Winter 2001 Volume xv, Number I Nota Bene ~News from the Yale Library Yale University Library I999-2000 Report by Scott Bennett, University Librarian The University exists to advance knowledge, to transmit it to others, and to preserve the record of human knowledge. Ya le has created a great library over the last three hundred years so that it might excel in these funda­ mental activities of higher education. This report describes the Uni versity Library'S endeavors over the last year to support that advancement, transmission, and preservation of knowledge. Our work req ui res some 600 staff; we collect material from all quarters of the world; we serve readers interested in every .conceivable subject. In these circumstances, this report cannot do justice to the immense variety and vitality of the library'S activities. It high­ lights only some of the mOSt notable events of the past year and attempts to describe the epochal change now underway at the Yale library. NOTABLE EVENTS OF 1999 -2000 "-" Among thousands of notable additions to the collec­ tions, it is right to remark on gifts from two renowned Yale alumni with long associations with the library. From the estate of Paul Mellon '29, the Beinecke Library received 530 magnificent items of Americana and Virgi ni ana. These materials (a nd those give n to the Yale Center for British Art) in dicate that Mellon, famous as an art coll ector, was also pre-eminent as a collector of books and manuscripts. So roo was Donald Ga ll up '34, for many yea rs the Curator of the American Literature Collection at Yale. Last year he gave us his unsurpassed collection of T.S. Eliot's publications and added many Eli ot letters to those already given to the library. ~ Ya le's Lewis Wa lpole Library, in Farmingco n, Connecticut, joined with the Yale Center for Btitish Art in a major exhibit, A Treasure House in Farmington, devoted to Horace Walpole and his circle. Beyond books and manuscripts, the exhibit featured Gothic Revival furniture from Strawberry Hill and nu merous paintings and engravings, all from the FarmingtOn and other Yale collections. ~ The University Archives completed work on a compre­ hensive records management program for the uni versity. It will allow Yale offices to better understand and manage the university's record-keeping requirements-for both histotica l and legal and administrative purposes-and to guide the regular retirement or destruction of records. Such records management is one of several Archives 300 Edward Edwa rds (1738- r806), watercolor of The Tribu1Ie at Horace activities, undertaken as parr of [he Tercentennial, that Walpole's residence Strawberry Hill, 1774. From the collection of the fundamentally reconceive the archives program at Ya le. Lewis Walpole Library in Farmington. .. During 2000, the library instituted a pilot project One of 63 original watercolors and developed in partnership with the libraries at Columbia drawings prepared and the Un iversity of Pennsylvania. Called Borrow Di rect, by Sigismund Bacstrom the project enables readers at anyone of these institutions as he accompanied George Vancouver's to deal directly with all three libraries in borrowing voyage around the material from them. The pilot has demonstrated an world from 179 1 to abi li ty ro reduce dramatical ly both interlibrary deli very 1795 . From the collec­ tion of Paul Mellon time and transaction costs. bequeathed 10 the ~ In a landmark agreement, the Medical Lib rary and the Bcinecke Library, the unpublished sketches Ya le School of Nursing entirely reconfigured information provide an extraordinary services ro the School. Nursing students and faculty will record of early European benefit from strengthened collection development, access encounters with the indigenous communities to all University Library services, and enhanced training of the Pacific Northwest for and support in us ing these resources. [Illd Hawaii. Their beauty ~ The end of the fiscal year saw several years of planning and their documentary value are characteristic for the renovation of the Divinity Quadrangle come to of Mr. Mellon's acumen fruition . Changes to the design of the Divinity Library as a collecror. were instrumenta l to this outcome. Divinity Library staff spent much of the year relocating parts of the collection to the Mudd Library and the Library Shelving Facility to accommodate constructio n. ~ The renovation of Yale's noble library bui ld ings con­ "'" The fisca l year began with university-wide implemen­ tinued. The decorative buttresses along the Wall Street tation of new Oracle-based business systems. It ended fac;ade of Sterling Memorial Library are being stabilized, with the library launchi ng a two-yea r program ro move while the roofs over the north win g of the building, the to next generation software fo r Orbis and other library nave, and the Li nonia and Brothers Reading Room are services. In between, we managed the Year 2000 tran­ be ing renovated. ... A three-year renovation program for the Beinecke sition without dislocations to library service. Our com­ Rare Book and Manuscript Lib rary neared completion mitment is ro make the move to the new libra ry system at the end of the year. New compact shelving provides in the summer of 2002 as sea ml ess for readers as the substantial space for collection growth. Staff work in Yea r 2000 was. expanded, handsomely refitted spaces while new instruc­ &. Public service staff continued to focus energy on tional space considerably enhances the library's ability instructing readers in the effective use and management of information resources. It is particula rly gratifying that [0 accommodate classes that use Beinecke collections. "'" With the Library Shelving Facility in its second year English and History facu lty requested instructional ser­ of highly successful operation, the library was able to vices in an expanded number of in troductory courses, so reduce severe overcrowding of on-campus shelving and that most Yale fres hmen and sophomores now get jnstruc ~ provide more self-ex pl anatory arrangements of on-campus tion in library use and research methodology early in their co llections. Improved shelving arrangements began to undergraduate studies. appear in several science libraries, in the Social Science ~ The lib rary's educational impact reaches beyond Ya le Library, in the Arts Library, and in Sterli ng. Much more to librarianship as a profession. We have for some time will be done as we continue to rel ieve long-standing employed two minority libra rians in a two-year residency overcrowding. program, wi th suppOrt for one residency from the Andrew ~ The multi-year conversion of card ca talog records, W. Mellon Foundation. We also host a number of interns strongly supported by the fac ul ty-led Advisory Commit­ each yea r. Several different phi lanthropic sources have tee on Library Po licy, saw as many as 2I,943machine­ su pported three- or four-month internships for librari ans readable records added monthly to Orbis, the online cata­ fro m Eastern Europe and the former USSR , while the log. By the end of FY2000, the library had converted 2.3 Kress Foundation supports an eight-month intern in million authority records and LI mill ion bibliographic the Arts Library. We have welcomed a library student records. The li brary also bega n the sysremaric conversion from the University of Lyon, Fra nce, and regularl y host of catalog records in non-roman scripts (i.e., Chinese, students from the library school at Southern Connecticut Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, and Arabic scripts). State University. Epochal Change The past decade has seen epochal change at the Yale These changes mi rror profound changes in scholarly University Library. This" has been most visible in the publishing. In the past decade, thousands of journals have renovation of Sterling Memorial Library, the Beinecke moved to online publication. This has happened in most Rare Book and Manuscript Library, and in the con­ disciplines, but in law, science, technology, and medicine struction of the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library and the mOSt of the current journal literature is now available Library Shelving Facility-a $70 million set of projects online. Changes in publishing practice have created an that has put the library at the center of the physical entirely new marketplace for scholarl y materials. Libraries renaissance of the Yale campus. Large pans of Sterling now customarily purchase access to digital resources have been gloriously resrored, bur the essential goal was through annual contracts for information delivered online· installing modern environmental controls throughout the from publishers' computers. In a radical change from the building's sixteen floors of book stacks, thereby providing print collections, libraries own almost none of the digital excelle nt preservation conditions for the collections for material used by readers. Prices have risen as publishers the fi rst time in thei r three-hundred-year history. The recover the investment necessa ry to support online pubw new music library provides magnificent library space lishing and in recognition of the extraordinarily high that mmches the distinction not only of the library's value readers place on convenient online access. collections but also of Yale's music programs. Many of The emerging digital culture of scholarly communica w the changes at the Beinecke are out of sight of readers, tion poses a number of challenges for resea rch libraries. but students and faculty will benefit from two new hand­ Among them are: some classrooms and the reference space just now being Realizing the full value of consortial action among completed. Two years of reli able operation at the Library li braries in licensing electronic resources. The new marketw Shelving Faci lity, in Hamden, have allayed concerns about place for digital publishing gives libraries, when they act access to collections.
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