ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE TOWN OF MILTON NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE nSCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st 1986 SCHOOL DISTRICT Assessed Valuations o{ Nc.yv iiarr ANNUAL REPORTS of the TOWN OF MILTON NEW HAMPSHIRE For the Fiscal Year Ending December 3l8t 1986 School District and Assessed Valuations FOSTER PRESS FARMINGTON. NEW HAMPSHIRE TABLE OF CONTENTS Animal Control Officer Report 45 Appropriations and Taxes Assessed 20 Community Development Report 50 Comparative Statement 22 Detailed Statement of Payments 30 Financial Report 65 Fire Warden Report hi Inventory 62 Inventory of Taxpayers 1-A Juvenile Officer Report 45 Milton Emergency Ambulance Report 50 Milton Fire Department 49 Milton Free Public Library 41 Milton Mills Fire Chief 56 Milton Mills Fire District Budget 53 Milton Mills Fire District Financial Report 54 Milton Mills Fire District Treasurer's Report 55 Milton Mills Fire District Warrant 48 Milton Police Report 44 Minutes of 1986 Annual Meeting 4 Nute Charitable Organization 60 Office of Recreational Services 51 Rural District Health Council 64 Schedule of Town Property 52 School Report S-1 Summary of Payments 28 Summary of Receipts 27 Summary of Tax Sale Accounts 26 Summary of Trust Funds 63 Town Budget 16 Tax Collector's Report 42 Tax Rates 21 Town Clerk's Report 15 Town Officers 3^ Town Warrant 9 Treasurer's Report 46 Trust Funds 57 Unredeemed Taxes from Tax Sate 24 Vital Statistics S~34 Water District - Collector's Report 68 Water District - Warrant 66 TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN Charles H. Logan, Chairman, Resigned 1987 Theodore L. Tasker, Resigned 1988 Glenn W. Stewart 1989 John L. Oilman, Appointed 1987 Francis X. DeFelice, Appointed 1987 TREASURER MODERATOR Victor Joos 1987 Donavon C. Current 1987 ROAD AGENT TOWN CLERK Clifford Williams, Resigned 1987 Isabelle H. Eldridge 1987 HEALTH OFFICER COLLECTOR OF TAXES Charles H. Logan, Resigned 1987 Betty J. Hoff 1987 TRUSTEES OF POLICE CHIEF FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY William Canney 1988 Robert Lumbard 1988 FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS John L. Oilman, Chief 1987 Stephen Myers 1987 Ronald C. Perry, 1st Engineer 1987 Anlene Thistle 1988 Kenneth Hall, Jr. 2nd Engineer 1987 Warren Swope 1989 SEWER COMMISSION SUPERVISORS OF CHECKLIST John M. Lucier 1987 Georgette Tanner 1988 Hervey Tanner 1988 Virginia Banks 1990 Robert Taatjes 1989 Edward L. Thistle 1992 PLANNING BOARD TOWN BEACH COMMISSION Scott Davis, Chairman 1988 Hervey Tanner Elaine Ling, Secretary 1990 Lloyd Burrows Olenn W. Stewart 1989 George Banks Roberta Pearce 1991 Kenneth Hall Donald Cheney (Alternate) 1990 John McCallister Bernard Collins 1990 Thomas Reid (Alternate) 1991 BUILDING INSPECTORS Timothy Corbett 1991 Scott Berry, Resigned Lloyd Burrows 1992 Brian Boyers BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PARKS & RECREATION D.C. Current, Chairman 1987 Dennis Dube, Chairman Joan Chase, Resigned 1987 Gordon Parsons Theodore L. Tasker, Jr. 1987 Douglas Shute Betty Mae Russo (Alternate) 1987 Scott Berry John F. Nolan (Alternate) 1987 Rodney Woodill Raymond Congleton 1988 Susan Roy Leon Mooers 1989 RURAL DISTRICT HOLDER OF POST CANE HEALTH COUNCIL Maude Laskey Ruth Mersereau 1989 3 MINUTES OF MILTON TOWN MEETING SECOND SESSION - MARCH 12, 1986 The Annual Town Meeting (Articles of Business in the warrant) of the legal voters of the Town of Milton was held at the Nute High School Auditorium on the above-mentioned date. Donovan C. Current, Moderator, called the meeting to order, followed by the repeating of the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Article 2. Charles Logan, Selectman, made the motion, second- ed by Frederick Russell, that $1,000.00 be added to Section e.. General Government Buildings for a total of $63,890.00. Charlotte Stewart made an amendment, seconded by Edward Thistle, that Section e.. General Government Buildings, be raised to $3,000.00 which would include the cost of painting the Town House, for a total of $64,890.00. The amendment was carried. The motion to raise and appropriate Sixty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Dollars ($64,890.00) for General Government Expenses as follows: a. Town Officers' Salaries $27,000.00 b. Town Officers' Expenses 22,000.00 c. Election & Registration Expenses 2,500.00 d. Cemeteries 600.00 e. General Government Buildings 3,000.00 f. Reappraisal of Property 3,000.00 g. Planning and Zoning 500.00 h. Legal Expenses 1,000.00 i. Strafford Regional Planning 1,690.00 j. Board of Adjustment 100.00 k. Audit 3,500.00 $64,890.00 Motion carried. Article 3. William Canney, Chief of Police, made the motion, seconded by Elaine Ling, that Articles 13 and 23 be considered at this tim« before Article 3. Motion carried. Article 13. William Canney, Chief oi Police, made the m.otion, seconed by Davfd Buchanan, that the artfcle be accepted as read. Motion carried. Article 2S. William Canney, Chief of Police, made the motion, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the article be accepted as read^ Motion carried. Article 3. WilHam Canney, Chief of Police, made the motion, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that $12,500.00 be added to Sectiorr a.. Police Department, for a total of $58,800.00 making the total figure $85,450.00. The motion to raise and appropriate the sum of Eighty- Five Thousand, Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($85,450.00) for the Pro- tection of Persons and Property as follows: a. Police Department $58,800.00 b. Fire Department 23,500.00 c. Civil Defense 200.00 d. Building Inspection 200.00 e. Strafford County Dispatch-New Equip 2,750.00 $857450700 Motion carried. Article 4. Charles Logan, Selectman, made the motion, second- ed by Frederick Russell, that Section d., Blue Cross/Blue Shield, be increased by $1,500.00 for the new full-time Police Officer, for a total of $11,500.00, making the total figure $55,528.80. The motion to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty-Five Thousand Five Hun- dred Twenty-Eight Dollars and Eighty Cents ($55,528.80) for the Health and Sanitary Services as follows: a. Health Officer $ 200.00 b. Ambulance 3,500.00 c. Vital Statistics 125.00 d. Blue Cross/Blue Shield 11,500.00 e. Rural District Health Council 8,203.80 f. Strafford County Community Action A, 000. 00 g. Town Landfill 28,000.00 Motion carried $55,528.80 Article 5. David Buchanan made the motion, seconded by Rose Wright, that the article be adopted as read. The motion to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Dollars ($146,000.00) for Highways and Bridges as follows: a. Town Maintenance - Summer $ 50,000.00 b. Town Maintenance - Winter 50,000.00 c. General Highway Department Expenses 10,000.00 d. Street Lighting 20,000.00 e. Oiling 16,000.00 $146,000.00 Motion carried. Article 6. Glenn Stewart made the motion, seconded by David Buchanan, that the Town raise and appropriate Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) for Public Welfare as follows: General Assistance $ 12,000.00 Motion carried. Article 7. Charles Logan, Selectman, made the motion, second- ed by John Gilman, to amend the article by increasing the figure to $2,500.00. Edward Thistle made an amendment, seconded by Mr. Westfall, to increase the figure to $3,300.00 which would include an additional $800.00 for painting the library. The amendment passed. The motion to raise and appropriate Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($3,300.00) for the Milton Free Library at Milton Mills was carried. Article 8. Charles Logan, Selectman, made the motion, second- ed by Theodore Westfall, that the Town raise and appropriate Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for Patriotic Purposes as follows: a. Memorial Day Activities $ 500.00 Motion carried. Article 9. David Buchanan made the motion, seconded by Frederick Russell, that the article be adopted as read. Joseph Agri made an amendment, seconded by David Buchanan, that drinking water services be added to the Town Beach services. Amendment carried. The motion that the Town raise and appropriate Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for Recreation as follows: a. Parks and Recreation $ 6,000.00 b. Town Beach 14,000.0 $ 20,000.00 with the provisional that drinking water will be added to the Tov/n Beach services was carried. Article 10. Victor Joos made the motion, seconded by Hervey Tanner that the Town authorize the Selectmen to hire on notes of the Town a sum of money necessary to pay current expenses in an- ticipation of taxes of 1986 and pass any vote or votes relative thereto and to raise and appropriate Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.) to cover interest associated with above. Motion carried. Article 11. Isabelle Eldridge made the motion, seconded by Stella Veno, that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($2,200.00) for Public Services as follows: a. Hydrants $ 2,200.00 Motion carried. Article 12. Isabelle Eldridge made the motion, seconded by David McVicar, that the Town raise and appropriate the sum of Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) for Insurance. Motion carried. Article lA. Richard Kalway made the motion, seconded by Frederic Russell, that the Town accept Vachon Drive from New Bridge Rd. to the entrance of Pineland Park a distance of approx- imately 2 miles. Richard Kalway made an amendment, seconded by Merlyn Appleton, to add Bolan Road and Kingsbury Drive. Amend- ment was not passed The motion that the Town accept Vachon Drive from the New Bridge Rd. to the entrance of Pineland Park a distance of approximately .2 miles was carried. Article 15. Frederick Russell made the motion, seconded by Dorothy Currier, to amend the article by adding the stipulation that all legal work be done beforehand.
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