Bow Things Differ. The Conscription - let, C. W. Lewis, of Sugarloaf, and Miss. Erne Involuntary Emissions, I(icontincncekGeni - We LATE WAR NEWS. DkRH daughter of I ram Derr ol notice that a few Congressmen pre- Daniel Webster, once in a eulogy 00 In last Eq., tal Debility and Irritability Friday's Congressional proceed-ing- s Jackson, both ot Columbia co . , ' Impotence tending to act for the Democratic party, Alexander Hamilton, happened to strike a find There is a crowing belief in the Northern Weakness or loss nf Power, nervous we the following which was At Beach Haven, Luzerne o , on the 15th D. held a caucus in Washington the other day water-gla- ss his mind (hat the recent affair 011 the Rapidan bility, afl by side, shivering it to agreed lo, and the original Conscription bill of January, 1854, by James Beltnrd. Esq, &c, of which arise principally is-- ue at which they Drum-Maj- or determined to an ad- resulted far more seriously than has been from self-abus- e, atoms, and slightely cutting his hand, from as thus amended was : Mr. D. Smith Rosa, of Btoomsburg, Sexuel Excesses or or dress to pased Pa. the Democracy of the North, favor the blood which flowed freelv. Lilting it The bill as reported. The Irue extent of the losses has of Ihe 6ih Reserves, and having some constitutional derangement, proposed by the House, pro- now and Miss Catharine Rem and ing a "vigorous prosecution of the war," up so that all mitjt note tbe inspiration of vides been concealed. The number of killed, the fufferer from that the quota of each vard of a city, of the first named plsre. fulfilling the and advising as a matter of exptdiency the the he exclaimed of : wounded ami captured, it is feared, will ley, duties of sentiment, Hamilton town, township, prcinct or election dis- married life. Io all sexual dis- adoption of a 'strong war platlorm, in the?' reach five hundred. Eighty six prisoners In Tioga countv, on Friday, January 2, He smote the rock of our renources, and trict or of a county where the turn is di- Mr James Bcrt, ol Bloomsbun;, and Miss ease, Gonorrhea, Gleet and S.nctures, and m coming Now if are known to have been taken by the ene-- ni n nil miin i!ATvnii campaign. these would be ; of in Diseases of the Bladder abundant streams gushed lorth he touch vided wards, towns, township, pre-cinc- t, Sarah Beaver, ihe former place. aod Kidneys, UEi l leaders of oor good old party would The utter absurdity of the entire move-me- ;. LUiill. UF l UIiill attend ed the corpse of the public credit, and u of election divricts shall be a near- they act as a charm! Relief is experi- 10 the business for which ihey were elected l. become, more apparent every day. enced by stood upon its feet." . ly pof.Nif!e, in proportion 10 the nnm'.er DIED. taking a single box. WM. 11 JACOBY, EDITOR. acd try to represent aricht those who hon- The louieJerate loss was four killed, Sold by all the principal a ol men resident therein, 10 druggists. Price If man were speaking of Chase, who subject dral twenty wounded and twenty six In Bloomsburg, suddenly on Thursday SI ored them with their suffrage, in place of captured. night ot BL003ISSCRG, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 1S61. claims to wear the mantle of Hamilton, be taking into account a far as practicable the last, Heart disease, Mr. Richard They will be sent by dictating plailorms, or at empting to force General Meade resumed command of the aged 55 mail, securely would : number which has bean previously Plumrr, about years. ed, and the probably say Innush Army of the Potomac yesterday. Ou Thus- - confidentially, on receipt oftt.lb S. M. Pkttengill & Co., 37 Park Democracy into a fale position, lor ex- ed In Philadelphia, on Friday the 5th "of money, by , Row.. "He mote the handle of Hos's printing iherlrom, and in s'cer'.ainiu? and filling J. BRYAN M. D. i. i . .... pediency's sake, tney ;day uiht six or eihl guerrillas, dres-e- d in February, 1861, Robert McCurdt, for- oic uuij aumorizeo 10 solicit and would receive the said ac- No. 76 Cedar street.New York, .1-- press, and quota, there shall be taken into iPfPi. V- A snKcArinlinnaw . ari4 .1. ". i . .1 abundant streams of greenbacks merly a prominent citizen and u w nit u puTCUIMIIJf IUf I II 6 thanks of tbeir conmitiiems and be rer.ler-din- g renerai ouitorm, were captured near successful Consulting Physie'ans for tbe treatment pf War o7Ae A'orfA, published gushed forth ; with the wand of his green-- I count the number of men who have here Merchant of Berwick iu the 72nd year of at Bloomsborg, some service to their party as well as Wirrenton. There ha been no movement Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervoaa . tofore Uui- - his age. Columbia county. Penn'a. backs he touched the national conscience, entered the naval service of the of army. On Diseases, who will send, free to all, & to the country. It is about lime, we think, ei:her Friday Mosby attacked the Mithicr Co., 335 Broadway, New York, and it became shoddy." lel Slates, and whvse names are borne up In Bloomsburg, on Monday of last week, following valuable work, in sealed en- are authorized :o that this crj of expediency were the Federal pickets near Manassas, and receive subscriptions and stopped. ou the enrol ment lists as already returned Mr. Wm. Williams, a foreigner aged 35 velope : advertising for the Star cf the North. It has got of captured two or three. A party was sent in thousands Democrats beguiled to the office of Provost or 40 fears. THE FIFTIETH TH0USAND-D- R. Democratic Vietory. the Marshal General pursuit but failed to find the raiders. BELL'S into this Abolition war that never would In Briarcreek twp , on Friday, the 5th TREATISE on self abuse, Prema- FOR PRESIDENT IN 1864, fd Ihe U'lited States. Any person enrolled) have had aught to do it, There is a report from ihe Army of the iost daughter of William ture decay, impotence and loss of power, with but for'ibi At the city election in Lancaster, on the un Jer the provisions ot it e eriroflment Marietta, and aci Potomac that in a Richmond paper of Catharine Lamon, in the 8th year of her sexual diseases, seminal weakness, nightly GEORGE ct. B. contemptible cowardly iti re-ele- M'CLELLAN, plea, of men who 2nd et. v Mayor Saodrso'i was who may fr.r emissions, genital hereafter be enrolled may Thursday last which was brought into age. debility, &c , &c., a Subject to the Decision were trusted and treated as i by of y. of the Democratic leaders ol our ed a majority one hundred and ieven-pan- u;srt at any 1! an pamphlet of 64 pages, containing impor- National Convention time previous to the rail camp, there was an account of the escape ''Death loves a It has done more j hl shining mark." If so, it tant advice lo the to furnihh men teen, bein an increase of Hxty-eig- since acceptable subs'ituie who is not liable 10 afflicted, and which and ol one hundred and nine Federal officers was never more true. than in the sudden should be read by every money, and keep up the power of the ( last 'October. A despatch: "The Hnion sufferer, as the draft, nor at the time in the military service from Libby and unexpected removal of the lovely child means of cure in the Tfca Cost of War. ! the prison. They dug a tunnel severet stages is Ciril imbeciles at Washington, tlun all the Leasrue. raied ih issue whRihsr ih opolIp who has been taken from the evil 10 or naval senice of the United Slates and und-- come. plainly sef foyh. Two slamps required to blue-bellie- d r the street and passed through it. sneaking Yankee New Kng-lancrMi- of the city should again policy out Her sufferings were of short duration, and pay postage. --The Secretary snstain the such persons so furnishing a substitute of the Treasury baa an- Bui four had been re-tak- Neal Dow, though all was done that could be. for batched for fifty years. It can of the Administration of our distinguished shall be from the Nov. 25, 1863. !y. nounced that for the folnre be roust resort exempt dralt during the lime the paper states, was not one of '.be restoration ol her health, it was erident that cira full share wiih Abolitionism, in all fellow citizen, James Buchanan, and the for 10 loans to , which such substitute shall be exempt the Saviour who look little iirry on the wr. Let us see the ruin, anil party. children in his PRESERVE YOUR BE.iUTf. hftW wretchedness! wrong that the Democracy of his home have-- squarely met from draft, arms and blessed "Suffer lMl trill tnrk not however exceeding the tim? From Charleston there is intelligence ol them, saying prosecution of this war has Inflicted upon j the issue, and have gloriously vindi- - little children to come unto me and forbid Symmetry ol To a?air. for whioh such substitute shall have been a slow Form, support the army and to carry en our I continuance of the bombardment them not, forol such is the kingdom of YOUR the country, and should be held responsible Catel this much abnsed but eminent states- - accepted.
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