2,718,456 United States Patent Office Patented Sept. 20, 1955 1. 2 high solvency for PF5 and non-reactivity therewith, the ease with which it is liquefied, and the ease with which 2,718,456 it is liquefied, and the ease with which it is removed from HEXAFLUOROPHOSPHORICACID COMPOSITIONS the reaction mixture by distillation even at atmospheric AND PRE PARATIONTHEREOF 5 pressure. Other suitable substances are thionyl fluoride Albertus J. Mulder and Willem C. Brezesinska Smithuy (SOF2), thionyl chloride (SOCl2), sulfuryl fluoride sen, Amsterdam, Netherlands, assignors to Shell Der (SO2F2), sulfuryl chloride (SO2Cl2), carbon dioxide, car velopment Company, Emeryville, Calif., a corporatioka bonyl chloride (COCl2), and carbonyl sulfide (COS). of Delaware The oxy-sulfur compounds, including sulfur oxyhalides of 0 fluorine and chlorine, constitute the preferred sub-class of No Drawing. Application March 17, 1952, solvents for practicing the invention. Serial No. 277,086 A highly suitable method for carrying out the reaction 11 Claims. (CI. 23-139) of hydrogen fluoride and phosphorus pentafluoride in accordance with the invention is to pass gaseous phos This invention relates to anhydrous hexafluorophos 5 phorus pentafluoride through a liquid mixture of hydro phoric acid compositions and the preparation thereof. gen fluoride and the selected solvent, sulfur dioxide be Heretofore it has been considered that hexafluorophos ing particularly suitable for this purpose. The tempera phoric acid could exist only as a hydrate (solid or in aque ture to be used can be chosen from a wide range, as al ous solution) and that it is incapable of independent exist ready indicated by the properties of suitable solvents. ence in the anhydrous state. It is known to produce the 20 The lower limit is the temperature at which the reaction hydrate of the acid by passing gaseous phosphorus penta mixture is still just liquid. Temperatures above room fluoride through a cooled solution of hydrogen fluoride in temperature are less attractive, on account of the de water (U. S. Patent 2,488,298). Attempts to remove the creasing stability of the hexafluorophosphoric acid and hydrate water in order to obtain the anhydrous hexafluoro increasing vapor pressures at increasing temperatures. phosphoric acid have resulted in the formation of hydro 25 In principle, however, the reaction can be carried out gen fluoride and phosphorus pentafluoride, but not of the above 20° C. Preferred temperatures lie between about anhydrous acid. Furthermore, heretofore it has been -40 C. and about -15° C. It is also important that considered that hydrogen fluoride and phosphorus penta the solvent, e. g., sulfur dioxide, be present in sufficient fluoride do not react on each other in the anhydrous quantities. When the introduction of the phosphorus 30 pentafluoride takes place at -20° C., suitable ratios by State.It is a principal object of this invention to prepare anhy weight of solvent to HF, particularly of SO2:HF, are at drous hexafluorophosphoric acid. It is another object to and above about 1:1. At a lower temperature less solvent provide an anhydrous hexafluorophosphoric acid-contain suffices than corresponds to this ratio. The higher the ing composition. A still further object is to provide an temperature, the more solvent is necessary in ratio to the efficient and effective method for the preparation of hexa 35 quantity of the HF. fluorophosphoric acid in an anhydrous condition. When sulfur dioxide is used as the reaction medium, It has now been found that phosphorus pentafluoride it is a simple matter to determine whether sufficient and hydrogen fluoride can be brought into reaction with PF5 is being introduced into the reaction mixture to bind each other in an anhydrous state in the presence of a all of the HF. For this purpose, a washing vessel con suitable inorganic solvent for both the phosphorus penta 40 taining a very dilute solution of malachite green in water fluoride and hydrogen fluoride, which solvent at tem can be connected after the reaction apparatus and in series peratures below the boiling point thereof is essentially therewith. When PF5 passes through the reaction ap non-reactive with the two reactants and is sufficiently paratus without being bound (reacted with HF), the polar to be an ionizing medium for hydrogen fluoride. green color of the malachite green disappears. Neither This solvent should have a normal boiling point no higher 45 the HF nor the SO2 affects the malachite green. than about 80° C., and preferably no higher than (i. e. After the reaction has taken place, the solvent can be below) about 20° C., in order that its removal from the removed from the reaction mixture by simple distillation. reaction mixture by distillation can be readily effected. At atmospheric pressure this distillation can take place Its boiling point should not be lower than about -80 C. at about 0° C., in the case of sulfur dioxide and solvents and preferably no lower than about -50 C. in order that 50 of about equal or greater volatility. With less volatile it can be liquefied without too great difficulty, and its solvent reduced pressure is advantageously employed to melting point should not be higher (i. e., should be lower) avoid excessive temperatures. Hexafluorophosphoric than about -50 C., preferably not higher than about acid remains behind in the form of an oily, colorless -70° C., so that low temperatures can be used without liquid. When exposed to the atmosphere this liquid the danger of solidification of the solvent. In order to 55 fumes strongly; at room temperature (25 C. or higher) exclude reaction of the solvent with either one of the it decomposes to HF and PF5 with considerable rapidity. reactants, the solvent must not be basic in character, and The following is a detailed description of an illustrative must not contain sulfide-Sulfur. On the other hand, the preparation of hexafluorophosphoric acid by the inter substance of the solvent should possess slightly acidic action of hydrogen fluoride dissolved in liquid sulfur characteristics and in the liquid state it should possess the 60 dioxide with phosphorus pentafluoride. First, SO2 was properties of an ionizing medium. It will be understood passed through concentrated H2SO4 to remove any traces that the more restricted conditions of volatility will apply of sulfur trioxide; it was then dried over phosphorus when it is desired to recover the HPF6 from the reaction pentoxide and then distilled into a V2A steel bomb. The mixture free from the reaction medium. bomb stood in an insulated cooling bath filled with alco The substances which possess the requisite properties to 65 hol-carbon dioxide with a temperature of -20° C. The be suitable for the practice of the invention are quite amount of SO2 was about one mol proportion (about 60 limited in number, being essentially oxides of Sulfur and parts by weight). Next, about three mol proportions carbon and oxyhalides of sulfur and carbon wherein the (about 60 parts by weight) of anhydrous hydrogen fluo halogen has an atomic number from 9 to 17. Sulfur ride were distilled into the same bomb, thus yielding a dioxide is particularly preferred as the reaction medium, 70 single phase solution of liquid SO2 and HF in a weight because of its effectiveness, its miscibility with hydrogen ratio of SO2 to HF of about 1:1 (for the purpose of fluoride in all ratios, without any reaction therewith, its expressing mol proportions, the formula HF is assumed 2,718,456 3 4. for hydrogen fluoride, although it is understood that it applications thereof. On the other hand, the anhydrous may be in an associated state such as represented by the HPF6, alone or in solution in the solvents as described formula H2F2). The bomb containing the SOg-HF herein for use in its preparation, is useful as condensing Solution was then connected to a V2A steel retort via a or polymerizing or esterifying catalyst in organic reac cooling spiral. The retort had previously been charged 5 tions which are advantageously carried out under an with an intimate mixture of equal parts by weight of hydrous conditions. The solvent solutions of HPF6, e.g., moisture-free chemically pure calcium fluoride and liquid SO2 solution of HPF6, which are produced in the chemically pure phosphorus pentoxide. The tempera practice of this invention, are particularly valuable for ture of the bomb and contents was lowered to -40° C. catalyzing various reactions under anhydrous conditions and the bomb connected to a washing bottle containing O where a non-oxidizing agent which possesses strongly a dilute solution of malachite green in water. The latter acidic properties and an ionizing medium are required. served as indicator for PF5, decolorizing the malachite We claim as our invention: green, as it also does methylene blue, which SO2 and HF 1. A process for the preparation of anhydrous hexa do not. After proper line purging, as will be understood, fluorophosphoric acid, which comprises effecting reaction to avoid contamination with moisture, the retort was of hydrogen fluoride with phosphorus pentafluoride in heated, first slowly, then more briskly and finally red-hot, anhydrous liquid sulfur dioxide. with the liberation of PF5 from the CaF2-P205 reaction 2. A process in accordance with claim 1, wherein gase mixture, which was passed through the cooling coil and ous phosphorus pentafluoride is passed into an anhydrous into the SO2-HF solution in the bomb. When suffi liquid mixture of hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide. cient PF5 with a slight excess had been absorbed (per 3. A process in accordance with claim 1, wherein the ceptible by the rapid decolorizing of malachite green reaction is effected at a temperature of from about -30° solution), the bomb was disconnected and the contents to about -15 C.
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