Local coverage since 1951 See Oden Woods and Waters presents MONTGOMERY plaque COUNTY NEWS Page 8 USPS 361 - 700 • 75¢ • Vol. 65 • Issue 51 • Thursday, December 22, 2016 • 2 Sections • 14 Pages • Published in Mount Ida, Arkansas Water rate increase passes on 4-1 vote DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY to raise rates beginning January minimum usage is seven million person who uses 1,000 gallons of [email protected] 1, 2017. The mayor, who is also gallons per month while Oden’s is water a month’s bill by just less MOUNT IDA – Alderpersons a board member for the regional 750,000 gallons per month. than a dollar per month. voted 4-1 to raise rates on servic- water provider, stated that rising The increase means Mount Alderman Melvin Simpson es provided by the city of Mount costs of water production war- Ida’s water bill will increase$1,750 stated that the increase imposed Ida by six percent after hearing of a ranted the increase in water rates. per month. by regional water was approxi- rate increase passed by the area’s She explained that regional wa- Childress suggested the city mately 6.67 percent and he felt the regional water provider. ter increased the price of water by pass a three percent increase city should increase their rates a Mayor Jo Childress informed 25 cents per 1,000 gallons on the on city services to include wa- similar amount to avoid any loss council members that the area re- minimum usage amount imposed ter, sewer, and garbage pick up. of revenue. gional water provider had decided on each city serviced. Mount Ida’s She stated this would increase a Water, page 8 Santa letters from Caddo Caddo Christmas Hills, Mount Ida Classic and Oden can December 27, 29 be found in this The Caddo Christmas Classic returns to Caddo Hills High School with eight of the best teams in week’s issue of South Arkansas scheduled to play in senior high action. the Montgomery The Classic included teams from Caddo Hills, Di- erks, Foreman, Horatio, Kirby, Mount ida, Mountain County News. Pine and Murfreesboro. Games will be held Tuesday, December 27 and Thursday, December 29. Tuesday schedule includes: Mount Ida to 10 a.m. Kirby v Murfreesbor (SG) 11:20 a.m. Kirby v Mountain Pine (SB) 12:40 p.m. Mineral Springs v Mountain Pine (SG) bid for state 2 p.m. Mineral Springs v Horatio (SB) 3:20 p.m. Foreman v Mount Ida (SG) 4:40 p.m. Foreman v Mount Ida (SB) tourney 6 p.m. Caddo Hills v Dierks (SG) School board member Tammy 7:20 p.m. Caddo Hills v Dierks (SB) Young encouraged the high school Thursday schedule includes: staff to promote the vocational 10 a.m. Dierks v Mountain Pine (SG) technical program Caddo Hills 11:20 a.m. Dierks v Mountain Pine (SB) uses through National Park Col- 12:40 p.m. Mount Ida v Murfreesboro (SG) lege during last week’s school 2 p.m. Mount Ida v Horatio (SB) board meeting. 3:20 p.m. Kirby v Foreman (SG) Young encouraged High School 4:40 p.m. Kirby v Foreman (SB) Principal Todd Baxley and Super- 6 p.m. Caddo Hills v Mineral Springs (SG) intendent Deric Owens to promote 7:20 p.m. Caddo Hills v Mineral Springs (SB) the program which allows high All games will be played at Caddo Hills High school students to travel to Na- School Gymnasium. tional Park College for vocational technical classes. She explained that her son had participated in the program by taking welding Coach reflects on classes. He continued his train- ing at Rich Mountain Community championship season College. While at Rich Mountain he has DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY [email protected] gotten a job at Brodix in Mena, Champions are not born they are created is a which she stated was his dream mantra of Mount Ida Football Coach Mike White and job. He is able to work while at- this year’s championship run offers ample evidence tending college and is making a DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | Montgomery County News of the truthfulness found in this statement. very nice wage while doing it. Champ Saylors (32) drives the baseline and goes up for a lay up as the Mount Ida Lions open the 2016-17 basketball season with a 38-33 victory over the Murfreesboro Rattlers. Coach White reflected on the 2016 champion- She went on to say that she just See page 1B for highlights. ship season during a recent interview held in the wanted the rest of the students field house. to know that this program works. He can usually be found in the spacious confines Baxley was excited to hear of of the facility which houses not only the coaches’ her son’s success and stated that office, but a film room, dressing rooms, a work out he would like to have him come Caddo board hears of vo-tech success facility and equipment room. to the school and speak to the DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY is at 193 students. She reported on a host Coach White stated that coming to the field house high school students about his [email protected] of programs that had taken place through “just feels right.” He has spent most of his career in experience with the program and MOUNT IDA – The Mount Ida School the months of November and December. coaching at Mount Ida, first as an assistant coach subsequent success. Board heard principal reports from all Donna Whisenhunt, the middle school and then as a head coach. In 18 years as the head Superintendent Owens gave a three campuses and the possibility of principal, reported that her campus en- coach White has had the opportunity to lead two report on the cafeteria stating that the district hosting a state basketball rollment is 134. She reported that the ju- teams to the state championship game and facing there were “not as many red num- tournament during a brief meeting held nior high quiz bowl competed December seemingly insurmountable odds was able to lead bers as there were last month.” last Monday. 12 and the campus is involved in a food his team to victory. The board also hired a new Elementary Principal Staphanie Dixon He acknowledged that there were a lot of simi- math teacher. reported that the elementary enrollment Caddo, page 8 larities regarding the two games with Bearden and Hampton both entering the games as heavy favor- ites. Fortunately for White and the fans of Mount Ida football neither the 2007 or the 2016 Mount Ida Lions listened to predictions. They entered the game with a desire to win and emerged on top. When asked about this year’s state champion- ship game he remarked. “The best team won. We may not have been the best athletes, but we were the best team.” The best team he spoke of started the season with a lot of questions. The graduation of what many thought was the best class of athletes since 2007 had left several holes in key skill positions. Cade Helms was the lone starter in the back field to return with sophomores filling the vacant positions. The strength of the team from the beginning was the front four. White admitted that he had said from the beginning that this year’s success hinged on the play of the offensive and defensive line. Junior Gunter Gilbert, who had started as a sophomore had to move to center to provide a steady hand on the ball, but the remainder of the line was full of experi- ence at their respective positions. The summer provided much needed opportuni- ties to jell as a team, but tragedy struck with the loss of senior tight end Anthony Spurling to an injury. TIS THE SEASON FOR GIVING! Mount Ida entered to regular season with a bang, A reception was held at the Montgomery County Courthouse as the county’s annual cereal box drive. They were able to collect just defeating Centerpoint 22-19 in the Blue Cross/Blue over 50 boxes to be distributed through area food banks. Pictured left to right: Robin Lambert, Treva Lambert, Betty Boling, Brad Shield Kickoff Classic held at Ouachita Baptist Abernathy, Hettie Abernathy, Ashley Cox, Janice Vaughn and Tims Edwards. Photo by Dewayne Holloway White, page 8 2 LEGALS Montgomery County News • Online at swarkansasnews.com • Thursday, December 22, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MONTGOMERY APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NO. 2016-20 ORDINANCE No. 2016-21 COUNTY, ARKANSAS BE IT ENACTED BY THE QUORUM COURT OF THE BE IT ENACTED BY THE QUORUM COURT OF PROBATE DIVISION COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, STATE OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ARKANSAS: ARKANSAS: AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: "AN AN ORDINANCE APPROVING APPROPRIATIONS AND ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE TRANSFERS FOR DISTRICT COURT AUTOMATION IN THE ESTATE OF ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR CALENDAR FUND, ASSESSOR’S AMENDMENT 79 FUND, SHARON L. KIRKHAM, deceased 49PR16- YEAR 2017". COLLECTORS AUTOMATION FUND, CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE SECTION I: ANNUAL BUDGET ADOPTED BY AUTOMATION FUND, LAW LIBRARY, COUNTY Last address of decedent: 139 Bearce Circle, Mt. Ida, Arkansas REFERENCE. The Annual Budget for calendar year 2017, JAIL OPERATION FUND, DRUG COURT FUND, Date of Death: April 11, 2015 for Montgomery County, Arkansas" dated December 12, EMERGENCY RESCUE FUND, BREATHALYZER FUND, An Affidavit for Collection of Small Estate was filed December 2016 is hereby adopted by reference. A copy of said budget DRUG CONTROL FUND, PUBLIC SAFETY FUND, 13, 2016,with the Circuit Court Clerk of Montgomery County, shall be filed in the Office of the County Clerk and shall be JUVENILE COURT FUND, MAINTENANCE RESERVE Arkansas under Ark.
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