“A DAY TO BLESS MALAYSIA” Sunday 15 September, 2013 beginning at 7 pm at Likas Stadium, Kota Kinabalu. Theme: “Crossover Into Next 50 St Simon Catholic Years”. All parishioners are encouraged to take part. Food coupons at RM5 will be on sale from this Sunday. Church Likas Address: Jln Punat Tanah, Off Jln Tuaran TH 25 ANNIVERSARY OF GOOD SHEPHERD MISSION IN SABAH Mile 3.5 (KM 6), 88400 Kota Kinabalu The Good Shepherd Sisters and their Mission Partners cordially invite you Tel: 088-212713 Fax: 088-288713 Email: to join them in prayer and celebration on the occasion of the 25th Anniver- [email protected] Webpage: http://stsimonlikas.wordpress.com Saints & Feast Days sary of their Good Shepherd Mission in Sabah. The Eucharistic Celebration Office Hrs: Mon-Fri: 9.00am - 1.00pm; 2.00pm-5.00pm is at 9.00 am in St Simon Church on Saturday, 5th October, 2013 and fol- Sat: 9.00am - 1.00pm 3 Sept - St Gregory the Great, pope Rector: Rev. Cosmas Lee All are most welcome! 8 Sept - The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin lowed by lunch in the parish hall. Mary Sunday Services: 9 Sept - St Peter Claver, priest YEAR OF FAITH EUCHARISTIC RETREAT Masses (Eng) - 8.30am; 5.00pm; 12 Sept—The Most Holy Name of Mary Theme : “Retreat With Mary” Rosary - 4.15pm Confession - 8.15am; 4.45pm 13 Sept—St John Chrysostom, bishop Organised By : Eucharistic Adoration Ministry Weekday Masses (Chapel) 14 Sept—The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 15 Sept—Our Lady of Sorrows Stella Maris Church Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri - 6.30pm Holy Hour - th th (Chapel) Every Thursday 16 Sept—Ss Cornelius & Cyprian, martyrs Date : 14 To 16 September, 2013 7.30pm followed by Mass at 8.30pm 17 Sept—St Robert Bellarmine, bishop Venue : Pace Bene Retreat Centre, Papar Weekly Intercessory Prayers - every Tuesday after 19 Sept—St Januarius, martyr Retreat Master : Rev. Fr. Francis Tsen weekday Mass 20 Sept—Ss Laurent Imbert, bishop & Chapel opens 7.00am - 9.00pm Fee : Rm100 Per Person (Accommodation & Food) Jacques Chastan, priest For Whom : All Adorers & Parishioners 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME-1 Sept 2013 YEAR OF FAITH Registration & : Cindy Tsen H/P 016 817 5169 PROGRAM R1—Eccl 3:17-20,28-29;R2—Heb 12:18-19,22-24; For More : Helen Ting H/P 016 811 3823 & 088-215130 This column shall be a Information : Elizabeth Chia H/P 012 828 0409 Gospel—Lk 14:1,7-14 Resp. Ps— In your goodness, O God, permanent feature in the rd Closing Date : 3 September 2013 you prepared a home for the poor bulletin throughout the YOF to allow parishioners on the nearest DVD SCREENING FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS WHILE 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME-8 Sept 2013 forthcoming programs. Parishioners are WAITING FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN AT CLASS at 10.30am R1—Wis 9:13-18; R2 - Phm 9-10,12-17; encouraged to commit their time and in the Chapel. Gospel—Lk 14:25-33 effort to attend these programs which we Resp.Ps– O Lord, you have been our refuge will constantly update. MALAYSIA DAY MASS ON SUNDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2013. BOTH from one generation to the next Saturday 7 & 8 Sept Pilgrimage to MASSES WILL BE IN BAHASA MALAYSIA. 24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME-15 Sept 2013 Labuan Departure from St Simon to R1—Ex 32:7-11,13-14;R2—1 Tim 1:12-17; Menumbok at 6.30am SHARP! . Be Gospel—Lk 15:1-32 warned, late comers may not be Resp. Ps— I will leave this place and go to my father PILGRIMAGE TO LABUAN waited upon!!!!! 7 & 8 September 2013. Those who have registered, please collect a copy of the schedule at the counter. COLLECTIONS DATE FOR TALK ON THE ROOTS OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH IN 14 Aug 2013 (Assumption Mass) - Black Bag - RM2,741.00 18 Aug 2013 - Black Bag - RM7,040.25 Red Bag - RM6,581.70 JESSELTON IS PENDING. 25 Aug 2013 - Black Bag—RM6,742.60 Red Bag - RM5,420.90 Thank you for your generosity, and may God bless you! MALAYSIA – LET US PRAY FOR OUR NATION Recently, I received a link on the crisis in Egypt. A Catholic Church, an or- phanage and even the residence of the Good Shepherd Sisters were burnt Malaysia is half a century old this year 2013. down. In humility and peace, the Catholics forgave their offenders and con- tinued to hold their prayers in the burnt Church. Seeing this incredible testi- MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! The familiar cry is once again being mony of solid peace, love, forgiveness, and humility, Muslims came and aired over the media to remind Malaysians that we are sovereign and free. joined them. Peace and unity was restored among the two peoples. We are also told to be proud and appreciative of the nation’s achievements of the last 50 years and even more so those of recent years. From the legacy built on decades of wise governance, there is still something Malaysians can be proud of in the international scene: Nicol David, Lee Our leaders are not blind too. Having chosen what can easily be misconstrued Chong Wei, Air Asia. There must still be much that can be protected, promot- as a raw, extremist and violent theme (‘Malaysiaku Berdaulat: Tanah ed and restored. This can still be a great place to live. But how many Malaysi- Tumpahnya Darahku’), they betray a desperate need crying out rather ag- ans in the wrong side of the divide feel positive, proud and confident about gressively for support. A sad fact it is, that after half a century, we are still the nation. Will they stay in the country, struggle and work hard, or will they stuck at talking (aggressively this time) about our sovereignty and our own leave if they could and if they cannot they remain bitterly cynical about se- land paid in blood, a crude and aggressive reminder that we need to first have curing a legitimate place under the Malaysian sun? Malaysian roads seem peace, unity, as stepping stones towards progress for the crossing has not hap- more and more going downhill. pened yet and true progress unrealized. Clearly singing a better tune, the Sabah Council of Churches, Sabah State Why has such a highly-charged theme about our land and the sacrifices made Government, DBKK, Commission of Sabah Affairs COSA, and National been chosen when we are not that young anymore at 50? Is it a juvenile at- Evangelical Christian Federation NECF, are organizing and calling on all to tempt to fan the flames of political, racial and religious issues, to gain mile- join in “A Day to Bless Malaysia” on Sunday 15th September, 2013, starting age and maintain political dominance? Certainly there are many other better at 7 pm at the Likas Sport Stadium, Kota Kinabalu. The theme is: “Crossover approaches to raise the spirit and patriotism of an increasingly cynical nation. Into the Next 50 Years”. In our own parish, 100 food coupons will be sold to By merely just looking at and listening to the theme, one does not need much encourage participation at the prayer gathering. imagination on the backlash it will unleash. One would like to think that with a sober mind, such an aggressive, almost violent approach, is the last thing God alone has the power to move the human heart, hardened on both sides of to help create good will or foster unity in a multicultural Malaysia, less to the divide. Malaysia says with her lips she believes in God and trust in Him. heighten the spirit of an already skeptical citizenry to move resolutely and If there is any iota of truth in our profession of faith, then we must call on dynamically forward. There are too many examples today in the life of mil- God in truth and humility, we need Him. He alone has the power to lay those lions suffering from violence and destruction throughout the world fueled by stepping stones of good will, unity, and true patriotism, to build a more civi- the stirring of racial and religious sensitivities. lized and God-fearing nation. Let us all be there at the Likas Stadium to pray and pray for the nation in dire need. God bless Malaysia! So differently, the scripture readings in church on Malaysia Day (Sir 10:1-8; 1 Pet 2:13-17; Mat 22:15-21) teach us to be radical yet respectful and hum- ble. Working humbly with others, respecting those in authority and those be- ing governed, allows us to be approachable and to strengthen the bonding of News and Forthcoming Events all. Jesus was approachable to the thousands who came to Him for help. The King of kings did not turn away but chose to be with the sick, weak, and PRIESTS ON RETREAT 9—13 SEPT, NO MASSES OR HOLY HOUR marginalized, even to the extent of choosing a humiliating death forgiving FROM MON 9 SEPT. MASS RESUMES ON FRIDAY 13 SEPT at 6.30 pm. his murderers as he hung nailed on the cross catching his last breaths and dy- NB NO HOLY HOUR ON THURSDAY 19 SEPT, however the tabernacle ing. The approach to celebrate a nation founded on justice, respect, humility, will be open for an hour after the 6.30 pm Mass for those who wish to con- and fair play disregarding the politics, race, or religion, seems so... so far away. tinue with their weekly adoration. .
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