PO tTLAND DAILY PRESS MONDAY ESTABLISHED JPNE 23, 18B2-VOL. 35. _PORTLAND, MAINE, MORNING, MAY 30, 1898. _IBgffS&'fflBI ._PRICE THREE CENTS. CERVERA SURELY BOTTLED. Commodore Schley Has Seen Ships and Recognized miral Genera is In Them As the Span- the Harbor of Sant- ish Fleet. iago De Cuba. ... x t V I THE WAR BEGINS IN EARNEST. WONDERFUL TALE OF A BATTLE, Orders Given for Troops to Be Embarked Circumstantial Story of the Defeat of the on Transports. American Squadron, \ / — ■■■■■■' ■■■ * The publication of this despatch from New York, May 29.—A special to the latter until a landing on foreign terri-1 J Madrid, May 29—7 p. m.—El Progreso THIS IS AD- MAN WHO IS Paris caused an excited-discussion of the Tribune from Washington, says: t >ry shall have been actually acoom- publishes despatches purporting to come ;onflicting reports from various sources, “Orders have at last gone forward to p lished, and Gen. Shatter himself will from Paris, giving details of an alleged which completely absorbed all sections of Major General Shatter at Tampa to em- h ive sealed orders whose contents'wlll be battle near Jamaica in which it is said the press and all circles of the public iu bark the greater portion of his corps, in- k uown only to Gen. Miles and Gen. Cor- two American warships were destroyed Madrid. eluding all the regiments and a few of t in until the expedition is safely at sea. and one Spanish warship was injured. MIRAL CER- BOTTLED Speaking today of yesterday’s rumor the most efficient volunteer regiments 1 Ldmlral Sampson’s sole instructions will Although the account is very circum- and the incident and )f the defeat of the Americans on board the transports gathered at that 1 e to guard the expedition and to co-oper- stantial as to time, place, death of Bear Admiral Sampson, Capt. place and the aggressive military move- a te with Gen. Shatter under the latter’s results, it is received here with suspicion. iunon, the minister of marine, without ments which has been so frequently nre- f irectlon.” The story is that Commodore Schley’s it in the absence of official con- from Bear Admiral jrediting dictod and so often delayed for one cause VERA. UP. squadron parted remarked that the event was fact fleet off the east- Irmatlon, or another, will be an accomplished Sampson’s Cape Maysl, the limits of the nearly within possibility. It before the end of this week. The strong- TERROR SAFE. ern point of Cuba and steered toward is that the result of oabi* followed hoped today’s est units of Admiral Sampson’s re-orga- Yuoatan passage, closely by net council will discuss information con. nized will convoy the expedit- Sampson’s ships. Both were sighted squadron the towers of da Brming or denying report. ion and cover its landing at a point now from the watch Santiago definitely designated. Ufonso XIII Cuba. Doing Scouting WASHINGTON SAYS IMPOSSIBLE* Simultaneously the most rigid censor- Rear Admiral Sampson arrived off the Have Heard From Schley Since Alleged ship of press despatches that has so far at of Puerto Prlnolpe, continuing Duly Porlo Rico. province Battle. undertaken the government direction of Jamaioa. Ad- been by thence in the Washington, May 29.—Officials of the and will be put into operation at Tampa miral Cervera left Santiago Thursday, navy department not Jonly utterly (JJs* Key West tonight, and no message relat- May 26 at midnight, all his lights being credit the reported naval engagement neat Jamaica on Friday but declare with the ing to the movements of troops or ships (Copyright, 1898, by Associated Press.) extinguished, with the Vizcaya and the Washington, May 30.—At 12.30 this morning (Monday), the Kavy department utmost positiveness that it did not ocomt or in any way speculating upon the ex- St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, May preceded by the tor- Almirante Oquendo Advices from Admiral Sampson and be on the J9.—The that the received a from Commodore that he had pedition will permitted wires. report Spanish torpedo despatch Schley announcing definitely pedo boat destroyer Furor. He took up Commodore Schley clearly indicate that If this means of boat has reached San Juan de Porto in to Jamaica. statements contained in the Madrid preventing publication gun located Admiral Cervera’s Cape Verde in the Bay of Santiago de Cuba, a position prominity the squadron are without the foundation of information which would be exceed- Rico, is confirmed. She arrived there Two hours later the remainder of Admi- story slightest states that he has seen and the vessels of the * in fact. valuable to Spain, is not fully suc- !rom Fort de France, island of Martini- The commodore recognized Spanish Cervera’s squadron withdrew from the ingly ral Secretary Long was shown a copy of the Her boilers are and in a cessful, the censorship will be promptly jue, on Friday morning. fleet. harbor of Santiago proceeded despatch tonight. After reading it care* extended to the mails. itill said to be out of order. southerly direction. folly he said: “It is an interesting story, but it en- The Soanish transDort Alfonso XTTT it can no ccmuuenuy btateu mat, ueyona On the morning ol Friday the Furor tirely lacks the element of truth. You will notioe that it is regarded with sus- the Secretary of War and the Seoretary of chartered by the Spanish government to the and the came up rapidly Vizcaya picion even in Madrid. It comes to ug Juan with received ths Navy, the President will permit no tnd loaded at San provisions While the naval officials have been morally certain for several days that Cervera’s squadron was in the harbor of Santiago the official announcement fron 1 Almirante Oquendo, advising Admiral from Paris, where it was from some unnamed place after being filtered Is now said to be In fleet civilian to enjoy his confidence in this 'or Cuba, scouttng Commodore Schley was received by the officers on duty at the department with intense satisfaction. Assurances are now doubly sure that the Spanish is bottlei 1 Cervera of the approaoh of the enemy. through the Spanish capital. No, there of the Porto Rican finds is no truth in it. ;he vicinity coast, up and that the cork is in the bottle. It is not believed that Admiral Cervera will attempt to escape from the predicament In which he now himself, a 5 Rear Admial Sampson’s ships steamed absolutely Secretary Long deolined to make any crew refused to and run of his that ler having try such a course would surely result in the destruction vessels and the loss of many lives precious to Spain. The suggestion is [made, however, the Spar at full speed toward the Spanish vessels, further comment upon it, evidently re- 5 it as unworthy of serious con- ;he Cuban blockade. lards blow his ships, rather tthan have them fall into the Bands of Schley, as they certainly will If they remain In the harbor. The definiteness of Schley’ combat, but moved in garding OUR TROOPS may up whioh accepted sideration. Officials on duty at the navy The Alfonso XIII., is also said to be that he effected a near a be from the ■ read the with despatch would J Indicate ;has landing Santiago and made personal Investigation of the harbor. It would Impossible en a southern direction to effect a juncture department despatch amusement. jarrying freight between the different definitely to see and recognize the but a at some either side of the. entrance a b remainder of the trance to the bay Spanish vessels, by affeoting landing polnfon vantage poln With the Spanish squad- “I |will take upon myself,” said an of Porto Rico. from had “to that the is absolute- ARE OFF TO WAR! ports could be very iikely which the entire harbor could be ^examined. In all probability, Commodore Schley or one of his trusted officers 6uccessfull; r ron. offioer, say report gained untrue. I know that it is not true. here that all the ly It is rumored vessel! this hazardous undertaking in order to obtain the valuable information contained in his despatch. the battle raged furiously on not how he But we have left some excellent performed Presently He would say knew, but Cervera’s fleet are not at of the effect the that important bit of information was in various sizes of af Admiral It is impossible, owing to the lateness the hour to obtain any official expression upon news from Commander Schley. What certainty tha t both sides. The Americans detaohed styles Vlci Kid supplied by Secretary Long. Official ad- Some of them 1 Shoes for Ladies’, Children and Santiago de Cuba. elthei Cervera is praotically helpless will have upon the plans of the administration with reference to the invasion of Cuba, can only be conjectured. The transpoi three cruisers and three small ships to vices were received tonight from Commo- dore Schley. They contain no informa- Men’s wear. did not'go there or have sinoe left thosi of land forces to the island, it is understood, was because of the uncertainty concerning the location of the squadron. If that understand the and the Almirante tation delayed Spanish surround Vizcaya tion of such an engagement as is reported Just come into our store and look waters, according to reports. ing is correct, the probability of an early invasion of Cuba is strong. It is not unlikely that the movements of troops which has been delayed from time to time wi V Oquendo.
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