Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-3-2002 Arbiter, October 3 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Broncos prep for Warriors Tool to rock Idaho Center Page 6 Page 8~, • !3()i_se~tate U niversi ty www.arbiteronline.corn e Iter - ' .._"..--'-- ",-~,--.~---_._- Thursday. October 3,2002 Vol. r -, 1;.;sue5t' First Copy Free Faculty Senate proposes longer semesters Calendar change semesters from 15 weeks to academic calendar year response to Klein's e-mail and 20 percent service as cri- get their tenure." , 16. The Faculty Senate would look. It would have to stated that if faculty must teria. Klein also expressed con- would shorten Calendar Committee will be approved by the work two weeks over their Many faculty have other cerns that the shorter break winter break place the bill before the President's Cabinet before the original contracts, then BSU responsibilities to uphold will cause faculty fatigue. President's Cabinet on changes could be laid out should pay them for the addi- during the summer break and Most weekends, she said, are Monday, Oct. 14. clearly. tional two weeks. therefore rely on the taken uJ? by grading papers By Elizabeth Puckett Joanne Klein, assistant pro- Klein is in the process of "The issue of money hasn't Christmas holiday to conduct and devising the next week's The Arbiter ------- fessor of history, said the bill crafting a letter to the calen- even been addressed as far as their primary research. lesson plans. developed in the Faculty dar committee expressing the we know," Klein said. "A week can be essential "We rely on winter break A Faculty Senate bill Senate and never reached the faculty's concerns. She sent "We are on 9 month con- when you have grant propos- to recover from fall, get ready proposing to add a week of rest of the faculty. out an e-mail to all non-senate tracts, and to expand that als to write, experiments to for spring, and somewhere in classes to the fall and spring "The general faculty, as faculty asking for feedback. without additional monetary perform or need to travel as there, most of us like to have a semesters is causing concern well as the students, clearly "I got one positive compensation for the faculty part of your research," Klein little time to celebrate among Boise State faculty have a stake in this," she said. response out of the forty fac- is going to causeproblems." said. Christmas and the New members. ' "This came as a complete ulty I e-mailed," Klein said. Klein added that there are "With less time allotted for Year," she said. The bill will shorten the surprise. We should have The faculty concerns larger issues then pay break, many faculty on the "As another faculty mem- winter break, currently' three been consulted." . include pay, research time involved. Faculty tenure is tenure track just won't have ber put it in an e-mail to me, weeks, to two. It will also She said that most of the and recovery time from one decided with 40 percent time to do the primary the new calendar is absurd." expand both fall and spring faculty isn't sure how the new semester to the next. One teaching, 40 percent research, research which they need to Debate team dominates tourney By Carolyn Michaud receiving first place are Liz Most also credits much of Special to The Arbiter --- McDonaugh for After the team's success at CSI to Dinner Speaking, Lacey early preparation. Boise State University's Rammell-O'Brien in Prose, "Our people were partic- speech and debate team Nicki Napier in Dramatic ularly effective staying talked its way to victory last Interpretation and Patrick poised - not easy at the first weekend in the first confer- Connor in Communication tournament of the season," ence of the season. Analysis. he said. BSU's speech and debate BSU's speech and debate team surpassed the eight "Everyone knows team has accumulated a suc- other schools represented at cessful track record, win- the College of Southern how well our sports ning eight conference cham- Idaho Golden Eagle teams do, but few pionships in the last 12 Invitational on Saturday, years. also receiving the Idaho people realize that Both the team and Most Speech Cup. Boise State has one have high expectations for "Not surprisingly, we the upcoming season. As the Bronco sound machine were most successful in a/the best debate team gears up.for their next The Keith Stien Blue Thunder Marching Band fills the stadium wit.h sound during their those events our competi- teams in the competition, the University Wednesday rehearsal. Six-year marching band veteran Brian Patch says that with new tors have been working on of Oregon Invitational, they blood coming in this year, the season is shaping up to be good. According to Patch, fresh- men are often surprised by the different priorities at the university level, after spending last since last spring - nation. " are keeping the season asa time in high school where the emphasis is competition. Informative and Persuasive -Nancy Henke whole in mind. "You get to college and it's all about putting a show on the field for the crowd," he said. Speaking," coach Marty BSU debate team "Our team has amazing Most said. talent and I truly believe BSU swept the Rammel-O'Brien, a that BSU could place in the Informative Speaking cate- sophomore who has been a top three at Pi Kappa Delta gory and captured six out of member of the BSU debate Nationals next spring," seven possible awards for team for the past two years, Henke said. Persuasive Speaking, First said that some team mem- "Everyone knows how place winners in the two cat- bers began preparation for well our sports teams do, egories were Kristen this tournament early, but few people realize thal Davidson and Nancy because a competition they Boise State has one of the Henke, respectively. planned to attend last spring best debate teams in the Other BSU debaters was cancelled. nation." Laptops available for checkout in SUB By Colleen Underwood er by each student. dents will have fines Tile Al'biter------ Every time a laptop is charged to their Boise State checked out, the system is account. Boise State recently pur- cleared of the previous stu- The laptops can be chased 10 Gateway laptops, dent's activities to ensure checked out for 2 hours at a and students can now check the safety of personal infor- time: After 2 hours, the them out at the Info Desk in mation. Students need to machines can be renewed the SUB. save their work, as every- for another session, but can't The laptops have wireless thing is erased after each be checked out more than 2 Internet access that can be use. time slots per day. used anywhere inside the A policy must to be read If the laptop is not SUB. They aren't available and signed by each individ- checked in at the necessary for use in other buildings ual prior to checking out a time, a late charge will be around campus though. laptop. The purpoae is to applied. The charge is $10an The Gateway Solo 1450s ensure the safety of both the hour up to $50 a day. are .~quipped with an exter- computers and the students. Authorities will be contact- nal zip drive, an internal , The policy covers the ins ed if a laptop has not been floppy drive and DVD- and outs of the requirements returned within a 24-hour ROM. which students are expected period. The machines also come to abide by. Sanders said There are also rules of with an anti-virus system each student will have to thumb students need to fol- and were purchased with provide their BoiseState stu- low when checking out a student fees. dent ID card and must be in laptop. Debbie Sanders, good standing with the uni- A laptop can not be left Information and Ticket versity. unattended, and Boise State office manager, said student "We keep the information will not take responsibility response to the new laptops' on file the student just needs for the exchange of viruses has been good. ' to sign out each time," to a disk or the uploading of "The students are really Sanders said. personal software. Also the excited to have, the laptops The ID card will be held observing 'of pornograrhic and the news is spreading. at the information desk material is a violation a the by word of mouth," Sanders whilethe laptop is in use. state law. said. Students will be held The laptops need to be The laptops have a pro- liable for damages and checked into the gram called "Deep Freeze," replacement if the laptop is . Information Desk. one half which ensures user privacy. lost. Sanders estimated the hour before it doses. Photos by TedHarmon, The Arbiter It erases all the information replacement cost at $2,000.If There is no charge for the , Drum major Olivia Cunningham conducts the Blue Thunder MarchingBand. that is stored on the comput- any damages occur, stu- 'use of the-machines.
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