The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXXVI.-NO. 16. ST. JOHNS MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 1902. WHOLE NO.—1826 HAD A JOLLY TIME! TIIE LADIES’ PARTY. chaplain e. w. ’TWAS WELL DONE i n UNDER CIVIL SERVICE. One of the Most Hrllllant Social Event* of mm The Gentlemen Served the Ladle* In tin The Bunt I Letter Carriers Now B* the Seasou. Acknowledged Koyal Manner. Classified. The wheels of society have been rap­ The last of a series of very enjoyable St. Johns People Can Enjoy Two The following is the order just Representative Business Men of idly grinding for tiie past few days in Something About the Man Now parties by tiie Senior Pedro Club oc ­ received by Postmaster Brunson re­ Lansing Come Over to St. anticipation of the interval of rest Conducting Gospel Meetings curred at Harmonie hull last Monday First-class Attractions at garding tiie placing of the rural free during the lenten season One of the evening, when tiie gentlemen gave the the Opera House. delivery carriers under civil service Johns on Friendly Visit. prettiest and most successful ante- in This Village. ladies and invited friends to tiie rules. It is self explanatory; lent affairs, was that licit! at tiie Steel, number of one hundred or more, a “On February 1, 1902, the order of Thursday afternoon, from 1:30 to 5:30 royal treat. There were twenty-live the president classifying rural letter o ’clock, when Mesdames Mattie Fas- tables conveniently arranged about carriers will become effective. All GIVEN I.NFORMALBANQUET quelle, William Leland, O. P. DeWitt HE RELIEVES TIIE BIBLE. tiie hall and set for a G:3<) o ’clock tea, THE CAVALIER OF FRANCE selections for the position of carrier and F. A. Travis entertained more which consisted of most delicious cof ­ after that date will be made in accor ­ than 150 of ilieir lady friends. fee, escaloped oysters, the choicest of dance with rules prescribed by the 'I'iie spacious halls and parlors of this sliced boiled ham and tongue, Saratoga civil service commisssion. beautifully equipped hostelry was one He is a Preacher Who Has the chips, sweet pickles and olives, home­ Friday, February 7, and “Ostler There are on tile in the postofflee The Citizens of St. Johns En- glow of splendor, in keeping with the made bread and butter, variegated ice department two petitions praying for .deavored to Make it Pleas­ occasion. Pedro and crokinole w as tiie Courage of His Con ­ cream and eake, and all served by Joe, ” Wednesday Evening, the establishment of service from amusementof theafternoon, the tables eight young men, clad in snow-white your office, numbered 58,716 and ant for Them. being conveniently arranged for the victions. coats and aprons, ia a manner closely February 12. 58,717. In order to facilitate the work purpose. The hostesses were every ­ bordering on the best style of the art. of the special agent when he reaches where present leaving nothing undone W. E. Slade, tiie up-town caterer, your office it will be necessary to that would add to tiie enjoyment of furnished tiie ice cream and cake, and secure applicants for the position of St. Johns was visited on Saturday those present. Tiie pedro prize, con ­ No one but a caviller can doubt tiie his neighbors, Iloerner&Son, furnish­ In tiie list of good plays, you will carrier in advance of his arrival. Yoa last by a delegation of <55 representa­ sisting of a volume of Shakespeare’s intense earnestness and singleness of ed the meats, sliced ready for the find “A Cavalier of France” close to will therefore advise as many of the tive citizens of the capital city, the sketches, was carried off by Mrs. J T. purpose of Rev. E. \V. White, I). I)., tables. The Mesdames Kinney made the head. It is being toured this year pet itioners as you can reach to suggest the panics of three or more persons managers of the Mictiigan Subuiban Ewing, while tiie winner at crokinole, who is at present preaching every the coffee, directed the waiters and as the banner attraction under tiie di ­ Miss Sylvia Allen, was rewarded with superintended the work in the kitchen, whom they deem capable and who ars railway having extended them an in ­ a beautifully bound volume of Long ­ evening in tiie Baptist church. His hence everything passed off without a rection of tiie Shipman Bros., who willing to act as carrier. You will vitation to take a trip over their line. fellow ’s poems. clear-cut, logical expositions of Bible mishap. also contrql, “Heart and Sword, ” also receive the names of others wh* The train left Lansing at 10:20 o'clock, At 4:30 o'clock the guests repaired truth, his keen comprehension, search­ Handsome score cards of distinct “Pudd ’nhead Wilson, ” “Mr. Walker may apply for appointment. The special agent will notify you in due to the dining room where a most de ­ ing analysis of human nature and the colors were furnished, and when the Whiteside,” “Robert of Sicily,” “A reaching DeWitt at 10:23, and after a licious and appetizing repast was in meal had been finished the tables were time of the day he will arrive at vour stop of four minutes proceeded to this waiting. After regaling themselves causes' which have contributed to cleared and progressive pedro com ­ Prisoner of Zenda ” and Pollard ’s Aus­ office so that you may notify the appli­ village, where it arrived at 11:08. The to their heart’s content, tiie guests re­ menced, which continued until six­ tralian Juvenile Opera Co. ” Expense cants to he on hand to take the pre­ train was composed of an engine and turned to tiie parlors where dancing teen or seventeen games had been was not a factor wiien the company scribed examination which will be extremely simple and practical, only •me of the new combination passenger was enjoyed to tiie strains of enliven ­ played. A count was then taken when interpreting “A Cavalier of France” ing music rendered by Miss Ida it was learned that Mrs. J. W. Pollard sufficient to test tiie applicant ’s ability ears, which was well heated and pro ­ Sehneiderwind, who also added to the had captured the first prize, a hand­ was engaged and absolutely nothing to read and write. vided with comforts for the party. pleasure of the guests while at tiie some silk apron, from among the has been left undone which might Applicants must reside directly or Among the prominent citizens of tables by rendering a beautiful piano ladies, and Mrs. Rudolph Goette, the or within the territory to be supplied Lansing who accompained the party solo. Guests from out of town were second, a drum, on the head of which fACavalier oFTVmzrxTj bv the proposed route. were Mayor liammell, Aldermen (). A. Mrs. H. M. High and Mrs. M. V. was inscribed these words: “You can Each applicant uidst lie prepared to Jen Ison, A. E. Briggs, Rudolph Soule of Ovid. beat this.” If. C. Dexter carried off furnish a suitable horse and cart *r Loomis, It. J. Shank, George Horan, The dining room was prettily and tiie first prize from among the gentle ­ wagon for use of tiie service. G. N. DeMerell, City Clerk .1. C Mc­ tastefully decorated, a string of carna ­ men. a handsome house ornament, en ­ Applications of persons under seven ­ Cullough, L. M. Miller, It. E. Olds, II. tions lying at each plate, which were titled: “The Three Jacks.” A little teen or over lifty-five years of age wHI B. Carpenter, A. F. Ferguson, 1>. W. carried away as a souvenir of tiie occa ­ mirror in the center aided in produc ­ not be received except in the case *f sion. Tiie ladies present were beauti­ ing the third one. M. L. Kenyon cap­ honorably discharged soldiers and Muck, W. IL Newbro, J. S. Bennett, sailors of the civil war or Spanish war M. w. Gardner, H. l>. Warner, John fully gowned, which served to add one tured “Uncle Sam” which of course more touch to the successful affair, was very gratifying to himself and who are physically able to perform J. Zimmer, C. E. Bement, Paul E. service. Dunham, S. B. Roe, Joseph E. War­ and all in all there was doubtless never Mrs. Kenyon a more elite gathering in this village. Among the invited guests from out- Applications of badly crippled #r ner. F. It. Warner, Ira II. Clark, W. deformed persons will not be consider ­ II. Barker, A. M. starmont. George E. of-town were Mrs. A. T. Chafey, of Lansing, by Mrs. R. M. Steel; Mr. ed. Whitcomb, W. II. Dodge, F. L. Gard ­ Applications of women will be re­ ner, Mechanical Engineer James Bice, CHANGED OWNERSHIP. and Mrs. A. 1). Baker, of Lansing, by 'fcacwmiffintt&'ris.thfc. vounrcoohoodi" E. Kowalk, F. B. Johnson, M. E. Mr. and Mrs Dr. Havens; Dr. W. II. ceived but a woman will not Ito Gale, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., by Dr. make the scenic embellishment all recommended for appointment to the Gardner, Robert Smith, the officers of The Steel Hotel Property and Store* Pass t he road and a number of newspaper and Mrs. J. W. Pollard. that heart could be desired. Time position of regular carrier unless ia Into New Hand*. The following named gentlemen tiie judgement of tiie special agent reporters. has proven that “A Cavalier of France” who will conduct the examination, Arriving in this village the party Henry Porter, a well known attorney entertained tiie ladies to a finish: in its present perfect condition is one George W.
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