not one of those at issue,” Bess told the web sleuths, DANE COUNTY ORDINANCE EXTENDS admitting that he didn’t “know that for a fact”if it was DOMESTIC PARTNER BENEFITS his book Sarah was after. The website noted that no records of any formal Amendment Establishes Partner Registry, Requires County Contractors To Offer Equal Benefits removal process for any library began at Palin’s Madison - In what some are calling a historic deci - provide a "cash equivalent" if it is practically unable instigation. However, the political truth seekers sion,the Dane County Board voted September 19 to to provide the actual benefit. may not have considered the kind of pressure a require companies that contract with the country for Gay civil rights leaders applauded the passage. town’s top official can put on a city employee just a minimum of $5,000 in services must offer health “Fair Wisconsin strongly supported the passage of by bringing up the subject. In any case, PolitiFact benefits to their employees' domestic partners. The this fair-minded legislation,” Executive director said rated the incident “half true.” ordinance amendment mirrors county policy that of - in a prepared statement. “It is important to note that fers domestic partner benefits to its own employees. this ordinance only requires equal treatment. It does Judge Rules Florida’s Gay Adoption Ban Is The amendment had 23 co-sponsors and passed on not mandate domestic partner coverage if an em - Unconstitutional: Monroe Circuit Court Judge a voice vote. The policy will be implemented through ployer does not offer spousal benefits. It doesn't in - David J. Audlin, Jr. ruled Florida's 31-year-old gay the creation of a county level domestic partner reg - crease benefits, it only includes in an existing plan adoption ban "unconstitutional" in Miami Septem - istry for same-sex or other non-married domestic part - those who have been unfairly left out in the past.” ber 10. Audlin’s ruling allows an openly gay Key ners who can demonstrate that they have been in a Carlson characterized the ordinance as “the first step West foster parent to adopt a teenage boy he has committed relationship for 90 days or more. Madison to achieving equality for ALL of Wisconsin families.” raised since 2001. has offered a similar partner registry since 1990. The Primary ordinance sponsor Supervisor Kyle Rich - Declaring the adoption to be in the boy's "best in - measure takes effect December 1, following its intro - mond believes that the ordinance will make Dane terest," the judge said the Florida law forbidding gays duction last July after almost a year in preparation. County a leader in domestic partner benefits. "It will and lesbians from adopting children is contrary to the In addition to health benefits, the ordinance requires be another reason to be proud to work in Dane state constitution because it singles out a group for contracting entities to include any other plan, pro - County," he told the Capital Times . punishment. gram or policy offered as part of the employer's total Trade union representatives had voiced opposition At the heart of the case was a 13-year-old boy with compensation package, including bereavement to the measure, holding the position that the law will learning disabilities and special needs placed by the leave, family medical leave, sick leave, disability in - put the unions at a competitive disadvantage and Department of Children and Families in the two- surance, life insurance, membership discounts, mov - hinder collective bargaining. An amendment to elim - story home of a Key West foster father. A home study ing expenses, pension and retirement benefits and inate collective bargaining from the ordinance failed by a social worker "highly" recommended the travel benefits. An employer also has the option to on a 26-8 vote. guardian and his partner be allowed to adopt the boy, saying the two men provided a "loving and nurturing WORLD & NATIONAL NEWS: Out” ex-gay rally in neighboring Anchorage. home," provided "fair and consistent" discipline and What has now come to light is the book Sarah are financially secure, the order said. QNU Bi-Weekly Update Barracuda wants banned was tome written by a Here are just some of the gay stories from gay Christian pastor. ACLU Says Kentucky McDonald’s Has around the nation and around the world After some digging, the truth-seeking website Anti-Gay Slurs On The Menu: The American that you may have missed since the last PolitiFact.com found out the hushed-up history of Civil Liberties Union allege two men were the ob - print issue of Quest. Don’ t forget: you can “Pastor, I’m Gay” from the author himself, ject of anti-gay slurs at a McDonald's restaurant near catch up on all the latest every day online Howard Bess. Bess is the openly-gay former pas - downtown Louisville, Kentucky in a complaint filed tor of the Church of the Covenant in nearby with the local human relations commission there on the QNU: Quest News Update page at” Palmer, Alaska. He recalled that his book chal - September 19. According to the complaint, Ryan www.quest-online.com. lenging Christians to re-examine their ideas about Marlatt and Teddy Eggers and three friends stopped and prejudices against gays and lesbians was not for lunch July 26 at the McDonald's on East Market Republican VP Pick Wanted Gay Christian well received in Wasilla when it was published in Street while visiting Louisville. Book Out Of Library: Among the many charges 1995 - the year before Palin was elected mayor. While waiting for their food, they allege, they heard made about Alaska Governor and McCain running According to Bess’ account on PolitiFact, virtu - a female employee behind the counter refer to them mate Sarah Palin has been that she was pro-censor - ally every book store in Wasilla refused to sell it. as "faggots." They asked to speak with a manager ship, trying to ban books from the Wasilla library However the pastor donated two copies to the and, while they were waiting for the supervisor, the while she was the tiny town’s mayor. It’s also been Wasilla Library, but they quickly disappeared, so employee who uttered the slur began arguing with pointed out that Palin’s Assembly of God church has he provided more copies. them and repeatedly referred to them using deroga - been actively encouraging Hell-bound homos to “Knowing Sarah’s religious connections and the tory and anti-gay terms, they said. When the super - “pray away the gay” at an upcoming “Love Won people involved, I would be surprised if my book was visor arrived she said she didn't see the employee's statements as “a big deal.” After further hang ups from local management GAY POLITICO WATCH: and no response from corporate higher ups, NEVERENDING STORY EDITION ACLU filed the complaint. Marlatt and Eggers It's pushing Autumn which means disgraced gay Re - "There did not appear to be probable cause that a want an apology, a refund of the $28 the five men publicans are back in the news. Wide standing Sen - crime was committed," the report said. The report also spent on their order and appropriate disciplinary ator Larry Craig still tries to dance his way out of his noted that a federal investigation had been closed last action against the employee. airport toe-tapping and former Brown County GOP July. State prosecutors later advised Foley's attorney Chair Don Fleischman sees his plea deal dissolve but then that the former congressman would not face fed - it s good new for page loving Mark Foley as Florida's eral charges according to an Associated Press story. criminal probe ends without charges filed. Florida law enforcement had been investigating al - In Minneapolis Larry Craig's (R-Idaho) attorney once leged electronic communication between Foley and again argued to have the Senator's disorderly conduct an underage page, Jordan Edmund. The instant mes - conviction thrown out for lack of evidence during ar - sages were purportedly sent in February 2003 from guments before the state Court of Appeals September Pensacola. Authorities were seeking to determine if 11. Craig was not present for the hearing. Foley broke the law by sending lewd or seductive Attorney Billy Martin claimed that Craig's conduct - messages to minors, or whether he tried to arrange a which added him to a list of over forty men who were meeting for sex with a minor. pinched in the June 2007 sex sting - did not constitute According to the report even if authorities had be - criminal behavior. Martin asserted that that Craig's be - lieved a crime may have been committed it likely havior didn't meet the standard for disorderly conduct would not have been bale to be prosecuted because because the law requires behavior to affect others. The there were no original records of the 'instant mes - three-judge panel vigorously questioned Martin, who sages' received by Edmund. had fifteen minutes to make his case. Florida authorities noted the case took a long time to Craig sought to withdraw the plea after his toe-tap - close, in part because Foley refused to allow investigators ping became a public scandal several months after to examine his congressional computer hard drives. The he had pled guilty by mail and paid his fine. Hen - computers and their contents are protected as privileged nepin County District Court Judge Charles Porter material, and only Foley could release them. Gay Olympic Hero Gets His Own Postage later declined Craig's request and the senator ap - Stamp: Australia immortalized its gold medallists at pealed.
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