THEUNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Broad entrance policy approved by Senate 3y Gavin Wilson Science will invite prospective students Staff writer to list technical courses, summer jobs, science projects and 'experiences related UBC faculties will be ableto use crite- to athletic, cultural, family, community ria other than grades-such as leader- or other activities requiring considerable ship abilities, extra-curricular activities personal initiative." md career-related work experience-for It is not yet clearhow many other ldmitting students directly from Grade faculties will follow suit. 12 in the 1996/97 academic year. The changes are in response to con- Senate approved the broad-based ad- cerns raised in recent years about admis- nlission policy at its February meeting. sion standards, said Prof. Robert Will, Programs such as rehabilitation sci- chair of Senate's admissions committee. mces. landscape architecture, medicine Many felt that important qualitieswere and fine arts have long admitted studentsbeing ignored in favourof an undue focus based on a mix of grades.interviews, on grades, as increasing demand sent portfolios and career-or program-related grade point average cut-offs soaring. Eonsiderations. Will said, however, that thenew policy However. thismarks the firsttime is not a trade-offof extracumcular activi- programs that admit students directly ties for lower standards. Students will from Grade 12 can use such criteria, withstill have to meet or exceed minimum the exceptionof a recentpilot program in academic standardsbefore being admit- the Faculty of Forestry. ted. Applied Science will be the next faculty It will not be enough for students to Gavm Wilson phot1 to offer broad-based admission stand- have merelyparticipated in extracurricu- Suffering For His Art ards. In next year's Calendar, Applied See ADMISSIONS Page 2 Curious student checks out$xpressive self-portraitby Fine Arts student Evan Leeon display atthe Lasserre building. The painting was part ofthe exhibition "Mass Production and Consumption" held during Arts Fest, Activist, Nobel winner the annual showcase of student talentin the fine and performing arts at UBC. Other largecanvas self-portraitswere painted by third-year students Mohamed Somani, Natasha McHardy. Matilda Aslizadeh and Bill Purvis. to receive accolade University of British Columbia gradu- losition she held until retirement in 1986. ates Bertram Brockhouse, winner of the Other honorary degree recipients in- Bursary addresses 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics. and commu- :lude: nity activist Kosemary Brown are among Chun-Hak Ahn, one of Korea's most 14 distinguished individualsto be awarded :elebrated business leaders: acclaimed honorary degrees by UBC this year. :onductor Mario Bernardi, former prin- child-care accessibility Nominees aredistinguished profes- :ipal conductor of the CBC Vancouver sionals, scholars. creative artists, publiclrchestra; Gordon Forward. president UBC's Alma Mater Society (AMs) is servants and otherswho have madesig- )f Chaparral Steel Company in Texas: creating an endowment to provide finan- nificant contributions to the university hrdev Singh Gill, the first lndo-Cana- cial aid for students needingchild care. community and the province, nationally lian to practise medicine in Canada and In referenda held last month, 78 per or internationally. Honorary degreeswill ounding presidentof the National Asso- Zent of the students voting supported be awarded during UBC's two gradua- :iation of Canadians of Origin in India: the initiative, agreeing to a $3 per year tion ceremonies: Spring Congregation, ,iou Jieh Jow, adviser to theexecutive increase in student fees over the next May 28-31 and Fall Congregation. Nov. :abinet of the government of Taiwan: three years. The universitywill provide 28. iobert Lee, president of Prosper0 Com- matching funds. Brockhouse,who finished a BA at Ianiesand current UBC chancellor: Called theMrs. Evelyn Lett Child- UBC in 1947. received his Nobel Prize for John HectorMcArthur, dean of the Care Bursary Endowment Fund, it is work in developing neutron spectroscopy. Harvard Business Schoolfrom 1980-95: the largest endowment of its kind at a His graduate work in physics was doneat NormanPace, distinguished professor Canadian university. the University ofToronto andfrom 1962- of biology at Indiana University; Doris Based on current enrolment, the en- 84 he wasa professor at McMaster Uni- Shadbolt. co-founder of the Vancouver dowment will total $504.000 and gener- versity in Hamilton, Ont. Institute for the VisualArts: author Carol ate child-care bursaries worth$33,500 Brown earned a Bachelor of Social Shields, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for annually beginning September. 1997. Work (BSW) degree from UBC in 1962 The Stone Diaries; and Verna and Rich- 'The AMs has spent over $500.000 in and anMSW five years later. She became ard Splane, UBC scholarswhose col- helping to buildchild-cue facilitieson cam- the first black womanto hold a seat in a laborative work in the field of nursing, pus butthis in no way dealt with the issues Canadianlegislature when she was health and health care has beenrecog- "~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ofaccessibilityforstudents,"saidAmJohal, Martin Dee phot( elected to the B.C. legislature in 1972, a nized nationally and internationally. AMs director of administration. A founding member of the Alma 'The creation of the child-care bur- Mater Society, Evelyn Lett was sary endowment fund helps the AMs guest of honour at a reception ta deal with this issue in a very real way celebrate the creation of a child. andknock down thebarriers which care bursaryfor students which restrict accessibility to education." will bear her name. Garden Screen 3 To qualify, UBC students must be enrolled in a minimumof 18 credits. or formal draft of the AMS constitution. An empire's lost garden prepares to welcome visitors on computer screen 60 per cent of a full course load, and In 1916 she servedas thevice-presi- demonstratefinancial need. A maxi- dent of the Women's Undergraduate Thunderbirds Go 13 mum of $2,000 per child each yearwill Society andprovided leadership in pro- ~~~~~ ~ ~ be available. Childrenmust be enrolled moting gender equality. Her efforts led Students reach out to help build enthusiasmamong youngsters in a licensed day-care facility on or off to women at UBC gaining voting rights campus. in studentCustody executive elections. Confusing 15 The fund is named in honour of the Lett is celebrating her 100th birth- Forum: Homosexual parents have rights too argues Susan Boyd former Evelyn Story, a UBC graduate. daythis year. She was the guest ol who,with her future husband. Sher- honour at a reception held Feb. 14 to wood Lett, was a founding member of celebrate the creationof the child-care Sinking Scales 16 the AMs. Together, they created thefirst bursary endowment fund. Profile: Predicting declining fishstocks is one thing: savingthem is another 2 UBC Reports. February 22,1996 LETTERS POLICY UBC Reports welcomes letters to the editor on topics relevant to the university community. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Please limit letters, which may be edited for length, style and clarity, to 300 words. Deadline is 10 days before publication date. Submit letters in person or by mail to the UBC Public Affairs Office, 310-6251 Cecil Green Park Road, Vancouver B.C., V6T 121, by fax to 822-2684 or by e-mail to [email protected]. Today the campus includes pressure sodium is growing on a wide variety of light sources campus. As well, a seemingly sodium gloom and the visual superiorityof ad hoc program of adding metal halide can be seen in security lighting is spreading to be avoided the areas on AgriculturalRoad the sodium gloom to buildings and NW Marine Drive where it new and old across the Editor: has been installed. In con- campus. The buildings af- UBC is to be commended for trast. the sodium vapour fected include Chemistry. the policy approach it has lighting used in some other Scarfe, Sedgewick Library, taken towards improving areas of the campus presents Geography, and even the campus lighting for safety a dull and threatening night- brand new C.K. Choi building. purposes (Initiatives underway time atmosphere. This distinc- Sodium vapour lighting has to better campus safety, UBC tion has not been lost on been proven to have negative Reports, Jan. 25). Campus campus users as it was raised effects on the educationof planners have seen notonly at theYour UBC campus schoolchildren; are we sure we the need for improved lighting safety forum last year. Clearly want it on our campus? levels but also improved there is strong support on The vision of the UBC lighting quality. UBC's Lighting campus for the lighting plan's Lighting Master Plan to Master Plan providesfor the recommendation to use white improve campus safety and use of high-quality, white, metal halide lighting and the night-time comfort will be lost metal halide lighting on sharper vision it provides. if the use of a light source, campus. This is in sharp namely high pressure sodium contrast to the mediocrity Unfortunately, a number of vapour, specifically discour- The University of British Columbia which could be expected were recent campus construction projects have not complied aged in the plan, is allowed to imites applications the slightly cheaper but much continue. less esthetically pleasing light with the lighting plan with the to its teachu ed~rcatio~prtyrams for Sqtmber 1996 of high pressure sodium result that the useof the Ian Fisher All programs lead to both depressing orange lightof high Vancouver vapour lamps used instead. the UBC Bachelor of Education degree the BC Professional Tcwhing Certificate All programs include Grad students pledgeto leave a full term of teaching practice effective communication skills classroom mclnagement strategies attention to students tvith special needs lasting legacy, secondto one Secondary teaching applicants with4-year Bachelor's deggees and strength UBC's graduatingstudents ing fi-om the purchaseof computer the campaign. in one or two teaching subjects entera 12-month program.
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