Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 85813 Hifgh tide-2:16pm1 Partly cloudy. Low tde--806mThundershowers. Low tde 8O~pmWinds S 8-16 kts. Suyvukgg6e--636am BGusdtsonks. SunSet --- 7:22pm Gss-o28-s 84iBay--o-dition Low---- 72 The Navy's oniy daity 1-3 ft. Vol. 32, No. 81 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -Mnevd-y, April 2(D, 1977 P rospects for peace World News Digest Hussein encouraged and hopeful WASHINGTON (AP)--King Hussein of Jo rdan told Pres. Carter last night WASHINGTON (UPI)--White House News Secy. Jody Powell defended Pros. he feels "more encouraged and more Carter's executive style yesterday, saying an assistant who does a good hol peful" than he has for a long job shouldn't expect praise. Powell says the President has complimented tiime about the prospects for peace him only seven times since they met in 1970. But as Powell puts it, "I in the Middle East. have never made a secret of the fact that this particular President is not Hussein madeHussin the adetheremakremark ini a1oasa toast givengie1opt1o to pats on theh1ak.srkn back, stroking hisi staff,taf orraksso a kiss on theh ear."a. at a working dinner at the White House. Carter was more cautious in DETROIT (UPI)--Detroit automakers say overall car sales jumped three per toasting Hussein. The President cent in mid-April. The industry sold nearly 290,000 cars during a 10-day emphasized what he called "the dif- period, the highest number in history. Ford led the way with a nine per ficulties of resolving the historic cent sales hike, while GM registered a six per cent increase. Sales by animosities" that exist in the area. American Motors dipped 32 per cent. But Carter went on to say this U.S. and Cuba resume year can be the year for significant major strides toward permanent peace progress toward a permanent settle- in the Middle East. It would be a BEIRUT (UPI)--A right-wing radio fishing negotiations ment, in part because all sides are mistake to be too optimistic because station in Lebanon reports at least displaying moderation. of the serious nature of the divi- 60 Palestinians and Syrian peace- WASHINGTON (UPI)--The United Hussein was welcomed to the White sions that have long separated one keeping soldiers were killed in States and Cuba yesterday resumed House in the morning with a ceremony people from another in the Eastern fighting around here yesterday. A their fishing negotiations with that was remarkably simple and aus- Mediterranean region." shaky cease-fire took effect after the presence in Havana of a high- tere for a chief of state. Although The President said, "If there is midnight, when only sporadic shots ranking U.S. official for the first there was the traditional 21-gun one leader who is a key to the com- were reported. But eyewitnesses time in 16 years, the State Depart- salute, there was only a band and a prehension of the problems and also say tension remains high in neigh- ment announced. small color guard in the ceremony. the analysis of the possible solu- borhoods that experienced house-to- Assistant Secy. of State for In- In his brief remarks as he wel- tions, it would be King Hussein." house combat over the past two days. ter-American Affairs Terence Todman comed Hussein, Carter struck a som- is in Cuba heading the American ber tone, "This year, 1977, is a delegation. special time. It is one when we Bell refuses to halt prosecution This is the first visit to Cuba face possible opportunities for by a high-ranking U.S. official WASHINGTON (UPI)--Atty. Gen. since the two countries ended rela- Griffin Bell has refused to halt the tions in early 1961. The official prosecution of an FBI agent charged reason for Todman's visit to LOCAL NEWS with making illegal investigations. Havana is the resumption of the Bell met for three hours yesterday U.S.-Cuban talks on fishing and mar- with FBI Director Clarence Kelley itime boundaries that began last BRIEFS and groups of agents who said the month in New York. Justice Department probe of the FBI The presence of a high American The Flagship Mess will have an- has damaged morale. official in Havana after a decade other Family Night tomorrow from After the meetings, Bell told and a half of political hostility 4-6. The feature is Chinese food. reporters he didn't even discuss and ideological struggle is consid- the case against John Kearney, an ered a major step toward the estab- agent who's been indicted for ille- lishment of normal relations between A contest began yesterday to name gal wiretaps and mail openings in the two countries. the petty officers' lounge at the New York. From the Carter administration's Windjammer. It will run until next Bell did ask the agents to tell point of view, one of the major ob- Monday. him how they carry out their inves- stacles to normal relations with Three judges will decide the win- tigations, so he can ask Congress to er methods, as fail-proof guidelines Havana is Cuba's active role in ner, to be announced Monday. The enact a "charter" spelling out prop- for the future. Africa, mainly Angola. winner will receive a sailboat, which is on display inside the May 4 to June 6 lounge. Entry blanks may be picked up at the Windjammer. For more informa- Annual Navy Relief Fund Drive scheduled to begin 85115 or 85669. tion call The Navy and Marine Corps' annual society makes its annual appeal for bills, food and rent, necessary drive to help their own people in funds during the period of May 4 dental care, personal needs when pay times of need begins here and at through June 6, commemorating the records are lost, handicapped Turner speaks to Congress naval installations and units around Navy-Marine Corps sea-air battles children, education of dependent the world May 4 with a call for of Coral Sea and Midway. children and vocational training about support of the Navy Relief Society. for widows. oil reserves When the need exists, the Navy Last year, for example the Navy Founded in 1904, the Navy Relief Relief can provide outright gratu- Relief allocated more than $6-mil- Society has been the Navy's own ities or interest free loans or a lion to provide gratuities, direct organization for the relief of combination of the two for such loans and educational loans. distress among Navy and Marine Corps things as emergency leave, funerals, Locally, this year's drive is personnel and their families. The the patient's share of medical under the chairmanship of Capt. T.J. Trumble, commanding officer of the hospital. Lt. N.W. Cordell of the hospital is project officer. They GITMO IS FOR are being joined by project officers - 7* and keymen from departments and HISTORY divisions from all base commands in an attempt to give everyone an op- portunity to participate in the campaign. Those representatives are LCdr. Warren Baxley, NAS, LtCol. O.K. Steele, Co. "L", Lt(j.g.) Robert A. Moritz, VC-10, LCdr. Golden Johnson, FTG, LCdr. Gary Monroe, ROICC, YN2 John A. Israel, ComNavBase, and EN Patrick T. Ryan, NavSta. WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Soviet Union Navy Relief income comes from may go from being an oil exporter three sources: income from a reserve to an oil importer by the early fund, voluntary contributions from 1980s, according to CIA Director service personnel and civilian Stansfield Turner. friends of the naval service, and Turner told Congress yesterday repayments of loans. that's a major factor in the CIA's All contributions are returned to assessment of international oil re- Navy and Marine Corps personnel serves. The CIA report was used by (Coast Guard personnel in times of Pres. Carter last week in citing a war), their familes or their survi- gloomy outlook for worldwide oil vors in the form of gratuitous ser- production. vices or non-interest loans. Turner said pumping problems, not Local men and women can obtain just depletion, will cause Soviet more information about the drive oil demand to outrun supplies by and Navy Relief services from their 1985. The Russians reportedly have individual keymen throughout the too much water in their oil fields. campaign. Palge 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, April 26, 1977 Today's meetings L- Tomorrow's meetings Tr- GIT7O BAY BRIDGE CLUB meets at 7.p.m. at. the CONO Club. Cali',Jim BINGO will be played at the Staff. NCO Club beginning at 7:30 p.m. Cossey at 85149 AWR. The club is ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet at open to all base residents. Community 7:30 n.n. For more information call 85697 or 90269 AT. GITMO SELF DEFENSE CLUB will meet at Marblehead Hall from 6-8 p.m. WATER STATUS Bulletin CHURCH OF CHRIST BIBLE CLASS will meet at 7 p.m. For more informa- YESTERDAY'S FIGURES tion call 90108 or 97191 AT. GITMO COIN CLUB meets in B d quonset TARGET CONSUMPTION: 1,350,000 Board hut 1817 behind the old elementary ACTUAL CONSUMPTION: 1,287,000 school at 7:30 p.m. For more in- TOTAL IN STORAGE: 15,030,000 formation call Lou Prosser at 90172 or Carl Harvey at 952243. Clubs and Organizations Sports HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA COMMANDING OFFICER LUNCHEON FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION All graduates non-high school who GOLF COMMITTEE All Naval Station master, senior do not possess a high school equiv- The new home of the Fleet Reserve and chief petty officers are invited alency diploma are requested to con- There Association, located at Morin Cen- to attend a luncheon with the will be a meeting of the tact J.T.
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