INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING This paper was downloaded from the Online Library of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The library is available here: https://www.issmge.org/publications/online-library This is an open-access database that archives thousands of papers published under the Auspices of the ISSMGE and maintained by the Innovation and Development Committee of ISSMGE. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Minutes of the Council Meeting Hilton Hotel, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Sunday, 21st October 2007 PRESENT: Professor Pedro Sêco e Pinto - ISSMGE President Professor Mounir Bouassida - ISSMGE Vice President Africa Professor Madhira Madhav - ISSMGE Vice President Asia Professor John Carter - ISSMGE Vice President Australasia Professor Roger Frank - ISSMGE Vice President Europe Ing. John Seychuk - ISSMGE Vice President North America Professor Waldemar Hachich - ISSMGE Vice President South America Professor William Van Impe - ISSMGE Immediate Past President Professor R N Taylor - ISSMGE Secretary General Ms P Peers - ISSMGE Secretariat Professor Osamu Kusakabe - ISSMGE Board Member Dr Michael Lisyuk - ISSMGE Board Member Professor Harry Poulos - Chair JTC4 Professor Wohua Zhang - Observer from CISMGE Dr Fred Baynes - President IAEG Dr Anthony Meyers - Regional Vice President Australasia ISRM MEMBER SOCIETY VOTING MEMBER NON-VOTING MEMBER Albania Professor Roger Frank* Argentina Professor Waldemar Hachich* Australia Mr Marc Woodward Austria Professor Georg Heerten* Azerbaijan --- Bangladesh --- Belgium Professor William Van Impe Bolivia --- Brazil Professor Marcus Pacheco Bulgaria --- Canada Dr Dennis Becker Chile Professor Waldemar Hachich* China Professor Yunmin Chen Dr. Liangtong Zhan Colombia --- Costa Rica Professor Marcus Pacheco* Croatia Professor Iacint Manoliu* CTGA --- Cuba Er Mahavir Bidasaria* Czech & Slovak Republics Professor Ivan Vanicek Denmark Professor William Van Impe* Ecuador Professor Marcus Pacheco* El Salvador Dr Chung-Tien Chin* Egypt --- Estonia Professor Junichi Koseki* Finland --- France Dr. Alain Guilloux Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 3595 M. Hamza et al. (Eds.) © 2011 IOS Press doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-031-5-3595 3596 ISSMGE – Minutes of the Council Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia – 2007 MEMBER SOCIETY VOTING MEMBER NON-VOTING MEMBER Georgia --- Germany Professor Georg Heerten Ghana --- Greece Professor Roger Frank* Hong Kong Professor George Tham Hungary Professor IvanVanicek* Iceland --- India Er Mahavir Bidasaria Mr Manoj Datta Indonesia Professor Bigman Hutapea Iran Professor Madhira Madhav* Iraq --- Ireland Professor Michael Davies* Israel Professor Sam Frydman Italy Professor Michele Maugeri Japan Professor Junichi Koseki Kazakhstan Professor Askar Zhusupbekov Kenya --- Korea R Professor Chunsik Yoo Latvia --- Lithuania Dr. -Ing Georg Professor Heerten* Macedonia --- Mexico --- Morocco --- Mozambique Profesor Mounir Bouassida* Nepal Professor Madhira Madhav* Netherlands Professor IvanVanicek* New Zealand Mr Stephen Crawford Nigeria Professor Mounir Bouassida* Norway --- Pakistan --- Paraguay Er Mahavir Bidasaria* Peru --- Poland Professor Roger Frank* Portugal Dr. Alain Guilloux* Romania Professor Iacint Manoliu Russia Dr Michael Lisyuk Serbia and Montenegro --- Slovenia Professor Iacint Manoliu* South Africa ---- S E Asia Dr Chung-Tien Chin Professor A. Balasubramanian Spain Professor William Van Impe* Sri Lanka --- Sudan --- Sweden --- Switzerland --- Syria --- Tunisia Professor Mounir Bouassida* Turkey Dr. Alain Guilloux* Ukraine Professor Askar Zhusupbekov* U K Professor Michael Davies U S A Dr John Anderson Professor R. Holtz Uzbekistan Professor Askar Zhusupbekov* Venezuela --- Vietnam --- Zimbabwe --- * Denotes Proxy vote APOLOGIES: Dr John Christian ISSMGE Board Member Professor Richard Jardine Chairman TC29 ISSMGE – Minutes of the Council Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia – 2007 3597 8. Finally, the Secretary General noted that a CD version OPENING REMARKS BY PRESIDENT of the ISSMGE List of Members had been distributed recently to all Member Societies and, following normal practice, with 1. The President opened the meeting by thanking the Vice- each Member Society receiving sufficient CDs for 20% of their President for Australasia and the Australian Geomechanics So- Membership. This list of members reflected information held ciety for arranging the Conference and the Council meeting. He by the Secretariat in mid-June 2007. It was intended that a re- also thanked the delegates from the Member Societies for at- vised CD would be produced in time for the next Council Meet- tending. He was pleased to note that Dr Fred Baynes, the presi- ing in Alexandria in 2009, and Member Societies were asked to dent of IAEG was also present as an observer at the meeting. ensure that they sent updated lists of members to the Secretariat in good time. LIST OF DELEGATES AND OTHER PERSONS PRESENT 9. The President noted that the Board were increasingly concerned about the number of Member Societies with signifi- 2. The Secretary General presented a list of delegates who cant fees in arrears and invited Professor Hachich, the Vice- had indicated their intention to attend the Council Meeting. All President for the South American region to make a presentation the voting delegates present were noted and as were the Mem- on this issue. Professor Hachich began by stating the Board had ber Societies who had transferred their voting rights by proxy. been considering this issue in its previous three meetings. It The complete list of delegates is given at the beginning of these seemed that there were some active societies facing legitimate minutes. difficulties, and that other societies were simply inactive. The definition of « legitimate difficulties » could pose problems QUORUM unless these were widely known. The Board was faced with three options: 3. A roll call was established. There were 22 voting dele- gates present, and 30 votes were available by proxy, giving a to- • No action, an approach probably not in the best inter- tal of 52 votes. The Secretary General confirmed that there est of ISSMGE; were 64 Member Societies entitled to vote and since the voting • Terminate membership of the societies, a measure re- delegates (including proxies) exceeded two thirds of this num- jected by Council in the past; ber, the meeting was declared quorate to deal with all matters. • Try to foster activity in those societies, and thus get them to participate in the ISSMGE. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING IN OSAKA, 10. Given the above, the Board had considered a possible SEPTEMBER 2005 solution as offering a one-time write-off of debts for 2006 and preceding years and at the same time, revising the ISSMGE 4. The Minutes of the Council Meeting in Osaka had been statutes so as to stress activity and payment of fees as comple- redistributed with the Council Meeting papers. The President mentary and necessary conditions for continued membership. asked if there were any comments or corrections to the Minutes and there were none. 11. Professor Hachich invited comments from the delegates. Professor Holtz (USA) felt that it was an excellent idea to foster activity in the member societies, but recognised the potential MEMBERSHIP difficulties in achieving this. Professor Hachich stated that these were early thoughts of the Board, but the issue of how to 5. The Secretary General presented an updated summary foster activity was yet to be established. Overall, the delegates of the present membership of ISSMGE. Since the previous felt that the tentative solution proposed was a good approach to Council Meeting the Secretary General was pleased to announce dealing with the problem of societies with fees in arrears. that new Member Societies representing Cuba, El Salvador, Georgia, Mozambique and Uzbekistan had joined ISSMGE. The total membership was now 18,032 in 81 Member Societies. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ACTIVITY An updated table summarising the regional distribution of membership is given in Appendix 1. It was noted that the fol- 12. The President reported that since coming into office he lowing societies have shown a significant increase in members had addressed the need to specify the Technical Committees during this year: Brazil now has 745 members (up from 673), that would be operational during his term of office. Some of Chile now has 74 (was 53), Mexico 395 (was 154) and the USA these were continuing from the previous presidential period and now has 2723 compared to 2462 in 2006. others had been created. A list of Technical Committees and their Terms of Reference and Planned Activities are given in 6. The Secretary General reported that the following coun- Appendix 2. This list includes details of those Technical Com- tries were more than one year in arrears with their subscription mittees that have their own website, and also those Technical fees: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, CTGA, Ghana, Iraq, Kenya, Mo- Committees that are organising their own conference. Some rocco, Peru, Sudan, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Re- Technical Committees had become joint with the Sister Socie- cent information had indicated that there were attempts to re- ties and these would be reported on in Item 16. The President start the Kenyan Geotechnical Society and there was hope that it noted that all Technical Committees had been asked to produce
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