7408 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 NOVEMBEE, 1935 the 19th and 20th years of Her said late forth on the map or plan hereunto annexed, Majesty, Chapter 55, duly prepared, and laid should be united and formed into one Con- before His Majesty in Council, a Representa- solidated Chapelry for the said Church of the tion, bearing date the 17th day of October, Good Shepherd, Collier Row, Romford, situate 1935, in the words and figures following, that as aforesaid, and that the same should be is to say:— named ' The Consolidated Chapelry of the " We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Good Shepherd, Collier Row, Romford.' England, in pursuance of the Act of the 8th " THE SCHEDULE to which the foregoing and 9th years of Her late Majesty Queen Representation has reference. Victoria, Chapter 70, of the Act of the 14th and 15th years of Her said late Majesty, " The Consolidated Chapelry of the Good Chapter 97, and of the Act of the 19th and Shepherd, Collier Row, Romford, compris- 20th years of Her said late Majesty, Chapter ing.— 55, have prepared, and now humbly lay before " All those contiguous portions of the New Your Majesty in Council, the following Repre- Parish (sometime District) of the Ascension, sentation as to the assignment of a Consoli- Collier Row, Romford, and of the New Parish dated Chapelry to the consecrated Church of (sometime Consolidated Chapelry) of Saint the Good Shepherd, Collier Row, Romford, John, Romford, both in the County of Essex situate within the New Parish (sometime Dis- and in the Diocese of Chelmsford, which taken trict) of the Ascension, Collier Row, Romford, together are bounded upon the east by the in the County of Essex and in the Diocese of Parish of Romford in the said County and Chelmsford: Diocese and upon the remaining sides, that is " Whereas at certain extremities of the said to say, upon the south-east, upon the south- New Parish of the Ascension, Collier Row, west, upon the west, upon the north and upon Romford, and of the New Parish (sometime the north-east, by an imaginary line com- Consolidated Chapelry) of Saint John, Rom- mencing upon the boundary which divides the ford, in the said County and Diocese, which said Parish of Romford from the said New said extremities lie contiguous one to another, Parish of Saint John, Romford, at the junc- and are described in the Schedule hereunder tion of Havering Road with Eastern Avenue written, there is collected together a popula- and extending thence south-westward along tion which is situate at a distance from the the middle of Eastern Avenue for a distance several churches of such New Parishes: of 17 chains or thereabouts to the centre of the " And whereas it appears to us to be ex- Bridge or culvert which carries Eastern pedient that certain contiguous portions Avenue across the River Rom and extending (being the portions containing the population thence north-westward along the middle of the aforesaid) of the Isaid New Parish of the River Rom (thereby following in part the Ascension, Collier Row, Romford, and of the boundary which divides the said New Parish said New Parish of Saint John, Romford, of Saint John, Romford, from the said New should be formed into a Consolidated Chapelry Parish of the Ascension, Collier Row, Rom- for all ecclesiastical purposes, and that the ford) for a distance of 46 chains or thereabouts same should be assigned to the said Church of to the centre of the bridge or culvert which the Good Shepherd, Collier Row, Romford, carries Cross Road across the said River Romi situate as aforesaid: and extending thence first northeastward and then south-eastward along the middle of Cross " Now, therefore, with the consent of the Road for a distance of 28 chains or there- Right Reverend Henry, Bishop of Chelmsford, abouts to its junction with Green Lane, and as such Bishop and also as the Patron, in extending thence northward along the middle right of his See, of the Vicarage of the said of Green Lane for a distance of 16 chains or New Parish of Saint John, Romford, and with thereabouts to its junction with Hulse Avenue, the consents of the Reverend Sydney Lawrence and extending thence north-eastward along the Brown, of Linden House, Brentwood, in the middle of Hulse Avenue for a distance of 11 said County of Essex, of the Reverend William chains or thereabouts to its junction with John Sparrow Simpson, of St. Mary's Collier Row Lane and extending thence north- Hospital, Great Ilford, in the said County of ward along the middle of Collier Row Lane Essex, of the Reverend Thomas Guy Steele, for a distance of 5 chains or thereabouts to a of The Ascension Clergy House, Victoria point opposite to the middle of the footpath Docks, in the said County of Essex, all Clerks leading through the Lawns Recreation Ground in Holy Orders and Honorary Canons of the into Havering Road, and extending thence Cathedral Church of Chelmsford, and of the first eastward to and then first eastward and Venerable Percy Matheson Bayne, of Number then south-eastward along the middle of the 107, Saint Andrew's Road, Great Ilford, Clerk said footpath for a distance of 34 chains or in Holy Orders and Archdeacon of Southend, thereabouts to the point where it reaches the as the Patrons of the Vicarage of the said western side of Havering Road and extending New Parish of the Ascension, Collier Row, thence eastward in a straight line for a dis- Romford (in testimony whereof they the said tance of 8 yards or thereabouts to a point in consenting parties have respectively signed the middle of Havering Road upon the and sealed this Representation), we, the said boundary which divides the said New Parish Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, of the Ascension, Collier Row, Romford, from humbly represent that it would, in our the said Parish of Romford." opinion, be expedient that all those con- tiguous portions of the said New Parish of And whereas the said Representation has the Ascension, Collier Row, Romford, and of been approved by His Majesty in Council: the said New Parish of Saint John, Romford, Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with which are described in the Schedule hereunder the advice of His said Council, is pleased written, all which portions, together with the hereby to ratify the said Representation, and boundaries thereof, are delineated and set to order and direct that the same and every.
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