Georgia Directory of Radio University, 31061. Phone: (478) 445.8256. Licensee: Georgia College address: 100 WMTM Rd. 31768. Phone: (229) 985 -1300. Fax: (229) www.litelineministries.com. Licensee: Lifeline Ministries Inc. (acq & State University (acq 8 -75). Population served: 4,500 Format: 890-0905. E -mail: jay @cruisin9.4.com Licensee: Colquitt Broadcasting 8- 18-83). Format: Christian contemp. Spec prog: Black 2 hrs, southern Alternative. Target aud: 18 -24; college students. Sonya Barnes, gen Co. L.L.C. Population served: 14,302 Natl. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Smithwick gospel 3 hrs wkly. Jimmy Bennett, pres & gen mgr. mgr. & Belendiuk. Format: Southern gospel. News staff: one. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Farm 16 hrs wkly. Jim Tumer, pres & gen mgr. WKZR(FM)- June 30, 1966: 102.3 mhz; 3.3 kw. 300 ft TL: N33 04 58 Ocilla W83 15 01. Stereo. Hrs open: Box 519, 1250 W. charbon St., 31061. WMTM -FM- Nov 17, 1964: 93.9 mhz; 100 kw. 555 ft TL: N31 12 54 Phone: (478) 452 -0586. Fax: (478) 452 -5886. Licensee: WMVG Inc. W83 47 13. Stereo. Hrs open: 6 AM- midnight Box 788, 31768. Phone: WLPF(FM)- December 1993: 98.5 mhz: 2.3 kw. 521 ft TL: N31 28 11 Population served: 80,000 Format: Country. (229) 985 -1300. Fax: (229) 890 -0905. Licensee: Colquitt Broadcasting W83 14 11. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 2278 Wortham Ln., Grovetown, Co. LLC Format: Oklies. Jim Turner, opns mgr. mktg mgr & trat mgr. 30813. Phone: (706) 309 -9610. Fax: (706) 309-9669. E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.gnnradio.org. Licensee: WLRR(FM)- July 24, 1990: 100.7 mhz: 3 kw. 328 ft TL: N33 06 50 Barinowski Investment Co. Group owner: Good News Network (acq W83 13 08. Hrs open: 11- 17-92; for CP; FTR: 12-7 -92). Population served: 65,000 Format: Rebroadcasts WKVQ(AM) Eatonton 100 %. Mount Vernon Christian. News: 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. *Clarence Box 3965, Eatonton, 31024. Phone: 706) 485 -8792. Fax: (706) Badnowski, gen mgr. 485 -3555. Licensee: Preston W. Small. Format: Adult standards. WYUM(FM)- Aug 3, 1998: 101.7 mhz; 6 kw. 325 ft TL: N32 12 44 Target aud: 18 -35. Craig Baker. pres, gen mgr & opns VP. W82 27 48. Hrs open: Box 900, Vidalia, 30475. Phone: (912) 537 -9202. Fax: (912) 537-4477. E- mai: zbvAer@vidaliaco mwnicafions.cbrn Web Site: www.vidaliacommunications.com. Licensee: Vidalia Omega WMVG(AM)- Mar 29, 1946: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N33 04 58 W83 Communications Corp. Group owner: Vidalia Communications Carp. 15 01. Hrs open: 24 Box 519, 1250 W. Charlton St., 31061. Phone: Population served: 30,000 Rgnl. Network: Ga. Net. Rgnl rep: Rgnl WTIF April 1993: 107.5 mhz; 4 kw. Ant 400 h TL: N31 27 17 (478) 452 -0586. Fax: (478) 452 -5886. Licensee: WMVG Inc. (acq -FM- Reps. Format: Country. Target aud: 25-49. Ladson III, pres; John W83 33 37. Hrs open: 24 Box 968, Tifton, 31793. Phone: (229) 7 -8-99; $258,230 for 80% with co- located FM). Population served: Zack Fowler, gen mgr; Collins Knightor, opus din Trees 40,000 Natl. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Format: Sports, news. News staff: one; 382 -1340. Fax: (229) 386 -8658. Licensee: Three Communications Inc. Group owner: Three Trees Communications Inc. (acq 6 -28 -2004; News: 25 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -49. Spec prog: Black 4 hrs wkly. grpsl). Population 100,000 Rgnl. Network: Net. Format: Randy Beasley, pres, gen mgr & edit dir. served: Ga. Mountain City Christian music. News staff: 6; News: 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 plus. Matt Baldrich. pres & gen mgr. Millen WALH(AM)- May 1, 1986: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N34 5616 W83 23 27. Hrs open: Box F, 30562. Phone: (706) 746 -2256. Fax: (706) 746 -2259. E -mail: walh @alltel.net Web Site: Patterson Dec 4, 1989: 94.9 mhz; 14.5 kw. Ant 400 ft TL: N32 43 WHKN(FM)- www.wobcreekbroadcasting.com. Licensee: Mountain City Broadcasting 57 W81 51 43. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 35 E. Main St., Statesboro, Inc. Group owner: Wolf Creek Broadcasting Inc. (acq 1 -19 -2005; 30458. Phone: (912) 764 -1029. Fax: (912) 489-3959. E -mail: radiocenter WIVL(FM)-Not on air, target date: unknown: 88.1 mhz; 600 w. Ant $275,000). Format: Country, bluegrass, gospel. Target aud: 30-50: @frontiemet.net Licensee: Georgia Eagle Broadcasting Inc. Group 174 tl TL: N34 01 15 W83 16 33. Hrs open: Box 6767, Athens, 30604. blue collar. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs wkly. Rebecca St. John. gen mgr. Public Inc. owner: Georgia Eagle Broadcasting Inc. acq 1 -12 -2007; grpsq. Natl. Phone: (770) 596 -0739. Licensee: Community Radio Network: ABC. Dan Alpen. Format: Country. News staff: one: News: 8 Penny Jackson, pres. hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54: adults. Spec prog: Farm 10 hrs, relg 2 hrs wkly. *Cecil Staton, pres; Jett Anderson, gen mgr. Murrayville Peachtree City WGTJ(AM) -Licensed to Murrayville. See Gainesville Monroe 'WMVW(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 91.7 mhz; 10 kw. Ant Nashville 328 ft TL: N33 16 03 W84 33 20. Hrs open: 100 S. Hill St., Suite 100, WKUN(AM)- Feb 4, 1971: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N33 48 37 W83 42 Griffin, 30223. Phone: (770) 229 -2020. Fax: (770) 229 -4820. Licensee: 01. Hrs open: 6 AM -6 PM Box 649, 30655. Secondary address: 1610 Lie Radio Ministries Inc. Joseph Emert, pres. Launius Rd., Good Hope 30641. Phone: (770) 267-0923. Fax: (706) WGCN(FM)- 2005: 90.5 mhz; 1 w horiz, 50 kw vert. Ant 292 ft vert 342 -8135. E -mail: into @wmoglm.com Licensee: B.R. Anderson Sr. IL: N31 09 26 W83 22 28. Hrs open: dba Radio Station WKUN (acq 6 -96). Population served: 10,300 Rgnl. Rebroadcasts KLRD(FM) Yucaipa, CA 100%. WWLG(FM)- 1948: 96.7 mhz: 1 kw. Ant 545 ft TU N33 26 22 W84 42 42. Stereo. Hrs 1819 Peachtree Rd. N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, Network: Ga. Net. Format: Southern gospel. News: 3 hrs wkly. Target 2351 Sunset Blvd., Suite 170-218, Rocklin, CA. 95765. Phone: (916) open: Phone: 367-0949. Fax: (404) 367 -9490. E -mail: aud: 25 -65. B. R. Anderson Sr., pres: Melanie Jackson, gen mgr. 251 -1600. Fax: (916) 251-1650. E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: 30309. (404) www.airl.com. Licensee: Educational Media Foundation. Group owner: [email protected] Web Site: 967thelegend.can. Licensee. Citicasters Inc. EMF Broadcasting (acq 1- 7- 2004). Natl. Network: Air 1. Format: Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications (acq Format: Christian. Richard Jenkins, pres; Mike Novak, VP; Keith Whipple, 5 -4 -99; grpsl). Population served: 200,000 Miller & Miller. Montezuma Deskins, mgr; Mike Lawing, of engrg. dev dir; David Pierce, progmg mgr; Ed Lenane, news dir; Sam Country. Chuck gen chief Wallington, engrg dir; Karen Johnson, news rptr, Marya Morgan, news WMGB(FM)- Aug 10, 2001: 95.1 mhz; 46 kw. 390 ft TL: 1132 33 20 rptr; Richard Hunt, news rptr. W83 44 14. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 544 Mulberry SI.. Suite 500. Macon, Pearson 31201. Phone: (478) 746 -6286. Fax: (478) 745 -4383. E -mail: info ®allthehitsB951.carn Web Site: www. all the hitsB951.com. Licensee: WVKV(FM) -- Licensed to Nashville. See Tilton Cumulus Licensing Corp. Group owner: Cumulus Media Inc. (acq WPNG(FM)- August 1999: 101.9 mhz; 12.9 kw. Ant 459 ft TL: N31 12 -20 -02; grpsl). Population served: 300,000 Natl. Network: Westwood 19 36 W82 51 54. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 Box 823, 31642. Secondary One. Format: CHR. John Sheftic, gen mgr. Newnan address: 2232 Old Douglas Hwy. 31642. Phone: (912) 422 -6122. Fax: (912) 422-7840. E -mail: freedom1019 @planttel.net Web Site: www.hitsandfavorites.com. Licensee: KM Radio of Pearson L.L.C. WMNZ(AM)- Nov 29, 1961: 1050 khz; 250 w -D, 42 w -N. IL: N32 17 WCOH(AM)- December 1947: 1400 khz: 1 kw -U. TL: N33 21 53 W84 Group owner: KM Communications Inc. (acq 5- 3 -99). Population 58 W84 01 34. (CP: TL: N32 17 53 W84 02 02). Hrs open: Box 610, 48 42. Hrs open: 154 Boone Dr., 30263. Phone: (770) 683 -7234. Fax: served: 532,000 Cohen, Dipple & Everist. Format: Adult contemp. address: 115 1/2 St. 31063. Phone: (478) (770) 683 -9846. Web Site: www.wcoh.com. Licensee: Citicasters 31063. Secondary Cherry Target aud: 25 -49; women ages 25-49. Myoung Hwa Bae. pres; 472 -8386. Fax: (478) 472 -8296. Licensee: Macon County Broadcasting Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq Kevin Bae, gen mgr. Co. Population served: 4,125 Format: Country, oldies, gospel. Danny 5 -4 -99: grpsl). Population served: 57,000 Rgnl. Network: Ga. Net. Blizzard. pres & gen mgr. Miller & Miller, P.C. Format: Classic country. Target aud: 25 -54. Jim Martin, gen mgr. Pelham Morrow WNEA(AM)- Apr 18, 1962: 1300 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N33 22 31 W84 WZBN(FM) -See Camilla 47 08. Hrs open: 8451 South Cherokee Blvd., Suite B, Douglasville, WIGO(AM)- November 1956: 1570 khz; 5 kw -D. 50 w -N. TL: N33 36 30134. Phone: (770) 920 -1520. Fax: (770) 920-4600. Web Site: 05 W84 18 40. Hrs open: 2424 Old Rex Morrow Rd., Ellenwood, www.worthristianbroadrastig. corn. Licensee: Word Christian Broadcasting 30296. Phone: (404) 361.1570. Fax: (404) 3669772. E-maii imo ®wigo.com Inc. (acq 2.28 -96; FTR: 3- 11 -96). Population served: 40.000 Rgnl. Pembroke Web Site: www.wssathelight1570am.com. Licensee: MCUMCM Georgia Network: Ga. Net. Format: Old time relg.
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