DEVELOPING STORM Dec. 10, 2017 WEEK IN REVIEW BUSINESS SPORTS More than Jerusalemplan Invasive Boomgoes sparks pprotests speciesatsea theHeisman PAGESA20-21 $265 Shippersbattle Oklahoma’s Baker in coupon savings Presentedby stowaway Mayfieldtakes home tophonor. insidetoday’s organisms. newspaper PAGE B1 PAGE C7 Sunday, December 10,2017 |HoustonChronicle.com and Chron.com |Vol. 117, No.58|$4.00 xx Sunny: High 63,Low 39 DEVELOPING STORM Trump The NationalFlood Insurance Program is $20 billion in debt pushes and encourages building in vulnerable areas. Efforts to fix it have been stymiedbycoastal lawmakers and specialinterests. pipeline projects Ofcialsconsider overrulingstates to quicken process By JamesOsborne WA SHINGTON —Af- ter years of pipelineproj- ects getting helduporde- railed by environmental concerns, the Trumpad- ministration is examining ways to getaround state roadblocks thathavemade it increasingly difcult to build in certain parts of the United States. In late October,the Federal Energy Regula- tory Commission startled manystate ofcials when it granted aconstruc- tion permitfor anatural gas pipeline in New Yo rk, despite stateregulators Jon Shapley /Houston Chronicle turning down the devel- Henry Thompson and his wife, Kate,knewthe Cypress Creekareaflooded but were reassured by cheapflood insurance. oper overconcerns the project would increase greenhouse gas emissions thatcontribute to climate change. TheTrump ad- ministration, meanwhile, Build, flood, rebuild: has for months discussed the possibility of using fed- eral authoritytospeed in- flood insurance’s expensive cycle frastructure development, apotential political third rail for Republicans who By David Hunn, Attempts to fix flood insur- ple,aproposal to stop the fed- plains, including thousands have long proclaimed the Ryan Maye Handy ance have been derailedre- eral governmentfrominsur- of homes in the Houston area Pipeline continuesonA12 and James Osborne peatedlybyspecial interests, ing homes built in flood plains that flooded during Hurricane political expediency and pow- beginning in 2021 wasscuttled Harvey. TheNational Flood Insur- erful lobbies thathavepoured by coastal lawmakers and the It wasdesigned to insure ance Program, designed to hundreds of millions of dollars National Association of Home properties vulnerabletoflood- protectAmericans from cata- into congressional campaigns, Builders, whichspent$39 mil- ing,but onlyhalf of such prop- Presidency strophic floods, has failed in athree-month examination lion lobbying Congress since erties carryflood insurance as almostevery way, encourag- by theHouston Chronicle re- 2005. required by law. still‘awork ing people to buy and build veals. Banks, builders, insur- TheimpactofCongress’ It wasintended to reduce in flood-prone areas while ers and realestateagents— failure is undisputed.The the costs of disaster relief,but increasing the costand magni- supportedbyproperty owners National Flood Insurance those costs have exploded. inprogress’ tudeofdisasters. andalliesinCongress —have Program wassupposed to dis- It wassupposed to be self- Congress’ eforts to reform combined to thwart even the courage developmentinflood- supporting,but premiums Ayearin, Trump the program have failed justas mostpractical changes. prone areas, but new develop- don’t come close to covering thoroughly. Earlier this year,for exam- menthas spreadacross flood Storm continuesonA18 continuesto wrestlewithofce Hurricane Harvey dumpedanunprecedented amount of rain on Houston, but the resulting damage wasmultipliedby decisions made —and not made —during the past 50 years. During the nexttwo weeks, aHouston Chronicle investigation By Maggie Haberman, will explainwhy the August stormwas bothanatural and man-made disaster. Glenn Thrush and PeterBaker PART 1 TODAY PART 3 PART 4 PART 5 PART 6 PART 7 NEWYORK TIMES Natureruled, Cheap premiums, Buildina Fort Bend levees HowHouston’s Developments They tamed man reacted. billions in floodway? were designed growth weak- around theNorth Sea. WA SHINGTON — Harvey was debt. Families It’sthe forthe 100- enedthe dams Barker: risky What canthe Around 5:30 each morning, Houston’s gettrapped, Houston year storm. Is it thatmadeit reservoir Dutchdofor President DonaldTrump reckoning. taxpayers soaked. way. enough? possible. business. Houston? wakesandturnsonthetele- vision in the WhiteHouse’s ›› Seeinteractive graphicsand catchuponthe series at houstonchronicle.com/developingstorm master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news,movesto “Fox &Friends” for com- fort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches With 3Garcias on ballot, Latinos hope for breakthrough MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because,friends suspect, it Houston couldsee thatlastname already have electingaHispanic to Con- fires him up for the day. qualifiedtobeonthe ballot gress. Energized, infuriated itsfirstHispanic on March6to replace U.S. “You’retalking to the real —oftenagumbo of both — Congress member Rep. GeneGreen, whohas Garcia,” stateSen. Sylvia Trumpgrabs his iPhone. announced he willretirenext Garcia said with alaugh. Sometimes he tweets while By Jeremy Wallace year.AfourthGarciakicked Attorney Roel Garcia said propped on his pillow, ac- around theideabefore ulti- he alreadyisplaying with a cording to aides. Other There is apretty good matelydeciding nottorun. slogan to distinguishhimself. times he tweets from the chance thatthe next member And while they’ll make “Maybe it’s time for adif- Three Garcias —Dominique,Roeland dennext door,watching of Congress from eastHous- foraninteresting ballot,the ferent Garcia,” he said. Sylvia —are runninginthe Democratic another TV. Less frequent- ton will be aGarcia. names also show that the Real estate agentDomi- primary to succeed Rep. Gene Green in the ly,hemakes his wayupthe Three candidates with district is closer thaneverto Houston continuesonA15 29thCongressional District. PresidentcontinuesonA14 Index Chron.com HoustonChronicle.com @HoustonChron HoustonChronicle Books ...... G6 Directory ...A2 HoroscopeG12 Outlook.. A29 Business ... B1 Editorials. A31 Lottery .... C13 TV ............G4 Houston’sSource forBreaking News Go to Chron.comthroughout the dayfor the latest Crossword .G4 Escapes .. G14 Obituaries . F4 Weather ... B8 stories, photos and videofromHouston’s No.1news site. TISSOT chrono xl. #ThisIsYourTime AVAILABLEAT us.TISSOTShop.COM AND SELECT WATCHAND JEWELRYSTORES NATIONWIDE A18 | Sunday, December 10,2017 | HoustonChronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com xx xx Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com | Sunday, December 10, 2017 | A19 DEVELOPING STORM DEVELOPING STORM Storm from page A18 subcommittee, started circu- based on future claims, not those lating drafts of legislation that filed previously. On Nov. 14, the houses, fearing that homeown- would phase out grandfathered House passed what was left of ers would default on mortgages rates, sharply raise premiums on Dufy’s bill. if flood insurance became too ex- properties that flood repeatedly The legislation, still awaiting pensive. and prohibit the federal govern- Senate action, would gradually The National Association of ment from insuring homes built raise premiums on the riskiest Realtors, whose members earn in flood plains starting in 2021. properties while encouraging commissions selling waterfront The National Association of insurance companies to write properties, fought to maintain Realtors immediately sought private flood insurance policies. below-market premiums on va- meetings with Dufy, fearing that Hensarling, who announced cation homes. The Realtors gave allowing grandfathered rates to his retirement in October, said $3.8 million to congressional rise would deflate prices of wa- campaign contributions did not campaigns in 2003-04, includ- terfront properties and unravel afect his moves. But he acknowl- ing $11,000 to Blumenauer and deals. “We didn’t want a repeat of edged the influence lobbyists had $11,000 to Rep. Robert Ney, the Biggert-Waters,” said Ken Wing- on other lawmakers. Ohio Republican who chaired ert, a lobbyist with the Realtors “It’s discouraging from time the subcommittee reviewing the group. to time to have members of Con- bill, according to data compiled The Realtors spent some gress essentially say, ‘I’m not by the Center for Responsive $64 million lobbying Congress interested in the policy. Tell me Politics, a nonprofit that tracks last year — more than five times what outside group is for and money in politics. what Exxon Mobil spent. Real what outside group is against Lawmakers representing estate interests also contributed it,’” he said. Jon Shapley /Houston Chronicle states with large swaths of land more than $143,000 to Dufy’s Henry Thompson watches his son Harrison, 4, playwithabox of packing Todd Middletonshows his frustration while talkingaboutdamage to his vulnerable to flooding, particu- campaign committee in 2017 Still a bargain peanutsinasecond-floor bedroom of thefamily’sflood-damagedhome. Norchesterhome near Cypress Creekafter thefamily’ssecondflood. larly Texas, Louisiana and Flor- alone. When Hurricane Harvey ida, fought to redefine “repetitive Dufy said he remembered the reached Houston in August, it loss” as four claims, greatly re- outcry from homeowners that dumped 51 inches of rain, flood- ducing the number of homeown- killed Biggert-Waters and want- ing an estimated 150,000 struc- ‘It’slikehittingyourhand with ahammer overand overagain’ ers afected, Bereuter recalled. ed to preserve other parts of the tures across the region, and kill- They also sought to cap premium Jon Shapley / Houston
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