidence for Hallandian or Danopolonian overprint in these terranes. 1.14–0.90 Ga Sveconorwegian orogeny Sveconorwegian high-grade metamorphism is dated between 1.14 and 0.90 Ga, defining the total duration of this orogeny. The Sveconorwegian orogeny is interpreted as a polyphase imbrication of terranes at the margin of Fennoscandia between 1.14 and 0.97 Ga, as a result of a continent-continent collision. Collision was followed by relaxation between 0.96 and 0.90 Ga. Syn- and post-col- lision magmatism increases dramatically towards the west. Early-Sveconorwegian 1.14–1.08 Ga amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism is observed in the Bamble and Kongsberg terranes (Arendal phase; Figure 4). These terranes form two tectonic wedges between the Idefjorden and Telemarkia terranes. The 1.14–1.08 Ga metamorphism may record early-Sveconorwegian colli- sion between the Idefjorden and Telemarkia terranes, possibly involving accretion of the Tromøy arc.
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