October 15, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 18 24905 SENATE—Thursday, October 15, 2009 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY report to accompany H.R. 3183, which is called to order by the Honorable LEADER the Energy and Water appropriations KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND, a Senator from The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- bill. We hope to reach agreement that the State of New York. pore. The majority leader is recog- would allow us to yield back nized. postcloture time and vote on the con- PRAYER Mr. REID. Madam President, under ference report this afternoon. We are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s my leader time, I yield to Mr. LUGAR, also working on an agreement to con- opening prayer will be offered by Rev. the Senator from Indiana. sider conference reports on the Home- Dr. James L. Merrell, retired Disciples The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- land Security bill and the Defense au- of Christ journalist, serving as pastor pore. Without objection, it is so or- thorization bill. Senators will be noti- of Trinity United Church of Christ, St. dered. fied when any votes are scheduled. Louis, MO. The Senator from Indiana. f The guest Chaplain offered the fol- f RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY lowing prayer: LEADER Creator God, source of all things in WELCOMING THE GUEST heaven and on Earth, give wisdom and CHAPLAIN The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- strength to those who seek. We come pore. The Republican leader is recog- Mr. LUGAR. Madam President, I nized. today with fresh anticipation. We as- thank the distinguished majority lead- semble in this place where history is er for the opportunity to thank my f made, knowing that Your presence has friend, Rev. James Merrell, for opening HEALTH CARE WEEK XIII, DAY III guided those serving here so faithfully our session with prayer this morning. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, in challenging decades past. We give He has been a very dear friend from thanks that Your sure and merciful from the very outset of the debate over high school days onward. We attended health care, Americans have made it hand continues to uphold the life of our Shortridge High School in Indianap- blessed Nation. We are grateful for the known that they support reform. But olis, IN. He was 2 years older than I and over the course of the past several light and love You never fail to show to was already well established with the those who accept their calling as Sen- months, Americans have come to real- Shortridge Daily Echo, a daily high ize that not all reforms are created ators. Now we would ask You to con- school newspaper at Shortridge, writ- tinue empowering this body to make equal. ing for the Tuesday paper. I was grate- And while they still support reform, decisions in keeping with Your pur- ful for the opportunity to write weekly pose. Amen. very few of them support the specific for the Thursday paper. We shared ex- proposals they have seen from Demo- f periences with the late Jean Grubb, a crats in Washington. Americans want distinguished teacher of journalism at reform. But higher premiums, higher PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE our school. Then likewise we were taxes, and cutting Medicare is not re- mentored by C.C. Shoemaker, the de- form. The Honorable KIRSTEN E. GILLI- bate coach at Shortridge High School. Somewhere along the way, the terms BRAND led the Pledge of Allegiance, as Jim proceeded on to distinguished follows: of the debate shifted. honors at Indiana University and then At the outset, nobody expected that I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the on to the Disciples of Christ Church in reform would lead to higher premiums. United States of America, and to the Repub- his ministry. He was most distin- In fact, most people thought the whole lic for which it stands, one nation under God, guished as the editor for many years of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. point was to reduce costs, not raise World Call and then established an ad- them. f ditional paper at the Church of Christ At the outset of this debate, nobody on his own, The Disciple. He has been a expected they would be paying higher APPOINTMENT OF ACTING pastor in St. Louis for many years. He taxes, particularly in the midst of the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE has many mutual friends from Indian- worst recession in generations. Yet The PRESIDING OFFICER. The apolis. that is what they are now being told, clerk will please read a communication I am delighted he could be a part of that middle class Americans will take to the Senate from the President pro our session today. I greet Jim Merrell the brunt of a whole slew of new taxes as a very dear friend, someone I respect tempore (Mr. BYRD). to pay for a trillion-dollar experiment The bill clerk read the following let- as a clergyman, a writer, and debater. with our health care system. ter: I am thankful to the Senate Chaplain And at the outset of this debate, sen- for inviting him to be with us. iors had no idea they would be asked to U.S. SENATE, I thank the majority leader for yield- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, help foot the bill for this massive ex- Washington, DC, October 15, 2009. ing. periment in government health care To the Senate: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- through cuts to Medicare. Yet that is Under the provisions of rule I, para- pore. The majority leader. precisely what they’re now being told— graph 3, of the Standing Rules of the f that Medicare will be cut by half a tril- Senate, I hereby appoint the Honorable lion dollars, whether the 40 million KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND, a Senator from SCHEDULE seniors who depend on it like it or not. the State of New York, to perform the Mr. REID. Following leader remarks, Let us focus for a moment on those duties of the Chair. there will be a period of morning busi- Medicare cuts. ROBERT C. BYRD, ness for 2 hours. Republicans will con- For months, Americans have been President pro tempore. trol the first hour and the majority hearing that if they like the health Mrs. GILLIBRAND thereupon as- will control the second hour. Following care plans they have, they will be able sumed the chair as Acting President morning business, the Senate will re- to keep them. Evidently, that pledge pro tempore. sume consideration of the conference didn’t apply to the millions of seniors ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:26 Apr 10, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S15OC9.000 S15OC9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 24906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 18 October 15, 2009 currently enrolled in the popular Medi- raid it to pay for a massive govern- Under the President’s budget that care Advantage program, because the ment-driven experiment that could every Democrat voted for this year, we Finance Committee bill explicitly calls make our health care worse. will have budget shortfalls or deficits for more than $130 billion in cuts to The American people want reform. averaging $1 trillion each year for the Medicare Advantage, cuts that will un- But higher premiums, higher taxes, next 10 years. We can’t blame this on doubtedly alter the plans that more and cutting Medicare, that is not re- the Bush administration if spending than 11 million seniors on Medicare Ad- form. That is why they overwhelm- was as much as the last 4 years com- vantage now enjoy. ingly oppose this proposal, and they bined and the budget shortfall is going These cuts might lead to fewer bene- shouldn’t have to apologize for it. They to be $1 trillion for the next 10 years. It fits; or they might force seniors off should expect Congress to listen to was never $1 trillion. It wasn’t even their plans altogether. But under ei- them, and keep up the pressure until half that much ever under President ther scenario, seniors would no longer Congress listens. Bush. enjoy the plans they have and like. No I yield the floor. Let me put this in perspective. The one expected that at the outset of this f President’s budget, supported by every debate. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Democrat, will double the national And this is just a fraction of the debt in 5 years, increasing it from $5.8 Medicare cuts that the Finance Com- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- trillion to $11.7 trillion. It would al- mittee calls for as the cost of reform. pore. Under the previous order, the most triple the debt in 10 years. These Other cuts include more than $120 bil- leadership time is reserved. are estimates from the Congressional lion in cuts to hospitals that care for f Budget Office. By contrast, look at the seniors. The Kentucky Hospital Asso- MORNING BUSINESS last 219 years in the history of the ciation warned earlier this year that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- country. From 1789 to 2008, Americans these kinds of cuts would affect the amassed a $5.8 trillion national debt. In services hospitals provide in my State. pore. Under the previous order, the Senate will proceed to a period of other words, in 5 years, this President I am sure if my colleagues talked to will have a debt equal to all of the pre- doctors and hospitals back home, they morning business for 2 hours, with Sen- ators permitted to speak therein for up vious Presidents from George Wash- would hear the same.
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