December 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6365 business and medicine before he got and years in the Governor’s mansion, tion and the runoff in the State of Lou- here. TOM served as president of the as well as the Senate, serving the peo- isiana. school of business student council ple of this country and Arkansas. MARK I will speak about Senator LANDRIEU, while getting his accounting degree at and his family served our country so Senator UDALL, Senator BEGICH, and Oklahoma State University. Later he ably over the years and that public Senator KAY HAGAN later. went back to law school—excuse me, service will continue. I wanted particularly to talk about that was a Freudian slip he wouldn’t be JAY ROCKEFELLER Senator ROCKEFELLER, our chairman of happy with. Later he went back to I reflect back just a few days ago the commerce committee, and Senator medical school, where he trained to be- when Senator ROCKEFELLER gave his PRYOR, one of the finest public serv- come a physician and served as presi- farewell speech. He is another extraor- ants I have ever had a chance to serve dent of his class at the University of dinary public servant who has dem- with. Oklahoma medical school. onstrated selfless public service. He is f TOM has a lot to be proud of about his a Senator who, because of his family ‘‘ORION’’ SPACECRAFT service in the House and in the Senate. heritage, could have done anything he But, again, like all of us, he is most wanted, but he chose—after a life of Mr. NELSON. I want to speak about proud of his family. He has been mar- privilege, growing up as a young man, a very uplifting topic in more ways ried to the former Miss Oklahoma for and after having spent time abroad—to than one. Friday morning I was at the nearly 50 years, and he and Carolyn go to one of the poorest States in the Cape. We call it the Cape. It is tech- have three daughters and seven grand- Union. He first was a volunteer to the nically known as the Kennedy Space children. Meanwhile, in his career as a poor and later developed a distin- Center. America is going to Mars. The physician, he has delivered more than guished record of public service that first test flight, the spacecraft Orion, 4,000 babies, which perhaps explains the included secretary of state, Governor, put upon another rocket—in this case, vote totals in some of his elections, be- and now a five-term Senator. I will a heavy-lift rocket called the Delta cause I am sure many of them have speak later about other colleagues who IV—twice orbited around the Earth. On grown up to vote for him. are leaving. that second orbit it was boosted up way The things that I mentioned are only These are just two examples. Senator beyond low-Earth orbit to 3,600 miles, a few of TOM COBURN’s long list of nota- ROCKEFELLER and my seatmate Sen- and then with a ballistic reentry simu- ble achievements. Knowing TOM and ator PRYOR are extraordinary public lating 80 percent of the forces, the his work ethic, I have no doubt he will servants who when you talked to them stresses on the spacecraft, the Gs, as be giving 110 percent right up until the and when you looked in their eyes, if well as the heat shield heating up to last minute he serves in the 113th Con- they gave you their word, that was it. 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit in a spacecraft gress on January 3, 2015. You didn’t have to worry about it. totally instrumented to check out the I wish TOM and his family the very Some say it is a throwback to the old integrity of the spacecraft and the ef- best as they enter the next season of days. The old days is a throwback that fectiveness of the heat shield as part of life. we ought to go to, when if a Senator it—an ablative heat shield that burns I yield the floor and suggest the ab- gave you his or her word, that was it, off upon reentry—and it was a fan- sence of a quorum. when there was civility among Sen- tastic success. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ators, when there was not an avalanche I talked about this last week ahead clerk will call the roll. of outside money that came in to try of time just to give folks an idea of The assistant bill clerk proceeded to to define you with statements that how large this is. The Apollo spacecraft call the roll. were not true. was 12 feet in diameter. It looked like Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I ask We see what has happened to our pol- a similar kind of shape, a capsule. That unanimous consent that the order for itics in America today with excep- was over four decades ago, 12 feet. the quorum call be rescinded. tional millions of dollars coming into a Orion is 161⁄2 feet and totally new tech- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without State, buying up television, to create a nology, a new heat shield and up-to- objection, it is so ordered. statement in 27 seconds often that is date instrumentation that will carry f not true and that fact checkers say is four astronauts on our goal of our jour- ney to the planet Mars in the decade of TRIBUTES TO DEPARTING not true, factcheck.org and Politifact. Yet when we talk to the TV stations the 2030s. SENATORS and the broadcast stations and show This is what I wanted to share. Fri- MARK PRYOR them the fact checkers, they will still day night after the launch with the ex- Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, in just a run the TV ads. But rather than talk tensive coverage that the news media few moments one of my best friends in about the mistakes that were made gave, I was at a totally unrelated char- the Senate is going to give his farewell with the Citizens United Supreme ity event for a children’s hospital. I address. Senator MARK PRYOR of Ar- Court case and missing by one vote in had people coming up to me and saying kansas, a former State legislator, this Chamber several years ago—we we didn’t know that we had a space former attorney general, and two-term had 59 votes and we needed 60 to cut off program. It is simply because they as- Senator, was caught in this tidal wave debate so we could get to the DIS- sociated the shutdown of the space in the last election that caused those CLOSE Act, a DISCLOSE Act that did shuttle with the last flight of 135 of us in the Democratic Party in the not counter the Supreme Court deci- flights—they associated that with the former old Confederacy, now known as sion, it just said if you are going to shutdown of the space program in the the South—and of course parts of the spend all this money, you are going to last flight of 2011 of the space shuttle. South these days don’t look anything have to say who it is that is doing the They now see what has been hap- like the old Confederacy. As a matter contribution. pening behind the scenes all along, of fact, my State of Florida is a good Of course, if we had been able to pass where indeed we are in a dual track in example. It is a compendium of people that, then all of this money would not America’s manned space program, the from all over the United States because be flowing because it is hiding behind one track going to Mars way beyond folks from all over the country have this masquerade of the Committee for low-Earth orbit where we have been for moved to Florida, and thus it is a mi- Good Government or the ABC com- the last 40-some years. This is a low crocosm of the country. mittee for whatever. So they mas- earth orbit that services the Inter- Arkansas is a State where the Pryor querade behind that veil to spend all of national Space Station where 6 humans family has served with great distinc- that money in order—for their ulti- are right now, about 250 miles above tion and enormous public service for mate purposes. the Earth doing research in the pro- decades. Although it temporarily It caught a number of our people. gram of going out and exploring the comes to an end with Senator PRYOR Just look at what happened in the run- heavens. The second track of the dual leaving the Congress in January, that off election this last Saturday. Look at track is, in fact, building American is not the end of his public service. His the imbalance of the spending on TV rockets, which is being done in a com- mom and dad served so ably for years that occurred since the general elec- mercially viable way to go to and from VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:35 Dec 09, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G08DE6.016 S08DEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 8, 2014 the space station as they are right now family too. There are too many to Kennedy, Daniel Inouye, Ted Stevens with cargo, but making those space- mention, but words such as talent, are at the top of the list.
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