INDEX Names mentioned more than once in a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABBEYS. Bardsey Island (Caerns.), Agincourt, battle of, 70, 78, 87, 99, 106; Bourne (Lines.), 98, 106; 127 Bridlington, 104, 106; Bristol, 98, Alcock, Jn, 81 104; Bruton (Som.), 105-6; Burs- Altrincham, 64 cough (Lanes.), 101; Castle Acre, Alvanley, 62, 71 109; Christchurch (London), Anglesey, g, 118, 127 105-6; Cirencester (Glos.), 99, Angouleme, 143 104, 106; Combwell, 99; Darley, Anjou, duke of, 147, 151-2 99, 106; Dorchester (Oxon), 98, Antwerp, 63 106; Dover, 99; Hartland Appleton, Wm, 81, 85 (Devon), 98, 106; Haughmond Aquitaine, 2; duchy of, 10; princi­ (Salop), 98, 106, 109; Hexham, pality of, 139-160 99; Kenilworth, 105-6; Keyn- Aragon, 62 sham (Som.), 98, 106; Leicester, Arderne, Rob, 62, 71 99, 106; Lemes (Kent), 98, 106; Arley Charters, 65 Lilleshall (Salop), 98, 106; Mis- Armagnac, count of, 140, 147; Jean senden (Bucks), 98, 106; Muchel- de, 141 ney (Som.), log; North Creake Arques, lieutenant of, 74 (Norfolk), 99, 100, 106; Norton, Arrouasian abbeys, 98, 106 97-112; Notley (Bucks), 98, 106; Arundel, earl of, 118, 143 Osney (Oxon), 100, 105-6; O va­ Aston, family, 83; Sir Ric, 83; Sir st on (Leics.), 98, 106; Rocester Rob, 83 (Staffs.), 99, 106; Runcorn, 98, Attelbrig, Jn, 136 100; St Botolph's, Colchester, 98, Audley, Sir Jas, 16, 145, 149, 151 100, 106; St Frideswide's, Ox­ Augustine, St, of Hippo, 97 ford, 101, 104, 106; St Helen's Augustinian abbeys 97-112 Derby, 99; St James, Northamp­ Avignon, court at, 139 ton, 99, 106; St Mary's, South- Axon, E., 60 wark, 104, 106; St Osyth (Essex), 100, 103, 106; St Werburgh's, BACHE, Simon, 136 Chester, 4, 5, n, 16, 19, 67, 81, Bagh, Nic, 164 102-3; Thornton (Lines.), 100, Bagot, Wm, 117 106; Valle Crucis, Clutyd, 109; Barber, M., 61 Vale Royal, 102; Waltham Holy Barraclough, Geof, 122 Cross (Essex), 99, 100, 106; Barrow, 163, 168-9 Warier (Yorks.), 98-9; Wellow Barton, 80 (Lines.), 99, 106; Whalley, 102; Bazas, 6 Wigmore (Hereford), 98, 106 Beam, Constance, lady of, 33 Acton, Phil, 163, 165 Beaumaris, castle, 125, 138 Adlington, 79 Beaumont, Wm, 97, 107 Agenais, 141 Becheton, Wm de, 116 181 182 Index Beeston, castle, 12, 16 Bromborough, 67 Beeston, Thos, 71 Bromley, Sir Jn, 70, 83 Belleperche, 149 Brasses, castle, 149 Bcllon, Jean, 149 Browe, Sir Hugh, 62, 71, 77-8, 82, Benedictine abbeys, 99, 109 85, H6-7 '49, 153. '56 Bennet, Margt, 163, 168 Brown, Jn, 163, 166-7, 169 Bennett, M. J., 'Sources and prob­ Broxton, 169; hundred, 149 lems in the study of social mo­ Bruges, 63 bility; Cheshire in the later Bruton, abbey (Som.), 105-6 Middle Ages', 59-95 Buckingham, earl of, 71 Bere, Thos, 35 Bucklow, hundred, 149 Berkhamsted, 48 Bulkeley, Thos, 169; Wm, 170 Besancon, 62, 71 : Bunbury, rector of, 86 Beverley, 65 Bunbury, Jn, 162, 164, 169 Bickerton, 170 Burgundy, duke of, 127 Birkenhead, 67 Burne, Canon, 4 Birkes, Hen, 164 Burscough, abbey (Lanes.), 101 Birtles, Hen, 72-3 Burton upon Slather (Lines.), Black Prince, 13, 14, 35, 44, 46-50, church, 106, 108 81, 115, 119, 120, 139-48, 151, '55 CAERNARVON, Bardsey Island Blay, Alice, 11; Gilbert, 11 abbey, 99, 106; castle, 124, 138; Blessed Nicholas, Chester, 38 constable of, 127 Blore Heath, battle of, 70 Caernarvon, Edw of, 142 Bohun, Hum de, 12 Calais, 77, 154; governor of, 74 Bologna, university of, 152 Calveley, Sir Hugh, 60, 62, 71, 74, Boniface IX, pope, 97, 102-8, no 76-7, 82, 84, 146, 152, 154-5; Booth, family, 60, 68, 80, 85, 87; Jenkin, 154; Jn, 154 Jn, 68, 74; Lawr, 68, 74; Thos, Cambridge, 68 80; Wm, 68 Cambridge, earl of, 147, 149 Booth, P. H. W., 'The manor & Canterbury, archbishop of, 104; fields of Frodsham 1315-74', 27- province of, 102-4 57, 72 Capenhurst, Thos, 4 Bordeaux, 62, 77, 144, 150; con­ Cardiff, Thos, 163, 170 stable of, 74; 139; court at, 139; Carnyka, Thos, 137 mayor of, 74; St Andre cathedral, Carrington, Jn, 71, 85; Sir Thos, 140 62, 71 Bordeaux, Ric of, 9 Castell, Rob, 117 Bostock, Hugh, 59, 61; Jn, 59 Castille, 154 Bosworth, battle of, 70 Castle Acre, abbey, 109 Bourges, 149 Castle Donnington, church, 106 Bourne, abbey (Lines.), 98, 106 Catherine, queen, 119 Bradley brook, 31 Cefnyllys, castle, 12 Brasenose college, 81 Chandos, , 149 Brayne, Hen, 164, 166-7, 169 Channel Islands, 14, 154 Brave, Sir Hugh, 77 Charles V, 140-1, 147, 152 Bretigny, treaty of, 139, 147 Chauntrell, Wm, 72-3 Bridge, J. C., 60, 70, 77; Wm, 163, Chauvigny, lord of, 149 166-9, I 7 l Cheshire, constable of, 102; criminal Bridlington, abbey, 104, 106 procedure in mid fifteenth cen­ Bridlington, Jn of, 104 tury, 161-72; earldom of, 139; Brimstage, 68 escheator of, 117; justiciar of, Bristol, 3, 9, 14, 15, 18, 62, 65, 78, 117; later Middle Ages, in, 59-95; 98, 104; abbey, 98, 104 Principality of Aquitaine, and Brittany, 145, 152, 154 the, 139-60; royal demesne 1399- Index ' 183 1422, 113-38; sheriff of, 78, 117- Currie, A. E., 'Cheshire and the 118, 136, 166-7, '69, 170 Royal Demesne 1399-1422', 113- Chester, 36, 64-5; archdeaconry, 67, 138 101; Blessed Nicholas, 38; castle, Cusack, Sir Simon, 63 12, 33, 122, 165-6; chamberlain of, 73, "4, 116, 125, 127, 136-7, DANIEL, Thos, 162, 164 170; county court, 161; earldom of, 113, 143; exchequer, 127, Danyers, Sir Thos, 71 144-5, "48, 161, 170; justice of, Darley, abbey, 99, 106 Darnhall, 4, 17 73. 15°, l6l > l64. l66> l69; Davenham, church, 107 lordship of, 1-25; Palatinate of, Davies, R. R., 69 113, 116; St John's, 66; St Dee, Jn, 164, 167, 170-1 Michael's, 106; St Werburgh's, 4, Dee Mills, 1 17 5, n, 16, 19, 67, 81, 102-3; Degannwy, 7; castle, 14, 15 sheriff of, 136 Dekka, Jn, 163, 167, 170-1 Chester, earl of, 33, 35-6 Delamere, 143; forest, 17, 116 Ckize, 153 Delves, Sir Jn, 140 Cholmondeley Deeds, 61 Denbigh, 65; castle, 125; honour of, Cirencester, abbey (GIos.), 99, 104, 7 106 Derby, St Helen's, 99 Cistercian abbeys, 98, 109 Derby, earl of, 75, 161 Clapham manor (Surrey), 85 Derval, 153 Clarence, duke of, 151 Despenser, Hugh le, 117 Clarke, M. V, 69 Dieulacres, 4, 6-9, 17 Clayton, D. J., & Harris, B. E., Dod, David, 162 'Criminal procedure in Cheshire Dodd, J. P., 'The manor & fields of in the mid fifteenth century', Frodsham 1315-1374', 27-57 161-72 Domesday Roll, 10, n Clement VI, pope, 101 '. ,. .. Dorchester, abbey (Oxon.), 98, 106 Cluniac abbey, 109 Dover, abbey, 99 Cokker, Hugh, 162 Downes, Geof, 63 Colchester, St Botolph's, 98, 100, Drakelow, manor, 117-18 106 Dublin, 63, 74 Colfox, family, 78, 80; Nic, 76 Du Guesclin, 153 4 Combwell, abbey, 99 Dukinfield, 60, 65 Como, battle of, 71 Durham, bishop of, 68 Compeyre, siege of, 152 Dutton, family, 86 Congleton, 62, 64-5 Dyffryn Clwyd, 7 Constance, 62 Dyserth, castle, 7, 14, 25 Conway, castle, 124, 127 Cornwall, 121, 130, 139; archdeacon of, 144; duchy of, 120, 126, 150 EARDSWICK, 68 Coventry, 65; diocese of, 101; Eaton, manor, 81 Trinity Guild, 63 Eddisbury, hundred, 164 Coventry, Rob, 163 Edge, 162 Coyde, David, 168-9 Edward I, 5, 7, 9, 33, 39 Cradock, family, 78, 80; Sir David, Edward III, 9, 47, 61-2, 67, 82, 74, 80, 151-4, 156; Sir Ric, 62, 139, 146-7 71, 75-6, 80, 84; Rog, 68, 80 Edward IV, 73-4, 162, 165, 169 Crecy, battle of, 145-6, 149, 156 Edward of Carnarvon, 9 Cresswell, Jn, 71, 82 Edward, Prince of Wales, 9 Crewe, Thos, 75, 77 Egerton, 163 criminal procedure in mid-fifteenth Egerton, Phil, 170 century Cheshire, 161-72 Elham, manor (Kent), 13 Crooks, R. W., 60 Emden, A. B., 68 184 Index England, chancellor, 74; keeper of status of Mitred Abbey', 97-112 privy seal, 74 Gregory VII, pope, 97 Enias, the Welshman, 49 Grey, Sir Jn, 118; lord, of Ruthin, Eton, Jn, 144 62, 81; Reg de, 3 Eu, countess of, 10 Grimsditch, family, 86 Eugenius IV, pope, 104-5 Grosvenor, Sir Rob, 145-9 Evesham, battle of, 16 Exeter, bishop of, 68 HALL, J., 60 Hallum, 86 FADDILEY, 163-4 Hallum, Rob, 62, 68, 86 Farneley, Geo, 62-3, 76 Halton, 62, 67, 69; baron of, 98, 100, 102-3; honour of 102, 126; Farrington, Nic, 168-9 manors, 81 Felton, Sir Thos, 153 Hampton, 163 Fillongley, Ric, 143 Handford, Sir Jn, 83 Fitton, family, 79, 86; Hen, 68; Jn, Handforth, Sir Jn, 70 62, 68, 77 Hardware, Wm, 107 Fletcher, Thos, 107 Harlech, castle, 124 Flint, 6, 7, 9; castle, 122-4; county, Harrington, Wm, 118 120, 125-7, 137 Harris, B. E. & Clayton, D. J., Flodden, battle of, 70 'Criminal procedure in Cheshire Foussat, Amanilu de, 151 in the mid fifteenth century', France, 146, 155 161-72 Frodesham, Rob of, 31 Hartland, abbey (Devon), 98, 106 Frodsham, 27-57, 72, 120; borough Haughmond, abbey (Salop), 98, fields, 37-9; church, 107; the 106, 109 demesnes, 39-47; manor, adminis­ Heighley, 151 tration of, 33-7; manor, demesne Helsby, T., 3 furlongs, 54-7; manor & fields Henore, Jn, 136 ' I3I5-I374. 27-57; manor in Henry I, 99 transition, 47-50; physical back­ Henry III, 1-13, 17, 18, 100 ground, 27-32 Henry IV, 9, 61, 71, 74-5, 102, 106, Frodsham, Hugh de, 38; Peter de, 114, 118, iao-i, 124, 127 38; Wm, 74 .
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