University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 10-14-1964 Kabul Times (October 14, 1964, vol. 3, no. 186) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 14, 1964, vol. 3, no. 186)" (1964). Kabul Times. 736. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/736 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,. -' . ';. .- '. .. .' .- ;. - ~ ~ - . - , '. , ... - , : : . TIlE WEATMa -. ..- .' . "'..-' .,. "NEws '-:~­ ,.. :STALLS .' . • yesterday's TempenRarel ~ ~ . Roid: KabUl lIetel; ShU. '. ., . Max. + IS·C. ·Miniinum t-5°C. Naw near Park- tbl.mna: '&Uul - . PAGE <I . KABUL TIMES octOBER 13, 1964 Sun sets today at 5.26 p.m. ~. Inteniatf~ .MrPorl.· -." .' '. : Sun rises tomorrow at .6.8 a.m. 'Kabiil TImes fl. avan.hle ·at:· , -Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear Khy'ber ReStaur.ut;.· S9fJ!SJlr ~ .·'01'. Yo~suf'.Returns: ShaSt~i, HOME NEWS IN BRIEF: -.Foreeut by Air AutbOrity ,- .Ayub·AgreeTalks -. KABUL, Oct. IS.-The MiitiStry .. KABUL, Oct. l3.-Mr. Lazare PRI~Af. Z. - CO\1Il;tr~~son~ ::::a:~ ~ews on BetWeen India, P·akistan Tochkov, the Ambassador of Bul­ of Justice gave a fare,well lun~ VOL. III. NO. 186 KABUL. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. L4. 1964. ~MI~AN '22: i:M:1: S".H:} _~ _.... garia, whose term of servIce in cheon 'in honour of Mr. Mustafa IS~:S ;~u:~t~:~s=~~~ach con- Be' Held As Soon As Possible Afghanistan had ended, left KIl­ Almanfalouty, whose tenn of tacts and dIrect acquam.tances· bul for home yesterday. He was office·is terminated 1n AfgluiIistan USSR OuterspaceTrio Back H'isMaJ£sty5JY:ear~QldToil~y ~ Premi,~ Re~~i~~s. ~,' useful. ". KARAcm, October, 13, (Reuter).- seen off at the aIrport by eertam at Tapa Garden in Paghman yes--· He thank~d t:he UAR people:and ~ Inilian .Prime Minister, 'Lal Bahadur Shastri, .and Presi­ offiCialS of the Mlmsrtry of Fo­ tel'day. ' On Earth'After24 Hours; .' - . - =:: 'Afghan .Student.s . reign AffaIrs and diplomatic The function was attended by government for their warm and " dent ·Aiub'· Khan of Pakistan, Mooday agreed that. discus­ -= - ~_ •. sIDcere hOSPItality an'd pr-aISed sions 'on .relations·between their two countries .should be held .corps. Deputy Minister, 'high rankiIig officials of the Ministry of Justice ~~:_,W~i'h~ln Bel~ut' . -:. -the arrangemen1:S made 101' tJie' "at :the .earliest 'Possible moment" New Landing Technique Used , _ - .. conference. KABUL, Oct. IS.-Ratlfied ins­ Professors of ,the College of TheI>: October,14, (Reuter).- = KABUL'. Oc'f l~~:-J~efore- Ieav.'·: . He also expressed delIght at' the They met lor informal talk's. truments of the pTotocol for ex­ logy. press Tepresenfatlves, Char­ , MOSCOW, ~ ~ a~ inr;.Belru1 for Kabul MoiidW eve- ..... .. .J". dunng five-hour stopover on panding an{f strengthening eco· ge d'Affaires and some memberS Tu~day grOWIng' actl.levements made' Ill. Shastn's way home from' the OVIET. Union space trio zoomed back to earth an.d mng.. Pmne... Minister Dr.' Mohan,:. .' ..'. nomIc and trade cooperatIOn bet­ of UAR Embassy and cultural 8ig~!, -d4l..erent fie~s bJ. the UArt· peo- -Hon-ahngt"d natIOns confe!'enee YemenProtestToUN S stepped out briskly after a surprisingly short. .then rriadNousuf received A;fghan-stu-: . pIe dunng We J.a:st years. m' Calro. ShastrI" delayed 111S. ween the government of AfghanIS­ centre and some members of the cosmic studies reported "successfully accomplished m 24 dents'm Beirut He' told· them' -, .. ' tan and the government of '¥'ugo­ Arab .state ·embassies. in Kabul. aoout r.eceof changes in,.t!ie cI;un:. '... > . - .-- 'Dr. ~ousui saId' that 'the con- depprture by about 45.' mmutes a3 .. ' Abont British slavla, WhICh had been slgnecl m 1\o1r. Almanfalouty arrived in Ka­ hours. 'tiy,;, w!i'lch he ·said:were- brou~t . ference was unponant ana useful ,"hl'y coi1ti'riued theIr e=hange Ol Kabul in February, 1964 have The three men, now being a1i>bllt o~: His.:.:VIajes-tY- the KIng;;' and succedeea'Ill me attamment \'lew after'lunch " . ' bul one 'year ago under. the UAR ringements'~ been. exchanged by the .~ghan cooperation programme to Af- questIOned by ooctors and sClen- USSR Anpeals mitiative. and exp1ained to tl1em • 01 tne OOJectlves lor ;v,ntcO It In a jOint statement which Shas­ :"lnf tlstS at' a secret locatIOn, were I' the values \\'hidl have 'been ·err... tb~ Ambassador and the YugO:l.IilV ghanistan. , was calJed. Toe Pr-ime Mr,. tn r&d -out to reporters cafter Deput Foreign Mmlster ;n Bd· it~on mster SaId wah .the close' 'co- meeting-the first. Since Shast~I UNITED NATIONS~ New Y.:>rk, pUrlng his stay in Kaoul he said to be In good health To World &"'0 Stop bodied in the, new.CDnstit of' ' grade. M~nistO' Tne Sovlet-Umon's new' c.osmicl. A~hanistan. - - . , -- - : . operation WhlCb lOok place under became Prime Mi'nister of IiJdla-' Oct 13. (Reuter)-Yemen J>.-Ion­ co-operated with the of JustIce in drafting and preparing laboratory" Voskhod (sunn~e) . The Prime Minister. urged therp . .'. .a Slllcere atmosphere m Cairo be-. the'y sald they had a generaJ -dis- day orotested to the Security Co-: GHAZNI, Oct. 13.-The founda­ tween Ine countnes of non-align-' .cUSSlOn .on.relalions betw;>en tIle uncI!' "abo~t Bntlsh "infringe-­ a number of bills an.d legal do­ landed safely at 10.47 a.m Mos- Wildmen's Actions to understand-the duties and-oli- .': tIOn stone of the vIUage scnool'at cuments, cew tIme (0747 GMT), 24 hours ._ -ligatro~s ot the ~ducated cljlsses' ed natiolls----epmpnsmg half, of t\\·o countries. m.en.ts of ItS terntory and warn­ LaIlyzai m Nawa DIstrict of !\1<r ~uce;;s wodd· independent nations-gene- "'They were both firmly of the ed .t~at Bntam would. be respon­ . The. cultural counsellor of the and 17 minutes after It blasted MOSCOW. Oct 14. (Reuter).-- .. m makmg-a of the ,new kur was laid by the Revenue Offi· Umted Arab Republic also gave 10 SovJ(~t rally speakmg:' valuab1e deciSIOns view that thes.e relations neeoed ~ Sible {-or. the consequences of Its off from a launchmg pad So· The Unron Tuesday app- . change.s;-' -; . cer of Nawa on Sunday. a' wnner at Khyber Restaunnt on vIet Central Asia. ~ ea1ed to the governments and A number of, students speakm~ on the attamment of freedom and to be ImproveQ and conducted to actIOns In the ar;ea. '. Half acre of land for .the school Sunday night honouring Mr. l\rlls­ lzvestla. the gov~rnment news.- peoples of all countries to ':curb ' ' for the _rest expre~ed- their- ~f~ti-. pe;;,ce ;md removal of ulte1'nation- their mutual benefits as good nel- d l'>J1"Osh m. Alalnll'ttGhtlef hYeCmeru and funds for bul1dmg havc Alm~nfalouty. me~ th~ t taf!! "'paper. revealed last night that the the Wild and semi-wild who :. tude··for· the benevolt:nce of .thelT... '31 problems and tensions were ad. ghbours," . statement sa.ld , e ega e. In a e er 0, t e oun· been donated by the vl1lagers. h d b a seek to draw mankind mto a =-: .·progressive Monarch- and 'Ie:ld~r opted Whlcli' will have poSitive ':They agreed that to that end cI.l Presl.dent. ,SI.r Patnck De~n, ship was broug t own Y h" th of the new c1iang'es in the coun."'· chalge~ KABUL, Oct. 13.-Pro(esSot new1y evolved system, with the thermo-nuclear catastrop e. e ".:.. endUring and worldwide unpact It was necessary to promote 'bette!' 31. BrIta,n. that BrItish BOST, Oct 13.-Students of the h SOVIet news' agency Tass repr>rted: tr}'- and congratula~d the Prime . .'. 'h Bel d f '" understanding between the two mIht'ary alrcraf~ VIOlated Yeme- Hollman, a Britisb speCialist in' d t as.h ated gra e·con er"nce. ' . ni alI' space tWIce on Sept"Mber 3rd and 4th year of the Veterina­ eardlac diseases delivered a lec­ whole capsule lowere to e The appeal came from the Srr . Iinister' on the sucCess vf 'the - WIth regard to tbe role 'of Ai- countrIes and' to settle outstandmg "0 H .d d k f -' '1 ry College 'accompamed by theil'c ye~terday earth by ItS own parachudtes' vIet government. the PreSidium of ·qovernrn~nt .>n-' bringing -about. a . bl- - ... d ., e I not as or ('()unCI ture on methods of exa­ t p~acehll formulat!n~ gharustan in llie Cairo conferen-. !pro ef!1s anu Isputes on an Jction. Professors vIsIted the agncultural millmg- patients suffering from he­ The new technique rna e 1 un- the Supreme SovIet and the Cen- change a)Jd Pr-une"~InIS't'er~aid the At honourable and equitable hasls. B. J' k d Y farms at Marla, Nakilm, Bolan, give~ : necessary for the spacemen to tra1 Comlnlttee of the SovIet Co- . the ne,,' Constitution:': - ce the ,n -~ - "Th i h' ,,'1. d ' ntm"n act \\'C(" accuse e· art trouble; the lecture was them~elves.. ghan delegation from the time' of ey urt er agree" t"at 1,- f MT tt t d t Nadl-AII and Gorgm and »as.tUl a­ m the' auditorium of the Medical catapult out of the craft. mmumts Party .They pledged fo' co- . '. cu;;s'Qns between the t,,·o "'()V- :nf'n 0 a n_~atlve a I u e 0- operate in'giving'.practical shape .
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