CHEM Discovery chemistry.clemson.edu Spring 2015 Message from the Chair CHEMISTRY WELCOMES NEW FACULTY MEMBER DR. CARLOS GARCIA I hope that your spirits have been re- freshed and renewed by the arrival of Spring. This is the season that brings forth budding hopes and promises of Dr. Carlos Garcia is the newest rejuvenation and new growth even addition to our program and joined though T. S. Eliot tells us “April is the the Department of Chemistry in cruelest month, … mixing memory and August of 2015. Dr. Garcia’s desire”. research lies at the interface between microfluidics and nanomaterials and is focused on the development of The faculty’s hard work over the years novel analytical has blossomed into a number of awards. strategies to The New England Regional Section of d e t e r m i n e the Society for Applied Spectroscopy biomedically- announced that Professor Ken Marcus r e l e v a n t will receive the 2015 Lester W. Strock molecules. Dr. Award at its national meeting in Sep- retiring, the department is in the midst Garcia’s group tember for “the development of the of a search for two new instructors. will continue liquid sampling-atmospheric pressure i n v e s t i g a t i n g glow discharge ionization source”. Pro- In August 2014, the department held a the driving fessor Emeritus Dwaine Eubanks was retreat to develop a new strategic plan forces and awarded the George C. Pimentel Award and a re-examination of both the un- consequences in Chemical Education for his work as dergraduate and graduate programs in of the interaction of proteins with director of the ACS Examinations In- chemistry was conducted during the nanostructured surfaces and in stitute and his work in developing text- current academic year. Considerable particular, under the influence of books, testing and assessment tools, progress has been made in revising the electrical stimulation. Students and his promotion of chemical educa- undergraduate curriculum and the gradu- in his group will also have the tion. Professor Joe Kolis received the ate program remains a work in progress. opportunity to combine advanced 2015 Alumni Award for Outstanding The university has undertaken an insti- microfabrication techniques, Achievement in Research for his out- tutional analysis of the college struc- separation science, and detection standing work in inorganic chemistry. ture and it remains to be seen whether strategies to produce the next Dr. Jacob Schroeder received the 2015 chemistry will be part of a new College generation of microfluidic devices. CoES Award of Excellence for Teach- of Sciences or remain a member depart- Dr. Garcia earned a B.S. in ing in the Sciences. Professor Julia ment of the College of Engineering and Biochemistry (1996) and Ph.D. in Brumaghim has been promoted to full Science. Chemistry (2001) from the National Professor and is planning a sabbatical University of Cordoba (Argentina). for Spring 2016. It has been a flowering spring with the He performed postdoctoral studies recognition of our faculty through the at Mississippi State University and The ever-changing face of the faculty awards mentioned above and the win- Colorado State University under the continues. Professor Ken Christensen ning of new grant contracts and awards supervision of Dr. W. Wilson and will be leaving in June for Utah where and I am delighted to share the news Dr. Charles Henry, respectively. He he has accepted a position at Brigham with you. As always we are most ap- started his independent career at Young University that will provide op- preciative of our alumni and friends and UT San Antonio, where he reached portunities to expand the biological the rank of Professor in 2014. Dr. your loyal support and we all wish you component of his research and be closer a safe and enjoyable summer. Garcia has published more than to family. A successful search has been 70 peer-reviewed articles and his completed and Professor Carlos Garcia research has been funded by NIH, will be joining the faculty in August R. KARL DIETER, CHAIR NSF, NASA, and the Office of Naval as an analytical chemist and space in Research. Dr. Garcia moved to Hunter is being renovated for his re- Clemson accompanied by his wife search program. With Dr. Karen Press- (Mariela) and two children (Ainara prich resigning for new opportunities and Lukas). on the West Coast and Dr. Ken Rillings EUBAN K S RECEIVES RADUATIONS M AY NATIONA L AM ERICAN G , 2015 CHE M ICA L SOCIETY AW ARD P H D The 2015 winner of the George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Sheng Lin Education is the Chemistry Fenglin Wang Department’s own Professor Emeritus Dwaine Eubanks. This award in chemical education is Masters the oldest and Zhixin Chen most prestigious KO L IS RECEIVES Yu Shen ACS award 2015 AL U M NI AW ARD that recognizes FOR OUTSTANDIN G c o n t r i b u t i o n s ACHIEVE M ENT IN to chemical RESEARC H BA education. The Kathryn Daugherty first award was The 2015 Alumni Award for Daniel Gaines presented in Outstanding Achievement in Eric Hall 1952, with the Research was presented to our Jamora Hamilton legendary Joel own Professor Joseph Kolis, Brandon Loren Hildebrand of Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Eric McGuirk the University by Wil Brasington, director of Haydan Smith of California at Berkeley named as alumni relations, at the spring Kayleigh Wall the winner. Since then, recipients 2015 University Faculty Meeting. have included many outstanding The award is presented annually chemistry educators, including to a tenure / tenure-track Nobel Prize winners Glenn Seaborg member of the Clemson faculty BS and Roald Hoffmann. in recognition of that person’s Justin Chiles research accomplishments. Joe Erina Hoshi Dr. Eubanks was presented the is recognized for his research Ashlynn Lawrence award during the ACS spring in the general area of solid- national meeting in Denver. state inorganic chemistry with Corinne McGill The award citation reads, “For special attention to new ways Alexander Nortz insightful leadership in enhancing of growing high-quality and Brandyn Orr secondary- and tertiary-level unusual crystalline materials. Grayson Panetti chemistry instruction, particularly in He has published over 200 peer- Emily Turner developing innovative curricula and reviewed journal articles and is Charles Williams in generating high-quality, nationally inventor or co-inventor on 14 implemented chemistry assessment patents or patent applications instruments.” Also in Denver, a that are pending, and has raised C ON G RATU L ATIONS to all our day-long symposium, titled “From over $11 million in extramural Sputnik to Smartphones: A Half- research funding to support 2014 and 2015 graduates! Century of Chemistry Education” research activities in his group. was organized in his honor, and He is also an excellent teacher concluded with his Award Address. and has served Clemson and the The 17 papers in the Symposium are inorganic chemistry community to be published as a book in the ACS in many ways including a term on Symposium series. Eubanks is also the editorial board of the journal a Fellow of the American Chemical Inorganic Chemistry and a term Society and co-recipient (with his as chair of the solid state sub- wife, Lucy) of the first Outstanding division of the inorganic division Service Award presented by the ACS of ACS. Congratulations Joe! Division of Chemical Education. KEN MARCUS TO RECEIVE THE 2015 LESTER W. STROC K AW ARD CONGRATULATIONS TO KEN MARCUS WHO HAS BEEN SELE C TED TO RE C EIVE THE 2015 LESTER W. S TRO C K AWARD IN RE C OGNITION OF HIS RESEAR C H AND PUBLI C ATIONS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LIQUID SAMPLING -ATMOSPHERI C PRESSURE GLOW DIS C HARGE (LS- APGD) IONIZATION SOUR C E . THIS AWARD IS GIVEN ON BEHALF OF THE SO C IETY FOR A PPLIED SPE C TROS C OPY AND THE SAS NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL SE C TION AND WILL BE FORMALLY PRESENTED TO DR. MAR C US AT SAS’S NATIONAL MEETING SC I X 2015 IN PROVIDEN C E , RI ON SEPTEMBER 29, 2015. THE LESTER W. S TRO C K AWARDEE IS ALSO GIVEN A PLENARY LE C TURE AT THE SC I X MEETING AND A SYMPOSIUM WILL BE ORGANIZED IN HONOR OF HIS A cc OMPLISHMENTS . THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LS-APGD SOUR C E HAS BEEN FUNDED BY THE DEFENSE THREAT REDU C TION AGEN C Y (DTRA), THE NATIONAL NU C LEAR SE C URITY AGEN C Y (NNSA) THROUGH THE PA C IFI C NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY , AND THE SAVANNAH RIVER NATIONAL LABORATORY . 2 • Clemson University Department of Chemistry HONORS AND AWARDS DAY, APRIL 4, 2015 STUDENTS The Department of Chemistry Honors and Awards Day Luncheon was held on April 4, 2015, at the Clemson University Outdoor Lab-Kresge Hall. The following awards were presented at that time: Garret Gotthelf, a senior • Senior Research Award - Catherine Conrad Chemistry major from • Chemistry Faculty Award - Kayleigh Wall Mountain Lakes, New • American Institute of Chemists Award - Anna Rollings Jersey, and • American Chemical Society Award - Jacqueline Schiller student of • Merck Index Award - Trey Williams W i l l i a m • Houghton Mifflin/ICUC First Year Chemistry Award - Kristopher Gross Pennington • Chemical Rubber Company Award - Kristyn Robinson • Outstanding Student in General Chemistry - Sara Garbowski Jr., won a • Outstanding Student in Introductory Chemistry - Rachael Villeneuve first place • Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry - Jacqueline Rohde award in the • Outstanding Sophomore Chemistry Major - Rebecca Pontius c h e m i s t r y • Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry - Balakrishnan Pillai division for • Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry - Bridget Luckie his presentation at the • Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry - Cameron Weekley South Carolina Academy • Western Carolinas Section ACS Award for Outstanding Chemistry Senior - Grayson Panetti of Sciences meeting which • Graduate Teaching Assistant Award - Sabina Maskey and Heeren Gordhan • Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award - Sarah Hill and Yamin Htet was held on April 11th • Mark Bernhard Hardin Prize in Chemistry - Morgan Norton at Furman University.
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