The Denver Catholic R i^tster Colorado’s Largest Weekly 28 PAGES 25 CEN TS ‘We are to be clothed in heartfelt compassion’ By Charlene Scott Register Staff I f there is one word that describes l ather Henri Nouwen, it is ‘‘compassion.” Father Nouwen has written and preached that word for many years, and it is the title of one o f his more than 20 books. “ W e are to be clothed in heartfelt compassion,” the priest-author said on his recent visit to Denver. Tracing the life and development of this re­ nowned priest, one follows his steps from his child­ hood in Holland to his psychology studies at the Menninger Clinic in Kansas, to his teaching days at Notre Dame, Harvard and Yale, to his years with the L ’ Arche communities in France and Canada. A down-to-earth man who seems to have no pretensions. Father Nouwen calls his environment ROiireR PROJECT in S M d m ^ y for iM to uso primarily for od- of living with disabled persons in Toronto’s r#di« from tha ucatlon worinhopa for farmworkara,” ox- L’Arche community “ quite a normal life.” OaValopmont to plalnod Camion Atllano, coordinator of Finding sanctity ^wbrkWo. — who oftoil imiform Cio projpot’a Oamrar office. Tha CHD ool- And in that normality is to be found sanctity, he t labW S- nagoEata fair wa g M laotlon wWI ba hold tha waafcand of Mov. has discovered. i^f^dillpna.prantaara IS In ohiirehaa In tha arohdiocaaa. During a retreat he gave at St. Thomas Theolog­ ical Seminary, Father Nouwen told the story o f the compassion of Jesus for a mother whose daughter had died. “ Jesus is the G ood Shepherd, the one who is Helping stoop labor flesh to God’s compassion,” he said. “ H e is the one who always knows what we are suffering and wants to bring us together again to discover we belong to each other.” stand tall in the fields Jesus was moved so deeply to compassion, and His followers can be close to compassion by “ a Carmen Atilano, coordinator o f the project’s Denver of­ word, a phone call, a handshake that comes from By Charlene Scott fice. the place o f compassion,” the priest noted. Some 30,000 to 40,000 farmworkers migrate to Col­ Register Staff The oldest of four children. Father Nouwen be­ orado each year to help harvest such crops as onions, Donations to the Campaign for Human Development came a priest of the Diocese o f Utrecht in Holland. cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, beans, (C H D ) collection Nov. 18 will help migrant stoop labor He came to the United States for his postgraduate chili peppers and sugar beets. to stand tall in Colorado’s fields. work in psychology at the Menninger Clinic, then One o f the projects that has benefited from CHD na­ Slave labor taught psychology for two years at Notre Dame. tional funds is the Farmworker Power Project in Colo­ The Farmworker Power Project is sponsoring a pilot He taught at Yale’s Divinity School for 10 years rado, which has received grants o f $30,000 for two years project: a small cooperative in the Arkansas Valley ag­ and for three years at Harvard. He began in 1968 in a row. ricultural area, which reaches 120 miles from Pueblo to writing books from his lectures, and became known The organization was formed to help farmworkers ne­ the Colorado-Kansas border. internationally for such books as “ Reaching Out,” gotiate fair wages and working conditions. The new cooperative challenges the traditional farm Continued on page 5 “ The grants are seed money for us to use primarily labor wage system, in particular the crew leader, who is for education workshops for farmworkers,” explained Continued on page 3 #iipiie the SYNOD OF BISHOPS By Agostino Bono particular culture,” and use of psychological testing in j'-'A n inspirational message from Pope John Paul VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A monthlong Synod of seminaries. It can be heard on a new telephone messaging sys- Bishops has handed Pope John Paul II 41 proposals for Vocations and the laity -uStt that be accessed-from any country. priestly formation, basically reaffirming traditional prac­ Regarding vocations, the proposals sought a greater The new" system, operated by Global Telecom tices and stressing their improvement. role for the laity through a strong Christian family life . ;t4fmted, broadcasts the Tape’s daily inspirational Included was strong support for mandatory celibacy and by developing strong Catholic schools and parishes. E-'intseages in his own voice and in three languages in the Latin-rite priesthood. Isolated voices among the The synod also favored ongoing formation programs . tli^ can be heard on an eirdinary telephone from 235 synod delegates had asked for the ordination of and asked that a directory of available programs and '.'iewary country o f the world without the need for a qualified married men. guidelines for such programs be published. wave-^radio, Messages are changed daily; Support by synod delegates was also given to the mi­ The proposals were approved Oct. 27 by two-thirds The Sfwyice, jnombtion and daily running costs nor seminary “ as a valid instrument” o f vocational for­ majority. They are for the pope’s use in preparing a nM ‘pit^v||ited-' tb ,the .H oly See free o f charge by mation, to developing the major seminary as a “ true post-synodal document. “ ^■fjbal ^ladte^snn. .Inoc^aact from each call is to be house o f formation,” and to a special spiritual or aca­ The synod has no decision-making powers, but the hn|^ -snppprt.,tbfr apostolic mission o f the demic preparatory year for major seminarians. pope promised at the synod’s close Oct. 28 that “ the Major seminarians generally are those in the final proposals and programs” would be “ speedily put into m e»«ges,.(^''be heard on the following years of preparation for the priesthood after college. effect.” (En- Other points favored by the synod were: participation Under synod rules, the proposals were not made pub­ l*^230-'7273 of qualified women in seminary formation, seminary lic. A synod-prepared summary was issued by the Vati- programs tailored to the “ demands and necessities o f a Continued on page 4 Pag* 2 — Novambar 7, 1990 — Danvar Cathallc Raglatar Memorial Mass for Sister Ross The Sisters o f St. Joseph o f Carondelet and 'A friend and a comforter’ parishioners o f St. Francis de Sales Parish will have By Charlene Scott Francis Stafford. Deacon Finn conducted Communion a Memorial Mass for Sister M ary Monica Ross, Register Staff services twice a week and took Communion to sick resi­ C.S.J., who died recently at Nazareth Home in St! Louis. Sister Ross served the homebound and elderly dents. He was “ a friend and a o f the parish from 1971 to 1989. The Mass will be comforter, dearly, dearly Eagerly awaited Nov. 17 at 5:30 p.m. All those who knew Sister Ross loved,” remembered a nun “ He said night prayer with Pearl Morey, a centenan- are welcome to attend. St. Francis de Sales’ Church at the home fo r the elderly an 102 years o ld ,” Sister Richardis remembered. “ She is at 300 S. Sherman, Denver. where Permanent Deacon eagerly awaited his visits. H e led Benediction and the Bart F. Finn, 57, volun­ Rosary, and held weekly discussions with the residents. teered prior to his death “ We are all filled with a feeling of sorrow. He was Oct. 31 from cancer. a friend and a comforter, dearly, dearly loved.” Catholic, Jewish Leaders A native of Denver who Bart Finn was born March 8, 1933, and attended Holy was one of 13 men ordained Family High School in Denver. He served in the Air to meet at Vatican Dec. 5-6 deacons June 24, 1989 at Force for four years. Immaculate Conception Ca­ He met his wife, Audrey, in Utah, and they were mar­ By Cindy Wooden thedral, Deacon Finn died ried June 13, 1953. Shortly after their marriage, Finn in a local hospital. was sent to Japan for a two-year tour. He brought his Catholic News Service The father o f six children, bride to Denver, where she resided with his parents un­ V A T IC A N C IT Y (CNS) Vatican officials and inter­ Bart F. Finn he had served as business til his return. national Jewish leaders will meet at the Vatican Dec. 5- administrator at Spirit o f Christ Church in Arvada since He was employed for 33 years by Western Electric 6 to mark the 25th anniversary o f the Second Vatican 1986, and as a permanent deacon for the 200 residents Company (A T & T ), retiring in 1985. He then became Council document “ Nostra Aetate.” at the Gardens at St. Elizabeth retirement home until his business administrator at Spirit o f Christ, doing his work Joaquin Navarro-Valla, the Vatican spokesman, con­ illness worsened last Easter. at the Gardens as a volunteer on his own time. firmed the dates and subject o f the meeting, but did not His mother, Stella Finn, is a resident at the Gardens. “ Even though Bart was only ordained for a year and comment further. She remembered the oldest o f her four sons in a 1989 a half, he touched so many through his diaconal minis­ In September, U.S. Jewish leaders said the meeting tribute to him written by Sister Richardis Durant in the try at the Gardens of St.
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