![United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,368,832 Buckholtz Et A1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
USOO5368832A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,368,832 Buckholtz et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Nov. 29, 1994 [54] ZERO DISCI'IARGE PRQCESS FOR 4,330,515 5/1982 Campbell .......................... .. 423/316 MANUFACI'URING OF PHOSPHOROUS 4,380,531 4/1983 Wisnouskas ....................... .. 423/316 ACID AND HYPOPHOSPHOROUS ACID FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] 1I1v¢m°rs= HWY E- Buckh‘?tz, Lewiswn; 0007493 2/1980 European Pat. Off. .......... .. 423/317 Mohan S. Saran, Grand Island, both 254166 11/1986 Japan _ Of N.Y.; Frederick C. Leiterf, 7900920 11/1979 WIPO ............................... .. 423/316 Madison; David A. Flautt, Ashtabula, both of Ohio Primary iExaminer-Michael Lewis Assistant Examiner—-Stephen G. Kalinchak [73] Assignee: gggiggg?gg? Corporation’ gltltglrgey, Agent, or Firm-Wayne A. Jones; Richard D. [21] Appl. No.: 711,841 [57] ' ABS Cr [22] Flled' : Jun . 7 ’ 1991 Dlsclosed. 1s. a method of making. phosphorous acid. or [51] Int. Cl.5 .................. .. C01B 25/165; COlB 25/163 hypophosphomus acid by reacting hydrogen chloride U:S. C1. ................................... .. 423/ 316; 423/ 317 with a sodium phosphite or a sodium hypophosphite’ [58] Field of Search ............. .. 423/ 167, 307, 316, 317, respectively, in the presence of water to precipitate 423/321 R sodium chloride crystals and form the acid. The acid is [56] References Cited separated from the sodium chloride crystals and-can be US PATENT DOCUMENTS passed through amon exchange column that 1s pref erably loaded with phosphite or hypophosphite lons, 2,595,198 4/1952 Leffore et a1. ............ .. 423/316 respectively, to remove'residual chloride ions_ 2,711,388 6/1955 Mottern et a1. 423/317 4,248,846 2/ 1981 Hill ................................ .. 423/317 4,278,647 7/1981 Jodden et a1. ..................... .. 423/307 8 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet 18 4 17 1 5 r 10 12 16 -> + 11 14 \ \ \ 15 3 6 8 13 US. Patent Nov. 29, 1994 5,368,832 5,368,832 1 2 charge process. The process requires comparatively ZERO DISCHARGE PROCESS FOR small amounts of capital, principally because the anion MANUFACTURING OF PHOSPHOROUS ACID exchanger can be relatively small. The salt or brine that AND HYPOPHOSPHOROUS ACID is produced is of such high purity that it can be used in a chlor-alkali plant for making chlorine/ caustic soda or BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sodium chlorate. Alternatively, the salt can, with little This invention relates to a process for manufacturing or no treatment, be suitable for food grade uses. phosphorous acid or hypophosphorous acid from a Another advantage of the process of this invention is sodium phosphite or sodium hypophosphite, respec that it uses relatively inexpensive materials. Hydrochlo tively. In particular, it relates to the reaction of a so 10 ric acid is often produced as a by-product of other man dium phosphite or sodium hypophosphite with hydro ufacturing processes and is relatively inexpensive. If gen chloride to precipitate sodium chloride and form phosphorous acid is being made, the starting material phosphorous acid or hypophosphorous acid, respec can be sodium phosphite, which can be made by react tively, which can be puri?ed by anion exchange. ing sodium carbonate with calcium phosphite. Calcium Phosphorous acid, H3PO3, has a number of industrial 15 phosphite is a by-product produced in the manufacture applications including as an intermediate in the manu of sodium hypophosphite, and has heretofore been dis facture of water treatment sequestrants, and drilling posed of as an industrial waste. ?uid components in selected down-hole oil well appli cations, and for use in pH adjustments in the sodium BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING hypophosphite process. Phosphorous acid is usually 20 The accompanying drawing is a block diagram illus produced by reacting water with phosphorus trichlo trating a certain presently preferred embodiment of the ride, but that is an expensive process due to the high process of this invention. cost of phosphorus trichloride. Phosphorous acid can also be derived as a by-product of reactions that pro DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED duce alkyl chlorides, but phosphorous acid made by 25 EMBODIMENT those processes is contaminated with organic materials, The following description will be for a process of which reduces its value or requires downstream organic making hypophosphorous acid. The process for making removal steps. phosphorous acid is similar except that the starting Hypophosphorous acid, H3PO2, also has a number of material is a sodium phosphite instead of sodium hypo industrial applications such as, for example, in making phosphite and anion exchange is usually not needed. polymer stabilizers and veterinary medicines, and as a reducing agent for the precipitation of metal ions from In the drawing, sodium hypophosphite from line 1 solution, converting them to elemental metals. Hypo and hydrochloric acid from line 2 are reacted in reactor phosphorous acid can be made by reacting sulfuric acid 3 to produce sodium chloride and hypophosphorous with sodium hypophosphite, which produces hypo 35 acid. The reaction mixture can be concentrated by phosphorous acid and sodium sulfate. That process evaporating water through line 4, which results in addi requires refrigeration to a temperature of about —40° C. tional precipitation of the sodium chloride. The slurry in order to precipitate the sodium sulfate. The hypo of sodium chloride crystals in a solution of hypophos phosphorous acid liquor must then be treated with bar phorous acid passes through line 5 to ?lter 6 which ium to precipitate any residual sulfate ions as barium separates the sodium chloride crystals from the solution sulfate. These procedures add considerably to the cost of hypophosphorous acid. The crystals can be washed of producing hypophosphorous acid, and result in the with hydrochloric acid from line 7 to remove any resid~ need to dispose of barium sulfate “mud” and hydrated ual hypophosphorous acid. The wash liquor is collected forms of sodium sulfate. in line 8 is and is stored in tank 9 for recycling to reactor Hypophosphorous acid can also be made by passing 45 3. Salt on ?lter 6 can be removed from the ?lter as sodium hypophosphite through a cation exchange col crystals, or it can be dissolved with water or unsatu umn, where sodium is exchanged for hydrogen. This rated brine to form a brine product suitable for uses process requires a very large cation exchange column, such as in the chlor-alkali industry. and also generates an aqueous waste stream that con The solution of hypophosphorous acid then passes tains phosphorus, which is dif?cult to dispose of. 50 through line 10, three-way valve 11, and line 12 into anion exchange column 13 where any chloride remain SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ing in solution is exchanged by anion exchange column We have discovered an inexpensive and environmen 13. The product hypophosphorous acid leaves anion tally preferable method of making phosphorous acid or exchange column 13 through line 14, three-way valve hypophosphorous acid. In the process of this invention, 55 15, and line 16. sodium phosphite, sodium dihydrogen phosphite, or Regeneration of anion exchange column 13 can be , sodium hypophosphite is treated with hydrogen chlo accomplished by turning valve 11 to shut off flow ride, which results in the precipitation of sodium chlo through line 10 and permit ?ow through line 17, and ride, which is removed by ?ltration. The ?ltrate can be turning valve 15 to stop ?ow through line 16 and permit passed through an anion exchange resin to remove re 60 ?ow through line 18. Sodium hydroxide is then passed sidual chloride. The products of the process are phos through line 17 to replace the chloride or hypophos phorous acid or hypophosphorous acid and sodium phite ions on the anion exchange column with hydroxyl chloride or brine solution. Because the anion exchange ions. The water and sodium chloride and sodium hypo resin can be regenerated with dilute sodium hydroxide, phosphite that leave anion exchange column 13 in line which removes chloride ions from the resin as sodium 65 18 can be recycled to reactor 3. Valves 11 and 15 are chloride which can re-enter the main process and can then turned so that the flow is once again through lines later be precipitated and ?ltered, the process does not 10, 12, 14, and 16. When hypophosphorous acid from produce any waste streams and therefore is a zero dis reactor 13 passes through line 12 the hydroxyl ions on 5,368,832 3 4 anion exchange column 13 are exchanged for hypo while not preferred, can be used since phosphorous acid phosphite ions and are neutralized to form water. The is more stable and does not decompose as readily into anion exchange column is now regenerated. As the phosphine. process continues, the hypophosphite ions on the col The following examples further illustrate this inven umn will once again be displaced by chloride ions. Re tion. generation of the column can also be accomplished using anions other than the anion of the acid being EXAMPLE 1 formed, but it is preferable to use that anion to avoid (Preparation of Hypophosphorous Acid) introducing different anions into the process. To a stirred solution of 717.8 g of a 32% hydrochloric The process of this invention requires the use of hy acid solution in a S-necked 2 liter ?ask was added 615.42 drogen chloride as a starting material. The hydrogen g of powdered sodium hypophosphite. The temperature chloride can be in the form of hydrogen chloride gas or of the solution rose about 2° C. Water was removed it can be solution in water, hydrochloric (“muriatic”) from the stirred reaction mixture by reduced pressure acid. If hypophosphorous acid is being made, the start distillation at a temperature of about 55° :7" C.
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