ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 177 FULGOROIDEA FROM ALDABRA, ASTOVE, AND COSMOLEDO ATOLLS, COLLECTED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY EXPEDITION 1967.68 (HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA) by M. D. Webb Issued by THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Washington, D.C., U.S.A. January 15,1975 ---Contents Page Introduction Systematic List Ricaniidae Flaticlae Meenoplidae Issidae Cixiidae Delphacidae Achilidae Derbidae Tropiduchidae Table 1. Fulgoroidea from Aldabra Atoll and their distribution elsewhere 8 References FULGOROIDEA FROM ALDABRA, ASTOVE, AND COSMOLEDO ATOLLS, COLLECTED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY EXPEDITION 1967-68 (HEMIP- TERA-IIOMOPTERA) by M. D. Webb-1 / INTRODUCTION The present study is concerned with the Fulgoroidea collected by B. H. Cogan and A. M. Hutson of the British Museun~ (Natural History) on the 1967-68 Royal Society Expedition l-o Aldabra, Astove and Cosmoledo Atolls. These islands together with Assumption are known collectively as the Aldabra group. Eight Fulgoroid species were recorded from the Aldabra group by Distant (1906) who placed them in seven genera and four families. The present work adds five families, eighteen genera and ten species to the fauna. A li.st of species from the Aldabra group with their distribution is included at the end. of the paper. Three of Distant's species were not found by the expedition but are listed for completeness. Identifications were carried out with reference to the type specimens, except in those species where published descriptions and illustrations proved sufficient. The classification used follows Metcalf's General Catalogue of the Hemiptera (1936-58) except where indicated. The collecting areas on the present expedition were as follows : Aldabra Atoll: South Island, Middle Island, West Island, Ile Michel. Cosmoledo Atoll: Wizard Island, Menai Island. Astove Atoll. Recent detailed maps, descriptions and discussions on the flora and fauna of the areas listed above can be found in Westoll and Stoddart (1971) for Aldabra, Bayne et al. (1970) for Cosmo- ledo and Bayne et al. (1970) for Astove. -- l'British Museum (~atural ist tor^). (Manuscript received Dec. 1973--Eds.) I would like to thank Dr. GBllner-Scheiding, Mumboldt University Museum, Berlin and Dr. A. Kaltenbaclr, Naturhistorisches Mu.seum, Vienna for the loan of type material. lkferundata-- aldabrana Distant AI,DAURA, SOUTH 1:SLAND: 76 11 9, Takarnaka, 1 -27/ii/1968; 3a 29, Dune Jean-Louis, 13-2O/ii-i./1968; 36 1 9, Flamingo Pool, 21 -22/i/1968; 1 6 1 9, Cirq Cases, 3-1 6/i~/1968; KLDDLIC ISLAND: 16, near Passe Gionnet, 2/iii/lg68; 16 19, near last Channel., 18-23/!~i/1968; WiST ISLAND: 1 6, near Set-tlen~ent,21 -3l/ii.i/ 1968; ILII &IICITi31,: I a, l5/ii/1 968. Identified from the type series deposited :in the British Museum (~atural ist tor^). Neoprivesa fuscovaria Distant ALIIARRA, SOUTI1 ISLAND: 6 6 39, Takamaka, 1 -27/i:i/1968 ; 76 21 P , Dune Jean-Louis, 13-2O/i.ii/1 968; 1 9, Cinq Cases, 3-16/i/1968; 36 b9, Dune D'Messe, %l/i:i.i./1968; I?, Fri.f;atc Pool, 2O/i/1968; PiIllDLLC ISLAND: 1 3, near East Channel., 18-23/ii/1968; IfEST 7:SLANU: 3 3 3P, near Settlement, 7-1 2/iii./1968; 1:LE MICIIICL: 36, 15/ii/1968; COSPIOLICIIO, VIZARD IS1,AniI): 1 9 , 6/iij~/1968. Identified from the type series deposi.ted in the British Museum (Natural I.Iistory). Privesa punctifrons Signoret ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLANII: 5 6 29, Takamaka, 1 -27/ii/1968; 2 6 32, Takamaka Grove, 1 -27/j.:i/1968; 3 6 39, Dune Jean-Louis, 13-2O/iii/1968; 19, Dune DIMesse, 21/iii/1968; 1 6, Anse Cedre, 17-1 9/i/l968; 2 6, Point IIodoul, 27/i/1968; Ml~DIILlS I:SLANI): 1 6 I?, near Passe Gionilet, 2/iii/1968; 36, near East Channel, 18-23/ii/1968; WICST I:SLAND: 1 9, near Settlelilcnt , 7-1 2/iii/1 968; rL,rc P:';ICII.(I:L: 66 39, 15/ii/1 968; COSPfOLh:IlO, wI.ZARl3 ISLAND: 26 1 P, 6/iii/1968; KENAI ISLAND: 1 6" 1 P, 6/iii/1968; ASTOVE: 23 5P, around coconut plan-tation, 5/iii/l968. Identified from the description and figure given by Melichar (1898). According to Melichar, the type of this species is in the Vienna Nuseum, but I have been unable to trace it there or elsewhere. I have, however, studied a headless specimen mentioned by Eelichar and determined by him as the same species. Osaka hyalina Distant The genus Osaka is here included in the family Ricani.i.dae as -uroposed - bv Schmidt (1912)~. and other authors rather than in the Nogodinidae as given by Netcalf. ALDARRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 76 49, Takamaka, 1-27/ii/l968; 6 6 29, Dune Jean-Loui.s, 13-2O/iii/1968; 29, I~lan~ingoPool, 21 -22/i/ 1968; 36 39, Cinq Cases, 3-16/i/1968; 32 49, Dune DINesse, 21 /ii.i/1968 ; 1 9 , Anse Cedre, 17-1 9/i/1968 ; MIDDIX ISLAND: 1 a, near Passe Gionnek, 2/iii/.I 968; WET ISLAND: 1 6 29, near Sctkler;ient, 21 -3l/ii.i/1 968; ILK &fI:CHEI,: 11 6, 1j/ii./l 968; COSXOLICDO, F!ICNAI ISLAND: 19 , 6/ij~/1968; ASTOVE: 103 59, around coconut plantation, 5/i.ii/1968. Identified from the type scrics deposited in the British Museu~i; (~aluralIIis tory) . 59, Takan~akaGrove, 1-27/ii/l968; 9 3 49, Dune Jean-Louis , 13-20/iii/1968; 11 3 19, Takarnaka Pool, 1-1 7/ii/1968; 58 69, Cinq Cases, 3-29/:i/1968; 43, Dune DtMesse, 21/iii/1968; ha 3V, Anse Cedrc, 17-19/i/1968; 163 11 9, Bras Cinq Cases, 9/i/l968; 33 39, Flami.ngo Pool, 21 -22/i/1968; 19, Frigate. Pool, 20/i/1968; MI.DDI.,E ISLAND: 19, near East Channel, 18-23/ii./l968; Wl%ST ISLAND: 4 8 19, near Set tlernent, 7-3l/iii/ 1968; r1,E MrcnEL: 48 l?, 3-1 5/ii/l968; 1:SLLTS IN VEST CHANNEL: 2 a 19, 28-29/ii./1968 ; COSMOIZDO, W:CZARD ISLAND: 1 3 29, 6/iii/1968; MXNAI ISLAMI: 1i?, 6/ifi/1968. 1denti:fied from the type speciruen deposited in the Naturhistorisches "useurn, Wien. Meenoplidae X'isia atrovinosa (~ethierr~) AI,DABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 1 8 29, Takanlaka Grove, 23-27/ii/1968; 19, Takarnaka Pool, 1-1 7/:i.i/1968; 29, Cinq Cases, 3-29/i/l968; 19, Flamingo Pool, 21 -22/i/1968; 1 9, Anse Cecire, 17-1 9/i/ 1968. Identified from the descri.pti.on and f'i.@res civen by Syrlave (1957). Issidae -Trienopa (Ivinga) typica Distant ALDABIIA. SOUTH ISLAND: 19, Takarnaka, 1 -17/i.i/1968; 1 8, Takarnaka Grove, 23-27/ii/l968; 36 19, Cinq Cases, 3-1 6/i/ 1968; 1 a 19, Anse Cedre, 17-19/i/1968; 19, Frigate Pool, 2O/i/l968 ; COSP'IOLEDO, VIZARD ISLASD: 1 a, 6/iii/1968 ; ASTOVE: 2$29, around coconut plantation, j/iii/1968. Identified from the type series deposited in the British Museum (~aturalHistory). Cixiidae --Brixia stellata Distant ALDABM, SOUTH ISLAND: 1 6 29, Takamaka, 23-27/ii/1968 ; 4 6 39, Takamaka Grove, 1-27/ii/l968; 36 38, Takamaka Pool, 1-1 7/ii/1968; 29, Cinq Cases, 3-29/i/i 968; 1 ? , Anse Cedre, 17-1 9/i/1968; 4.9, Flamingo Pool, 21 -22/i/1968; 1JEST ISLAND: 1 9, near Settlement, 7-1 2/iii/1968. These specimens are only tentatively recorded as s-tella-ta since males from the type series in the British ~useuwal Uistory) have only one mid-ventral spine on the aedeagus compared to three on the Aldabra specimens. Oliarus nosibeanus Jacobi ALDABRA, MIDDLE ISLAND: 2 6, near Passe Gionnet, 2/iii/1968. Identified from the type series deposited in the Humboldt University Museum, Berlin. -Oliarus sp. ASTOVE: 4 6 1 ? , around coconut planta-Lion, 5/iii/1968. Acllaeri~enes-- major Jacobi. ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 16, Dune DIMesse, 21/ii.i/1968; 39, Dune Jean-Louis , l3-2O/i.ii/l968. Identifi.ed froln the type series deposited in the Iluk~boldt University Museum, Berlin. Delphacidae UgYoPS SP. ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 1 6 1 9 , Takamaka, 1 -1 7/ii/lY68 ; 1 6, Takamaka Pool, 1-1 7/ii/l968. Matutinus sp. ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: I?, Dune Jean-Louis, 13-20/iii/1968; 66 29, Cinq Cases, 3-1 6/i/1968. These specimens resemble -Matutinus typhae (~indberg)but differ slightly in the male genitalia. Sogatella --nigeriensis --troilus Fennah ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 1 6 1 9, Takamaka Grove, 23-27/ii/l968; 16, Dune DfMesse, 21/iii/1968. Identified from the description and figures given by Fennah (1963). Sogatella kolophon subsp. ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 19, Dune D'Messe, 21 /iii/1968; WEST ISLAhQ: 28, near Settlement, 21 -3l/iii/l968; ASMVE: 56 19, around coconut plantation, 5/iii/1968. Identified from the description and figures given by Fennah (1963). Sogatella sp. ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 3 6, Dune Jean-Louis, 13-20/i.ii/1968. Sogatella sp. ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 19, Cinq Cases, 3-16/i/1968. Sogatella sp. COSMOLI3D0, WIZARD ISLAND: 1 9, 3-1 6/i/1968. Sogatodes cubana (crawford) ALDABRA, SOUTH ISLAND: 1 S 19, Dune DIMesse, 21/iii/1968; WEST ISLAND: 19, near Settlement, 21 -3l/iii/1968; COSMOLEDO, WTZARD ISLAND: 10, 6/iii/1968. Identified from the original description, Crawford (1914), combination as in Fcnnah (1 963). -Thriambus sp. ALDABRA, WET ISLAND: 29, near Settlement, 21 -3l/iii/1968. -Eripeson sp. ALDAIIRA, WEST ISLAND: near Settlement, 21 -31 /iii/1968.
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