वाषक शासन रपोट Annual Administration Report 2019-20 भारत सरकार वयुतमं ालय क यवयुताधकरण पूव ेीयवयुतसमत कोलकाता GOVT. OF INDIA MINISTRY OF POWER CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY EASTERN REGIONAL POWER COMMITTEE KOLKATA, OCTOBER-2020 CHAPTER CONTENTS PAGE HIGHLIGHTS Salient Features of ER Grid 1-4 CHAPTER-1 Constitution, Functions and Organisational Setup 5-12 CHAPTER-2 Grid Performances 13-25 CHAPTER-3 Grid Disturbances 26-40 CHAPTER-4 Commercial 41-72 Issues on Operation, Protection, Communication CHAPTER-5 73-82 and System Studies CHAPTER-6 Meetings, Reports, Certification and Workshops 83-84 Important decisions taken in various meeting of CHAPTER-7 85-86 ERPC during 2019-20 Implementation of Official Language (Rajbhasha) CHAPTER-8 87-88 policy in ERPC ANNEXURE NO. DETAIL OF ANNEXURE PAGE Details of officers and staff of the ERPC as ANNEXURE-I 89 on 31.03.2020 Chairmen of the ERPC, erstwhile EREB, ANNEXURE-II 90-91 since inception Member Secretaries of the ERPC, erstwhile ANNEXURE-III 92 EREB, since inception Constituent-wise Installed and Effective ANNEXURE-IV A 93-95 Capacity as on 31.03.2020 Generating Units declared Commercial ANNEXURE-IV B 96 (COD) during the year 2019-20 Transmission Elements Commissioned ANNEXURE-IV C 97-98 during the year 2019-20 Constituent-wise Performance (Generation, ANNEXURE-V Auxiliary Consumption and Energy 99 Consumption etc.) during 2019-20 Constituent-wise monthly Peak Demand ANNEXURE-VI (A-B) 100-101 (MW) Met during 2019-20 Constituent-wise monthly net Energy ANNEXURE-VII (A-B) 102-103 Consumption (MU) during 2019-20 ANNEXURE-VIII (A, Details of Exchange of Energy during 104-106 B, C) 2019-20 Month-wise average Frequency (Hz) in ANNEXURE-IX A 107 different period of the day during 2019-20 Month-wise average Frequency (Hz) in % ANNEXURE-IX B 108 of time during 2019-20 Annual Energy Generation (MU) of all Power Stations and Plant Load Factor ANNEXURE-X 109-110 (PLF) of the Thermal Power Stations in the Eastern Region during the year 2019-20 Salient features of Hydro Reservoir Level ANNEXURE-XI 111-112 during 2019-20 ANNEXURE NO. DETAIL OF ANNEXURE PAGE Allocation of Power from Central ANNEXURE-XII Generating Stations of Eastern Region 113-114 during the year 2019-20 Slabs of PoC Rates of Eastern Region for ANNEXURE-XIII 115 year 2019-20 Regional Transmission Charges paid by ANNEXURE-XIV various ER Constituents during the year 116 2019-20 ANNEXURE-XV(A- LTA, MTOA & STOA Energy 117-118 B) Transactions (MU) in F.Y 2019-20 Month-wise DSM statement of over/under ANNEXURE-XVI (A- Generation of ISGS & over/under Drawl 119-125 B) by the constituents during 2019-20 Status of ER Reactive Energy Charges ANNEXURE-XVII 126 Pool Account for 2019-20 RRAS Energy Settlement Account by ANNEXURE-XVIII 127 ERPC Compensation received by various ANNEXURE-XIX generating stations of ER during the year 128 2019-20 ANNEXURE-XX AGC Settlement Account of ERPC 129 Progress of under-construction Power ANNEXURE-XXI 130 Projects ANNEXURE-XXII List of Assets to be Commissioned 131-132 ANNEXURE-XXIII Various Meetings held during 2019-20 133-136 EXHIBIT-I The Organisation Chart of ERPC as on 31.03.202 137 EXHIBIT-II A Power Map (Geographical) of Eastern Region As on 31.03.2020 Installed Capacity Thermal 30195 MW Hydro 5876 MW Solar 1489 MW Capacity addition (Thermal) During 2019-20 3030 MW Capacity Phase out (Thermal) during 2019-20 (-)250MW Total Installed Capacity (Thermal + Hydro + Solar) 37560MW Total Effective Capacity (Thermal + Hydro + Solar) 37495 MW Total Transmission Line (220kV & Above) 49193 Ckt. km Transmission Line Addition During 2019-20 2190 Ckt. Km Demand Peak Demand Met (Max.) 23398 MW Increase Over Previous Year 2.93 % Peak Demand Met (Min.) 18608 MW ER System Load Factor (%) 71.57 % Energy Requirement 147310 MU Energy Generation (Gross) 185095 MU (incl. Bhutan Imp, Excl. CPP) Increase over previous year 4.32 % Net Energy Met 147090MU Frequency Regime % Time frequency remained Below 49.9 Hz 6.52% Between 49.9-50.05 Hz (IEGC Band) 72.92% Above 50.05 Hz 20.56 % Inter-regional / Outside Country Energy Exchange Net Energy export to WR -16194 MU Net Energy export to SR 17122 MU Net Energy export to NR 23613 MU Net Energy export to NER 1816 MU Net Energy export to Bangladesh 6047 MU Net Energy export to Nepal 1572 MU Total Net Regional Export 33976MU Net Energy Export to Nepal through Bihar System 600 MU Hydro power import from Bhutan 6351 MU 1 INSTALLED CAPACITY IN EASTERN REGION AS ON 31.03.2020 2 EASTERN GRID FREQUENCY REGIME DURING THE YEAR 2019-20 3 ANNUAL PLF OF THERMAL POWER STATION IN EASTERN REGION DURING 2019-20 ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR OF THE CONSTITUENTS IN EASTERN REGION DURING 2019-20 4 CHAPTER-1 CONSTITUTION, FUNCTIONS AND ORGANISATIONAL SETUP 1.1 INTRODUCTION Electricity is the key to economic development of the country and is one of the most essential elements for growth of a country and development of modern society. Accordingly, electricity demand is increasing day by day with improvement in living standards as the nation modernizes and its economy develops. To meet the challenges of ever-growing demand, power sector has become the key area for reforms as well as to attract investment. Enactment of Electricity Act, 2003, has brought revolutionary changes in almost all the areas of the power sector. Through implementation of this Act conducive environment has been created to promote private sector participation and competition in the sector. This has led to significant investment in generation, transmission and distribution areas. For efficient & integrated system planning and operational purposes, the power system of the country has been divided into five regions namely Northern Region, Southern Region, Western Region, Eastern Region and North-Eastern Region. Each region has its own regional power grid. Initially, State grids were inter-connected to form the regional grid. The integration of regional grids, and thereby establishment of National Grid, was conceptualized in early nineties. Initially inter-regional links were planned for exchange of operational surpluses amongst the regions. Subsequently, it was felt that synchronisation of all regional grids would help in optimal utilization of scarce natural resources by transfer of power from resource centric regions to load centric regions. Further, this should pave the way for establishment of vibrant electricity market facilitating trading of power across regions. The integration of regional grids which began with asynchronous HVDC back-to-back inter-regional links facilitating limited exchange of regulated power subsequently graduated to high capacity synchronous links between the regions. In October, 1991 North Eastern and Eastern grids were connected. In March, 2003 WR and ER-NER were interconnected. On 26th August, 2006 North and East grids were interconnected thereby four regional grids Northern, Eastern, Western and North-Eastern grids were synchronously connected forming Central Grid (NEW GRID) operating at one frequency. On 31st December, 2013 Southern Region was connected to Central Grid (NEW GRID) in synchronous mode with the commissioning of 765kV Raichur-Solapur Transmission line, thereby achieving 'ONE NATION'-'ONE GRID'-'ONE FREQUENCY'. The Eastern Region comprises of the States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal and Sikkim. The region has an area of 4,25,432 Sq. km which is about 13% of the total area of the country. The Regional Power Committees have been established by Central Government for a specified region for facilitating the integrated operation of the power system of that region. The Eastern Regional Power Committee (ERPC) is one out of five (5) Regional Power Committees. 5 The Organisation Chart of ERPC Secretariat is given at Exhibit-I & Power Maps showing transmission system of the Eastern Region are given at Exhibit – II. 1.2 CONSTITUTION Eastern Regional Power Committee (ERPC) is the present form of erstwhile Eastern Regional Electricity Board (EREB). Initially EREB came into operation on 01.06.1965 in accordance with the Govt. of India’s resolution no. EL-II-35 (7)/63 dated 6th March, 1964 in order to promote integrated operation of the power systems in the region and to ensure optimum utilisation of the generation in the region. Government of India, under the provision of Sub-Section 55 of Section 2 of the Electricity Act 2003 vide Resolution F.No.23/1/2004-R&R dated 25th May, 2005 had established Eastern Regional Power Committee comprising the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal and Sikkim with following members and was subsequently amended from time to time on 29.11.2005, 08.05.2008 and 21.12.2017. i) Member (Grid Operation), Central Electricity Authority (CEA). ii) One representative each of Central Generating Companies, Central Transmission Utility (CTU), National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC) and the Eastern Regional Load Despatch Centre (ERLDC). iii) From each of the States in the region, the State Generating Company, State Transmission Utility (STU), State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC), one of the State-owned distribution companies as nominated by the State Government and one Distribution Company by alphabetical rotation out of the private distribution companies functioning in the region. iv) A representative each of every generating company (other than central generating companies or State Government owned Generating Companies) having more than 1000 MW installed capacity in the region. v) A representative of the generating companies having power plants in the region [not covered in (ii) to (iv) above] by alphabetical rotation. vi) One member representing the electricity traders in the region by alphabetical rotation which has trading volume of more than 500 million units during the previous financial year. vii) A representative each of every Nodal Agency appointed by the Government of India for coordinating cross-border power transactions with the countries having electrical inter-connection with the region.
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