Colorado*8 Largest Newspaper; Total Press Run, All Editions, Far Above SOOfitiO, Denver Catholic Register, 23,829 11 BEING ORDAINED FROM ST. THOMAS' THJSYEAR Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc„ 1948—Permission to Reproduce, Except Native Religious Art on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Priday Following Issue ejection from the Taylor miiMum in Colorado Springs is ^ in g shown. It will later be lent to the Museum of Modem Art, New York, for REIIGIOIS mil Two W ill Be Raised exhibition. Tlie wood carving shown below, more cheerful than the usual Santos, is of Santa Barbara. OF S O U M S T DENVER CATHOLIC To Priest Ranks in Chicago Rite Feb. 2 Native religious art of the Span­ ish Southwest is attracting na­ tional attention. C. J. Bulliet, Three W ill Serve in Denver Archdiocese; Minor writing in the Chicago Daily News, The NationalREGISTER Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We describes as “big and intensely Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller thrilling" the exhibition from the Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Orders W ill Be Conferred Soon in Taylor museum in Colorado Springs, a collection assembled No. DENVER, THURSDAY, JAN. PER YEAR by Mitchell A. Wilder, curator, VOL xxxvra. 23. COLO., 28, 1943. $1 Seminary -Chapel The display will move on to the Museum of Modern Art in New Two more members of the 1943 ordination class of 11 York after its stay in the Chicago in St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, will be elevated to the Art institute. THREE JESUITS TO PRONOUNCE FINAL priesthood Feb. 2 in Old St. Mary’s church, Chicago, when Mr. Bulliet, well-known art critic, writes that the exhibition the Most Rev. Bernard J. Sheil, Auxiliary Bishop of (Chicago, astounds one with its wealth and ordains Deacon Richard E. Spellman for the Archdiocese of variety of conception and execu­ VOWS IN REGIS CHAPEL ON FEB. 2 Santa Fe and Deacon Donald J. Foley of the Clerics of St. tion by “our primitives," Spaniards Viator. On th ^ am e day in the chapel of the Denver seminary and Indians. “Most of us,” he says, “know the santos of the New In ceremonies traditional in the|nounced by the priests soon after completing his elementary school­ at 8:15 Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will confer the orders of Mexicans and an occasional cru Society of Jesus for several cen- tertianship, the final step in Jesuit ing in Holy Rosary school. Mil exorcist and acolyte on Austin cifix carved in wood, but few of us turies, three members of the Regis training, and by the brothers after waukee. Father Stumpf entered Johnson of the Archdiocese of are prepared for a collection that community, two priests and one about ten years of Jesuit life. St. Francis’ Preparatory seminary Portland and Clarence Colueke, can stand comparison with German lay brother, will pronounce their Father Stumpf was born in Mil­ in Milwaukee, and 'a'as graduated C.S.V., and the orders of porter medieval Christian art and African last vows before the main altar in waukee, Wise., March 8, 1907, the in 1927. Entering the Society of and lector on Cletus Schmidt of pagan sculpture, a.s here disclosed. the students' chapel Feb. 2, Feast son oft Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Jesus in September, 1927, in Flo­ the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Mr. “The New Mexican ‘primitives’ of the Purification of the Blessed Stumpf. Mr. Stump lives at 925 E. rissant, Mo., Father Stumpf made Schmidt will receive second minor were childishly literal in their ac­ Virgin Mary. Thev are the Rev. Wells street, Milwaukee. Father the usual course of studies in Flo­ orders in another ceremony to be ceptance of Christian lore, true Edmund J. Stumpi, S.J.; the Rev. Stumpf’s mother is deceased. After rissant, St. Louis, and St. Marys, held in St. Thomas’ chapel Fri­ FOUGIL day, Feb. 5. and legendary. These artists were, Joseph W. Poeckes, S.J.; and i- + + Kansas. His teaching years were for the most part, penitential in Brother Michael W. Sommers, S.J. spent in Regis high school in Den­ Other members of the 1943 their outlook. Their Christs are The final solemn vows mark the ver from 1934 to 1936 and in St. class include Deacons James attenuated, as must eventually be­ climax in the long period of train­ Louis university high school in Hamblin, Edward Dinan, and John IFiO S 2 HDUGS come the penitents in long fa.sts ing given to each member of the 1937. Father Stumpf was or Stein, all of the Archdiocese of that lead to salvation. Death, with Society of Jesus and are pro­ dained in St,- Marys, Kans., by Denver; Patrick Moran of the Dio­ his bow and arrow, riding in a Bishop Paul C. Schulte of Leaven­ cese of Great Falls, Edward Mc­ crude wooden cart, is in the same worth June 26, 1940. After th^ Ginnis of the Diocese of Leaven­ A graphic description of the ac­ spirit. completion of his theological stud­ worth, John Burke, C.S.V.; and tion coincident •with the sinking “But there is a more tender, More Exchanges ies Father Stumpf made his ter­ John Lane, C.S.V. Mr. Johnson of the U. S. aircraft carrier human side to some of the pieces. tianship in St. Stanislaus’, Cleve­ is also a member of the fourth-year Hornet given by Richard A Christ Child, not unhappy, is land, 0. Father Stumpf w’as as­ class and will be ordained to the Thomas Woodson, first class a'via- dressed in something exactly like Of Students in signed to Regis high school in priesthood' some time in the tion radioman, son of Chief Radio­ swimming trunks of today. There September, 1942, as teacher of his spring. One member of the class, man and Mrs. R. M. Woodson of is an Archangel (Michael, I be­ tory, civics, and religion. the Rev. Francis Sherman of the Boulder. The father is now sta­ lieve) as a little boy in ragged Americas Urged Father Poeckes is : teaching Lincoln diocese, was ordained by tioned in the naval radio school trousers. Latin, history, and religion in Bishop Louis B. Kucera in the Lin­ in Colorado university. The family “In one instance, the Virgin is a Regis high school, to which work coln Cathedral Dec. 19, and is is active in. Sacred Heart parish. Mexico, D. F., is the fore­ now serving as an assistant in the When young Woodson came back little girl. In other, the Madonna, most center for the study of he was assigned in September, full grown, resembles an operatic 1942. Born in Le Mars, la., June 9, Dwight, Nebr., parish. to the Hornet in that fateful action art in Latin America, said Dr. Rer. Richard E. Spellman Oct 26 and saw her “lying dead soprano in costume for some regal Joaquin Ortega, a principal speaker 1909, Father Poeckes received his in the water,” he felt as if he had role, crown, on head, hands clasped. for the inter-American educational early education in St. .Joseph’s The Rev. Richard E. Spellman Quite human is Job, seated, school in Le Mars, and in St. Law­ lost'a friend’. He was seriously conference sponsored by Denver was born Jan. 29, 1916, in Chi­ wounded after five Japanese his body covered with painted university, 'The medieval guild rence’s college high school in Mt. cago, where he attended the Queen boils. One of the Christs, perhaps Calvary, Wise., where he was grad­ Zeros had attacked his dive-bomber system of several years’ study un­ of Angels grammar school. He en­ in a battle 200 miles away from the outstanding work of the whole der a master is used. More Cath uated in 1927. He entered the So­ tered De Paul academy in the same Msgr. Hagns’ Investiture (Turn to Pages — Colum n 8) ciety of Jesus in Augusit, 1927, and the carrier. Unable to land, he olic colleges should avail themselves city in 1930 and completed the and his pilot circled over another of the student exchan^ plan be­ completed his philosophy in 1931. four-year course of study there. He taught Latin and ancient his­ U. S. carrier until an attack on it Two Bishops Visitors tween the Americas, Dr. Ortega Father Edmund J. Stumpf, S.J. He attended De Paul university ended a’nd men landed there •with Will Take Place Sunday told a Register reporter. tory in Campion high school. for two years before his entrance only a few pints of gas left. Alto­ Of Archbishop Vehr The disting;uished edilcator, a Prairie du Chien, Wise., from 1931 into Quigley Preparatory semi­ gether, he stuck at his post for native of Spain, expressed the to 1934. He was ordained by nary, where he spent another two (Turn to Page S — Colum n S) two hours and 30 minutes from Plans for his investiture as a Albany hotel, followed by a testi­ The Molt R o t . John F. Noil, opinion that post^aduate study in years. He came to the Denver the time a cannon shot pierced his Domestic Prelate to His Holiness monial dinner in the Albany in Biihop of Fort Wayne, and the Latin America is more satisfactory seminary five years ago and en­ knee and side until he got medical Moit Rev. Karl Alter, Biihop than undergraduate work. After tered the second-year phUosophy care. were announced this week by the honor of the new Monsignor, which class.
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