PAGE TWENTY— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Sept! 5, 1978 Area youths receive MOtr^alendar music scholarships Manchester Community D n In Skills: AVT Laboratory, ty services course begins. College offers this calen­ Bridge I^gic.^ 3 0 to 9:30 Hartford Road Campus, Hartford Road Campus, Open on a space-available dar of events in the interest p,m„ Hartfort Road Cam- Room 108, Sept. 11 through Room 108, Sept. 11 through basis, advance registration The Weather ^ Several youths from the Manchester daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Gor­ of the community. All the ,T„ T • n . Sept. 25 (starting dates). is necessary. For further and East Hartford area are among 28 MCC-sponsored activities Variable clo.udiness today with high ' man, Cummings Street, piano student. Brush-Up Typing Brush-Up Shorthand **Non-credit communi- information call, 646-il37. temperatures 75 to 80, around 26 Celsius. Partly | students in the general enrollment divi­ listed below are open to the Coventry —Loren Lazzerini, 13, cloudy tonight and TTiursday. Overnight lows 60 to ^ sion of the Hartford Conservatory, Hart- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. public and many are free of Siipittiut Hrralii 65; highs Thursday in the 80s. Chance of rain 20 ■ lord, who have been named as scholarship charge. For further infor­ Lazzerini, David Drive, flute student. WHERE FASHION IS A FAMILY AFFAIR percent today, 30 percent tonight and 40 percent J recipients for the coming academic year. mation, call 646-2137. j4 Family NEWSpdper Since 1881 South Windsor —Amy Champagne, 14, Thursday. Outlook: Partly cloudy Friday. Chance Ages 7 to 17, the young people were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cham­ Tuesday, Sept. 5 recognized for their outstanding talent Registration, Communi­ Home delivered copy 15 cents of showers Saturday. Fair Sunday. National ?; pagne, Scott Drive, violin student. Vol. XCVII, No. 286 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1978 weather map: page 16. and achievement. Vernon —Nicole Frasher, 9, daughter of ty Services credit and non­ Newsstand copy !?0 cents The following have been named: Mr. and Mrs. Van D. Frasher, Crestridge credit courses, 2 to 7 p.m., East Hartford —Diedre O'Gorman, 12, Drive, Suzuki violin student. Registrar’s Office, Ad­ ministration Building, Main Campus. I Saturday, Sept. 9 M ACC News f Registration, Communi­ Strikes ty Services c r^ it and non­ The Manchester Honor Court celebrates credit courses, 9 a.m. to Talks Start Hartford area who feel they need help and the completion of its fifth vear together support with a personal problem, Honor noon. Registrar’s Office, Curtail next Monday evening, Sept. 11 in the Cir­ Court also welcomes those who seek to Administration Building, cuit Court 12 courtroom in East Hartford. better understand the whole complex Main Campus. Held in the courtroom every Monday question of alcoholism in our community. Monday, Sept. 11 evening at 7:30, the sessions have had an Speakers from all over Connecticut come ’•Creative Fiber School Workshop: 9:30 to 11:30 In Seclusion average weekly attendance of some 45-50 to share their own experiences. Mrs. Wolf persons including those seeking help, a a.m., Hartford Road Cam­ CAMP DAVID, Md. (UPI) - In an says that the people are so warm and bflCKlO By United Press International Both Sadat and Begin expressed personnel, family relations officers, fami­ pus, Room 103. atmosphere of hope, prayer and friendly that everyone who comes feels Schools in Bridgeport and optimism when they arrived at An­ ly and friends. •♦Biofeedback: 7 to 9 near-total seclusion, the principal ac­ very welcome. Norwalk, Conn, opened on revised drews Air Force Base for the' The 1977-1978 MACC Coordinator of p.m., Hartford Road Cam­ tors in the summit at Camp David helicopter ride to Camp David. pus, Room 211. schedules today with many students Volunteer Services to Honor Court, San­ Persons suffering from alcoholism may are gathered for a rendezvous crucial Begin ended his brief remarks with dra Wolf, says she feels it has been a very • ’Film Production: 7 to snatching at another day of summer for peace in the Middle East. feel very much Isolated and alienated 9 p.m.. Main Campus TV vacation and substitutes filling in for a pun in Latin on the traditional successful year, in part, because of the from the rest of society. By their presence President Anwar Sadat and Prime Vatican phrase uttered at the continuing community support Honor Studio. an estimated 2,200 striking teachers. Minister Menachem Begin arrived on and contributions of refreshments, church ••Wilderness In Norwalk, where schools opened successful conclusion of a conclave of Court has received. The coffee Alcoholics and other service groups reach out to say separate Marine helicopters Tuesday the College of Cardinals — “Habems Anonymous (A.A.) provides and the Leadership Seminar: 7 to for a half day, school officials said afternoon at the presidential retreat they care. Those groups participating in 9:30 p.m., Hartford Road tSCHOOL^lLE attendence was relatively light. In Papum’’ (we have a pope.) Begin sandwiches, and finger foods served each Honor Court express the feeling that they in the green foliage of Maryland’s Campus, Room 202. Bridgeport, attendence was so light said, ‘Let us all hope that out of this week by local church groups will be are taking much more home with them in Catoctin mountains. unique political conclave a day will supplemented tonight by a special an­ ♦♦Drama Workshop: 7 SCHOOL SAVINGS WHEN YOU NEED THEM MOST! school officials planned to close 11 Both men expressed hope and op­ both learning experience and shared schools. come when the nations of the world niversary cake. fellowship. to 10 p.m., Hartford Road timism in brief arrival statements, Campus, Room 206. D&L Childrens Shops: Corbins, Avon, Bristol, Manchester Meanwhile, striking Bridgeport will say, ‘Habemus pacem, we have Honor Court provides an opportunity for but a tense cloud — Lebanon — cast a peace’.’’ More than 25 church oriented groups are •♦Horse Care and Stable teachers, who said they were ready persons who have a problem with alcohol now participating in Honor Court. Sandra shadow over the conference. Management 1: 7:30 to 9:30 to go to jail if necessary, walked Sadat said on arrival, “We come 6 to be referred through the court system, Wolf who handles all arranging and The danger in Lebanon is that con­ here at a crucial crossroads. The the Family Relations Office or by family p.m., Hartford Road Cam- ■ picket lines as they awaited a court tinuing clashes between right-wing scheduling of volunteer services praises pus. Room 207. challenge is tremendous, but we have or friends. The Honor Court program is decision that might order them back Christian militias and Arab peace­ their efforts and wishes to express to work. no choice except to accept the carried out through the cooperation of the everyone's appreciaiion of their commit­ Portable Alarm keeping troops may escalate into a challenge. We can’t afford to fail the judges of the Circuit Court, Alcoholic ment. Superior Court Judge James direct military confrontation Henebry Tuesday ordered the hopes of nations all over the world.” Anonymous, family relations officer, and Mrs. Ginger Smith of Manchester will KEWASKUM, Wis. between Syria and Israel — and In their first evening at the the church and other groups who provide (UPI) — A housewares Bridgeport school board and the affect the summit. be assuming the duties of coordinator as 1,250-member Bridgeport Education presidential retreat, there were only not only refreshments but community sup­ of next Monday. Any one interested in manufacturer has entered At the request of host President informal meetings between Carter Association to resume negotiations, port. the home security field Carter there is an almost total news and Begin and a brief exchange further information can contact the Court but postponed ruling on the board’s A representative of Family Relations with a battery-powered blackout over the talks, which could between Sadat and Carter. The of Common Please, Family Relations Of­ request for an injunction until today Office attends all court sessions seeking fice, 63 E. Center St., Manchester, or Mrs. electronic burglar alarm last as long as 10 days, including a to allow the two sides to meet. American president meets separate­ those who have a problem with alcohol. Ginger Smith, 606 Spring St., Manchester. designed to be hung from a .; v v IS three-day break for the religous holy Association President Arthur ly with Sadat this morning, and the Such a person will be approached by the Please feel welcome to join in the an­ doorknob. The manufac­ days of the three leaders over the Pechillo said the two sides had made first joint meeting of the three representative and offered the alternate niversary celebration next Monday turer says the alarm Bounding Toward School weekend. Sadat’s Islam day of leaders is expected later. opportunity of attending Honor Court for a evening. sounds when a hand or an no progress after seven hours of worship is Friday; Begin’s Jewish negotiations Tuesday night and The three parties, including stipulated number of successive Monday A reminder: Our Convalescent Horae object is placed on the out­ Youngsters bound across the street on their was not only the first day of school, but the Sabbath begins at sundown Friday agreed Henebry would probably foreign ministers and a small staff, evenings. During this period it is hoped Auxiliary will meet Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. at side door knob or connec­ way to Nathan Hale School this morning first day for Mrs. Jarvis as a school crossing and lasts until sundown Saturday; dined separately in their lodges ting lock.
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