r e ce rv tn o a great deal ot respectful cttenucn rrorn 'J S Industry these days IS the ne cessi ty lor tote: .n ­ T vclverr.e nt - tram th e top down ­ Comments on the changing w:l;; stousnco: methods You must lo o k cl when yo u re HP scene- dOlf:g .n terms 0 1whether It Sin sta ­ and the people behind it, nst.cc) control - even 11 you re no t :-,appy WIth It says Demmg lt ts i rn­ portent 10 dlsll:Jg'.llSh betwee:: two types o: taults thaI onect quality and thereiore productrvitv tc utts In the baSIC way lr.!:,.gs ere dor.e - which resu it m about 85 percenl a t qucutv de.ects and must be corrected by management - and specie: causes wrnch car. be trcced to some mdi ­ viducl breakdown such c.:s human error or c.: laulty rnoctune lt s net true tr.ct there would be no problems I:J producnon or service II only workers would do their jeb s COf­ rectly Deming declares A 10101 supervisory techniques have been air targel he says de­ pendino too much on mspecnon at the end 01 the manu:acturing pro­ ces s rather than cnucctlv excrmnmq the system .tsell ( He points to a new cnclysis which suggests that in some cases parts should be Ilowed threugh a process WIthout Inspection - or else insp e cte d 100 percent Answering a queslion about correla­ rather than merely scrnp.ed ) tion lobles trom John Monroe ot Dolo Applvinq stot isnccl methods 10 Terminals Division . suppues 'rom vendors ISalso essen­ or HPiBo~ i . _ I" e tw o- ncl c ccordinq to Derr.i",g ( For an day s_ - ,5 'IC:J: HP example 01 ccruevinq zero de­ FquaIl1y.. • - Dr W iecrs t;-;rough close cooperation wl1h Edwcrds De rn.nc recently gave in a vendor. see p 18 ) Cupertino lor severe: r. \.:'.oreo::o::.­ Some vcricuon IS mevitcble ac­ pany managers had c mornent or cordmq to Demmg but 11 15 vita! to unexpected personc! mec;;l:lg know what's happening exactly. to De rrunq is the 80'Veer-old Amen­ estcbhsn control hrrnts and to keep can stcusncrcn who r.c s become altenng tr,e system to r.crrow those sornetrnno 0: a ;1v;ng :egend tor his ccntrol lirmts role in helpng trcnsror rn Japanese Der.:l:-:g believes so nrrnlv that all mdustr v ir.to a s;ngu::::I; success story nne managers should be .nvolved in lhrouqh stonsticcl q uc.itv co ntrol the management ot qucutv that he He recer.t ty stcrred :n an NBC doc­ specu ie d to Corporale Product As· urneritcry Ilt~,e Jc p c nese Can surcr.ce. ...... hlcf': arranged hIS ap­ Why Can 1 We? and is a sou q rit-rrtte r pearance Ihal he would come 10 HP speaker tr.ese days only II top management were well In the course at his H? serr.mcr represented De rru r.q used an c riecd ote about ~eetl~,g Dr Demmg had spacict Bob s tether W ; Youden a well­ sicruuconce tor another seminar at­ known stcusnc.cn ( You den s tendee Ke nzo Scsooko. president oi Squares} at the Net.oriel Bureau Yok ogawa-Hewlelt-Packard. whose 0:Standards employees ta k e pert i n 95 qualJty 'Wh e n : wanted te tecrn about circles cirned ct irn p rovin q work lactonal axpenrr.e nts : went to Dr methods YHP IS in cctive cornpeu­ Youden He tol d me Don t worry lion lor a Demmg Prize awarded ir, about the tec h n iq u es -- gel t:--.e Japa.. each year for oulstandmg problem well denned remem­ cpphccnon o f quc.itv c ontrol prm­ bered Derruriq ciples Thot prize was es1abllshed in Bob. atlendlf,g the seminar as a 1950 with a lec tur e r s tee wruch Dr reucbuuv engmeer lor the Com­ Deming retused 10 accept lor h15 puter Support DIV1SI 0r, wer.t up at now-rustoric e Ight-day semmar on interrrussicn to rem:r.:sce w;l~ stousucct quality control methods Demmg cbout his lam:ly which turned Japanese industrv in De rrunq s baSIC message which IS a new d irection M MEASURE Hewlett­ r ecover y d iode m ade p ossible a sc rn plino oscilloscope Packard w it h g i g a he rtz b a n dwidths ' shook up th e The se tiny m icroeJe ctromc devtces are ali descen­ se m ic ond u ct or c ents o f the vacuu m tub e but they ve g row n up In dn­ i nd ustry in mid­ fe rent families HP's Mi crowave Serr.icon ductor Dtvision Feb ru a r y w h en a ( M SD) , for e xa m ple, is a m a ;or vender 0 1serru condu ctor te am 01 en g in eers re­ co m p on ents to other com p anies a nd ven ous E? d ivi­ vealed detc ils of a new SIO:1S Re lat ed to these solid stale d ev ices a re th e more pow ertul computer c hip Th e q uart er-i n ch sq u o re hold s comp le x i nteg rate d circuits th at ha ve m a d e Silicon Va l­ 450 ,000 transisto rs on Its gilttermg surface - more th a n ley fa m ous tour li m es as many d evices a s a ny semiconductor firm " In ICs. lhe d eg ree o f inte gration IS the ke y," says Bob has ever p a cked on a chip Iha l's been p ub li cly Grimm . he a d ot th e Technology Resea:ch Center o f HP a nnounced La b s. " We' ve m ove d throu g h the era ot small -scale i nre ­ With th e unveili ng ot the 32-blt int e g ra te d circuit (stil l g ra tion ( SS!) W lt:'i l essthan a th ousand d evi ces on a ch ip; i n devel opment stages at For t Collins, Co lo rado). HP took throuqh medi um -scc ;e integration ( M SI). WIt!:, one to 10 an i m p ortant step i n th e ra ce to pack a s m uch comp ut­ thousand devices p er c hi p. a nd i nto :arge-scale in te g ra ­ in g p ower a s p ossib le on as sma ll a chip ot silicon as tion ( LS[) w ilh up to 100,000 d evices on a ch ip The Iron­ p ossible While HP doesn't sell a ny of its cus tom i nte­ tier to d ay:s VLSI (very large-scale inte g ration) w ith grate d CJrCUltS (ICs) to the outsi d e world. th e com pany m or e th a n 100.000 devices on each chip " has des iqn ed and manuta ctured th e m tor i nt erna l use The i ncreasing densily 01 trie chip IS the d rivmg lorce since 1965. b eh ind th e se rm conductor in dustry because, as der.sity The IC ind u stry traces its rools to th e la te '505 w hen sci ­ increases, the cost p er trcnsistor drops A ch ip WIlt, 10,000 entists beg an cr eating trcnststors. diodes, resistors and devices m ay cos t SID to day -lhe sa me pri ce a s a ch ip ca pacitors on a slab of thin silicon. a long w ith the cir­ w it h onl y a le w hundred elements nve years ego c uitry need ed to hook it all together HP started man­ The d e ci sion to full y develop in -h ouse [C capabilllles u tc ctu ri n q its ow n soli d -stat e d evices more th an 20 years ca me In 1965 ':'h e major re ason b y cond uctm g re­ ago " w hen w e rou n d we could m a ke better re cllfyi:'.g search and d eve lopment i n re s. the co mpa ny w ould b e d i odes lor our ow n vacuum tube volt mete rs tha n w e a b le to make siq ru nccrit contrib ut ions 10 products w ith­ could buy on the m arke t." sa ys Ba rn ey O liver, vice ou t waitir.g lor si m ilar lCs to b ecom e available on tne president 0 1 Rese arch and Development "Soon it b e ­ co mmercial m ark et. '" I! you look insid e H?s b est sellin g ca m e a p p arent that sp ecial·purpose com ponents co ul d p ro ducts. you 'll nne HP cus tom ChlPS in a lmost ev ery one le a d to b rand n ew instru m ents For ex a m ple, the ste p of th e m " sa ys Bob Gnmm [ j HP w er e to sell th e chi p s Marc h -A p n l l 98 1 Galhum arsenide circuits otter some special advan­ tages over su.con circuits and those advantages have helped I" a number 0: HP products "Speed is the key advor.tage this tec::'nology otters explmns Charles Lracbn section manager In HP Labs Solid Slate Labora­ tory In Pale Alto :-hese circuits have ultra-last swuctuno ccpubrhty three times taster than the rcstest silicon IC Our hlghesl -speed CIrCUit ot MSI complexity operates at data rates up to nve gigabIt per second ' HP nrst starred uSlOg gallium arsenide to rncnurccture d isplays lor the Hp·35 hand-held calculator in 1972 The onsn oo: elthal p ioneering work IS the current Oploelec­ tror.ics Division ( O ED; .n Palo Alto Back In 1974 the Technology Center 01 what was the M icrowave Division ( riow Stanford Park and Santa Rosa divisrons i stcrred usmg gallium arser.ide fETs In butter o rnpluie rs In sweep osc.lloscopes Then MSD was able to exploit the unique .owrioise properties or galllum arse­ ::!de tronsistors lor rmcrowcve receive rs Today sophisti­ cated Jelllghters use MSD Sgaillum crserude crnphnars In their microwave circuitry A iccrutv used to desiqn and manutacture gallium cresernde Silicon end other serrnconducior devices IS The HP "Super Chip," as If was described by newlpaperl, expensive to build and run As a result, a plan was radIo and teleyillon, II small.r than the tip 01 an ordinary adopted 10 1975 that sought to get the most mileage out lead pencil.
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