residential, business and leisure development at Lomondgate. at development leisure and business residential, regenerated centre to become an important residential location. residential important an become to centre regenerated and new commercial opportunities at the £100 million mixed million £100 the at opportunities commercial new and has a path connecting it to Erskine, a town with the potential for its for potential the with town a Erskine, to it connecting path a has housing developments such as Castle Quay beside Dumbarton Rock Dumbarton beside Quay Castle as such developments housing and family housing, comprising approximately 450 units in total. in units 450 approximately comprising housing, family and protection status, offers an important wintering area for wildfowl and wildfowl for area wintering important an offers status, protection regeneration with a master plan to regenerate the town centre, new centre, town the regenerate to plan master a with regeneration development is taking place in two phases of residential apartments residential of phases two in place taking is development Across the river Newshot Island’s 73 acre nature reserve which is seeking is which reserve nature acre 73 Island’s Newshot river the Across Further down river Dumbarton is now undergoing significant undergoing now is Dumbarton river down Further great views of the river, that epitomise modern waterfront living. waterfront modern epitomise that river, the of views great Riverside Yoker at river down and workers skilled of thousands landscaped recently with 12 individual and serviced plots for businesses. businesses. for plots serviced and individual 12 with recently landscaped about 1,500 new apartments of varying size and price, most with most price, and size varying of apartments new 1,500 about employing Scotstoun, at shipyard System’s BAE is ferry the of river welcomes visiting boats. visiting welcomes next to the NHS Golden Jubilee Hospital, has been extensively been has Hospital, Jubilee Golden NHS the to next Clyde, Peel Holdings, Cala, Bryant, Park Lane and Dandara have built have Dandara and Lane Park Bryant, Cala, Holdings, Peel Clyde, Up 2010. in Link Clyde to SPT from changed which service, ferry a by 1790 to provide a short cut across Scotland for international goods, international for Scotland across cut short a provide to 1790 project has won regeneration plaudits and Clyde Gate, a five acre site acre five a Gate, Clyde and plaudits regeneration won has project per year, many via Clyde Clippers' new Govan ferry. Further along the along Further ferry. Govan new Clippers' Clyde via many year, per Scotstoun and Yoker with connected been has Renfrew centuries, For Bowling Basin at the end of the Forth & Clyde canal that was built in built was that canal Clyde & Forth the of end the at Basin Bowling In Clydebank town centre the North Canal bank / Swan canopy bridge canopy Swan / bank Canal North the centre town Clydebank In designed by Zaha Hadid, opened 21/06/11, expecting +750,000 visitors +750,000 expecting 21/06/11, opened Hadid, Zaha by designed Glasgow” Auchentoshan whisky has a visitor centre / restaurant and restaurant / centre visitor a has whisky Auchentoshan Glasgow” Travelodge and Campanile hotels. Campanile and Travelodge At the mouth of the River Kelvin, the new iconic Riverside Museum, Riverside iconic new the Kelvin, River the of mouth the At visitor attraction, with a new learning centre now open. open. now centre learning new a with attraction, visitor of “Spirit distilled triple the boards; information and paths friendly (2005), the expanding Platinum business park as well as new as well as park business Platinum expanding the (2005), Crane was refurbished for £3.5 million in its centenary year as a a as year centenary its in million £3.5 for refurbished was Crane wheelchair with birds wading for reserve nature hectare 19 a Saltings, 1,700 beds and capacity for 725,000 patients a year. a patients 725,000 for capacity and beds 1,700 Park View Clyde acre seven the to close situated is It penthouses. and businesses and high tech start ups and the 150 foot cantilever Titan cantilever foot 150 the and ups start tech high and businesses The site; Heritage World a designated been has that Empire, Roman hospital and construction by 2015 of two new hospitals, providing hospitals, new two of 2015 by construction and hospital townhouses villas, apartments, including - properties 2000 than more campus. The Titan Enterprise Pavilion opened its doors for small for doors its opened Pavilion Enterprise Titan The campus. the of frontier northerly most the Wall, Antonine the of end the as Southern General Hospital’s £842 million expansion of its maternity its of expansion million £842 Hospital’s General Southern of community new whole a creating Village, Ferry at project major College relocated its 10,000 students to an impressive new £37million new impressive an to students 10,000 its relocated College such places interesting many has area Bowling and Kilpatrick Old The Medical science, public health and jobs are being boosted by the by boosted being are jobs and health public science, Medical a in invested have builders house Six sites. development strategic opened in 2007 on this 16 acre enterprise and learning district. Clydebank district. learning and enterprise acre 16 this on 2007 in opened partnership of public agencies working closely with the community. the with closely working agencies public of partnership most Scotland’s of one it makes links, rail and road excellent airport, City” is filmed. is City” famous for building the “Queen” liners, several new developments new several liners, “Queen” the building for famous A £70m Central Govan action plan is being developed by a by developed being is plan action Govan Central £70m A Glasgow to proximity its with development, Riverside Renfrew The Dumbarton Harbour and Lomondgate, where BBC Scotland’s “River Scotland’s BBC where Lomondgate, and Harbour Dumbarton At Queens Quay, which is the former site of John Brown’s shipyard made shipyard Brown’s John of site former the is which Quay, Queens At to the Forth & Clyde Canal; the former Exxon petrol storage depot; storage petrol Exxon former the Canal; Clyde & Forth the to Royal Navy. Royal destinations. leisure / retail popular most Scotland’s of two are Clydebank Re-built’s objectives. objectives. Re-built’s Clydebank entrance western the at Basin Bowling including Dunbartonshire West building major sections of two 65,000 tonne aircraft carriers for the for carriers aircraft tonne 65,000 two of sections major building Circus, Soccer and alley bowling cinema, screen multi a SNO!Zone, attracting new businesses and creating 1200 new homes are homes new 1200 creating and businesses new attracting in communities riverside the of many for developed being are Plans former shipyard, BAE Systems Surface Fleet continue this tradition, this continue Fleet Surface Systems BAE shipyard, former indoor only Scotland’s boasting Xscape, and expansion £150m winning Clydebank re-built URC. Enhanced links to the riverfront, the to links Enhanced URC. re-built Clydebank winning Glasgow. to links transport great and river the along countryside settlements (600AD), famed for its shipbuilding heritage. At Fairfield’s At heritage. shipbuilding its for famed (600AD), settlements a planning is year, per visits customers 20m and restaurants / shops The revitalisation of Clydebank is being spearheaded by the award the by spearheaded being is Clydebank of revitalisation The attractive includes Dumbarton to Kilpatrick Old from area The Along from Pacific Quay lies Govan, one of Glasgow’s earliest Glasgow’s of one Govan, lies Quay Pacific from Along 100 over with centre, shopping successful most Scotland's Braehead, Clydebank and Erskine and Clydebank Dumbarton to Kilpatrick Old Greater Govan and Glasgow Harbour Glasgow and Govan Greater Scotstoun and Riverside Renfrew Design Lawrence Creative Creative Lawrence Clyde Waterfront is a strategic partnership comprising the Scottish Pacific Quay and SECC Glasgow City Centre Government, Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow City Council, Renfrewshire Council and West Dunbartonshire Council whose principal purpose is to promote public and private economic, social and environmental Photography regeneration of 13 miles of the River Clyde from Glasgow City Centre via Renfrew to Dumbarton. McAteer Photography McAteer I The River Clyde’s revitalisation continues to buck most economic trends, with 70% of the 250+ developments announced to date complete or under construction, creating many opportunities for businesses and the public to invest, locate and live! I With £3.5bn already invested/committed and another £2bn planned. I Clyde Waterfront Strategic Partnership facilitates and promotes the Clyde’s regeneration from Glasgow City Centre to Dumbarton, so far creating 20,000 new jobs, 10,000 new homes and 300,000m2 new commercial space. I Due to Clyde Waterfront’s scale, it is sub-divided into 6 key character areas namely:- Glasgow City Centre, SECC/Pacific Quay, Greater Govan & Glasgow Harbour, Renfrewshire Riverside & Scotstoun, Clydebank & Erskine and Old Kilpatrick to Dumbarton. I 250+ developments - planned, under construction or completed. I 13 miles of the Clyde from Glasgow to Dumbarton. I 1 vision - “to develop a vibrant and thriving River Clyde, with people and communities at its heart”. The Pacific Quay and Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre area In the last decade, Glasgow, has seen large increases in investment, houses some of Scotland’s most important entertainment, jobs and tourism, with the regeneration of the Clyde Waterfront conferencing and media assets along the River Clyde attracting playing a significant role in this success story. With over 85 office, www.clydewaterfront.com thousands of visitors every week. retail, leisure, housing, transport and infrastructure projects at varying stages of development, the Clyde is fast transforming Glasgow city On the north bank, the new 12,000 seater Scottish Hydro Arena will centre into a “river city” again! be built next to the SECC by 2013, providing another indoor venue for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
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