Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / July 29 995 I have enclosed a copy of the Executive bors. If we are ever to reach our common Order I have issued. This Order becomes ef- goal of two states living side by side in peace fective at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time and security, leaders must assume responsi- on July 29, 2003. bility. The Prime Minister is assuming re- Sincerely, sponsibility. All parties agree that a fundamental obsta- George W. Bush cle to peace is terrorism, which can never be justified by any cause. Last month in NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aqaba, Prime Minister Abbas committed to and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. a complete end to violence and terrorism. H.R. 2330, approved July 28, was assigned Public The Palestinian Authority must undertake Law No. 108–61. sustained, targeted, and effective operations to confront those engaged in terror and to dismantle terrorist capabilities and infra- The President’s News Conference structure. We’re determined to help Prime With Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Minister Abbas as he works to end terror and Israel establish the rule of law that will protect July 29, 2003 Israelis and Palestinians alike. Today I urge Arab states to follow through President Bush. Good day. I’m pleased on the pledges made in Sharm el-Sheikh to to welcome Prime Minister Ariel Sharon actively contribute to these efforts and to re- back to the White House. I think you said ject the culture of extremism and violence this is our eighth meeting—— from whatever source or place. The rise of Prime Minister Sharon. Eighth meeting a peaceful Palestinian state and the long- here. term security of the Israeli people both de- President Bush. Eighth meeting in Wash- pend on defeating the threat of terrorist ington. That should indicate to everybody groups and ending incitement and hatred. that our nations have a deep and abiding In our discussions, I encouraged the Prime friendship. America is firmly committed to Minister to take further steps to improve the the security of Israel as a Jewish state, and daily conditions faced by Palestinians. Israelis we are firmly committed to the safety of the and Palestinians deserve the same chance to Israeli people. We have now a tremendous live normal lives, free from fear, free from opportunity to add to Israeli security and hatred and violence, and free from harass- safety and add to the hopes of the average ment. I also urged the Prime Minister to Palestinian citizen by making tangible carefully consider all the consequences of progress towards two states living side by side Israel’s actions as we move forward on the in peace. road to peace. Last month’s Red Sea Summits in Egypt The United States of America will con- and Jordan gave momentum to that progress. tinue to act in the interests of peace. We will I’m encouraged by the positive steps that continue to be a firm warrior against ter- Israel has taken since then to further the rorism wherever it is found. We will encour- cause of peace, including prisoner releases. age all parties to keep their promises and Prime Minister Sharon is now meeting regu- monitor the progress that is made. We will larly with Prime Minister Abbas, and that’s also help the parties find solutions to legiti- positive. Israeli and Palestinian cabinet and mate concerns. As we head down the road security officials are meeting as well. Israel to peace, my commitment to the security of has recently taken steps to make it easier for Israel is unshakable, as is the enduring Palestinians to work in Israel and to travel friendship of our countries. I want to thank to their jobs and schools and families, and Ariel for all he’s done to contribute to that I thank the Prime Minister for these impor- friendship, for his leadership, and his willing tant actions. to make tough decisions in the cause of Much hard work remains to be done by peace. Israelis and Palestinians and by their neigh- Mr. Prime Minister. VerDate jul 14 2003 11:34 Aug 05, 2003 Jkt 200250 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P31AUT4.001 P31AUT4 996 July 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 Prime Minister Sharon. Mr. President, tions taken by the United States among Arab it is a great privilege for me to be here at and European countries. We are thankful for the White House for the eighth time. I am every hour of increased quiet and less ter- always pleased to visit and feel that I am rorism and for every drop of blood that is among friends, true friends of the state and spared. At the same time, we are concerned the people of Israel. that this welcome quiet will be shattered any Mr. President, I congratulate you on the minute as a result of the continued existence impressive victory in the Iraqi campaign and of terror organizations which the Palestinian for removing Saddam Hussein from power, Authority is doing nothing to eliminate or one of the most ruthless and tyrannical lead- dismantle. ers in history. For 30 years, the free world Mr. President, I am confident that you, has witnessed the recklessness and brutality as the leader of the free world in this war of this dictator. Only you, Mr. President, against terror, will act to ensure that the Pal- have shown the courage, determination, and estinians put a complete stop to the threat leadership needed to spearhead the success- of Palestinian terrorism so that it will never ful campaign to oust this ruthless, merciless rear its head again. I wish to move forward despot, his dynasty, and evil regime. with a political process with our Palestinian For the first time since World War II, the neighbors. And the right way to do that is freedom- and peace-seeking democratic only after a complete cessation of terror, vio- world had the wisdom to go after murderers lence, and incitement, full dismantlement of and evil rulers and bring them to justice. I terror organizations, and completion of the have no doubt, Mr. President, that thanks reform process in the Palestinian Authority. to you, any villain in any corner of the world We had a useful talk today, where we ex- knows that the long arm of justice will reach amined ways to advance the peace process them. So many will owe their lives to you between us and our Palestinian neighbors. and the great nation of America. I’m con- In this context, a number of issues came up: fident, Mr. President, that the lessons the security fence which we are forced to learned by the nations of the world and the construct in order to defend our citizens region on the courageous action of the against terror activities; the removal of unau- United States in Iraq will serve to advance thorized outposts; and the freezing of settle- the peace process between Israel and the ments in Judea and Samaria. Palestinians and the entire Arab world. Your latest statement regarding the threats I listened to your statement on this subject emanating from Syria and Iran prove once and assured you, Mr. President, that I would again the seriousness of your intentions to address them. The security—— continue leading the fight against terror. It President Bush. It’s stuck. must be made clear to these countries that Prime Minister Sharon. As you can see, their evil deeds cannot continue. There can we need your help. [Laughter] be no compromise with terror and evil. The security fence will continue to be built The people of Israel, Mr. President, are with every effort to minimize the infringe- greatly thankful and appreciative of your ac- ment on the daily life of the Palestinian pop- tivity, unrelenting commitment to Israel’s se- ulation. Unauthorized outposts will be re- curity and the safety of its citizens, and your moved, as required in a law-abiding country. determination to advance the peace process We’ll continue to discuss all these issues both between us and the Palestinians. directly and through our bureaus, which We are currently at an important juncture maintain close contact. in our relations with our Palestinian neigh- Mr. President, we also discussed a series bors. While relative quiet currently prevails of issues which could serve to promote the in Israel, terror has not yet completely peace process. In a statement published on ceased. This relative calm was achieved, first my behalf last Friday, we listed a long series and foremost, through the uncompromising of steps to accommodate the Palestinians. If activity of the Israeli security forces and as calm prevails and we witness the dismantle- a result of your personal effort and the ac- ment of terror organizations, Israel will be VerDate jul 14 2003 11:34 Aug 05, 2003 Jkt 200250 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P31AUT4.001 P31AUT4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / July 29 997 able to take additional—to take additional Due to the fact that this is one of the most steps. effective measure against terrorism, can you I wish to thank you again, George, for your clarify what do you oppose, the concept of friendship and understanding toward the the separation fence or only its roots? state and people of Israel and for your con- And with your permission—— tribution and personal involvement in the ef- [At this point, the reporter asked a second fort to turn the Middle East into a place question in Hebrew, and no translation was where the peoples of the region can live in provided.] peace and security and guarantee a better life for our children and generations to come.
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