UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES POLITICAL SCIENCES SPECIALIZATION & CENTER OF POST - COMMUNIST POLITICAL STUDIES (CESPO - CEPOS) REVISTA DE ŞTIINȚE POLITICE. REVUE DES SCIENCES POLITIQUES NO. 51•2016 1 UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES POLITICAL SCIENCES S PECIALIZATION & CENTER OF POST - COMMUNIST POLITICAL STUDIES (CESPO - CEPOS) Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques No. 51 • 2016 - EDITORIAL BOARD - Editor in chief: ANCA PARMENA OLIMID Deputy editor in chief: CĂTĂLINA MARIA GEORGESCU Managing editor: COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE Regular members: GEORGE GÎRLEȘTEANU, DANIEL GHIȚĂ, AUREL PIŢURCĂ, MIHAI GHIȚULESCU, CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, MIRON ROMAN, MIHAI COSTESCU, MIHAELA CAMELIA ILIE Technical and online assistance: SPERANȚA PREDOI - INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD - DAN CLAUDIU DĂNIŞOR FRANCESCO GUIDA Professor, University of Craiova, Faculty of Professor, Universitá degli Studi Roma Law, Romania (Chairman of the International Tre, Rome, Italy Advisory Board) NIKOLAOS INTZESILOGLOU PATRICIA GONZALEZ-ALDEA Professor, Aristotle University of Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Thessaloniki, Greece Spain KONSTANTINOS GOGOS HASAN JASHARI Professor, Aristotle University of Professor, South East European Thessaloniki, Greece University, Tetovo, Macedonia JAN BUREŠ JONUZ ABDULLAI Professor, Metropolitan University of Professor, South East European Prague, Czech Republic University, Tetovo, Macedonia PETR JUST HARUN ARIKAN Professor, Metropolitan University of Professor, Cukurova University, Prague, Czech Republic Adana,Turkey MITCHELL BELFER ALI PAJAZITI Professor, Metropolitan University of Professor, South East European Prague, Czech Republic University, Tetovo, Macedonia JAKUB CHARVAT STEVEN D. ROPER Professor, Metropolitan University of Professor, San Francisco State University, Prague, Czech Republic USA Jerry HARRIS, LILLIAN BARRIA National Secretary, Global Studies Professor, University of Illinois, USA Association of North America, USA CONTACT: REVISTA DE ŞTIINŢE POLITICE. REVUE DES SCIENCES POLITIQUES University of Craiova, 13th A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania. Phone /Fax: +40251418515, Email: [email protected], [email protected]. Website:http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/ © 2016 – All rights reserved to Universitaria Publishing House. The Journal is published quarterly. (Online) - ISSN 2344 – 4452 ISSN–L 1584 – 224X No. 51 • 2016 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques 5 RSP • No. 51 • 2016 © 2016 – Universitaria Publishing House Authors are fully responsible for the entire content of their papers. The articles published in Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques represent the personal opinion of the author(s). The procedure of the article submission for reviewing and publication implies that the work has never been published before (excepting published courses, academic lectures, academic thesis), that is or was not considered for reviewing and publication elsewhere (in English or in other language), that its publication is assumed by the author(s) and its possible acknowledgements were obtained with the consent of the authorities for publication. The information, perceptions and views set forth in the articles are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Center of Post-Communist Political Studies (CEPOS/ CESPO) or of the RSP Editors and/ or its International Advisory Board members. Photocopying. Single photocopies of single/ multiple articles may be done for personal use under the provisions of the national copyright laws. Electronic storage of the articles contents. Permission from the Editorial Board is required in case of electronic storage or use electronically of any material (article, editors’ notes, reviews etc.) contained in this journal (entirely or partially). All translations from English to Romanian/ Romanian to English are the author’s. NOTE of the EDITORIAL BOARD R S P Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques is abstracted by / indexed in: EBSCO Political Science Complete March/ April 2016 (Subject Title List) ● Category Social Sciences & Humanities (page 24 of 31) https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/poh-subject.pdf Political Science Complete September/ October 2015 (page 45 of 54) https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/poh-coverage.pdf ProQuest Central ProQuest Political Science Title list accurate as of 05 April 2016 http://tls.proquest.com/tls/servlet/ListForward?productID=3103&productName=ProQuest +Political+Science&format=formatHTML&IDString=3103&combined=combined&issn=i ssn&prflag=prflag&pmid=pmid&cit=cit&abs=abs&lh_opt=lh_all INDEX COPERNICUS IC Journals Master list http://jml2012.indexcopernicus.com/REVISTA+DE+STIINTE+POLITICE+REVUE+DE S+SCIENCES+POLITIQUES,p1331,3.html ICV 2014: 65,01 ● Standardized Value: 6.55 ERIH PLUS https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info.action?id=486286 KVK Catalogue Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk_en.html Gale Cengage Learning Academic OneFile Report Generated 04/01/2016 (position 14279) http://solutions.cengage.com/gale/title- lists/ Google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=geaF_FgAAAAJ&hl=ro h-index 7 BSZ Bibliotheksservice-zentrum Baden-Württemberg http://swb.bsz- bw.de/DB=2.1/SET=1/PRS=HOL/SHW?FRST=1&COOKIE=U998,Pbszgast,I17,B0728+ ,SY,NRecherche-DB,D2.1,E647a7689-729,A,H,R193.197.31.15,FY&ACT=SRCHA 6 RSP • No. 51 • 2016 CONTENTS Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques RSP • No. 51 • 2016 Leaders and Leadership in Review: Connecting Political and Cultural Spotlights to Leading Styles EDITORS’ NOTE Anca Parmena OLIMID, Cătălina Maria GEORGESCU, Cosmin Lucian 9 GHERGHE Note of the Editors of the Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques ORIGINAL PAPERS Ali PAJAZITI, Ylber SELA, Jasmina TRAJKOSKA, Multiculturalism in a (Post)Crisological Society: From Wrong Acception to a New 12 Pluralistic Sociey-Building Approach Rafael Marchesan TAUIL, Terrell Foster CARVER, Marxism and Democracy: a New Approach to Comprehending the Relationships 24 between Intellectuals and Politics by Examining the Life and Works of the Brazilian “Activist” and Theoretician Francisco Weffort Adisa AVDIĆ-KÜSMÜŞ, 39 Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Moving Beyond Dayton Anna GROMILOVA, 49 Resolving the Russo-Estonian Border Dispute in the Wake of the Ukrainian Crisis Gazmend ALIJI, Jonuz ABDULLAI, The Status and Role of Albanians in the Western Balkans during Transition 63 Cosmin-Ștefan DOGARU, Power Networks in Romania during the Reign of Charles I: Family, Political and 73 Economic Ties Loredana-Maria ILIN-GROZOIU, 83 Principles and regulations stipulated in the Constitution from 1923 Georgeta GHIONEA, The Political Press in Oltenia of the Interwar Period 94 7 RSP • No. 51 • 2016 Gabriela SAFTA, Aspects Regarding the Oppression of the Religious Cults during the Communist Regime 109 in the Files of the Romanian Securitate Claudiu Angelo GHERGHINĂ, Normative Administrative Act 120 Mihaela GHENȚA, Employment in Health and Social Assistance Sector in European Union 131 Bertha SĂNDULEASA, Aniela MATEI, Gender Role Attitudes and Implications on the Ability to Negotiate the Balance between 144 Work and Family Life Ștefan SCURTU, Discharging Civil Obligations by Payment as Provided by the Romanian Civil Code 155 Afet MAMUTI, 165 The New Reproductive Technology and Parent-Child Relationship CEPOS NEW CALL FOR PAPERS 2017 174 186 RSP MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION Errata, Corrigenda and Retractions 189 8 RSP • No. 51 • 2016: 9-11 R S P EDITORS’ NOTE Leaders and Leadership in Review: Connecting Political and Cultural Spotlights to Leading Styles Note of the Editors of the Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Anca Parmena Olimid*, Cătălina Maria Georgescu**, Cosmin Lucian Gherghe*** In search of state of the art connections among political and legal spotlights to leading styles, the diligent authors of Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques (RSP) 51st issue contribute to a broader understanding of the contextual nature of leaders and leadership. The first article entitled Multiculturalism in a (Post)Crisological Society: From Wrong Acception to a New Pluralistic Sociey-Building Approach authored by Ali Pajaziti, Ylber Sela and Jasmina Trajkoska proposes a multicultural perspective of the “(post)crisological society” as a descriptive-analytical and empirical-quantitative development aimed at “producing an objective overview of the perceptions of citizens of Kumanovo in relation to plural identities”. * Associate Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Political Sciences specialization, Center of Post-Communist Political Studies (CEPOS), Editor in Chief of the Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, Phone: 0040251418515, Email: [email protected] ** Lecturer, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Political Sciences specialization, Center of Post-Communist Political Studies (CEPOS), Deputy Editor in Chief of the Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, Phone: 0040251418515, Email: [email protected] *** Associate Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Political Sciences specialization, Center of Post-Communist Political Studies (CEPOS), Managing Editor of the Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, Phone: 0040251418515, Email:
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