http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt696nf3dz No online items Finding aid for the German Theater and Movie programs 0077 USC Libraries Special Collections Doheny Memorial Library 206 3550 Trousdale Parkway Los Angeles, California, 90089-0189 213-740-5900 [email protected] 2001 March 7 Finding aid for the German 0077 1 Theater and Movie programs 0077 Title: German theater and movie programs Collection number: 0077 Contributing Institution: USC Libraries Special Collections Language of Material: German Physical Description: 1.0 Linear feet4 boxes Date (inclusive): 1929-1937 Abstract: The collection consists predominantly of theater, cabaret, opera, and movie programs from European German-speaking countries, 1929-1937. Arrangement The finding aid is arranged by theater (if known) and by city (if known), with entries for each program listing title of work (music, play, or film if known) and author/composer/director (if known) Conditions Governing Access COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE. Advance notice required for access. Preferred Citation [Box/folder# or item name], German Theater and Movie programs, Collection no. 0077, Special Collections, USC Libraries, University of Southern California Separated materials The USC Cinema and Television Library received the collection of the periodical, Film-Kurier. Scope and Content The collection consists predominantly of theater, cabaret, opera, and movie programs, 1929-1937, from European German-speaking countries along with a small number from New York City and Prague, Czechoslovakia. The largest number is from Berlin, but other German towns, as well as Vienna and Zurich, are represented. Also included is a small number of German film magazines. The programs reflect cultural life in both the last years of the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi rule. Conditions Governing Use All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Manuscripts Librarian. Permission for publication is given on behalf of Special Collections as the owner of the physical material and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained. Processing history Original inventory compiled by Robert J. Rohrbacher. Subjects and Indexing Terms Ephemera Motion pictures--Germany--20th century--Archival resources Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.)--Germany--20th century--Archival resources Opera--Austria--20th century--Archival resources Opera--Germany--20th century--Archival resources Programs (documents) Theater--Austria--20th century--Archival resources Theater--Germany--20th century--Archival resources Theater--Switzerland--20th century--Archival resources Agnes-Straub-Theater, Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 4 Der Fall Claasen, Erich Ebermayer, undated Akademie-Theater, Vienna, Austria Box 3, Folder 6 Anatol, Arthur Schnitzler, 1932 February 05 General Physical Description note: 2 p. of Pressestimmen laid in. Box 3, Folder 6 Der lacherliche Sir Anthony, H.G. Tennyson Holme, 1937 February 13 Box 3, Folder 6 Die Madchenjahre einer Konigin, Sil-Bara, 1935 June 04 General Physical Description note: Pamphlet for 1935 Arbeits-Anleihe laid in. Finding aid for the German 0077 2 Theater and Movie programs 0077 Anna Dengg's Original Tegernseer Bauerntheater, Munich, Germany Box 3, Folder 8 Die verkehrte Braut, Phil Weichand, undated General Physical Description note: Fragment. Atrium, Berlin, Germany Box 4, Folder 7 Der Schlemihl, Max Nosseck, 1931 November 27 Box 4, Folder 7 Mein Leopold, Hans Steinhoff, 1931 December 18 Box 4, Folder 7 Melodie der Liebe, Georg Jacoby, 1932 April 26 Box 4, Folder 7 Wer nimmt die Liebe ernst…, Erich Engel, 1931 September 28 AWA Theatre, New York, NY Box 4, Folder 2 Valeska Gert in a program of theatre and dance caricatures, 1936 December 06 General Physical Description note: 2 copies. Bayerisches Staatstheater. Prinz-Regenten-Theater, Munich, Germany Box 3, Folder 8 Munchner Fasching, oder, Der Metzgersprung, Richard Elchinger, 1929 April 6 Box 4, Folder 3 Dantons Tod, Georg Buchner, 1929 July 04 Berliner Sportpalast, Berlin, Germany Box 4, Folder 4 Internationales 100-km-Mannschafts-Rennen, 1932 September 11 Scope and Content Bicycle races. Box 4, Folder 4 Wohltatigkeitsfest der Sportpresse, 1931 October 28 Scope and Content Sporting events. Berliner Theater, Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 1 Avantgarde, Valentin Kataev, undated General Physical Description note: On cover: Gruppe Junger Schauspieler. Box 3, Folder 1 Die fur Frankfurter, Carl Rossler, 1929 April 26 General Physical Description note: Cover missing. Box 3, Folder 1 Die Jungens von Mons, Friedrich Wolf, undated Box 3, Folder 1 Helden, Bernard Shaw, 1929 March 21 Blauer Vogel, Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 4 Vom Alex bis Zoo: Berliner Querschnitt in 7 Stadtbahn-Stationen und December Bildern, Curt Alexander and Erich Einegg, 1931 Bonbonniere und Eremitage, Germany Box 2, Folder 8 Various, 1929 July Bundestheater, Vienna, Austria Box 3, Folder 10 Repertoire der Bundestheater, 1934 May 16-31 General Physical Description note: Fragment. Burger-Theater, Vienna, Austria Box 3, Folder 10 Madel aus Wien, Joe Gribitz and Fritz Gerold and Heinrich Josef Strecker (Music), undated Burgtheater, Vienna, Austria Box 3, Folder 5 Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, 1934 April 25 General Physical Description note: Fragment. Box 3, Folder 5 Konig Richard III., William Shakespeare, 1934 May 12 General Physical Description note: One flyer with schedule of Bundestheater laid in. Finding aid for the German 0077 3 Theater and Movie programs 0077 Box 3, Folder 5 Maria Baschkirtzeff, Ernst Andai and Ludwig Balint, 1935 May 30 General Physical Description note: Pamphlet for 1935 Arbeits-Anleihe laid in. Box 3, Folder 5 Timon, Ferdinand Bruckner, 1932 February 03 General Physical Description note: Fragment. Capitol am Zoo, Berlin, Germany Box 4, Folder 7 Berlin-Alexanderplatz: die Geschichte vom Franz Biberkopf, Phil Jutzi, 1931 October 08 Box 4, Folder 7 Funf von der Jazzband, Erich Engel, 1932 April 12 Carows Lach-Buhne, Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 9 Various, 1931 November 16-30 Casino Theater, New York, NY Box 4, Folder 2 Various, undated Scope and Content Films: Ein Liebesroman im Hause Habsburg and Knockout. Corso-Theater, Zurich, Switzerland Box 3, Folder 9 Adieu Mimi, Alexander Engel and Julius Horst and Ralph Benatzky (Music), 19?? December 16-19?? November 1 Das Theater der hoheren Schulen e.V., Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 8 Einen Jux will er sich machen, Johann Nestroy, 1932 January 9, 1932 January 13-31, 1932 February 1 Deutsches Kunstlertheater, Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 2 Abgemacht - Kuss! (Embrassez-moi), Tristan Bernard, undated Box 3, Folder 2 Bezauberndes Fraulein, Ralph Benatzky, undated Box 3, Folder 2 Heimat, Hermann Sudermann, undated General Physical Description note: On cover: Theater der Schauspieler. Box 3, Folder 2 Lady Fanny, Theo Mackeben and Erik Ernst and Peter Hell, circa 1933 General Physical Description note: Spielzeit 1933/34. Box 3, Folder 2 Minna von Barnhelm, oder, Das Soldatengluck, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1931 April 16 Box 3, Folder 2 Polnische Wirtschaft, Jean Gilbert, undated Box 3, Folder 2 Prosit Gipsy!, Robert Gilbert, undated General Physical Description note: Fragment. Box 3, Folder 12 Der Biberpelz, Gerhart Hauptmann, 1932 January 19 Scope and Content Direktion: Victor Barnowsky. Spielzeit 1931/32. Box 3, Folder 12 Die Rosenbraut, Franz Michael Pelzer, circa 1931 General Physical Description note: Part of cover missing. Scope and Content Direktion: Victor Barnowsky. September 1931. Box 3, Folder 11 Faust: der Tragodie I. Teil, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, undated Scope and Content Fragment. Direktion: Victor Barnowsky, Finding aid for the German 0077 4 Theater and Movie programs 0077 Box 3, Folder 11 Nina, Bruno Frank, November 1931 General Physical Description note: Cover missing. Scope and Content Direktion: Victor Barnowsky. Box 3, Folder 11 Roulette, Ladislaus Fodor, undated General Physical Description note: Fragment. Scope and Content Direktion: Victor Barnowsky. Box 3, Folder 12 Roulette, Ladislaus Fodor, 1932 February 19 General Physical Description note: Cover missing. Direktion: Victor Barnowsky. Spielzeit 1931/32. Deutsches Opernhaus, Berlin, Germany Box 2, Folder 16 Tannhauser, Richard Wagner, 1934 September 14 Deutsches Theater, Berlin, Germany Box 3, Folder 7 Androklus und der Lowe, Bernard Shaw, undated Box 3, Folder 13 Antonius und Cleopatra, William Shakespeare, 1931 December 11 General Physical Description note: Fragment. Box 3, Folder 7 Candida, Bernard Shaw, undated Box 3, Folder 7 Coriolan, William Shakespeare, undated Box 3, Folder 7 Das grosse Welttheater, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, 1933 March 01 Box 3, Folder 3 Der erste Fruhlingstag, Dodie Smith, undated Box 3, Folder 3 Der Hauptmann von Kopenick, Carl Zuckmayer, 1931 March 24 General Physical Description note: Fragment. Box 3, Folder 3 Der Hauptmann von Kopenick, Carl Zuckmayer, undated General Physical Description note: Cover missing. Box 3, Folder 15 Der Raub der Sabinerinnen, Franz von Schonthan and Paul von Schonthan, 1931 December 31 Scope and Content Die Reinhardt-Buhnen. Box 3, Folder 3 Die Fledermaus, Johann Strauss, undated General Physical Description note: Fragment. Box 3, Folder 15 Die Gefangene, Edouard Bourdet, undated General Physical Description note: Cover missing. Scope and Content Die Reinhardt-Buhnen. Box 3, Folder 3 Die Journalisten, Gustav Freytag, 1932 May 12 Box 3, Folder 7 Die Jungfrau von Orleans,
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