RAHtar HJBUC uiBiuar - AJHJLT DEPT U75 SI. CEOflOE A»£. ***** DEPT. RAOTAT, N.J. RAHWAY tttnb New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822 VOL 162 NO. 25 RAHWAY. NEW JERSEVi THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1984 USPS 454-160 20 CENTS Slate could have final say on waste plant By R. R. Faszczewskl of the draft proposal which Mr. Fulcomer also said Fourth Ward Council- whereas the differential had However, the Second Despite the feelings of said the plant could provide the emergency management man Harvey Williams add- been as high a* 11 to 25% Ward representative did say Rahway residents either for storage of up to four days' coordinator should get aed the chief had not been before that. " a survey he did of munici- or against the proposed supply of garbage. smaller salary, as should the the chief of the department palities of similar size a* resource-recovery plant in . He also told officials they director of law. for his full time of service Although lie objected to Rahway around the county the city the state could step should tell the county Rah- He added the city clerk, with the city and the busi- -tne-fact the assistant public had shown the city to be in at any time and ten the way did not want a plant who is also the clerk for the ness administrator deserved works superintendent was pretty much in line with the city it has to locate the plant which would process 347 Alcoholic Beverage Control a much larger salary beca- paid $5,000 eXttaofor being others. here. million tons of garbage but Board, should get paid less use he runs the entire city the supervisor of the water The mayor told Council- That was the consensus would only settle for afor the second position administration, whereas the department, ' Councilman man Marsh by combining of opinion among city offi- smaller one with garbage because he performs much chief runs only one depart- Marsh said he though over- the public works and water cials and some residents brought in from the imme- of the work for the bever- ment. all Rahway could afford to department position three- who spoke at the June 13 diate area. age control board during his Mr. Hartnett pointed out pay neither the highest nor fifths of a salary had been MAKING IT OFFICIAL • Presenting the 1084 Mtoa Rahwey Recreation Trophtaa la City Council session, altho- Mr, Ludmer urged a full normal work day as the city the chief gets double the the lowest salaries in the saved. Su0 Baumann, left, the twining program director, with Suzanne HKyard, second from ugh the officials felt it was discussion of the matter clerk. longevity pay the business county. The salary ordinance left. Miss Rahway Recreation DepL Baton TwMer of 1984. and Melnda Lamb, second unlikely the state would in- before the City Council Responding to Council- administrator does. On the average, the itself was introduced unan- from right, the first runnerup.. with Nohard Gritschka, right, the superintendent of tervene in the matter. now and objected to the man Fulcomer's comments He added it was unani- councilman added, in 1981 imously and it will be up for recreation " . ' Responding to a question limitation of discussion on about the business ad- mously recommended by a when he was on the person- public bearing and possible from Eddie Smith of 1280 waste discovery to objec- ministrator's salary. Mayor City Council personnel nel committee he had «een final adoption at a special Clark St. as to whether any tions to the comments of Daniel L. Martin said the committee, made up of offi- people in most positions in meeting to be held on Mon- combination of events one councilman on the mat- chief of police gets longevi- cials from both political par- the city didn't make as day June 25, at 8 p.m. could bring the plant to ter. ty pay, which actually cuts ties, in 1981 that there be a much as those in equivalent Rahway without the con- He added the fact no dis- down the differential bet- 10* differential between positions in industry and he '"Good resolutions ara ilm- sent of residents and of- cussion is taking place ween the two salaries to 2 to the salaries of the admin- found the same situation ply chackt that man -draw existed today. on • bank whara thay hava ficials. Council attorney. might lead to charges of 3%. istrator and the chief. no account." Oicar Wllda Louis Rainone, said the non-feasance in office state would have to getagainst city officials. J f public comment on the Responding to comments j.) plant proposal, but could by Mr. Lawrence that the still go ahead with forcing county draft proposal had the construction of thetoo many sections which waste-to-energy facility if it made it seem .certain (he Fulcomer survives .,. so desired. facility was rcqming to However, Mr. Rainone Rahwayand— ^^" . my mjght -haw. overihti construction of the facility nett reminded the resident if Rahway should say it did- the booklet issued by the n't want it was uncertain at county was only a draft of the proposal sent out to this time. Although there was an Mr. Smith replied since municipalities for review However the Sixth Ward and comment, not a final attempt to unseat Railway's representative was re- the state could tell the city long-time Republican chair- what to do about the facili- document. elected by a margin of 30 to The administrator added man. Sixth Ward Council- 12. ._ TOP I WIHLfcHS - At the Hahway Dap*, "a 24th Annual Baton Twirling Ex- ty in any case Rahway sho- man-James J. Fulcomer. at uld give the state an aware- Mr-Lawrence should read hbltlon held on May 7 the Marfean Thpm Memorial Award and the Mary Ann Zwlebel the GOP reorganization Memorial Award wertUXMented to two twlriere who have ahown outstanding qualKlea ness of what it .wants so the the city's response to the meeting on June 11, the in- Elected with Mr. Ful- city will at least have its draft and that would pro- comer were Helen Mackow above the normal expectations throughout the baton twirling 1984 season. Jill Breza, cumbent leaders in both the left, the winner of the Marijean Thorn Memorial Award, la shown with Kathy Pierce, veice heard in the matter. bably answer many of his city's major political parties as the vice chairwoman, Another resident, Alonzo objections. center, the advanced twirlng supervisor, and Qlennysha Jurado, the winner of the easily retained their posi- John Stopka as the second Mary Ann Zwlebel Memorial Award. W. Lawrence of 1343 Mad- Introduced at the mee-tions. ison Ave., said Mr. Rainone ting was the 1984 salary or- vice chairman, Mrs. Tina The Democrats again Knox as the treasurer, Ab- Should look-into the statutes dinance. 1 to see exactly what rights An attempt by Sixth selected Councilman-at- by Hersch as the recording the city lias. Ward Republican Council- > Large Vincent P. Addona secretary, Roberta Cohen Police issue man James J. Fulcomer to | as their leader. as the assistant recording •• Mr. Rainone replied the | An attempt was made by secretary, William Ulrich as city only has as much con- separate the measure into two sections-one for th!e forces led by Second Ward the corresponding secre- trol over its own destiny as I Republican Councilman tary, Carol Hersch as the fireworks warning the state gives it since the ci- management employes and J. Fulcomer one for other workers, was i John C. Marsh and former county delegate, Katherine. Vincent P. Addona A spokesman for theand/or imprisoned for six ty 4s only considered a crea- I local GOP • official. Terri Fulcomer as the first alter- lire of state government, defeated along party lines, Rahway Police Dept. wish- months. Anyone found us- with Second Ward Council- ! Malone, to, oust Council- nate delegate and Evelyn Mr. Doone was also ap- chairwoman, Catherine ed everyone "A safe'and en- ing fireworks can be fined j'Business Administrator man Fulcomer from the Wilson, Theresa Ulrich, pointed sergeant-at-arms. Lehr of Linden, for her Joseph M. Hartnett explain- man John C. Marsh and joyable Fourth of July." up to. $500 and/or impri- First Ward Councilman chairmanship and replace William Knox and Edward Mr. Addona ran unop- 44th year; second vice cha- He reminded parents soned for up to 30 days. ed since the state delegated him by Joseph LoPiccolo of Doone as the other alter- posed for his party post, irman, William Wolfe of ft»-control over solid-waste Lawrence Bodine joining "fireworks" are a hazard to Police departments' are the Second Ward. nates. joining him on the Demo- Rahway; third vice chair- the health, safety and wel- • disposal of 22 solid-waste Councilman Fulcomer in cratic side, also uncon- man, Charles Walano of often criticized for en- , districts it could step in at support of dividing the fare of their family as well forcing the firework stat- tested, were: Alex Shipley, Clark; fourth vice chair- as being illegal under New. / any time to spell out what question. treasurer; Betty West, woman, Helen Miller of utes. Remember in a Demo-, / should be done. The reason he asked for Jersey statutes 21: 2-1 and cratic Republic the police recording secretary, and Plainfield;-fifth vice chair- 21:3-1. ,'!'However, another resi- the vote, according to Dinah Gabel,' correspond- woman. Bertha Fagan- of enforce laws inacted by its <tent, Carl Ludmer of 537 Councilman Fulcomer, was ing secretary. Elizabeth; secretary, Julie Store owners were re- citizenry.
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