LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED OOFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER LESCO HEAD OFFICE22-A QUEENS ROAD LAHORE Phone # 99204801 Fax # 99204803 E-MAIL : [email protected] No.3957/FD/LESCO/CPC/Tariff 2013-14 Dated Jul 04, 2013 The Registrar NEPRA 2" Floor OPD Building, G-5/2 Islamabad. Subject: PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF CONSUMER END TARIFF FOR FY 2013-14 Enclosed please find the Petition for Determination of Revenue Requirement and Consumer End Tariff for FY 2013-14. The Authority is requested in order to recover the revenue requirement in time the proposed tariff be allowed so that the same may be applicable from Jul 01, 2013 subject to an order for refund for the protection of consumers during the pendency of this petition in terms of Sub-Rule 7 of Rule 4 of NEPRA (Tariff Standards and Procedures) Rules, 1998. Regards, Muhamm d Saleem Chief Ex utive Officer LESCO Enclosed Please find: 1. Tariff Petition for FY 2013-14. 2. Standardized Tariff Petition Formats. 3. Demand Draft of Rs:- 7,760 Bearing No. fated PAKISTAN AFFIDAVIT I, Muhammad Saleem, Chief Executive Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited, (Distribution License # 03/DL/2002 dated April 01,2002) being duly authorized representative/attomey of Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited, hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of the accompanying petition/application # 3957/FD/LESCO/CPC/Tariff 2013-14 dated July 04, 2013, including all supporting documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed. I also affirm that all further documentation and information to be provided by me in connection with the accompanying petition shall be true to the best of my knowledge and belief. DEPONENT Chief Execu ve cer L 0 Ltd. E vluhttm4a Siddlque Advuz.,:tf: high Coun votary Punic Latina. ClE3L UNITED BANK ISSUING BRANCH: CHEQUE No. 6212063 IIMP-P CASHIER'S CHEQUE 1.174-0OFEN2 ROAD LAHORE Date 1.5—.11.11..-201.3 NOT OVER RS.***749760** CC NO..621.2063 Pay against this Cheque Amount PKR ***749.760.00 ay to the order of NEPRA ISLAMABAD emm f Pak Rupees SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY—NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HU /SIXTY C) / sued by new Core Banking System i. AYABLE AT ANY UBL BRANCH IN PAKISTAN /A,/ 41/./.4, cegt alid for Six Months from the date of Issue NATURE RE PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE 06 2120630086 L99511:00004 240 L ‘101000,0 i .1.74 -WIFENS 1-- 1.1r,D I .A110R1, No:12120n)(. ' Beneficiary:NE.PRA .AmARAn Date:35-.1111 - 2013 Remitter: LESCO TMPRESf A C 1174oWmolew (11.74 Off Amount Commission Withholding Tax • FED Misc. Charges To I ***749 760. 00 700. 00 37 00 749 992 on All amounts in Rupees Remitter's copy Rule # Information / Documents Compliance Remarks Tariff Required Division's Observatio 3(2)(1) ns be supported with a summary of evidence Provided at giving brief particulars of the data, facts 'Loy. para 12 (page and evidence in support of the petition. 13). 3(8) Any petition or communication, where in Affidavit any statement of fact or opinion is made V provided by the petitioner or the communicator, shall be verified by an affidavit, drawn up in the first person stating the full name, age, occupation and address of the deponent and the capacity in which he is signing and indicating that the statement made therein is true to be best of the knowledge of the deponent, information received by the deponent and belief of the deponent, and shall be signed and sworn before a person lawfully authorized to take and receive affidavits, provided that, a communication filed during the course of a hearing may be affirmed in person before the Authority by the person filing the same. Board Resolution to authorize one or more Provided persons to file a tariff petition with , NEPRA and make further correspondence etc. Authority's Detailed investment plan for reducing Provided at directive losses •/ and rehabilitation of . the pages 10-11. (RM 10-19 distribution network at the time of filing dated a tariff petition in future. 13.01.2010) (Lc e St Summary / Checklist for Examination of Tariff Petition Received under NEPRA (Tariff Standards and Procedure) Rules, 1998 * * * Name of Company: Lahore Electric Supply Company Ltd. Tariff Determination for: Revenue Requirement and Consumer-end Tariff for FY 2013-14. Prepared/Updated on: 19.07.2012 Rule # Information / Documents Compliance Remarks Tariff Required Division's Observations 3(1) Any licensee, consumer or person Tariff Petition filing interested in the tariff may file a petition fee amounting to with the Authority by filing it with the Vff Rs.749,760/- submitted Registrar along with such fees as may vide Cheque No. be determined by the Authority from 6212063 dated time to time. The Authority may also 15.07.2013. initiate proceedings suo moto. 3(2)(a) state the name and address of the Mr. Sharafat Ali Sial, petitioner and the grounds giving rise to 14../ Chief Executive the petitioner's interest forming the Officer, basis of the petition and, where the Lahore Electric Supply petitioner is a licensee, the number and Company Limited other relevant details of the licence as 22-A, Queens Road, may be determined by the Authority Lahore from time to time. Grounds giving rise to the Petitioner's interest are at para 3 page 5. 3(2)(b) state in a concise manner the grounds Provided at para 4 and the facts forming the basis of the V pages 5-6 petition; 3(2)(c) the relief or determination sought tif Provided at para 13 pages 13-14). 3(2)(d) be accompanied with comparative / Provided at Annex schedules of charges, costs, units, price 6(1/2) & (2/2). and other items comprising the existing tariff and the proposed tariff, or such other details as may be determined from time to time by the Authority for the purpose. 3(2)(e) be accompanied with a comparative V Provided at Annex table of the existing tariff design and the 6(1/2) & (2/2). proposed tariff design on the basis of the categories of consumers likely to be affected by a modification of the tariff, their consumption patterns and charges payable by them; and C'ontd...P/2 National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Registrar Office *** Urgent No. NEPRA/TRF- 100/P94/ July 19, 2013 Subject: Petition filed by Lahore Electric Supply Company Ltd. (LESCO) for Determination of Consumer-end Tariff Pertaining to the FY 2013-14. Enclosed please find herewith a copy of subject tariff petition filed by Lahore Electric Supply Company Ltd. vide letter No. 3957/FD/LESCO/CPC/Tariff 2013-14 dated 04.07.2013 (received on 18.07.2013). 2. Attention is drawn to the Minutes of Authority Regulatory Meeting (RM 13-280) held on 16.05.2013 whereby the Authority, interalia, decided as below: "In . future the lacking requisite information is to be communicated by the Tariff and Legal Divisions clearly mentioning that the required information/documents fall under the list of documents/information required under Rule 3(2 )- (8) of NEPRA (Tariff Standards and Procedure) Rules, 1998." 3. Rule 3(3)(a) of NEPRA (Tariff Standards and Procedure) Rules, 1998 states that Lk no petition shall be returned after the expiry of [fifteen] 15 days of filing thereof with the Registrar:" 4. The documents/information of the tariff petition, prima facie, have been checked to confirm the compliance 'with the provisions of Rule 3(2) & (8) of NEPRA (Tariff Standards and Procedure) Rules, 1998 an accordingly prepared Checklist/Summary is placed at (F/A). 5. Comments of D.G. (Technical), D.G. (Tariff) and Legal Advis r (LLP) are solicited whether the provided information/documents are sufficient and satisfacty to file the instant petition of' LESCO for further processing or otherwise. End: As above ( I likhar All Khan ) 1. D.G. (Tech) Deputy Director 2. D.G. (Tariff) 3. Legal Advisor (LLP) CC: 1. Vice Chairman / Member (Tariff) 2. Member (M&E & Licensing) 3. Member (CA) Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED (LESCO) 22A QUEENS ROAD LAHORE Tariff Petition FY 2013-14 Tariff Petition for FY 2013-14 Page 1 of 14 Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited BEFORE THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC POWER REGULATORY AUTHORITY (NEPRA) TARIFF PETITION PETITION UNDER RULE 3 AND SUB-RULE 7 OF RULE 4 OF NEPRA (TARIFF STANDARDS AND PROCEDURE) RULES, 1998 READ WITH SECTION 7(3)(a) AND SECTION 31 OF THE REGULATION OF GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC POWER ACT, . ON BEHALF OF LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED (LESCO) FOR NEPRA'S APPROVAL OF CONSUMER YEAR END TARIFF FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013- 2014 FOR LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED DATED: 04 July, 2013 LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED (LESCO) ADDRESS : LESCO Head Office 22A Queens Road Lahore PHONE : 92-42-99204802. FAX : 92-42-99204803. Tariff Petition for FY 2013-14 Page 2 of 14 Lahore Electric Supply Compartv Limited 1. DETAILS OF THE PETITIONER 1.1 Name And Address:- Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited LESCO Head Office 22A Queens Road, Lahore 1.2 Petitioner Details:- Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited (LESCO) is an ex-WAPDA DISCO owned by the Government of Pakistan. As a result of structural reforms introduced by the Government in the Power Sector, LESCO was incorporated as a Public Limited Company having Registration No. L-09415 of 1997-98 (old) and 0038810 (new) and Certificate of Incorporation No. JRL-6278 dated February 18, 1998 under Companies Ordinance 1984. Accordingly, LESCO has been granted a Distribution License bearing No.
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