NREL/CP-540-22309 ● UC Category: 1500 ● DE97000091 Analysis of the Fuel Economy Benefit of Drivetrain Hybridization Matthew R. Cuddy Keith B. Wipke Prepared for SAE International Congress & Exposition February 24—27, 1997 Detroit, Michigan National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 A national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy Managed by Midwest Research Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC36-83CH10093 Work performed under Task No. HV716010 January 1997 NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from: Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) P.O. 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Mason and Kristiansson, Fuel economies of these two diesel-powered hybrid vehicles however, assert that series hybrids are likely to be more fuel- are compared to a comparable-technology diesel-powered efficient than parallel hybrids [7]. Initial studies at NREL internal-combustion-engine vehicle. Sensitivities of these using current and projected component data indicated that fuel economies to various vehicle and component parameters series and parallel hybrids have similar fuel economy are determined and differences among them are explained. potential [8]. The fuel economy of the parallel hybrid defined here is 24% better than the internal-combustion-engine vehicle and 4% This analysis predicts the fuel economy differences better than the series hybrid. among a series hybrid, a parallel hybrid, and an ICEV of similar levels of advancement and performance, using INTRODUCTION component and vehicle data adapted from current technologies. The methods of analysis and assumptions Automobile drivetrain hybridization (using two types required are presented. The dependence of the fuel economy of energy converters rather than just one, as conventional- of each vehicle upon the assumptions are presented, allowing drivetrain vehicles do) is considered an important step to high an understanding of the various projections of hybrid fuel fuel economy. The Department of Energy has established economy made in the literature. Sensitivity coefficients, cost-shared programs with Chrysler, Ford, and General required for the fuel economy sensitivity analysis and Motors under the Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion System Program analogous to the “influence coefficients” discussed by Sovran to double the fuel economy of midsized automobiles, without and Bohn are also presented [9]. These sensitivity sacrificing performance and consumer acceptability, by coefficients may be used to estimate the fuel economy of hybridizing their drivetrains. The government/industry derivatives of the vehicles presented. Partnership for the New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) effort has also identified hybridization as an important step The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s toward tripling mid-sized sedan fuel economy. Recent and (NREL’s) ADvanced VehIcle SimulatOR (ADVISOR), was ongoing work seeks both to identify the likely fuel economy used along with data from the literature and from industry gains hybrid vehicles can deliver, and to ascertain the hybrid contacts to define and evaluate charge-sustaining hybrids configuration that will lead to the best fuel economy [1-6]. (which may operate without wall-charging, as long as there is fuel in their tank) and a ICEV for comparison. ADVISOR Tamor, of Ford Motor Co., uses energy throughput was also used to determine numerically the sensitivity of each spectra of current internal-combustion-engine vehicles vehicle’s fuel economy to changes in vehicle and component (ICEVs) along with Ford Ecostar electric-drive data and an parameters. These sensitivities were then used to analyze the idealized battery model to estimate the greatest possible predicted fuel economy differences among the three vehicles. benefit of drivetrain hybridization to be 50% [6]. Given a 100% efficient energy storage system and ideal control The only vehicle figure of merit being considered stragegy, Tamor estimates a parallel hybrid will have a here is fuel economy. We recognize that there are many other combined federal fuel economy of roughly 1.5 times the fuel important issues to be resolved in the development of a economy of an ICEV of similar mass and engine technology. vehicle such as cost, reliability, and emissions. Our focus (Combined federal fuel economy is computed assuming 55% here, however, is solely on the likely potential to improve fuel economy by drivetrain hybridization. With that focus, we lead-acid, with characteristics adapted from Optima [11]. found the series hybrid defined here is 18% more fuel- Vehicle drag parameters were chosen to define a Partnership efficient than the ICEV and the parallel hybrid is 24% more for the New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV)-like vehicle with fuel-efficient than the ICEV. A 10% drop in battery an aluminum-intensive body, heavy by Moore’s standards but turnaround efficiency (from ~88% to ~80%) causes a 1.5% deemed achievable by those in industry interviewed by drop in series hybrid fuel economy (for this particular control Duleep [2,4]. The “regenerative braking fraction” in the table strategy) and a 1.3% drop in parallel hybrid fuel economy. is defined here as the fraction of braking energy during a The sensitivity to regenerative braking effectiveness is given cycle that is provided to the electric drivesystem, with likewise small: a 10% drop in regenerative braking the balance, 60% in this case, handled by friction brakes. effectiveness causes a 0.7% drop in parallel hybrid fuel economy and a 1.0% drop in series hybrid fuel economy. Table 1. Vehicle summary data Parameter Series HV Parallel HV ICEV BASELINE VEHICLES Heat Engine type DI Diesel DI Diesel DI Diesel The vehicles used in this study were defined using maximum power 32 kW 35 kW 62 kW current and projected vehicle and component data. Using specific power 500 W/kg 500 W/kg 500 W/kg NREL’s vehicle performance simulator, ADVISOR, (which [13] [13] [13] has been benchmarked against industry simulation tools,) the peak efficiency 43% [10] 43% [10] 46.5% [13] components were sized to meet performance goals, and avg. efficiency 40.2% 36.4% 26.0% transmission and hybrid control strategies were optimized for fuel economy subject to performance constraints. ADVISOR Generator type Permanent -- -- was then used to evaluate the vehicles’ fuel economy. The Magnet vehicles in this study are shown schematically in Figure 1. maximum power 32 kW -- -- specific power 840 W/kg -- -- VOLTAGE MOTOR/ HEAT ENGINE GENERATOR BUS INVERTER [14] peak efficiency 95% [14] -- -- avg. efficiency 90% [14] -- -- ACCESSORY BATTERY Series HV LOAD PACK Motor/Inverter type AC induction AC induction -- TORQUE 5-SPD TRANS- max. continuous power 53 kW 27 kW -- HEAT ENGINE MOTOR/ COUPLER MISSION INVERTER specific power 820 W/kg 820 W/kg -- ACCESSORY [15] [15] LOAD VOLTAGE BATTERY peak efficiency 92% [15] 92% [15] -- Parallel HV BUS PACK avg. efficiency 86.8% 89.4% -- Battery Pack 5-SPD TRANS- type Advanced Advanced -- HEAT ENGINE MISSION Lead-Acid Lead-Acid maximum power 63 kW 32 kW -- ACCESSORY specific power @ 50% 800 W/kg 800 W/kg -- ICEV LOAD SOC (including enclosure and thermal management) Figure 1. Energy-flow schematics of the series hybrid (top), capacity 2.4 kWh 1.2 kWh -- parallel hybrid (middle), and ICEV (bottom). Solid lines indicate avg. round-trip efficiency 87.6% 87.7% -- mechanical energy, and dashed lines indicate electrical energy. Transmission type 1-spd man. 5-spd man. 5-spd VEHICLE SPECIFICATION avg. efficiency 98% [16] 92% [16] 92% [16] Component Specification - Table 1 lists the main Vehicle component efficiencies and road load parameters assumed for C A 0.4 m2 [12] 0.4 m2 [12] 0.4 m2 [12] this effort. D Crolling-resistance 0.008 0.008 0.008 The heat engine used here is a direct-injection (DI) accessory load 800 Welec 800 Welec 800 Wmech diesel, with a fuel-use map from the 5-cylinder, 85 kW Audi regenerative braking 0.4 0.4 0.4 engine [10], scaled to peak efficiencies given in Table 1. See fraction the “Scaling” section below for discussion of efficiency- 5-6 pass. glider mass 840 kg [4] 840 kg [4] 840 kg [4] versus-size-and-year considerations. The generator coupled passenger/cargo mass 136 kg 136 kg 136 kg to the diesel in the series hybrid vehicle (HV) is based on a test mass (including driver/ 1243 kg 1218 kg 1214 kg permanent magnet motor/controller set from Unique passenger/cargo) Mobility.
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