-TheWflRaMT TWELVE r aw iee< Rt V . MrJStmStmWISlS • s' ^ sunpiter of 1926. H e waa m inister M . T e iid a y . a— qr ptm ei of the Second Congregational Afteeeeaii tampenilwv M «M I About Town Church at the time, and now lives Manchester^A City of ViUage Charm Heard Along Main "Street in Putnam . ■ AWdUary ^oUc« will Traditional Safari tevi an outbif Monday idcht at And on Some of Manchester*g Side Streets, Too The boss says he wants some Dfeapite th e heat, llahC haatar la (FOUBTEEN. PAGES) . MANCMESTEB, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 (CKaalflad A irartiibg m P ag e U ) ' / mCBITVECENTl tha OBttan of Tod Oooddldld at copy for this back page feature on loaded With w ater. B oMob a t d:SO. Thoo« mom- But. tay town officlala, raaidanta . .Right Direction <£of time and a.few rods of space we Saturday, and this la as good a ban wtM care to cotM out oarlier . noticed a younir woman, not satis- place as Xny to relate a few of ahiatildn't take their water |or la tiM altompon aro invited to ^ Judge Wesley Gryk, after a granted. The water . dlalrthutlon- morning in which he saw several fled lo wait a t the curb or Just off the d etails'th e annual softball aow TiM oottMO lo locatod on Kenn^ from it for . the green light, step game betweyh employes of The syatem can handle Juat ap much 54 Petition Dr., the road «|)fioaito the Quarry- vyoung offenders appear in court deipand at- one time. After that, iviUlOUL parents, ^ardians, or: right in^the path of the oncoming Hergid. - vUte Mathodiat Church, Ju^. poet The big game between the Com­ the preaaur* atarta to'drop, and all the Bolton Lake Houae. All mem- older members of their families,' cars. This evidently disconcerted a the watah of Niagafa won’t get somewhat exasperated. driver, for he drove right through posing Room and the Editopial baca a n ur(od to attnd the aum- Kckim took place Mat Wednesday the diahe* waahed or the tub fllled. Ike to Seek mor pracram, ‘•lit/the future," he said. "I the red light, night ' at the Buckland School Fred Thrall, - aaalatant guperin- want to see parents in'eourt with' Another novel sight was a mo- Field, Despite the pre-game mipors.’^’ forcyclist with a puppy in a recep- tehdeftt of the Water Department, . MUe Roberta 8. Dick, daurltter threats, from both aides as to what in a report to General Jdanfiger Re-election o t Mr. and Mm. Mepry Dick, 21 He conttnued, ‘'Parents blame tacle at one side, the final score would be, the offi­ Richard Martin, aald that; at the Btapbeii Sti, ii attendUig the eix everyone but themselve.s when A few steps further brought us cial reading w ai a 14-14 tie afte r end of June, the condition of three woMU summer school of French their chlldr^ get in trouble ' and- o the fountain in the park where seven complete innings. A sudden reaervoira w aa "vary good.*’ adding, WasRihgtbn, July 11 {IF) at Northampton School for Girls, ChtefHerman O. Schendel Ihe drain ha.s not been working. ( 71 rainstorm in the bottom of the 'They are nearly full at thia time.'' —F'ifty-four Hoij^e Republi­ ' ‘Northampton. Mass: Last year she “ arrertmg officer to 'Ph* cover of the manhole was off eighth Inning prevented the wTilte' But he alio aald that the de­ c 's today praised President -was a student at Oxford School, Inform minors to have some adult and up rame one of the plumbers. collar workers from scoring a sec­ partm ent ia. "atilt running the two s to EisenhoweFs record and Hartfofrd. <0 .p p ,.r ond straight success in the annual wella at Charter Oak 'St., one of es- game. urged him to run for re-elec­ in court. lerday. We . were rather flattered them on a 24-hour baaia, the other Korean War vaterane who are For the. benefit of parents Before the rain.s- came, Jersey ju«t during the day. tion. In response, they got a whoae children might in trou­ as well a.s surprised when a town.s- Joe Sullivan, who trained for six \ allglble for the bonus are reminded ioilld per- woman inquired if we printed Tlie Today 'Thrall a«Jd that while hearty “thank you’’ and a that appUpation blanks may' be ble in the future, months picking up advertising there is plenty of w ater, th ere ha,ve I T h at* counts arc,I Herald on .Saturdays diiringT uly copy on foot. , emet-ged as the wide noncommittal smile. g cked »y> at the Am»rickn,M0on haps explaii>' A.ugu.st To our. reply "We bejen times when the presaure has *On Uiia third anniversary of his oir.e anytime today. pleased when- ...... -a parent or guardian i «nd game's hero. The portly outfielder dipped very low. Those are the oc­ sure do she remarked: "I didn't dropped a Te.xas League single In nomination for the presidency, Two Killers Facing exhibits concern over his chatrp s ' casions. usually around dinner ... ............. ..Vis.s 'Heard Along'.'' the seventh inning which rescued Eisenhower. received a petition n c . Donald M. SaVino, son of activities. i ___ _ . time, when cars, babies and dishes from the GOP group which said in Often the sentence is lighter B<-, v ' two runs to bring the final score Mr. and Mra. Alexander Balchunso up to 14-alI. get wsshed, and lawns get sprin-. p art: ^ of M StarkweaUier St., io serving kled. "In the atomic age, whe.i one With the 3rd BdtUHo'.i 4th Marine piming^mav” be'^^ \ Work at the new, h!^h school site Each team has its stars. The Compositors had the musclemen in According to’. ThralT# report. faulty decision- could prove disas- Raglment Of the U.S. Marine Porter Reservoir at the end of terous. It is \1tsl tha* our nation / Oorpu AiMkation at. Kaneohe Bay, Rudolpho Heck and Bur-ton Har- ^ When Children are the rapid progress ha., been in no min but the big noises were Herbie June ha^ 36 million gallons of be led by a man of great exper­ T. H. / feeY unwanted, they | *maIVpast due to the phenomenal Murphy in leftfleld and Scooter w ater. Howard Reservoir 131.6 mil­ ience iq the international field and Wflthersfield, July 11 (/P)—^The Connecticut Board <rf Par* lion gallons and Rogring Brook one who possen-ies phttence. flrm- irfm ortkpt to-get _______ l.v r l e ^ .skies we have been blessed DePumpo at sMrtstop. Murphy dona adjourned for lunch at 1 p.m. today, without nuKin'ff a~ lehl" say that i^'llh duemg the spnng and early na^ only led hi-yteam's attack but Reservoir 133.2 million gallonA neaa, und^standln" and courage. In f itn e s s ■^ . ., .j, re.:’ . I summerWltVrtrVtAr* months.(vsevntVaa "Under Preisldent Eisenhower's decision on the clemency,plea by a killer scheduled 'to die in Judge. Gryk s atUtude a^d 'us rc^, serenaded the large crowd-of to­ -Sj. AIB-CONDITION NOW Howeveri. the cruel hot spell bacco workers with Irish songs. g reat leaderaniDj^ ‘Am erica's de­ ithe electric chair tonight. N mart's do no"represent * fenses have beeiyjltengthened and ^ T H FEDDERS which moved in on Manche.ster and Due to threatening weather. Hal J- Warden George A. Cummings said he expected the board of view here, but they do lend it the rest of the Ea.sl in the last English Attends the caune of nxirW peace lilis been Turkington and Ronnie Devine, .advanced. - ; would make k.decisioh on the case at the saiiie time a ruling PheM: Ml 9.3585 two week., has cost the project two of the Editorial Room regu­ " " ^ ^ 'M e r m a n O. ^ more than a few man-hours as lars were among the missing. Turk Elks ( loiiveiilion "At homy, the Republican party was made on imother killer also scheduled to die tonight. Hi$ W mJAM S ASSOCIATES often remarked on parenU of chll workers, have been forced to re­ under President Eisenhower has' hearing will beJater in^the day. ~ dren in trouble'that they seem to heard an early afternoon weather RgfrigerstloB 8aies St Ser^tco tire In the face of the cruel and report that showers were predicted advanced a program which has The hearing fpr William J. Loraip, 33, of P^vidence, B.I., feel the Police Department has a unrelenting sun, • ' and stayed around the house. (It - George R. Rnglish. exalted ruler brought America unprecedented started at 10 a.iit^. , reason for pefsecuting certain in- One day when we were mosey-' rained early in the.South End.) of the Manchester I-odge of Elks, economic ala’dlity and proaperity. dlvldualfl. Ing around the. site after working Pat Bolduc, who made his.debut and Mrs. Engli.sh. left today to a t­ David Leads the *Way American wor’Kers have more jobs, ,*,The hearing for George N. Dortch Jr., 34, of Westerly, Human nature beinf what U hours, we noticed a hose pouring tend the Elks'- National Conven­ better pay than at any time in our R.L, was set for 2 p.m. r and. giveir, lhe. Undenc.y-for. all of in the classic, wound up-with four Seven-year-old David Eisenhower leads the way as his grand­ history." water on one of the construction home runs in four official trips.
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