1001 05/13/02 MON 16:47 FAX 212 963 OFF' OF LEGAL COWISEL United Nations Nations Unies HEADQUARTERS • SIEGE NEW YORK, NY 10017 TEL.: 1 (ZI2) 963.1234 • FAX: I (212) 963 1879 PENCE: ^J&Jft&d. 1*1 Dear Messrs Stanzani and Dell'Alba, On behalf of the Secretary-General, 1 write to acknowledge receipt of the invitation from No Peace Without Justice to Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Deputy Secretary-General Louise Frechette to participate in the celebrations on the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to be organized in Rome on 17 and 18 July 2002. Due to other prior engagements, the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General will be unable to attend the event. However, the Secretary-General has asked me to represent him at the occasion. Hans Corell Under-Secretary-GenerW for Legal Affairs The Legal Counsel Mr. Sergio Stanzani President No Peace Without Justice 866UN Plaza No. 408 New York NY 1001"? Gianfranco Dell'Alba Secretary-General No Peace Without Justice 866UN Plaza No. 408 New York NY 10017 20.FEV.2002 17:20 GROUPE TDI-SECRET. 32 2 2S49983 NQ5S4 P. 2x11 No P BACE WITHOUT JUSTICE 866 UN Plaza I 40B; New York NY 10017 Tel. -H 212 9802558 Fas +1 212 9801072 Via di Torre Ar; tntina 76; 1-00186 Roma; Tel. -I-39 06 68803613 F*x +39 06 68803609 Louise Frechette UN Deputy Secretary-General United States of America r\f TVv^i 20 February 2002 7 In the course of its campaigi i fot the establishment of the International Criminal Court, No Peace Without Justice has or^| Lnised 26 international conferences, Before the Rome Diplomatic Conference of June-July 1<!98, the NPWJ conferences contributed to the International Community's resolve to con dude negotiations on a Statute for a permanent International Criminal Court. Since the sui: cess of the Rome Diplomatic Conference, the NPWJ conferences have promoted the effective i tification of the Rome Statute. In the first semester of 2002 -; « have organised a series of initiatives aimed at involving as many countries as possible in the pi icess of the institution of the International Criminal Court. We are now writing to you to asl; for your support for these activities and, if possible, your participation. In January 2002., we or; anised a Conference in Amsterdam (25-26 January) on "Internationalised Criminal G iurts and Tribunals: Practice and Prospects", in collaboration with the Amsterdam Centre for In <:emataonal Law (ACIL) of the University of Amsterdam and the Project on International COL ts and Tribunals (PICT) of New York University, In February NPWJ held an international si tninar on ratification for the Mediterranean countries in Seville (8- 9 February), xvhich may be followed by an intergovernmental Conference in Amman for countries of that region. In March 2002 we are planii ng an intergovernmental Conference for the countries of Latin America in Mexico City (7-8 Vlarch), in co-operation with the government of Mexico and the Spanish Presidency of the F aropean Union. In June 2002 (5-8 June) we are planning an intergovernmental Conferenci in Asia to encourage participation by the least represented region of the world. European Liaison Office; P.E. - 2H262; Rue Wiertz; B-1047 Bruxellas; Tel, i i2 (0)2.284 1896 / 284 3357; Fax +32 (0)2 2849983 20.FEV.2002 17=21 GROUPE TDI-SECRET. 32 2 2849983 NQ564 P.3/11 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE To conclude our series of Cc iferences for the ratification and the effective entry into force of the Statute of the Internationi 1 Criminal Court, we plan to organise a celebration of the fourth anniversary of the adoption o i the Statute of the Court, to be held in Rome on 17 July 2002. We hope that this date will coi icide with the period of entry into force after the 60th ratification in view of the first Assembly c f States Parties in September 2002. No Peace Without Justice wiU jdso continue to second legal advisers to Government delegations in the course of the negotiatic as of the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court at the United Nations ii i New York and in preparation for the Assembly of Party States, which sees it involved in aboui twelve countries. The following is a brief outline of these initiatives: a) Mediterranean countries, seminar in Seville, 8-9 February 2002 In collaboration with the Spa: lish foundation "Ties Culturas", and under the auspices of die Spanish Presidency of the (European Union, No Peace Without Justice organised an international seminar on the ra. ifieation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court for title countries of the Mecl terranean, in preparation for an intergovernmental conference planned for Amman in co-op iration with the government of Jordan, The representatives of Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, Egy| t, Jordan, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, and Turkey have taken part with tt,: aim of increasing awareness in these countries of the fact that it is vifcil that the Mediterranean :ountries, and especially the Arab countries in the region., should not ramain outside the "Rome process", and if the importance of prompt ratification to enable them to take part in the first l\ ssembly of Party States, where important decisions will be taken on the practical establishment of the Court, and where Judges and the Prosecutor will be nominated and elected. b) Lzitin America, Conferenc : in Mexico City, Match 2002 Following contacts with die Spanish Presidency and the Mexican government, No Peace Without Justice has agreed to ;i request by the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs to organise, in conjunction with the Me ican Government, an intergovernmental conference on the ratification of the Statute of Ro ne for die countries of Latin America, to be held in Mexico City on 7-8 March. The urgency of the initiative stems from the fact that the Mexican government intends to present to Parliarj! art the ratification bill for the ICC, including the necessary constitutional amendments an? I the implementing legislation.. Before the Parliamentary Debate, the G ovemment wishes to cni ourage a. public debate on the content of the Statute of Rome "involving Government repregi ntatives from other Latin American countries, the judiciary, academics, civil society, politics, parties and the general public in Mexico. a0.FEV.2002 17=21 GROUPE TDI-SECRET. 32 2 2849983 NQ564 P.4/11 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE c) South-East Asia and the I 'acific, Conference in Singapore, June 2002 No Peace Without Justice intt ids to organise a regional intergovernmental conference, probably in Gtmbodia, for the countriei of South-East Ask and the Pacific, an area of the world which is still ^omplerely absent in the ramework of the ratification of the Statute of Rome. No Peace Without Justice has already successfully co-orgaaised the "Experts Conference on the International Criminal Courf'. held tn Manila (Philippines) from. 16 to 18 October 2001, in partnership with the Phflippii o NGO "Centre for Restorative Justice in Asia" and with the active involvement of the gov :mment of the Philippines and of the University of Manila. That Conference in Manila was th< conclusion of a mission by Emma Bonino, accompanied by the legal advisor of No Peace Win tout Justice, to Cambodia and Thailand, in which meetings were held with members of parliari .ent and government authorities for detailed discussions on the ratification of the Statute of Ri .me. The mission contributed to the ratification of the Statute by Cambodia, while die ptocedun seems to be well underway in Thailand and the Philippines. The follow-up Conference in func 2002 to fast track ratification efforts among a Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines and t\ number of Pacific States and enable other countries in Asia, such as Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia. Laos and Vietnam, to report on the ratification process and d) Celebrations for the impli mentation of the Statute of Rome, Conference in Rome: 17- 18 July 2002 On 17 July 2000 and 2001, on I iie anniversary of the adoption of the Statute of Rome, No Peace Without Justice, in conjunctior with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organised conferences and meetings on the Capitol in Ror ie, pledging to celebrate die 60th act of ratification, and thus the implementation of me Court iti elf, on the fourth anniversary of the Statute in 2002. These conferences have now become somewhat of an annual appointment and have are attended by the highest reptesi ntatives of the Italian state, the main players in the Diplomatic Conference in Rome, the repre: entatives of many governments and of the diplomatic corps, and experts and negotiators from Ii dy and other countries, The event planned for this yeai, when we foresee to celebrate the entry into force of the Rome Statuie, is of a much greater ;; :ope and it is of extraordinary importance. In. the light of the progress of ratification proced. res around the world (see Attachment), it is highly likely, partly also thanks to the initiatives ui idertaken by No Peace Without Justice, that the sixtieth act of ratification will be reached witli n the next few weeks. So fax, in fact, 52 countries have ratified the Statute of Rome and a few rountries have already completed the procedures for ratification and only need to deposit the i<i evant documents at the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs. With the assistance of the Itali in Government, were it to confirm and strengthen the fruitful cooperation thar made the cai tferences in 2000 and 2001 possible, it would be possible to organise an important and pres igious ceremony to celebrate at one time the fourth anniversary of the adoption of the Statuti of Rome and the entry into force of the Statute, with the ROUTING SLIP FICHE DE TRANSMISSION he* would go to Italy on 17/18 July as TO: NPWJ suggests y A: Peter Schmitz FROM: • / -1 understand EM is dicussing with DE: others prospect of "something Kevin S.
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