D.N.Shah & Associates Membership No.200 COP No. 164 Chartered Accountants The Institute of Chartered PAN No. 301330714 Nayabaneswar, Kathmandu, Nepal. Accountants of Nepal. 01-5553879,5 I 8501 I Date: - 2075.09.29 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF RADHI BIDYUT COMPANY LIMITED (RBCL) We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Radhi Bidyut Company Limited, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "the Compffiy"), which comprise the Statement of Financial Position as at 32"d Ashad,2075116th July,2018), and alio the Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income, the statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended and a sunmary of Significant Accounting Policies andNotes to the financial statements, MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMMNTS Management is responsible for the preparation presentation and fair - of these financial statements iii accordance with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS), and for such internal conrrol as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free foom material misstatement, whether due to tiaud or error. AUDITOR'S RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Nepal Standards on Auditing.. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment. including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to lraud or error. In making those .risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in thecircumstances,butnot for thepurposeofexpressingan opinion on theeffectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management" as r.vell as evaluatlng the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sulficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. OPINION In 9ur apinion. the financial statements give a tr,ue .and fair view, in all material respects" the financial position of Radhi Bidyut Company Limited as at 32'dAshad,2075 (Corresponding 16th July, 20tB), anrl of the results of their tinancial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance r,vith Nepal Financial Reporting Standerds and cornply with the company Act 2063. Wffi rREPORT ON OTHf,RLEGAL AIID RTGULATORY RSQUIREMENTS On the basis of our examination, we would like to further report that: i. We haw obtained all the information and explanations, which were considered necessary for the purpose fbr our audit. ii. The company has kept proper books of accounts as rbquired by law, in so far as it appears from our examination of those books of account. 'I'he , iii. Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit and Loss, Statement of Cash Flows. I Statement of Changes in Equity, Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to the annual accounts I b dealt by this report are in agreement with the books of account maintained by the company. i iv. During our examination I of the books of account of the company, we have not come across the cases I where the Board of Directors or any member thereof or any representative or ary office holder or ! t any employee of the company has acted contrary to the provisions of law or caused loss or damage ti: to the company. hl v. We have not come across any fraudulence in the accounts, so far as it appeared from our examination ofthe book, and L vi. The company has not acted in a manner to jeopardize the interest and security of the stakeholders. ^ ir .1 I)ate: -2075109129 Place: - Kathmandu (Dip Narayan Shah, FCA) For: D.N. Shah & Associates Chartered Accountants Radhi Bidyut Company Limited Statement of Financial Position As at 32 Ashad 2075 (16 July 2018) Figures In NPR nes1..el-df: Restated* As at Particulars As at 32 Ashad 2075 -;4{.,4t..,ilr Assets Non-Current Assets :J .a.:::::=.1 .:::l::::::::= Property, Plant & Equipment 533,875,098.1 5 :55:S:J:::6O.;30...-! 566,700,373.13 Financial Assets Investment In Associates 5 131,412,473.20 Other Equity Investnents 6 t'l4,203,755.00 ,rW$ia,?-1:!! 99,940,200.00 Other Non Current Assets 7 1,320,490.\3 =-= 3,950,530.38 Defened Tax ffiin Total Non-Current Assets 11,816.48 103.51 Current Assets tui:!.. Inventories 8 .= Financial Assets l:ir,rlii@L Trade Receivables 9 80,851,1 18.74 6,?rEi6.;5.43,,r.:1? 46,978,878.94 Cash and Cash Equivalents l0 4,897,383.75 3.4;9.ex-;r=f.,1 f., 834,984.35 Term Deposit l1 6,100,001.00 ., tii =i Other Current Assets 7 13,559,163.22' 5V,919,4*,5:::14 56,802,2s4.77 Current Tax Assets (Net) 12 504,210.77 Total Current Assets 10s,911,877.48 154.9i9,ffi9:92 104.616.1r8.06 Assets Held For Sale Total Assets 946,723,693.97 810i6s[rt08.+7 775,207,221.57 Equity & Liabilities Equity Equity Share Capital 13 451,004,000.00 333,545;000.00 307,500,000.00 . Other Equity t4 93,384,358.05 88,231,434.45 48,772,793.76 Total Equity 544,388,3s8.05 LLH76;414;45 356,272,793.76 Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities Bonoivings l5 317,716,197 .68 :r:f..,,,;:,in7g"gffi$f 376,999,924.92 Other Financial Liabilities l6 1,047,012.40 i'iil'.'.--:.....=$6ii-i.ili.6-3-r, 900,288.97 : :;...: :. : = :-.....,:'::; ;:r:':l:::::::::= : Provisions l7 1:1;:1:r::1;=.:,=:::.j;1:...,::.t1::,ir Defened Tax t2 839,606.90 ::;;;::;;;:.;;:.: ;:.::,I.:,1i5$,.4;11 Other Liabilities 18 '::::r:::.i,: li, i::.:= ::tl:.'i.. i Total Non-Current Liabilities 319,602,816.98.'": 1:: $"19:,86.5-7!2|fi,!j;i: 377,900,213.89 Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities Borrowings 15 40,250,249.07 la'ayE?:?l.t{t, 30,000,000.00 Trade Payables l9 2,065,552.61 : r,642:;u24.iV,2 1,339,006.78 Other Financial Liabilities l6 3,299,604.39 4,698i1:2.i;62 1,554,098.39 Current Tax Liabilities (Net) t2 504,796.47 r '3.,,.,,!t3., Provisions l7 1,042,408.98 1;1 ,432a : 918,207.91 Other Liabilities l8 36,074,703.88 1,70'0,2if,r1$, 6,658,104.37 Total Current Liabilities 82,732,s18.e3 ???llt:s2.r7 41,034,213.e2 Total Liabilities 402,335,33s.91 :L:-:::::=1388,878.12?453=l:liliiili[; 419,934,427,91 r,-...*=1p;ii-51jfOS Total Equity & Liabilities 9 46,7 23,693.97 ;,:r,,,5 7r 775,207,221.57 notes (1-29) are integral part ;#-; Dipendra Lal Karn Assistant Manager -Account Chainnan Director M Mani Prasad Gurung ;i;;;;.;;;_d" ffij^,, Director l"t"{6}5t09tsJ Place Kathrnandu, Nepal ffi Radhi Bidyut Company Limited Statement of Profit or Loss & other Comprehensive Income For The Financial Year 32 Ashad 2075 (16 Juty 2018) Particulars Year ended 32 Ashad 2075 Revenue CostsofSales Generation Expenses 22,033,829.00 Gross prolit 115,s77,199.34 Depreciation 4 19,489,789.95 Other Income 22 10,387,084.55 Administrative & Other Operating Expenses 23 15,50s.224.50 Gain(Loss) on Sale ofNon Current Assets Held for Sale Profit from Operation Finance Income 24 Finance Costs 25 40,910,072.41 Profit Before Tax Income Tax Expenses Current Tax 12 Deferred Tax CrediUCharge 12 (1 36,924.85):::.. I Profit for the year 4g,6s3,244,21 other Comprehensive Income: = Other Comprehensive Income not to be reclassilied to profit or loss in subsequent periods =. i. Re-Measurement (Losses) / Gains on post Employment Defined plans ! Benefit i:. ii. Equity Instruments Through Other Comprehensive Income 26 2,108,351.20 r, r i! i 11,., iii. Tax Relating profit ,, to Items That Will Not to Be Reclassified to or t2 (527,087.80) 4 iirI Loss :lJ.:l::::::::::::+ Other Comprehensive Gain(Loss) for The year, Net ofTax Total Comprehensive Gain(Loss) for The year, Net ofTax Earnings per equity share of Rs. 100 each Basic Eamings Per share - Rs. 27 ':..t1::: ,,::1,8i23, Diluted Earnings Per share - Rs. 27 J!i.t* The accompanying notes (1-29) are As per our report ofeven date Om Bahadu Thapa Dhurba Raj Mishra Dipendra#2 Lal Kam Assistant Manager -Account Chief Executive Officer Chairman Director Director \6f$s%qtN o"t",&01509119 *^i THilANDU \ * Place NEPAL l.; Kathmandu Nepal a-\M ,/5 Radhi Bidyut Company Limited Statement of Cash Flows For The Financial Year 32 Ashad 2075 (f6 July 20f8) Figures In NPR Particulars Cash Flows From Operating Profit for the Year 53,162.854.se Adjristments tr'or: Loss/ (Gain) on Sale ofAsset Held ForSale Depreciation on Property, Plant & Equipment te,48e,79e.es ii,p,,.: Finance Income (3,103,657.56)=-==il r iiit!=,, Finance Cost 40,e10,072.41- Gain(Loss) on Sale of Non Current Assets Held for Sale iE ,3'l{t$ p Gain/Loss on Equity Method of Investment 2.108,35r.20 a-.=-=- fl' Working Capital Adjustments: =,ij (Increase/ Decrease in Trade Receivables (18,734,575.62), :::=.;:;;; 1 1tFn llfi] (Increase/ Decrease in other Assets 45,617,052.04,'.,:::;;::;Xtii:ti t96#t936 : :!!!tt (lncrease/ Decrease in Term Deposit (6,100,001 00) ig,=1 (lncrease/ Decrease in Inventories iF Increase / (Decrease) in Trade Payables 422,721.89 i:=t til:l::::::::-=:5:Erli ${ (Decrease) ,:.,,3;?g#,p,54:5e- Increase / in Financial Liabilities (1,316,825.15) ::=l l- Increase / (Decrease) in other Liabilities 'r t 34,374,489.36 l (4;95:7i!89i8$ (Increase/ Decrease in Current Tax Assets (504,210.77) , l:::,'=,, Increase / (Decrease) - ::=-.
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