THI EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. 1:38, 8:80. 6:08, 0:30 and 10:38 3:30. 8.30 and 9:18 pm mum. wm» sa. net pm. Uptawu WHERE "South Pacific". Farfarmakct. A-12 ralaeo—“Proud Rebel"; 11:18 1:30 pm am.. 1:18. 3:30, 8:20. 7:30 and Warner "Search for Para- THE PASSING SHOW AND WHEN 0:35 pm. dise'; 8:30 pm. Current Theater AUrartiMs Playhouse—" ( Rear Window"; and Time as Showing 10:30 am.. 3.30, 6:10 and 10 «***« DANCI IMNDGI p.m. Summer Doldrums? Rise* IV LESSONS V ON TNI Plaza —“And Ood Created ' )Fga Ira* • konas • tMakg • twaae National “He Was Not . 1:10, |! Cho Cka • legiaaen • Advgtwad VIRKWAI" Woman": 11:30 a m 3:10. laelgdea 4 l.saiaa, g 4 There", pm. I SemlFelyale Prieale 8:30 8:10. 7:15 and 0:30 p.m. jl g h (lak Itanee Not These Two : I Parts#, stadia Ale CawSlMeMe. Weeks Screen Trans-Lux "The Bridge on Victor LOIS the !: dance studio ; By HARRY MmARTHUR Ambaaiadsr "Vertigo"; River Kwai”; 10 am., 13:40, 'l/M CONN AVI CO 55300 •Ur aus Wrtur 1:48. 4:18, d:4B and 9:30 pm. Whatever happened to the annual aummer doldrum* A 11 Capital "Thunder Road"; Bri Ai i when entertainment all but vaniahed? Summer Is officially 11:40 am.. 1:40.3:45.5:45.7:48 hare (ao far aa the calendar la concerned, at laaat), but the and 9:45 pm. coming aa buay any fortnight the year. i}:§ two weeks willbe aa In Columbia “Kathy O"; T Todavs«wuuj u NFIGHBORHOfIm.IUMUUI\IIUUU There will raah of openings, stage screen, I ; bCf ,T°U or un be a on and 5:45, ...] starting tomorrow night. The Olney Theater 11:50 am.. 1:50. 3:45. 7:45 launches 1U and 9:40. season tomorrow night with * *\v.yw w Dupont Holiday "; yKrtZ TO A *o .M fM /g [M Walter Abel in "Caesar and ("Time Remembered”) —"Roman rmL A and 4:10 Cleopatra." At the same time Anthony Perkins ("Look Home- 18:15. and 8:05 pm. the Ringllng Brothers and Bar- ward. Angel") with one vote Keith’s—“Peter Pan": 10:30 num Ac Bailey Circus will be each. am.. 13:15, 3:10. 4:10, 8:05. 8 Films ol More Than Routine Merit aet up at Orlfflth Stadium, to Miss Van Fleet photo and 9:55 pm. BRIVE UI TMIATEU was a "RUN RUN Clark Gable and remain through Sunday. finish winner in a closer race Mac Arthur —“The Red 81LENT. DEEP"—Submariners and Burt Lancaster in a first-rale wartime action film. Wednesday promises some with the support of four crit- the Black": 6:45 and 9:35 pm. sura cncF variety—"AttlU." Anthony Hwy with ics. Right behind her. In a dead Metropolitan —“Vertigo”; “SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BfU>THERS Howard Keel 9401 ladlaa BaaS and Sophia Loren, at Wiener of the Boi Office Blue Quinn heat for second place with three 3:15, heads a lively cast In one as the host asasteals In year*. Metropolitan Ambas- 11:50 a.m.. 4:45. 7:10 and the and votes apiece, were Lynn Fon- 9:40 pm sador Theaters: "Around the tanne ("The Visit") Anne -x%fk>v "THE BHEEPMAN'—GIenn Mickey Khaughoessy. Shir- and Bergere "; Ford. World In SO Days." In a popular Bancroft (“Two for the See- Ontario “Folies ley MacLalnc In a Western with a sente of humor. price five saw”) engagement, at . There was one support- kUP neighborhood theaters, and a er each for Brenda de Banile “WITNEBB FOR THE PROSECUTION"—MarIene Dietrich and Charles Laughton In a superior courtroom drama. t'irbrrlu,° Comtartaotr *?h.!t.' Jam festival featuring the ("The Entertainer"). Helen Table, and lore. Speaker, En- . choose your century. Lilli Dukes of Dixieland at Carter Hayes (“Time Remembered") joy Twilight Dancing an the Palmer Is on screen for only “THE YOUNG LlONS"—Marion Brando In a big and dra- Fttlo Prior la BMP Tima Barron Amphitheater. and Siobhan McKenna (“The matic film of Irwin Shaw’a panoramic Thursday 10 minutes in the film. “Mont- World War II brings the pre- Rope Dancers"). novel. * * parnasse 19." which won her , I,* miere "Oigl” for Its reserved ** Jos Rt I a. St. ¦ OKW « h4> R-um of the award for the best per- seat engagement at the Co- AND OTHERS Robert Stewart and Kim Novak In Hitch- formance by an actress at the “VERTIGO"—James a NT. VERNON OPEN AIR lumbia Theater. It also brings Preston, venturing Into new DRUMS IN THE AMPHITHEATER cock thriller Rick mend Rwy.—ta a. Akn . « "The with Oregory fields, Oene Krupa experts his Brussels Film Fair. And kltdren t ree tree RstirW.4 Bravados." won the critics' nod for is one of the In field to be Opea Peck and Joan Collins, to the his performance of the leading how do you like Princess Grace 7:3S Atari at Beak featured In the jazz concert to be offered at the H u ' ” Kelly's new short curly Capitol Theater. male role in "Music Man The halr-i S^.AJT!crE^ Carter Barron Amphitheater this week. Wednesday do? On Grace, everything looks Sluiay Warner Theatres KI THEATERS *JR The following week will see vote for best performance of a through Among Are All Air( orAIIorH. BRANDO. HOPE Saturday nights. athers-Sontributing good! *»***> a whole cluster of movie block- feminine lead in a musical ,-aavnaaMacARTHURa aawaa im will be Jack Teagarden and the Dukes of Dixieland. Olory N M j 4AOO “The Youne Uons” ( holiday be!. Bette Davis has . busters loosed on the went to Lena Horne in "Ja- AMBASSADOR 'Ts'iV •tendhal THE RED AND THE At 9:30. lost a packet of weight. So CO. A-ASOA. Alfred Hitchcock** BLACK ißoute et Noln. at 0:46 I Kirk Douglas' "The Vik- maica." " Walt DUney's trade. James Stewart. M Short Subject, at '"LAPLAND.” have I. The filmed piece did “VERTIGO Kim fH . At R ings" comes to Keith's and Variety poll winners for best I W»«k. 1:40. «:lA. 8:45 a 0:3i"?.d and 0.05 FJI. 50. for the Bob Cummings show :20._ Prank Sinatra's "Kings Qo supporting players were Eileen 4,11 **«• **• WO 4-4500 made me get down to the diet. AVAI ON wo - •¦**••• APEX Forth” to the Palace on July Heckart (naturally) of “The nTHLIia 5612 Caal. Are N.W. Naa Forking S. The next day, “No Time for Dark at the Top of the Stairs," This segment won’t be seen “THI TOD NO LIONS." Marlon LEE HWV.-AIL. BLVD •raoda, 8:00. 6:60. a n.V ” Sergeants.” with Andy Grif- Henry until this fall—so don't hold It MARTIN In "THE YOUNO LIONS DRltk-IN tHEATEB JE 3-PAPP and Jones. The latter atJ 00. 3:46. 0:40 and 0:35 PM | Batweea 7 Ceraara and Falrfas Metropoli- plays McHenry against me then. I plan to be u- 3-3300. lAta a r Clrele tnlraare. I.ee Hwy at ks- fith. arrives at the Louis, Howe, a BLTUUiI¦rural V HntUn (Via R 4 I , pencil-elim by September. tta. N.B. Free Parkins LANCLEV* N.H.Ava.tUnN.Mvd. Bird flallaw. tan and Ambassador, and "The familiar figure around here HOLLYWOOD Marlon HI. 4 3700 one “THI TODNO LIONS." u Key.” with Sophia Loren and time, in "Sunrise at Campo- Brando; 5.30. K ;lO nr /"ÜBS- William Holden, opens at the bello." mi By SHEILAH GRAHAM . rat me rt. a-aoaa. isi« THB ROAR Ontario. A sizable segment of this 11 SHOW TONIGHT I VJIIaVUtI Wlacoaaln Ava. N.W. OF Free Parkins THK TODNO “The Young Lions” ol PM, ” Wednetday. Amphitheater panel . “AROUND" Carter Barron of voting critics elected |B*N- |jp 6:30 ONLY g] LIONS Marlon Brando. 9. » 56. I tlfl** I WILL ECHO I THE WORLD IN SO DAYS „ FOREVER I MARLON BRANDO MONT has another ballot attraction not to see a bright future for BBMPwr-.-. ***• ms rnrron 0-*S4i. as* nth CLIFT. CBcope. at 10:75 Only that week, this one our own new players on the Broadway IrUiaairi, N.W. Near Parkins Flower Aw AFiaayt, Fa • FLOWER Barret Outlaw gmplri, Washington Ballet, with Alicia Six of them refused THB KINO AND FOUR OUIENB." 511 sog Md IU I <464 "THE LONE HAND." scene. Life On A Yacht Clark liable. 12:20 3*5. 6:26, | Last 2 Days. ! 00 Alonso. Igor Youskevitch and ASA: SOPHIA LOREN. JOEL McCREA Color. 0 even to name a most promising "INDIAN FIGHTER." Kirk ANTHONY PERKINS In Euarne Open 7:30. HOLLYWOOD —Young Gen. office boy. Diana Dors has DsoAsa. t 00. Modern Cafeteria Frederic Franklin as guest actor. for U3Tt mT+M. O'NNirt "DESIRE UNDER THE Children Under 12 Free. new Two voted Bert Rafael Trujillo is leaving Holly- her long-pending di- ELMS, at 7:2n and 0:30 P.M. stars, starting June 30. (“Blue dismissed (Short aubjecu at_7:ils. jP.M.) Brlnckerhoff Denim"), live aURUM Kennedy 81. N.W. H I ** * * wood to on his yacht at vorce suit against ex-manager- Wk'‘ A'° which put him in the lead, but TOO MUCH. TOO SOON." DORO- aaawst S BROADWAY San Pedro, because of the con- mate Dennis Hamilton. But THY MALONE. (1:00, 0:40; "CHASE NATLOR 40 2 «noo BEST An- not One " QUEENS CHAPEL far. vote each went to tinuing A CROOKED SHADOW 0:10 Last 2 Day*.
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