THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of Hh Fxcellency the Governor of Kenya (Registad as P ~cwspap&at the G.P.03 Vol. LXV-No. 16 NAIROBI, 9th April, 1963 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES SUPPLEMENT No. 26 PAGE Legislative Supplement Appointments, etc. .. 372 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Civil Service Commission-Appointment .... 372 208-The Kenya (Lower House Constituencies) The Immigration Ordinance-Appointment . 372 Regulations, 1963 . 47 5 The Kenya Regiment (Territorial Force) Regulations- 209-The Kenya (Regional Assembly Constituencies) Appointment . 372 Regulations, 1963 .. , .. 486 The Kenya Regiment (Territorial Force) Ordinance- 210-The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Elections) Commission .... 372 (Amendment) Regulations, 1963 . 498 The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Elections) Regula- 211-The Kenya (Regions and Districts) (Amend- tions-Day and Places of Nomination . 373-375 ment) Regulations, 1963 . 499 The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Elections) Regula- 212-The Fish Protection (Lake Naivasha) (Amend- tions-Appointment of Returning Officers . 375-378 ment) Rules, 1963 . 500 The Education Ordinance-Appointn~ent . 379 213-The Forests (Closure) (Mount Kenya, Ndare, Aberdare and Kipipiri (Revocation) Rules, The Courts Ordinance-Appointme~lt . 379 . 1963 . 500 -- ~. The African District Councils Ordinance-Appointments 379 214-The Forests (General) (Amendment) (No. 2) The Forest Ordinance-Appointments . 379 Rules, 1963 . 501 The Cereals and Sugar Finance Corporation Ordinance- 215-The Education (Fees in Schools Aided Under Appointment . 379 the Education Grants-in-Aid of African The Regulation. of Wages and Conditions of Employment Education) (Amendment) Rules, 1963 . 502 Ordinance-Notice . 379 21GThe Animal Diseases Ordinance-Amendment 502 The Trout Ordinance-Appointment . 379 217-The Agriculture (Land Utilization) (Farm The Mining Regulations-Expiry of Locations .... 379 Employees) Rules, 1963 . 503 East African Railways and Harbours- 218-The Agriculture (Scheduled Crops) Order, Amendments to Tariff Book No. 3 . 380 1963 . 508 Appointment ... .. 380 219-The Agriculture (Special Crops Development The Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance-Addition to the Authority) (Tea Cultivation) (Amendment) Register . 380 Order, 1963 . 509 Vacancies . 380 1 220-The Nakuru Municipality (Control of Persons) The Animal Diseases Ordinance-Infected Areas . 38 1 (Revocation) By-laws, 1963 . 510 The Registration of Persons Ordinance-Appointment, 221-The Mombasa Municipal (Amendment) By- etc. .. 38 1 laws, 1963 . 511 The Police Ordinance-Closure of Police Station . 381 i 222-The Mombasa Municipal (Destniction of The Crown Lands Ordinance- Timber Pests) By-laws, 1963 . 512 Notice of Recovery of Premises, etc. .. 381 223-The Naivasha Urban District Council (Refuse) Plots for Private Residence at Nakuru .... 383 (Amendment) By-laws, 1963 . 514 Kenya Exchequer Return . 384, 385 224-The Crop Production and Livestock (Livestock The Water Ordinance-Applications . 385 and Controlled Areas) (Amendment) Rules, The Trade Unions Ordinance-Deferment of Registration 385 1 1963 . 515 East African Common services Organization-Notice . 385 225-The Land Registration (Special Areas) (Appli- Kenya Stock . 385 cation of Elgeyo-Marakwet District) Order, Uganda Govcrnment Stock .... 385 1963 . 516 Transport Licensin:: . 386-388 226-The Gatanga Rectification Order, 1963 . 51 6 Liquor Licensing . 388-392 227-The Gatanga (No. 2) Rectification Order, 1963 517 Probate and Administration . 392, 393 1 228-The Kirwara Rectification Order, 1963 . 518 Bankruptcies . ... 393-396 229-The Kirwara (No. 2) Rectification Order, 1963 - 519 The Companies ordinance . 3% 230-The Rwegetha Rectification Order, 1963 . 520 The Societies Ordinance-Regstrations . 397 ! 231-The Rwegetha (No. 2) Rectification Order, Loss of Share Certificate . 397 1 1963 . 521 Loss of Policies . 397 232-The Wheat Industry (Agency) (Amendment) Tender ... 397 1 Rules, 1963 ... 522 District Councils Notices . 397 233-The wheat' Industry (Grading) (Amendment) Dissolution of Partnership . 397, 398 1 Rules, 1963 . 523 Notice of Change of Name . 398 j 234-The Price Control (Sugar) (Temporary Provi- The Trust Land Ordinance-Setting Apart of Land . 398-402 1 sion) Order, 1963 ..... 524 3t2 TH E KEN YA G AZETIE 9th April 1963 CORRIGEN DUM G m rrE N oricB N o. 1477 . , . L g ' ' (E. â'2. Com. 5/13/2:. Vol. ff1) G'A E'IYE ' Notice No. 1421 appçaring o.n pag: 358 of tho K enya G azette dated 2nd A p. ril, 1963- CA&m DA'rEs SELECTED solt APPOINTMSNT To Pos'rs A ovsRrnsEo By .rzrs ClvlL SERVICB THB CIVIL SERVICE COVMISSION ORDINANCE CoMMlssloN :- (Cap. 185) :. Eqr Pqblic .ltçlatiçms Ofliceç appearing under the column i'tpost Advertiseàn read Personal Xssistant. APPOINTMENT OF M BMBBR ' ' ' - .. Th; salaryk Ljtalb. shown for the . post of Chief Executive IN EXERCISE of the powels conferred by sedion 3 (1) (b) Officer appearing tm der the colum n ''Post Advertised'' should of the Civil Service Cdmmlssion Ordinance, the Governor hereby read f 2,175 basic instead 5/ f 2,400 basic. appoints- L- : . J . ./ . - . ' . GtmcHMux SINGH SANDHU, D.o. (LoND.) GAZETIY Notico No. 1260 apm aring on pago 320 of the to be a m ember of the Civil Servic.e Comm ission with eFect from K enya G azette dated 26th M arch, 1963, is am ended to read as the 21st day of M arch, 1963. follows :- ToM M DREW W ATrS, M .R.E., to ad as Oë cmuhl-charge and Dated tbis 3rd day of April, 1V3. D istrict Com m issioner, N airobi Extra-provindal District, with efect frùm '18th M arch, 1963. By Comm and of the Governor. E. N . GRIFFITH -JON ES, ClAzsTrs 'çoTlcs lqo. 1476 D eputy Governor. A PPOIN TM EN I'S GERALD KlHm fo bé District OK cer, Central Nyanza District, GAZE'I'rB N on cE N o. 1478 N yanza Prqvihce, lith effect from 20th M arch, 1% 3. GEORGB NORMAN HAMPSON, M .B.E., to be D istlict Com m issionery THE IM M IGM TION ORD IN AN CB N yandarua rDistrict, Central Province, with esect from 11th Aplil, 1963. (Cap. 172) APPOINTMENT OF IMMIGRATION OFFICER JOHx M IRENGA to be D istrict OE cer, Central N yanza D istrkt, Nyanza Province, with esect from 21st M arch, 1963. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Im migration Ordinance, the G overnor hereby appoints- PAunt SAMUR TI.!IONG() M IRIB, (RBADING), DIP. VBT. sclBxcE (E.A.), to aci as Provindal Agricultural OKcer, Department of D EREK PETER FRANKLIN A griculture, with esect from 21st M arch, 1963. to bo an Imm lgration OK cer with esect from 1st April, 1963. W ll-sox M uGtmo to be Assistant Secreta?y in the M inistry of Tourism , Forests and W ild Life with effect from 21st M arch, D ated this 28th day of M arch, 1963. 1963:' ' ' z By Com m and of the G ovem or. GEOFFREY JAMF.,S ELLERTON, M.B.E., M.A. (OXON.), to be Permanent Secretary, Oë ce of the M inister of State for Constitutional AN TH ON Y SW AN N A Afairs and A dm l-nistration, with esect from 20t11 M arch, 1963. M lnlster y@r De/ence. PRANK RICHARD W lLsoN, c.M.o.', o.B.B., to be Provincial Com mis- sioner, Central Province, with elect from 11th A pril, 1* 3. Jol.m PINNBY, M .B.E., to ad as Provindal Comm lssioner, Coast Ghzbnqv NorcB No. 1479 Province, Fitlz esect from 11th April, 1963. (DSF. 30/141/1. VII) . J(yHx'' ARNOI.D H ARROP W OLFF to be Provindal Comm issioner, Rift Valley Province, with esect from 11th April, 1* 3. THE KENYA REGIMENT (TERRITORIAL FORCE) GORDON ARMSTRONG SKIPPER, o.B.E., to be Provincial Commis- REG ULATION S sioner, Nyanza Province, with elect from 11th Aplil, 1963. (Cap. 2* (Sub. Legàj ROBkRT GRAIUM W ll-soN, M.B.E., to act as Provincial Comm is- PRosrornoN sioner, W estern Province, with efi'ed from 11th April, 1963. IN EXERCISE (!f the powers conferred by regulation 29 . PB.rER ERNEST W M-eru s to be Provindal Comm issioner, Eastern of tito Kenya Rogim ent frerrhorial Forco) Regulatio nsp G o and N orth-eastem Provinces, with effect from' 11th April Govenzo r, on the recommendation of thi General Oëcer , 1963. Com m anding, has prom oted- Too ANDRBW W Al*rs, M.B.à., to act as Oëcer-in-charge and LIEIJTBNANT G. ST. G. CATCHPOLE (KR. 5847)* District Comm issioner, N airobi Extra-provindal D istrict, with esect to be a Temporary Captain in the Kenya R egiment with efftct . fypm 11th April, 1* 3. from 15th Februam 1963. R OBERT M EXANDER AYRFASMI'I'IG M .SC., F.R.C.V.S.) DIP. AGRIC. ' (cANTAB.), to act as Senior Vetçlinary Olcer, M inistry of D ated this 25th day of M arçh, 1963. L d Sèttbment and W ayer Development, witlz eFect from 25th M arch, 1963. By Com m and of the G overnor. M PN MMBD SAPIQ, B.A. (LOND.), to be Senior Education Ollicer, M 'mistry of Education, * t.1: efïect from 1st July, 1* 2. AN TH ON Y SW AN N , M inîster yor De/ence. ARTHIJR M BUTHIA, L.M.s. (E.A.), D.P.H., to act as Port Hea1th Oë cer, M ombasa, and M edical OK cer of Healtb, Freretown, *G.N. 1575/60. with esect from 1st A pril, 1963. PROM OTION S ' GAZE'ITE Non cE N o. 1480 JAME: RONALD H ARRIES, M.D., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.C.H., (DEF. 30/141/1. VII) D.T.M . & H., to be Senior Spedalist with effed from 23rd N ovem ber, 1962. THE KENYA REG! MENT (TERRITORIAL FORCE) ORD IN AN CE LESLEY M URIEL BRUCE N EVILL #M .B. * CH.B., M.R.C.P., D.T.M . & H., to be ém dalist V t.II elfect from 23rd November, 1* 2.
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