tonal rada, ) 1 ths 41 •leal TrJTT’T MU- •I' ■ I A 'll;, Ad- arth Ireis Dru calls Law. r*-H LXi aker, win tf.T. Jtek, sren- ata., y the a, 'tori re in April nnti VOL. XXII. i*n^3**> BOSTON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1868 {8M&LB OOPIBB,) NO. 21 >oro', . Written for the Banner of Light. Nd. Now we unhesitatingly declare that we do not which reigns in the spheres beyond the earth. Wis­ THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST. performed those very deeds which ho performed A M,OBNING IDYL believe in the extraordinary -divinity of Jesus of two thousand years ago. Tho blind eyes are But tho time wm ill-chosen. Human souls had The points In the discussion upon the above im­ Nazareth; and we shall proceed to give you our made to see, nnd bo caused the blind to see; tbe not grown enfllclently large, were not sufficiently olec- , BY ANAND AT. J0NB3. portant subject that hu been going on in these reasons for this unbelief. In the first place we deaf are made to hoar, and ho unstoppod the ears endowed with knowledge concerning their ear* columns of late between a spirit in the form believe the human soul to have been placed in roundings. They were tilled completely with eare ■ ... -. I. • -. ■ of tbe deaf; the lame are made to rise and walk, f#W., (“ Justice") and a spirit out qfthe form, (Dr. this condition of life' ‘for u#8 and for purpose. and he also caused tlie lame to walk. It is said fenr. They were tortured continually by fear, and My cottage-roof with flickering green Isdraped— ,Ind.t Uhanningi) not, being' very satisfactory to us, Whose sun-drawn tides, in haAe to teach, pis We believe it to be placed here for the purpose tho dead were made to live again; bnt this we do were constantly dreading to bo hurled into tho . light, ’. either pro. or com, we, at a private circle held in of-undentandlng thkt'trfikb pertains to material not believe. Here again we shall take occasion presence of an angry Judge, a being of whom they this office, Jan. 20th, requested one of onr imme­ things; for the purpose of unfolding and develop­ to qnestlon the correctness of this saying, and had no knowledge, whose powers'they considered JU., Hare burst their vlny channels, whence escaped con- diate spirit friends, Dr. Rufus Kittredge, (through ing that portion of its beftrg, as a soul, which it also to qnestlon the strictness of tho investigations to be vast and bis vengeanco unlimited. They They roll their gold and scarlet into sight. the mediumship of Mr. C. H. Crowell,) to give could not otherwise unfold and develop. which were made at that time concerning the de­ were not ready to accept anything that promised s,Ve- Oh tendrils rich with bloom, . his and his associates* ideas upon the divinity of Jesus, If we are to believe that which history cease. Wo do not believe that the spirit onco relief from such conditions; and when Jesus came, iloek, Sail in on fragrant airs and grace my curtained the Nazarene, independent of the parties quoted teaches us, was born under precisely the same separating itself from the body becomes again Its with his mild truths, his gentle teachings, when he ndaya room! . • ijJlrit- above. He readily consented, and we place the re­ conditions and surrounded by precisely the same tenant. The laWs of Nature do not permit it. It told them to lay aside the sword and clothe them­ .. .. sult before our readers, verbatim et literatim, ■ circumstances tlint thousands of others have been becomes a total violation eflaw; and this is never selves with the mgntlo of peace, when he told How tenderly they live—these underlings! sy the bom under. The same physiological laws were permitted by Nature—not even by tho God of them that love wns mightier than the sword, when trery Lo, on tbe new-rdsed brier an oriole-guest, THE DIVINITT OF JESUS THE CHRIST. In force and operative upon him, and upon licr Nature himself— although be is said to have over­ ho declared to them that the Prince of Peace Wing-weary, flutters down and sings and sings We do not purpose this morning to question the who gave him birth, that have been in operation stepped tho bounds of law in the descent which should reign in their hearts, they did not believe enna- As if all Heaven were In his little breast. divinity of Jesus any further than we trust we and have operated upon every son and daughter ho is said to have made to the earth that man that they could thus appease tho wrath of an Ab, sweet and very sweet! ’ uring shall be able to show that he is divine m all other of Nature who have been bora into mortal, so far might bo saved. • ' angry Judge. They feared. They did not believe Trill on, rare morning-voice, tbe silence still de­ men are divine, that he is God as all other men as we have any knowledge concerning mortality. On the ground, then, that Jeans did not perform that tide simple child of Nature had bud revealed itwcr feat. - ' ' Lra of may become gods, or are in themselves gods eter­ We are aware that wo are liable to tlie charge, of greater miracles, greater deeds than other men to him that which ho taught And ho did not ni. nally. • liaving'forgotten that it was said that In so far as have and can and do perform, we deny his greater have sufficient knowledge concerning the source lernt eum». But he is dead!—my friend, who made the earth In order to give a more correct understanding the birth of Jesus was like other men, in so far divinity. Bnt there are other reasons, We do from whence these things bad como to him, en­ Yield me all rosy riches of tbe year; . Ad of tho subject nnder consideration, and to enable as having had a natural and legitimate mother, not believe that tho good' which Is dhtalned In abling him to give to them the information their Who fed with laughter sweet Life’s morning those who may read the same to draw correct he was certainly not an exception to the rule consequence of tho Introduction of Christianity souls needed so much. And nover, till the pres­ olcc- mirth; ' conclusions, we shall be compelled to speak to under which all souls manifest themselves when among human beings hns been productive of that ent age, has man been enabled to perceive that in >mery Who filled my cup with dripping honeys clear; yon somewhat of tho soul—tbe human soul—that they enter upon mortality. But we aro told that grand and successful result which would be an­ all the ages there have been Jesuses, there have bi tho Who made all pleasures mine— portion of the universe that has thus far defied a divine interposition, that an especial interposi­ ticipated and which must have resulted from so been.martyrs, who have been sacrilleed for truth's at ad- The hearth, the green-roofed hall, and Love’s the comprehension of all individuals; that which tion of tbe spirit of Jehovah rested upon that in­ extraordinary an effort as hns been claimed to be sake because they were not understood. nawer white lamp to shine. is, and has ever been, in Its varying conditions, dividual and performed for her the offices that made by the Infinite. We do not believe that In But now, in this hour when tho windows of .K.H. considered past finding out; that, and tho needs have throughout all time devolved on the male two thousand years, after having been success­ heaven are completely opened and all men aro U an- .......................................____________ which pertain to it, having in tho past absorbed a species of tho human family. This wo positively fully and thoroughly tried, that were it efficacious, invited to come in and partake of tbe feast, there week- He lies npon the trestle, calm as Fate— Hl at- very large share of attention from those who have deny, and wo, shall, we think, be able to prove wore it of that divine character claimed, there Is being raised a question as to whether tlio past >x 221, - But not the less burn red, thou clinging vine; at all considered tho philosophy of life. We that wo are correct. This, if wo aro correctly in­ would be that falling away from these teachings, has not been a grand delusion; as to whether tho His lips move not—their music died of late— Javer- have said to you before—and we have no reason formed by history, is the first nnd tho only in­ that falling away from this reverence which has mighty efforts which have been put forth to re­ Yet keep tho brier, thou bird, astir with thine. ..will this morning to dissent from that saying— that stance in whicli the God of the universe has de­ in the past attached to tho nnmo and life of Joshs, model society and revolutionize and make over Be glad, oh world, and fair! the'human soul it immortal. By immortal, we scended from his high position, and has so far which is manifested all over the land and all ovor anew all things in humanity have not been abor­ So shall his loving soul awhile its flight forbear. mean, in plain and unmistakable terms, to state permitted his unchangeable laws to bo violated by .the world to-day.
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