And no wonder. To their amaze­ scope to please everybody. Even a form in this issue and ROUTES ment, it does tell you what to do section to help you decide just will be on its way sooner than you and where to go. It is an easy where to take your kids. So don't think. Also, ROUTES will make an reference and it's good reading too. tarry! Find out what's going on by excellent Christmas gift. It's a con­ Sports, music, dining, theatre, and subscribing to ROUTES today. venient and easy way to shop. museums of special interests are And you'll have something to talk Routes listings that provide insight and about too. Fill out the subscription Box 767 Flushing,New York,l1352 Pub isher SStatement s I sat in transit from Lan­ ity to recognize talent and availing caster, Pennsylvania, re­ themselves of the offerings. Others, Aturning with copies of our through envy and dismay knock first issue, I reflected on several oc­ each other and as a result some ideas casions-some apparent and some never bloom. unwarranted. As a new publisher, Hence, we are about being better trying to achieve credibility can be people and helping each other hard. To friends, associates and achieve and survive. There is a need others who can share their expertise for ROUTES and we intend to fill in assisting you, your idea seems the void. Our hope is that in doing senseless and should be abandoned. our best, we help others get ahead as As I look over my shoulder at the well. It was during our efforts to copies, I see a dream come true-a launch ROUTES that we discovered dream that others wanted deferred. unwarranted opposition. But in I, therefore, say to others what I am keeping with our determination and saying now, and what my reflections perseverance we pushed on. deem. It is a shame that people with In retrospect, our wish is to be able new ideas are thwarted and stepped to convey to the doubters that en­ upon and not encouraged to con­ couragement does go much further tinue. We should be than apathy. We about helping each say thanks to the other get ahead and modern few and ap­ promoting independ­ plause to the shak­ ent aspirations.Other er-upers. Through races and nationalit­ your faith, our re­ ies have thousands of ality has become success stories be - more apparent. cause of their abil- PUBLISHER ROUTES, A Guide to Black Entertainment, November 1977 3 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Between Our Covers --------- hanksgiving is upon us and life, there is hope. " And in recogni­ choices at your fingertips. There are no matter the religious under­ tion of that there should be opportunites to explore the untried, T standing or the lack of it, we thanksgiving. discover people, places , and things, pause however briefl y, to be thank­ We cannot be satisfied though to and be moved by performances that ful and relish our ability to survive. let thanksgiving be an excercise of will never be dup)jcated. It is indeed Too often we are c aught in the only the mind. Although the day of the "social season", and if New whirlpool created by day to day li v­ Thanksgiving is most probably spent York is in summer a festival, in ing and forget to respond to the sim ­ as one of family participation and re­ winter it is a brilliant kaleidoscope of ple elements of life. We are so beset laxation , it is not a passive event. amazement and wonder. by the personal and universal in­ Surrounded by the security of fam­ ROUTES is the medium for iquities of life until when righteous­ ily, no matter how large or small, finding out what to do and where to ness, good, or joy come along, we and friends, no matter how few or go. And we invite you to gaze into see it in a meager relationship. It is a many , we are still celebrating life this kaleidoscope we call the " Big disservice to ourselves as individu­ and Thanksgiving for that life. We Apple" by way of our pages and als, to mankind in its entirety, and are doing more than just thinking choose from that spectrum those all communities in between to which about it. colors that will complement your we belong to allow this to happen. Between our covers you will find celebration of Thanksgiving. To approach life apatheti cally is an the spirit of life expressed in differ­ affront to it and the source from ent terms. Each leads to the fulfill­ David Vaughn which it springs for "where there is · ment of life and shows a variety of Editor ROUTES RESPONSES Congratulations and Good Luck. Congratulations! I· ve j ust read longer have to guestion how I as a 1 am very impressed by it all. the first e dition of ROUTES black person will be received there. Jaqueline Butler Magazine and I found it a refreshing Leona Hipp Rego Park, N. Y. new edition to the rising list of enter­ Brooklyn, N.Y. tainment magazines for Blacks. The Can't tell you how pleased 1 was idea that it is a magazine containing I was overwhelmed by the to receive the fir s t issue of informative articles as well as things m agazine. I had heard about it ROUTES. T he book is as I ex­ to do around town is exhilarating . I through the fl yers that were circu­ pected-a tribute to your talent, think it will go far. The format is lated. Upon receipt of my magazine commitment and all of the hard work easy and the who le magazine is ap­ I immediate ly sat down and pro­ that we nt into making it something pealing. Also, it is easier to say than ceeded to read it. II blew me away. we can be proud of in content and Unique New York. From cover to cover it held my in­ style. Thanks so much for having the De bbie Thompson terest. Very rarely do you pick up a vision to make ROUTES possible. New York, New York magazine and read it from cover to H . D . Biggart cover and be able to actually re late to New York, New York When I heard about the new the articles. Thank you , Sisrer Jones ROUTES I was expecting a third or is something that occured in my fa m­ Today is a bright day. ROUTES fou rth rate brochure. But you blew ily , as well as many others. I'm quite arrived ! Congratulati ons and long my mind . ROUTES is excellent and sure. I enj oyed reading ROUTES success. first rate all the way. Keep up the and have told everyone about it. Ron Love good work. Congratulations! I can't wait until New York, New York J . A . Williamson the next issue. Baltimore, Maryland Joan Harrison Long live ROUTES. You have a New York. New York winner and I hope you will continue I find ROUTES informative , your quality writing . creative , and a definite uplift. Kathy Jackson I feel confi dent that when I read Atlanta, Georgia about a re taurant in ROUTES I no 4 ROUTES, A Guide ro Black Enterrainment. November 1977 ROUTES MAGAZINE, A Guide to Black Entertainment. Our Cover was photographed by Joachim Frederick. Styling and make-up by David Carrington. FEATURES ROUTES Ron ald Bunn 8 Don't Turn Off, Turn On to Lectures Donald F. Driver Publisher 12 Skiing Anyone? Ava R. Fuller David Vaughn Editor 14 Capital Ideas: Rediscovering Washington Karen Bates-Logan Agnes 0. Bunn t8 LaBelle: Patty, Nona & Sarah Managing Editor Separate, But Equal Willie Walton Vernon Grant, Roger C. Tucker 23 A Look at Black Classicism: Grant Associates/ oes•gn Consultants Dance Theatre of Harlem Peter Bailey 29 W.P.A. Willie Walton Editorial Staff Ava R. Fuller 32 Xmas Is Not a Four-Letter Word Agnes 0. Bunn Travel 37 Richard Pryor: Flying High Howard Brock Garland Willie Walton D1n1ng 38 Watch Your Mouth Howard Brock Garland Peter Bailey 42 What Is a Hockey Puck? Marlene Chavis Theater Marlene Chavis Sports DEPARTMENTS Donald F. Driver Arts 3 Publisher's Page Dr. William B. Ellis 4 Between Our Covers Kids Kenneth Sweeney 7 Highlights Free For All 17 Free For All Howard Brock Garland Media 40 Apple Roots Writers-Researchers 46 Routes Roots Teri Washington Gwendolyn Goodwin LISTINGS Huston Owens 11 Art/Museums/Lectures Wayne Williams 14 Travel Tips Robert Toomer, Jr. 21 Music Beverl y Lindsay 27 Theater Morris Perry Hilda Clarke 31 Dining/Disco Felicia Daniels 35 Kids Adm~n 1stra t1ve Assistant 39 Media RAD Publishing Co. 45 Sports page 46 Ronald Bunn President and CEO Dav1d Vaughn V1ce President Agnes 0 Bunn Secretary Robert Toomer, Jr. Treasurer Henry 0 Coston Dnector Barbara Hanks Administrative Assistant Curtis Henderson C•rculat•on Manager Volume t , Number 2, c by RAD Publishing. Inc. 1977. ROUTES is published monthly at 4310 Kissena Blvd., Flushing , N.Y . 11355. Subscription Office-Box 767, Flushing, N.Y. 11352. Editorial and Circulation Headquarters-230 West 41 st St. , N.Y., NY. 10036. Telephone (212) 840·7290. Subscription Rates: In the United States and Posses· sions $12 per year, Elsewhere $1 5. Printed in U .S.A. Foreign Subscriptions payable in advance All Rights Reserved. Cover and contents may not be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission. Application to mail at controlled circulation rates is pending at New York , N . Y ROUTES is not responsible for change of program, prices or cancellation.
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