Regional Physical Framework Plan: 2004-2030

Regional Physical Framework Plan: 2004-2030

RTGIO PHYS ]RAM PIAJI:2004-2030 ,i: 1 :.l i'i! ir' ' 'it '.$# ,# rrfl' if; REGIONALLAND USE COMMITTEE/REGIONAL DEVE NATIONALECONOMIC AND DEVELO Picso/ arty r+ REGIONIV-A { (CALABARZON) PHYSICAL FRAMEWORKPLAN 2004 r 2030 NationalLand Use Committee NationalEconornic and DevelopmentAuthority December-2006 Republicof the Philippines REGIONALDEVELOPMENT COUNCIL RegionlV-A (CALABARZON Region) NEDAComptex, E. de losSantos Avenue, QuezonCity RDCRESOLUTION NO. lV-A-21-2006 RESOLUTIONAPPROVING THE CALABARZONREGIONAL PHYSICAL FRAMEWORK PLAN, 2OO4-203O WHEREAS, the NationatLand UseCommittee (NLUC) via its Resolution(01-5-2002) mandated the RegionatLand Use Committees(RLUCs) to prepareand update the RegionalPhysicat FrameworkPtans (RPFPs) att over the country; WHEREAS, the preparationof the RPFPfor CALABARZONwas deemedvery timety in view its status as a separateregion whose rapid devetopmenthas significantimpact on the region's physicaIresoLtrces, land use,setttement distribution and infrastructuresupport; WHEREAS, throughthe TechnicalWorking Group RPFP formutation commenced in the early part of 2003,and by the secondsemester of 2004,a draft plan has underwentconsultations, inctudingpresentations to variousRDC Committees; WHEREAS, the draft RPFP,which hasa long-termplanning perspective of 30 yearshad hetpedguide the formutationof the CALABARZONMedium-Term RegionaI Development Ptan 2004-2010; WHEREAS, a finaI review was undertakenduring the 24 August 2006 RLUCmeeting to ensure consistencywith other ptans,and to identify concernsthat oughtto be addressedin the finatizationof the draft RPFPas wetl as activitiesthat wit[ form part of the next steps; NOW,THEREFORE, on motion duty seconded,BE lT RESOLVEDAS lT lS HEREBYRESOLVED to approve the CALABARZONRegional Physicat Framework Plan, 2004-2030' FURTHERRESOLVED to initiate in coordinationwith other concernedagencies and [oca[ government units other activities such as the formutationof the Local DisasterRisk Management Ptansas accompanyingplans of the RPFP. APPROVED this 7rH day of September,2006 at Catamba,Laguna. CertifiedCorrect: Fl+,( [tai-d.L-- TIBERTYA. ABELLON Attested: M Secretary sEVERTNo)frsANros Vice-Chairman Approved: t. osMoND IIT fue1ar:a5 NO113€V'VArutsll :panorddy _------La-Trryffdi :lferroJpauruaf 'f 'b 'VSql 'VgtN 'lsn8ny;o tp 9002 Aepq]fz CtAOUddV dldu eq] 1osueld EuL{ueduo::e se supldluauaBeueyy IsrU ralsesr6 lprol lo uollelnuroJaLll se qlns serlrlLlfeloLllo sltun luauurano8 lelol pup sar:ua8epaulefuol leqlo qlrl'ltuorleulpJoo) ut alerltul ol CIAIOSIU UlHIUnl '0t02-r002'ue16 >1lomeuer1lerrsAq6 leuor8ag NOZUVBVIVI aq1 le,rordde 1qg lol 'papuo:as ,IUOIIUIHI esropuao] qtAtOSlU ASIUIH Sl Il SVqIAIOSIU l_l 3g Alnpuollout uo /v\ON 1sda1strxeu aLll to lted Luro;lllM leLll sellllt]le sp llam sp d_JdU]lelp aql Jo uollezlleurJ aql ur passarpppeq ol lqBnoleql suraluor(;rluapr ol pue 'sue1dreqlo qlut {rualsrsuo: ,SVlUlH/y\ ornsueo1 Eurlaeu lnl1 9002 ]sn8nvyZ aql Suunp uelpuapun sem Metler lpu4 e ISOOZlo :ayBnb qynol aqt urqtt,t,t8uL1ur-rd lo; pelnpeqfsuaaq seq 'alaU 'SVIUIH/V\ uPldaql eql lo; {:e:onpe pup uol}eururassrpuor}euJrojur Jo }lnpuo) aql spjpMo} lOIOZ-VOOZue16 luaudolare6 leuorBaUruraf-runlpe1,r1 NOZUVSVIVI aqt lo uotlelnuroJ .SVIUIHM aq1aprn8 padlaq {peatle peq a,u1:adsradEuruueld rural-Euo1 e spqLlllqm djdu lJplp el{t lsae11rr-uruoff0U ,VOOZ snouel ol uorleluoseldEurpnlrur suollellnsuoa ]uomlepun llplp p 16 lelseues 't002 .SVIUIHM puoreseqt urpue seAlrea se peruauuol dldu NOZUVSVIVfeqi lo uortplnulo;eqt luelsAsl.roddns safllles pue olnJfnJlselJUr;o uorsrlo_rd ol Eulpeelpup uorlnqulstpluaualllas Eur:uen1lur,sa:lnosal s]t asn eq1 Eurl:a}je 'uleroql ]o lueudola,rapprder aql pue uor8ereletedas p sp NOZUVSVIVfjo snlels Mauaql .svlulH/y\ JoMan ur {1aLur1fuanpauaep seMdldu aq} io uorleledeldaq1 Surlepueu uotlnlosar oql 1tu1uno:eq] relo llp (sd3du)sueld lrometuelg lerrsAq6 leuorEag aq1 ;o Surlepdnpup uorlprederdaq1 ateurproof o] (lnlu) aa]trur.ilol asn pupl leuorBauaql ,SVIUlH/t EutlepueLu(ZOOZ-s-;6) uorlnlosal e panssl(fnfU) aaltrrutuoJasn puel lpuolleNaql oE0z- v ooz' yuoMtwvu -tvf -lvNolgtuNv']d J IsAHd lvNot D3u NOZUVSVIVflHr lV OUddVV-AllrfNnol rN3wdo-E^to uol tsuooNl or Nolrn-loslu 90-to-v-At'oN Notl-ntostu fn-lu {1r1 uozen-f 'anuany '3 'xalduol soluessol ep VCIN (uorEa NOZUVSV1VI)y-11uorFaX -lVNOtgtu 1t)Nnol INSWdO-llAtC seurddr;rq4oql ]o rr;qndag 3utuue16 f,rurouof eorlos A:e1e;:a5 rutN'-1 o-lnwou ---.-t--Z- a . 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Qtolw)tcf: XI ueuireL{) 't 6FIOWSO i-Ul HVH]IU 'uaddeq srLllaleu o] no^ Lllr/v\EullloM ol prpmrotIool I ']ueudolelap . 1e:rs,(qd 'a:e1d s,uot8o-taq1 aptn8 o1 satrrlod pue sar8alerlsaq] qlr*r ur Mousr uor]le lo; Ilomor.uel;aq1 .NOZUVSVIVf ,o arnlnJaq] ol 1ue1:odr-urA11e1rn qloq - searpuorlfnpo;d 1e:nr pue sa:edsuado ,ro; uorlrelold pue l;oddnsEuo.rls ornsua osle pue suorsrfap ]ueulselur peuroJur-ra]]aq roJ Molle o] {lurepe: ralee:6lo}fas alerrudeq1 epurord o1 uot8ar oql ro, A:r1odlurel-Euo1 Eurqr;e:elo up aneq em 'ue16slqi ul 'suor1e1:adxe 'satluot-rd puespaau leuor8arernlnJ ]aatu o] lferl uo ore aM leq] osEuruueld o1 q:eo.rdde poleulplool 'luor.uuo;r,rua

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