
Q:ongrcssional Record United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 85th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America Help us not to betray the Founding Fath­ printed in the RECORD and ordered to be SENATE ers by allowing a passion for security, a placed on file. morbid fear of change, or of cringing The certificates of election ordered to THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1957 timidity at the threats of dictators, in be printed in the RECORD and placed on The 3d of January being the day so stormy an era, to crush out the spirit file are as follows: prescribed by the Constitution of the which launched this dear country of our To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE United States for the annual meeting of hopes and prayers. And, above all and UNITED STATES: Congress, the 1st session of the 85th in all, undergird our faith with the con­ This is to certify that on the 6th day of No­ quering assurance that-- vember, 1956, CHAPMAN REVERCOMB was duly Congress commenced this day. chosen by the qualified electors of the State The Senate assembled in its Chamber Under the shadow of Thy throne of West Virginia a Senator from said State to at the Capitol. Still may we dwell secure. represent said State in the Senate of the RICHARD M. NIXON, . of California, Sufficient is Thine arm alone, United States for the unexpired term of the Vice President of the United States, And our defense is sure. late Senator Harley M. Kilgore ending the 3d called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock day of January, 1959. meridian. We ask it in the dear Redeemer's Witness: His excellency Gov. William C. name. Amen. Marland, and our seal hereto affixed at The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Charleston, W. Va., this 7th day of December, Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, in the year of our Lord, 1956. offered the following prayer: By the Governor: RESIGNATION FROM THE SENATE WILLIAM C. MARLAND, Our Father God, lifting our hearts to The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Governor. Thee for this hallowed moment at this lays before the Senate a letter from the [SEAL] D. PITT O'BRIEN' altar of prayer our fathers reared, we junior Senator from Texas [Mr. DANIEL] Secretary of State. come reverently thanking Thee for new enclosing a copy of a letter to the Gov­ years and for new days, for new thoughts ernor of Texas, tendering his resigna­ COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, of Thee and for new hopes for a re­ . EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, tion as a Senator, effective as of January Frankfort, November 26, 1956. deemed and cleansed earth. 15, 1957. Without objection, the letter To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE Facing the tangled tragedy in which will be printed in the RECORD and placed UNITED STATES: all human relationships are caught, we on file. This is to certify that on the 6th day of beseech Thee, empower Thy servants in The letter is ordered to be printed in November, 1956, the Honorable JOHN SHER­ this forum of freedom, upon which are the RECORD and placed on file, as fallows: MAN COOPER was duly chosen by the qualified the eyes of a fear-haunted world, that electors of the Commonwealth of Kentucky a rising above all that is base and small UNITED STATES SENATE, Senator from said Commonwealth to repre­ Washington, D. C., S(}ptember 26, 1956. sent said Commonwealth in the Senate of they may work together in glad and Hon. ALLAN SHIVERS, the United States for the unexpired term of eager harmony, deeper than any divi­ Governor of Texas, 4 years. • sion, for the honor, safety, and welfare Austin, Tex. Witness: His excellency our Gov. Albert of our Nation and of the peoples of this DEAR GOVERNOR: Acting under the pro­ !Benjamin Chandler, and our seal hereto stricken earth who will unite in mutual visions of section 4 of article 4.09 of the affixed at Frankfort, Ky., this 26th day of good will determined to open the gates Texas Election Code, I hereby resign the November, in the year of our Lord, 1956. of a new life for all mankind. office of United States Senator effective Janu­ ALBERT B. CHANDLER, On this significant day of beginnings, ary 15, 1957, or at such earlier date as my Governor. successor has been elected and qualified. [SEAL] THELMA L. STOVALL, like the sound of a great amen may there Secretary of State. ascend from the Members of this body From this date forward I shall not draw any salary, but I shall continue my services as each stands on a pedestal of privilege in completing pending matters in my Sen­ and power the solemn petition "So help ate committees and shall be available in the SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA me God." Save those who here serve event of a special session, thereby assuring The VICE PRESIDENT. With ref er­ the Nation's cause from all compromise that Texas has the full representation of ence to the election of a Senator from which crucifies principle, from all shoddy two United States Senators while my suc­ the State of South Carolina for the un­ workmanship which betrays the possible cessor is being elected. expired term ending January 3, 1961, at best, and from cowardly expediency Although the date of the election, within noon, the Chair lays before the Senate which is treason to the highest integrity. the time limits specified in section 1 of a letter of resignation from the Senate, Above all sectional and party shibboleths article 4.09, ls a matter within your discre­ tion, please permit me to express the hope addressed to the Governor of South Caro­ and interests, may there be lifted at the that it will be held in time for my successor lina by Thomas A. Wofford; a commu­ very beginning of this session the fervent to take office not later than January 3, the nication from the Governor of said State, prayer which makes us one--"God bless first day of the next Congress. enclosing a certificate, dated November America." Sincerely yours, 7, 1956, purporting to appoint STROM Desiring nothing for ourselves that we PRICE DANIEL. THURMOND, "effective as of the effective do not desire for all men, help us to be date of his acceptance, a Senator from good stewards of Thy bounty, to practice said State to succeed Thomas A. Wofford, a beneficent cooperation with depressed CREDENTIALS resigned, until the vacancy therein is areas everywhere, to be beacons of free­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair filled as provided by law"; and a certifi­ dom, and to proclaim and protect the lays before the Senate the credentials of cate, signed by the Governor and secre­ dignity of peoples and individuals, re­ CHAPMAN REVERCOMB and JOHN SHERMAN tary of state, dated November 27, 1956, membering as we come to the first session COOPER, elected Senators on November 6, of the election on November 6, 1956, of of the 85th Congress that we are the spir­ 1956, from the States of West Virginia STROM THuRMOND as a Senator from said ·itual heirs of those who at the first ses­ and Kentucky, respectively, for unex­ State "for the term of 4 years, begin­ sion of the first Congress stirred the pired terms. They are regular in form, ning on the 3d day of January, 1957." world with a gospel of startling change. and, without objection, they will be The clerk will read the documents. CIII--1 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE January 3 The letter, communication, and cer­ Senate, I should like to make a brief February 13, 1935, the pertinent part of tificate of election were read by the legis­ statement before action is taken. which is·as follows: lative clerk, Edward E. Mansur, Jr., as The VICE PRESIDEN'l\ The resolu­ SEC. 36. Salaries of Senators. follows: tion will be read. Provided, That when Senators have been UNITED STATES SENATE, The legislative clerk read the resolu­ elected during a sine die adjournment of the COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE tion <S. Res. 1), as follows: Senate to succeed appointees, the salaries of AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, Senators so elected shall commence on the October 29, 1956. Resolved, That, in accords.nee with the day following the election. Hon. GEORGE BELL TIMMERMAN' Jr., provisions of title 2, United States Code, e:ec­ Governor of South Carolina, the State tion 36 ( 49 Stat. 22), and under the prece­ The Senate since the adoption of this House, Columbia, S. C. dents of the Senate, the term of. service of act has uniformly followed its provisions, DEAR GOVERNOR '!'IMMERMAN: At the time Thomas A. Wofford, appointed a Senator by and there have been two instances when of my appointment to the United States the Governor of the State of South Carolina, the question was raised by the appointee Senate, I stated that I would submit my to fill the vacancy in the term ending Jan­ resignation when my successor was elected. uary 2, 1961, caused by the resignation of when another person was elected to fill In compliance with this prbmise, I here­ STROM THURMOND, expired on election day, the unexpired term. with submit to you my resignation from the November 6, 1956; and be it further On November 8, 1938, Tom Stewart was Senate and respectfully request you to ac­ Resolved, That the term of service of elected a Senator from the State of cept it effective as of November 7, 1956. STROM THURMOND, duly elected a Senator on Tennessee to fill an unexpired term end­ It has been a great honor for me to serve said day to fill the vacancy in the ::aid un­ ing January 2, 1943, which had been the people of South Carolina in this high expired term ending January 2, 1961, com­ previously filled by an appointment of office.
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