w a s p JI eagle Regimental Journal of The 3rd East Anglian Regiment (16thj44th Foot) Volume 1. No. 4. D E C E M B E R , 1960 FALAISE CREAM WOVE An attractive Writing Paper that perpetuates the name oj a great battle and the two Numbers oj Foot which designated the ist and 2nd battalions oj The Essex Regiment. CREAM WOVE Reproduction of the watermark ASK YOUR STATIONER ABOUT THIS PAPER GREYHOUND RACING ROMFORD DAGENHAM STADI U M STADI U M TUESDAYS and TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS SATURDAYS 7.45 p.m. 2.45 p.m. FULLY LICENSED RESTAURANT ★ ★ ★ FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS PHONE ROMFORD 62345 ----- FULL TOTALISATOR FACILITIES THE WASP AND THE EAGLE Full Banking Service • The knowledge and reputation gained during the past plus 200 years puts us in a unique position to deal with the banking requirements of our Service customers. • Equally we are very well equipped to deal with industrial and commercial business of which we have had wide experience. • If you have any financial problem you wish to discuss, or if you require a loan for personal needs or finance for business purposes, please write or come to see us. Official Agents to the Army and the Royal Air Force LLOYDS BANK LIMITED Cox’s and King’s Branch, 6 Pali Mall, S.W .i. THE WASP AND THE liAGLE RY APPOINTMENT TO H I R MAJESTY THE g i l l I N GOLDSMITHS AND CROWN JEWEI1ERS, GARRARD & CO. ITD. LONDON Those with a gift for giving—go to Garrard Ruby, aquamarine, diamond and plati­ num earrings. £160 .0.0 Kingfisher brooch. Sapphire, turquoise, Hunting stock retainer, 9 ct. gold, ruby, diamond, enamel and IS ct. gold, ruby eyes. £ 16 . 10 . o £230 .0.0 The i960 Garrard tjift catalogue illustrates a most impressive variety of suggestions for both personal and mess presentation. For ladies, these range from delightful yet inexpensive gold charms to magnificent suites of jewellery. For men there are watches, toilet accessories, smoker’s requisites and many other handsome alternatives. Wherever vou may be, sou mav choose with confidence from a w'ide selection of Garrard gifts, cach a token ol lasting value and impeccable taste. Your copy of “Garrard Gifts” will be supplied free on request. GARRARD & CO • LTD Crown Jewellers 112 Regent Street • I ondon • W .i • Telephone: RECent 5021 (11 lines) THE W ASP and THE EAGLE T he Jo u r n a l o f t h e 3 r d E ast A n g l ia n R e g im e n t . (16 t h /44 t h F o o t ) V o l. i . No. 4 . D e c e m b e r , i 9 6 0 „ price z/m (postage extra) » Free to Regimental Association members. CONTENTS PAGE PAGE The Colonel-in-Chief 172 Regimental Reunion .................... 189 Regimental Notes .................................. 172 Civic Sunday ........................................... 190 Regimental Diary 172 Annual Service of Remembrance 191 Depot The East Anglian Brigade 172 Overland to join The 1st Battalion in The Regimental Chapel ....................... 173 Malaya 192 16th Foot Regimental M u seu m ............. 173 1st Battalion Notes ................................. 194 The Essex Regiment Museum ............. 173 Talcs of a Tub ........................................... 209 The 3rd East Anglian Regiment (16th/ 5th Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment 44th Foot) Dinner Club ............. 173 (T.A.) Notes 210 Farewell Parade 3rd Bn. Grenadier 1st Bn. The Hertfordshire Regiment Guards ............................................ 174 (T.A.) Notes ................................. 212 Nominal Roll The 3rd East Anglian 4th Bn. The Essex Regiment (T.A.) Notes 212 Regiment ............................................ 175 The Essex Army Cadet Force Notes The Royal Merchant Navy School 177 2*3 N.A.E.R.S.S. & A......................................... 177 The 3rd East Anglian Regiment (16th/ 44th Foot) Association Notes Personalia...................................................... 178 2 1 5 The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire A Gallant Act ............................................ 186 Regiment Association Notes ....... 216 Military Essay Competition....................... 187 The Essex Regiment Association Notes 219 The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation 187 Engagement, Marriages, Births and N.A.A.F.I........................................................ 188 Obituaries ........................................... 223 Our Contem poraries................................. 188 Editorial Notes........................................... 230 172 THE WASP AND THE EAGLE THE COLONEL-IN-CHIEF R e g im e n t a l H eadquarters Regimental Headquarters and H.Q., The The following message was sent by the Essex Regiment Association have now moved Colonel of the Regiment and the Associate into the former Depot Officers’ Mess, which Colonel on the occasion of the birthday of Her is to be their home. The Essex Regiment Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, Museum has also been moved and it is hoped Colonel-in-Chief, on August 4 :— to set it up again in what were the bedrooms The Private Secretary to of the former Officers’ Mess, in the near future. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen * ★ ★ Mother, Colonel-in-Chiej. R e g i m e n t a l D r e s s R e g u l a t i o n s F o r O f f i c e r s All Ranks past and present of the Third East Amendment No. / Anglian Regiment (i6th/44th Foot) send their The following amendment to Regimental loyal and warm greetings to their Colonel-in- Dress Regulations has been issued consequent ('hief on the occasion of Her Majesty’s birthday. on the War Office Dress Committee approving R e g in a l d D e n n in g , Lieut.-General, the pattern for the Mess Dress Waistcoat. C o l o n e l . Para. 28 (b ): Delete from “ Regimental ” in C. M. P aton, Brigadier, line 9 to “ buttons” in line 11 and substitute A s s o c ia t e C o l o n e l . “ Regimental Waistcoats will be worn. The following gracious reply was received: “ Pattern—as previously worn by the Bed­ Lieut.-General Sir Reginald Denning, fordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment. The 3rd East Anglian Regiment, “ Colour—Scarlet. “ U ” front. White Warley Barracks, piping down front and at bottom edges to side Brentwood. seams. Two pockets. Four buttons of the Brigade pattern.” / send my very sincere thanks to All Ranks " ast and Present of the Third East Anglian Regiment (i6r/i/44'h Foot) for their kind REGIMENTAL DIARY, 1961 message of loyal greetings on my birthday which 1961 I have b?en most happy to receive. March 25 6th Bn. The Essex Regiment ELIZA BETH R „ Colonel-in-Chief, Comrades’ Association “Cedars” O.C.A. Reunion Dinner. T h e 3RD E a s t A n g l ia n R e g im e n t , April 7 Hertford Branch Jubilee Dinner. (16TH/44TH F oot). April 22 Saffron Walden Branch — Annual General Meeting and Social. April 29 6th Bn. The Bedfordshire Regi­ REGIMENTAL NOTES ment (1914-1918) O.C.A. Re­ union Dinner. T e r r it o r ia l A r m y R eorganisation Nov. 11 Saffron Walden Branch—Anniver­ Our readers will have noted that a White sary of Presentation of Branch Paper has been laid before the House of Standard, Social. Commons giving the details of the reorganisa­ Dec. 16 Saffron Walden Branch—Children’s tion of the Territorial Army. This will affect Christmas Party. the 5th Bn. The Bedfordshire Regiment (T.A.) and 1st Bn. The Hertfordshire Regiment (T.A.) and the necessary details are being DEPOT THE EAST ANGLIAN worked out now. We hope in the next number of The Journal to publish the full details as BRIGADE to how the reorganisation has affected the The Brigade Depot fi rmed on April i, i960, Regiment. at Gibraltar Barracks, Bury St. Edmunds, and ★ * ★ all recruits for the Regiment are now trained there. As Gibraltar Barracks are due to be T h e i s t B a ttalio n modernised the Brigade Depot have now The Battalion has now moved from Ipoh to moved into Blenheim Camp. In our next issue Malacca, where the new camp to house the we hope to include an account of the activities Commonwealth Brigade is being built. Their of the Brigade Depot. address is: We have been asked to publish the following: ist Bn. The 3rd East Anglian Regiment The Brigade Colonel, Commanding (t6th/44th Foot), Officer and Officers of the East Anglian Fort George, Brigade Depot hope that all serving c/o G.P.O., Malacca, Regular and Territorial Officers and retired Malaya. Regular Officers of the Regiments of the THE WASP AND THE EAGLE 173 East Anglian Brigade will consider them­ Since the closure of the Barracks, visitors selves honorary members of the Brigade have been rather few in number, and as we Depot Officers’ Mess. are now in process of rehousing the Museum in It is hoped that any Officers who are the new R.H.Q. building (former Depot Officers’ passing through, or near, Bury St. Mess) it will unfortunately be some little time Edmunds, will take the opportunity to before we are once again ready to receive visit the Depot. visitors. The reopening will, however, take It would be helpful if prior warning place as soon as possible. could be given if meals or accommodation are required. TH E 3rd EAST ANGLIAN REGIM ENT ( th th FOOT) THE REGIMENTAL CHAPEL 16 44 DINNER CLUB In the last issue of the Regimental Journal it was explained that owing to the closure of the The Second Dinner of The 3rd East Anglian Barracks, normal Services in The Regimental Regiment (16th/44th Foot) Dinner Club took Chapel would have to be restricted to one per place at the United Service Chib, Pall Mall, month, and would be held on the First Sunday London, on Friday, April 29.
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