November 19, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 18 24247 IN RECOGNITION OF MAYOR Mayor Fargo has helped unify our region Madam Speaker, I am honored today to rec- HEATHER FARGO through her leadership on the Sacramento ognize these wonderful health professionals Area Council of Governments. As chair of and the vital role they play in our communities. HON. DORIS O. MATSUI SACOG, Mayor Fargo built relationships with neighboring cities on issues of importance to OF CALIFORNIA f our region, especially transportation and air IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quality issues. She also was a leader with the RECOGNIZING MAJOR GENERAL Wednesday, November 19, 2008 U.S. Conference of Mayors and currently is WALTER WOJDAKOWSKI FOR Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I rise today president of the League of California Cities. SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY AND to honor Heather Fargo’s twenty years of serv- Madam Speaker, as Mayor Heather Fargo, THE UNITED STATES ARMY ice to the people of Sacramento as mayor, her family and friends gather on this occasion, council member, and community activist. On I am honored to pay tribute to one of Sac- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. November 20th, Mayor Fargo, family and ramento’s most distinguished citizens and OF GEORGIA friends will gather to recognize her outstanding community leaders. Her successes have been work, and I ask all my colleagues to join me many, and it is an honor for me to recognize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honoring one of Sacramento’s finest lead- her for her more than two decades of contribu- Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ers. tions to the people of Sacramento. I ask all my Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I Heather Fargo has always had a strong colleagues to join me in wishing Mayor Heath- rise today to recognize a dear friend and one sense of public service. She earned a Bach- er Fargo continued success in her future. of our brave patriots. For over 30 years, Major elor of Science degree in Environmental Plan- f General Walter Wojdakowski who is currently ning and Management from the University of TRIBUTE TO THE HOME HEALTH the commanding general at Fort Benning in California, Davis, and went on to complete the AIDES WHO SERVE IN THE Columbus, Georgia, has served our nation State and Local Government Executive Pro- STATE OF NEW JERSEY with bravery, dedication and respect. He has gram at the John F. Kennedy School of Gov- a lifetime of selfless service that included com- ernment at Harvard University. Before becom- mand, battlefield and diplomatic experience. ing mayor, she had a distinguished career at HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Major General Walter Wojdakowski ends his the California Department of Parks and Recre- OF NEW JERSEY brilliant career at Ft. Benning where he first ation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trained as second lieutenant to become an In- For over twenty years, Mayor Fargo has Wednesday, November 19, 2008 fantry platoon leader. been a strong advocate for the development Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today of the City of Sacramento and its neighbor- Schooled in military arts at the United to honor the dedicated and admirable work of hoods. Early in Mayor Fargo’s career in public States Military Academy West Point, he would the home health aides who serve my state of service, she served as a board member of the travel the globe with his wife Candy and their New Jersey and to commemorate Home Environmental Council of Sacramento, and children Steven and Ami. Major General Health Aide Recognition Day of 2008. was one of the founding members of the Sac- Wojdakowski would serve in leadership and Home health aides provide a variety of in- ramento Tree Foundation, a non-profit organi- staff positions in Germany and Kuwait with valuable services, including personalized care, distinction as well as duty stations in the zation that promotes urban forestry and shows home support services, physical exercise pro- how trees can make our communities more United States. grams, and transportation assistance. The His impact is measured by the knowledge livable by reducing energy use, cleaning the home health aides provide these services in air, and enhancing social and economic value. lie gained through his many challenging and the comfort of a patient’s own home, thereby difficult assignments. He used his experience As mayor, she has transformed Sacramento preserving the dignity and independence of an into a ‘‘green’’ city with national recognition for to train this generation of war fighters for the individual. In addition, providing this type of most complex and difficult conflict in our na- being an environmentally sustainable city. specialized care allows patients to remain at First elected to the Sacramento City Council tion’s history, the Global War on Terrorism. home longer, which can help prevent costly The men and women he leads at Ft. Benning in 1989, Mayor Fargo played an active role in hospitalizations or institutionalizations that in- developing Sacramento’s Natomas area, and can proudly proclaim that they have trained crease the financial burden on the patients, the best soldiers in the world. redeveloping our downtown into a place where their families, and our health care system. Major General Wojdakowski has dem- people can live, work and play. Under her Over 40,000 certified aides make home onstrated loyalty, faith and allegiance to our leadership, Sacramento has become a na- health care available to every community in nation, to our military forces and to the citi- tional model for smart growth and infill devel- New Jersey, every hour of the day, and every zens of our great country. He understands that opment. day of the year. I am proud to acknowledge meeting one’s duty is to fulfill your obligations After being elected as mayor in 2000, Mayor their essential and irreplaceable role in the Fargo proved her dedication to Sacramento’s health care system of New Jersey. and accept responsibility for one’s actions and future by creating the Sacramento Youth Com- I would also like to recognize the organiza- the actions of one’s subordinates. mission and sponsoring youth mentoring, after tions who sponsored this day and the mean- He earned respect leading by example and school, and truancy prevention programs. She ingful contributions they make to our state’s showing respect by faithfully upholding and has given children the opportunity to take part health care system: the Home Care Associa- practicing the Army values. Major General in local policy development and express their tion of New Jersey, the New Jersey Hospital Wojdakowski is recognized for his integrity views to community leaders. Mentors have Association, the New Jersey Hospice and Pal- and strict focus on exceeding the Army’s high- been recruited to lead high school teens and liative Care Organization, the Home Care est standards. He has always understood the help prepare them for successful lives after Council of New Jersey, the Health Care Asso- more you sweat in training, the less you bleed they graduate. ciation of New Jersey, and New Jersey Asso- in war. Mayor Fargo implemented several city poli- ciation for Homes and Services for the Aging. I am pleased to honor this warrior-patriot on cies and programs to bring Sacramento’s Each day, compassionate home health his retirement from the United States Army. neighborhoods together, and foster a greater aides in every region of my state deliver excel- Major General Wojdakowski exemplifies per- sense of community among its residents. This lence in patient care. The services they pro- sonal courage and honor. He is one of the included public participation on major planning vide enable New Jersey residents of all ages brave few who chose a life of servitude to his projects, informational workshops on city initia- to remain in, or return to, their home and nation, and because of his service our nation tives and effective outreach on key issues in- neighborhoods despite severe illness or dis- is safer and stronger today. I want to com- cluding flood protection, emergency prepared- ability. The Home Health Aid Recognition Day mend Major General Wojdakowski, his wife ness and housing crisis assistance. She also honors their extraordinary work, and their Candy and his entire family for his reaching led the successful efforts to increase funding unique ability to enhance the quality of life for this important milestone. I wish him all the for levee improvements. thousands of New Jerseyans. best in the years ahead. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:16 Oct 31, 2017 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\E19NO8.REC E19NO8 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 24248 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 18 November 19, 2008 CONGRATULATING THE EVANS- Live & In Clave!’’ was nominated for a Paralympic Committee Swimming World VILLE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz Album in Championships in Durban, South Africa in De- BOYS AND GIRLS SOCCER TEAMS 2001. cember. In addition to countless other gold FOR WINNING THE 2008 INDIANA Bobby is the recipient of countless awards medals and awards, Jessica was named U.S. SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIPS and honors and holds a number of prestigious Olympic Committee Paralympian of the Year. leadership positions. In 2005, he was honored In 2007, Jessica set three world records at the HON. BRAD ELLSWORTH as DRUM! Magazine’s Percussionist of the GTAC Disability Open in Michigan and three OF INDIANA Year, an award voted on by the magazine’s world records at the Spring Can-Am Swim- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES readers. Bobby was inducted into the ‘‘Bronx ming Championships in Quebec. She also Walk of Fame’’ and had a street named after beat out many prominent amateur athletes for Wednesday, November 19, 2008 him in 2006.
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