In 1963 ,the Coun 旬of Hawaii was in an economic depression. We had the distinction of being designated as "the most depressed county" in the state. While there were some advantages 加 that title in that it made us eligible for Federal economic development grants ,the county administration tried to change that image in order to attract mo 陀 substantial privately 戸 economic nanced growth. At that time ,Maui was beginning 加 emerge as a tourist destination area. One of their successful ventures towards that achievement w ωan annual Whalers' Spree that was being held in Lahaina. As Chairman and Executive Officer of the County of Hawaii ヴorerunner of Mayo け,Isent 伽 oofmy staf f, Gene Wilhelm ,my administrative assistant and George Naope ,the Promoter of Activities ,to Lahaina 加印。tch th お作stival and charged them with the task to develop something even better for our island and particularly for Hila ,which was suffering from the aftereffects of big the 1960 おunaml. They hatched the idea of the ルferrie Monarch Festival dedicated 加 King Ka lakaua ,Hawaii's last king and for whom Kalakaua Park in Hila 切 as named. To involved the business community ,the Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce was approached to sponsor the event ,which they did. {1Ili--act--'assas--sil--Felic--111'' Financial assistance came fヤ'am the Hawaii Visitors Bureau and the County of Hawaii. The committee planning the event became a committee of the Chamber and many peop たwere involved in this community effo 仕 It was so suce 白 sful that it ωas decided to make it an annual event. Th efirst Merrie Man 附 Festival tried 加陀create the period under the monarchy. A contest was held to see who could grm ρsideburns like King Kalakaua 包.The ~ω n decked itse ザout in red ,white and blue bunting and employees wore clothes the of period or their ethnic costumes 加 emphasize the 的ip around the world that King Kalakaua took ,the 戸市trei 伊 ing monarch ever to do so. The Hawaii Tribune-Herald had a special front page edition for the event. ηIe festivities lasted days four and every n伝ht ぽ cept Saturday pageants were held in old the Hila Armory. Duke Kahanamoku was the Grand Marshall the for parade. On Saturday ,agrand ball was held at the Naniloa ,Hila and Hukilau hotels. Hula was a part of the entertainment because King Kalakaua revived the hula as 仰 art form during his re~ 伊・ 1laAE1il--1ilJ-HIlt-1iI1111'thZ114ろ Not many people remember the Whalers' Spree ,an event which stressed carousing and merriment. The Merrie Monarch Festival has lasted and received world-wide renown because of Dorothy Thompso 的叩isdom in reco gJ' 出 ng King Kalakau 的 great contribution in the revival of the hula and the Hawaiian culture ..- by HELENE H. HALE Mi#4 W# d§ 盟'FM 豆霊塁塁塁塁冨冨翠冨*,ij ,iI E 冨冨璽j'rk 'i i冨冨冨冨冨冨:IIi冨冨冨富国 nz Rwaremd oO lite 25 11t AHIllIIlt lH et ゅlIl4 鰍ゆFl!J 伽 2 King Queen CLIFFORD H A' ALIPO BOWMAN ,JR. CAROL KAOAIO'ONALANI MILLER PAUL Chanter FELWORTH KAHAKEAUI Counselor EARL IOPAKEAUIHOOMANAWANUI SERRAO ,SR. Ka hu ROSEMARY MALULANI HOKOANA Lad y-in-Waiting MICHELLE U'ILANI NAMAHOE Conch Shell ERROL KAUILAOKAKUAWAI COLUER Pulo'ulo'u JOHN KEAUIKUAKAPUKEEHIALEOKAMONA SM 町H ,JR. Kahili Be arers SEAN HAYASHIDA ,GEORGE PAIVA ,MARLON MILLER ,EARL SERRAO ,JR. SUNDAY ,APRIL 3 Ho'olaulea at MOKUOLA (COCONUT ISLAND) 10:30 a.m. - Lynn Flores Trio with the Men and Women of Ka Ua 阻 pu'upu'u 11:30 a.m. - Ho'aikane 12:30 p.m. - Gary Haleamau and Bi g Island Style 1:30 p.m. - Paradise Ba nd 2:30 p.m. - Halau Hula Ka No'eau 3:30 p.m. - Oliver Kelly and Friends 4:30 p.m. - Di ane Aki and Friends MONDAY ,APRIL 4 WAIAKEAVILLAS 12:00 noon - Hula Halau 0 Kahikilaulani TUESDAY ,APRIL 5 WAIAKEAVILLAS 12:00 noon - Hula Halau 0 Hilo Hanakahi WEDNESDAY ,APRIL 6 SEVEN SEAS LUAU HOUSE 9:00a.m. ・ 5:00 p.m. - Hawaiian Ar ts and Crafts Exhibits EDITH KANAKAOLE TENNIS STADIUM 6:00 p.m. - Hawaii County Band 6:45 p.m. - Royal Court enters 7:00 p.m. - Ihilani Miller-- An thems 7:05 p.m. - Invocation 7:15 p.m. - Hula Halau Olana 8:00 p.m. - Lei Hulu of California featuring the 1st Merrie Monarch Queen , Doreen Henderson and the "Gowns of the Royal Women of Hawaii" 9:00p.m. 一Hauoli Hula Halau -Leilani Mendez THURSDAY ,APRIL 7 SEVEN SEAS LUAU HOUSE 9:00a.m. ・ 5:00 p.m. - Hawaiian Ar ts and Crafts Exhibits EDITH KANAKAOLE TENNIS STADIUM 6:00 p.m. - Enter Royal Court 6:15 p.m. - Ihilani Miller-- An thems 6:20 p.m. - Pule 6:30 p.m. - Miss Al oha Hula Competition & Presentation of Awards FRIDAY ,APRIL 8 SEVEN SEAS LUAU HOUSE 9:00a.m. ・ 5:00 p.m. - Hawaiian Ar ts and Crafts Exhibits DOCKSIDE 11:00 a.m. - Greeting of Navy Ship EDITH KANAKAOLE TENNIS STADIUM 5:30 p.m. - Enter Royal Court 5:45 p.m. - Ihilani Miller-- An thems 5:50 p.m. - Pule 6:00 p.m. - Kane & Wahine Hula Kahiko SATURDAY ,APRIL 9 SEVEN SEAS LUAU HOUSE 9:00 a.m. ・5:00 p.m. - Hawaiian Ar ts and Crafts Exhibits DOWNTOWN HILO (MOOHEAU PARK) 8:00a.m. ・ 3:00p.m. 一 Moku 0 Keawe Hawaiian Ar ts & Crafts Fair 10:30 a.m. - Royal Parade EDIT ・H KANAKAOLE T百NNIS STADIUM 5:30 p.m. - Royal Court enters 5:45 p.m. - Ihilani Miller-- An thems 5:50 p.m. - Pule 6:00 p.m. - Kane & Wahine Hula 'Auana Presentation of Ho'okupu to Kumu Hula Presentation of Awards PUANANI ALAMA EDITH KAWELOHE McKINZIE (One the of three judges for PAT NAMAKA BACON the 戸rst hula ωmpetition in 1971) GEORGE KANANIOKEAKUA HOLOKAI LEILANI ALAMA EMILY KAUI ZUTTERMEISTER MAE ULALIA LOEBENSTEIN Commentator KIMO KAHOANO JUDGING based on ー PRESENTATION = Expression ,Posture ,Precision ,Hand Gestures ,Foot Movements ,Interpretation COSTUMES = Authenticity ,Co-ordination ,Leis PERSONAL APPEARANCE = Overall Appearance CHAIRPERSON FACIUTIES SCRIPT DOROTHY S. THOMPSON SALLY KALEOHANO BOBO SAIK I! HZ 庄AMASTER BACKSTAGE DIRECTOR KEAUKAHA PONY / GEORGE NAOPE POLLYGRACE COLTLEAGUE ROYALCOURT TIMERS /SCORERS SOUND GEORGE DE MELLO/ LILYPA GLENN YAFUSO LUANA KAWELU T-SHIRTS /POSTERS STAGE ROYAL PARADE THOMAS SPENCER ,JR .I DENNYHOLT LEHUA JAYCEES PATKOGA DECORATIONS HO'OLAULEA HALAU PRACTICES MT. VIEW ANTHURIUMS KEONI FUJITANI LUANA KAWELU/ GEORGE DE MELLO EXHIBITS TICKET SALES MOKIHANA MILLER ED FERRIS/ CONCESSION GEORGE DE MELLO/ BOBOBROWN USHERS PSI LUANA KAWELU SERVERS TICKET COLLECTORS τRAVEL WO Iv1EN OFHAWAW EAST HAWAII KIWANIS HAW. CHAPTER 1971 1980 Implements Div .l Modem Div .l and Ov erall Winner 百 (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko Waimapuna Pauline Kekahuna ・Hauoli Hula Studio Hula J1 uana Na Wai Eha '0 Puna Miss Aloha Hula Al oha Wong (Keolalaulani Hula Studio) Ov erall (tie) Wa 凶 apuna & Na Wai Eha '0 Puna (W ahine) Hula Ka hiko (tie) 1972 Hauoli Hula Studio & Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Anc 的tt Division IMα加 'n Division Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Hula J1 uana IOver all Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Implemrnts Division Puamana Hula Studio ル1iss Aloha Hula Ka ula Kam ahele Oohnny Lum Ho Hula Studio) Miss Aloha Hula Aulani Newalu (Halau '0 Kahealani) 1981 1973 (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IOv erall Na Wai Eha'O Puna Hula Ka hiko IHula 泊uana IImplemen お IOv erall Winner (W ahine) Hula Ka hi 知 IOv erall Halau'O Na Maoli Pua Pauline Kekahuna -Hauoli Hula Studio Hula J1 uana (tie) Miss Aloha Hula Kalani Ka lawa (Louise Ka leiki Hula Studio) Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio & Halau '0 Na Maoli 1974 Miss Alo ha Hula Brenda Ali don (J ohnny Lum Ho Hula Studio) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IImplements IOver all Winner 1982 Lo uise Kal eiki Hula Studio (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana Ia附 all Miss Aloha Hula De e De e Ai polani (P 幽 ni Watkins Hula Studio) Hula Halau 0 Ka Ua Kar叫Le hua (W ahine) Hula Ka hi 知 Halau Mohala 官加a 1975 Hula J1 uana Halau'O Kah anuola Hula Ka hiko (tie) Over all Hula Halau 0 Ka Ua Ka ni Le hua 'I lima Hula Studio & Pa 叫泊e Kekahuna -Hauoli Hula Studio ル1iss Aloha Hula Dayna Kan ani Oda (H 叫a Halau Ka Ua Kani Le hua) Hula シ'l uana 'Ilim a Hula Studio Implements Keolalaulani Hula Studio 1983 Miss Aloha Hula Le imomi Maria ('Ilim a Hula Studio) {抑制Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana 10000all Hula Halau 0 Ka Ua Ka ni Le hua 1976 (W ahine) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IαleT all Hula Ka hiko 'I lima Hula Studio Hula Halau 0 Ka Ua Ka ni Le hua Hula J1 uana Ali cia K. Smith Hula Studio M お帥sAloh 加a Hula Ge 印olaPu 困la{H 叫aHala 制uO Ka UaK 釘首I 陥 ne Division Na Ka malei '0 Lililehua Over all 恒泊¥a Hula Studio 1984 Miss Aloha Hula (tie) mulani Du enas ('I lima Hula Studio) (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IOv erall Na Wai Eha '0 Puna Sheryl Nalani Guemesy (Ka leo '0 Nani Loa Studio) (W ahine) Hula Ka hi 知 IHula J1 uana IOver all Halau Mohala 恒国a 1977 ル1iss Aloha Hula Twyla m 叫ani Mendez (Hauoli Hula Halau) f陥 ne) Hula Ka hi 知 I Over all Halau'O Kekuhi 1985 Hula J1 uana Na Kamalei (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IOver all Na Wai Eha '0 Puna 仰 'a hine) Hula Ka hi 知 IOver all Na Pualei '0 Likolehua (W ahine) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana Iat 恕rail Hula J1 uana Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Th e La dies of Ke'ala '0 Ka La uwa'e ル1iss Aloha Hula Miss Aloha Hula Healani Youn (Th e La dies of Ke 'ala '0 KaLa uwa'e) Pualani Chang (Pukaikapua'okalani Studio) 1986 1978 (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IOver all Men of Waimapuna (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IOv erall (W ahine) Hula Ka hi 知 IOver all Keolalaulani Olapa '0 taka Waimapuna Hula J1 uana Hula Halau '0 Ka muela (W ahine) Hula Ka hiko Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Le imomi Nuuhiwa (Th e La dies of Ke'ala '0 Ka Hula i'¥ uana IOv erall Na Pualei '0 Likolehua La uwa'e) Miss Aloha Hula Regina Makaikai Igarashi (Keolalaulani Hula Studio) 1987 (Ka ne) Hula Ka hiko IHula J1 uana IOver all 1979 Hula Halau 0 Ka Ua Kani Le hua (Ka ne) Hula Ka hi 加 Na Wai Eha '0 Puna (W ahine) Hula Ka hi 知 Na Wai
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