Paul Revere Charter Middle School and Magnet Center Thursday, June 10, 2021 Volume 65, Issue 5 The Class of ’21 Is Virtually Over After about 15 months apart, the culminating eighth-graders will gather one last time. By AVERY ZEMLAK This past year has been un- imaginably different from any other in many ways, from log- ging on for school instead of walking through the front gate, and eighth-graders eating lunch at home most days instead of sitting in the quad which is an eighth-grade rite of passage. One thing, however, stays the same. Paul Revere continues to celebrate their culminating eighth-graders and all they have accomplished. Despite their on-campus time having been cut short, they still were able to socialize with friends, complete all three grades, and most im- portantly learn from themselves, their peers, and their teachers. Although some of the most well-known eighth-grade events could not take place this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 that caused the school to turn virtual in March 2020, Patriots were able to adjust to these new changes. “Given that we have been hearing about the Disne- yland and DC trips since sixth grade, it is sad knowing that On their last Monday as eighth-graders, Class of 2021 members headed out to Chino for paintball and a picnic. we will not be able to partake in these special activities,” said took place on Monday, June 7. Week, and even an Among Us pages 2 and 3 for the finalists of Revere’s Vice President, Ella In addition, there were many Zoom with teachers. This year “Most Likely to Succeed.”) Hoffman. However, students virtual events throughout the eighth-graders ran for yearbook Another activity eighth-grad- could look forward to a day of year hosted by Leadership, such superlatives, voted by their fel- ers got to enjoy was the annual paintball with their friends that as lunchtime Kahoots, Spirit low eighth-grade Patriots. (See (continued on page 2) Mikaela Reyes gets vaccinated Sarah Hajmomenian strums out Jean Haney’s award-nominated Tennis player Tavian Talbert tries soon after teens got the OK. Page 7 a tune in the talent show. Page 20 hair gets a grin and selfie. Page 24 to keep his eye on the ball. Page 28 2 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School speech contest that began on message to the eighth-grade Apr. 26, 2021, when all culmi- students: “Do not dwell on chal- nating Patriots were invited to lenges, get through them and write a speech following this that’s how you become resilient. year’s theme: “It’s not about Always try new things, join dif- where you’ve been, it’s where ferent school clubs, try out for a you’re going.” Between Apr. new sport, have different friend 26 and May 7, twenty students groups. It’s always important to submitted their speeches to be be yourself and the right friends considered for the culmina- will love you the way you nat- tion ceremony. On May 13, ten urally are. Don’t pretend to be speeches were selected, written anyone else. Life goes by too by Eli Hamid, Shayan Naeim, fast so have fun and always treat Kalyssa Ferdinand, Taylor people kindly because you never Beljon-Regen, Emma Shay- know what kind of day they are estehfar, Jada Michael, Lily having or what impact you make Williamson and Michael Wil- Lily Williamson gets her eighth-grade photo taken at Revere. on them. Also, I am so proud of liamson, Annalisa Hurd, and my eighth-graders! This class Logan Mirzadeh. From May will always have a special place 17 through May 21, tryouts in my heart because my first year were held over Zoom to narrow at Revere was their first year at down the final three: Kalyssa Revere as sixth-graders.” Ferdinand, Eli Hamid and Eighth-grade English teach- Shayan Naeim. The fourth er Mr. Slavin’s advice to the cul- speaker will be school president minating class: “Read every day. Hailey Sugarman. Culmination If you’re not reading, you’re will be held tomorrow at Pali not ready. Reading is push-ups High in two separate social- for the brain! Also, take time to ly-distanced ceremonies: one at study what you love. Yes, there 10 a.m. for last names A-K and are certain courses that you’re 2 p.m. for last names L-Z. required to take, but always find Teachers and students shared a way to study a subject you their final thoughts on the abnor- adore, even if it feels frivolous, mal school year. Ms. Evans, the because, after all, education is culminating class’s counselor, about more than just accumulat- described this year as “transfor- The hybrid eighth-graders in leadership finally get to enjoy the quad. ing knowledge. It’s about living mative.” Her advice and special your dreams.” Leena Adeli Willa Browne Hailey Sugarman Lily Williamson Sam Sonnett ”In 20 years I see myself “I see myself as a doctor. “I can picture myself as “More than anything, “I see myself as a public as an engineer at NASA I want to receive an a politician or a U.S. am- I hope to be happy, and speaker, a job where I exploring what other life education that I’m proud bassador because I enjoy doing what I love. I am can help others as well forms could exist in our of, and really enjoy my being a leader with a lot very interested in law as bringing satisfaction massive galaxy. ” career and life.” of responsibility.” and public service.” to my own life.” June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School 3 This year symbolized growth, them adjust to a new school. perseverance, and how change Hailey Sugarman Daniella Traum says, “I hope is okay. Eighth-grader Hailey practices her they understand there is nothing Sugarman, Paul Revere’s school culmination to be afraid of. Entering a new president, notes, “I really en- speech in the environment is frightening, but joyed being school president. auditorium. you’ll quickly feel right at home. One thing I learned from it was Don’t shy away from participat- how to adjust and adapt when ing in conversations! Everyone you face adversity, which is is going through the same thing definitely a lesson that will be as you, so by locking onto bonds, beneficial later on in life.” Fel- you’ll find wonderful peers to be low eighth-grader Natalie Alpert with you on your journey.” also learned important skills this Michael Williamson remi- year. Natalie added, “These three nisces about his time at Revere years have taught me how to ef- saying, “Enjoy your time at Re- fectively manage my time be- vere, incoming sixth-graders, tween school, sports and family/ it really does go by fast.” Riley friends, and the yearbook elec- Lenz advises, “Stay on top of tive really taught me to respect your assignments and do not deadlines.” Jasper Hoegh-Guld- fall behind.” Finally, Izzy Koch- berg says of his time at Revere, er thinks it is important to “try “Adapting to a bigger school and your best and get with the right meeting new people has helped crowd, since the people you me get ready for high school be- hang out with will affect your cause I feel comfortable around education and your life.” new people.” The past three years have For this year’s culminating shaped all eighth-grade Patri- eighth-graders, they seem to ots into students ready to go agree that the past three years into high school with newfound have not only resulted in educa- friendships, knowledge and ex- tional learning but valuable life periences. Even if half the time lessons learned, such as time of middle school career was management and confidence. spent at home, the Revere spirit Lastly, these eighth-grade proved to be strong and perse- students have some advice for Eli Hamid Shayan Naeim Kalyssa Ferdinand vered, much like the class that incoming sixth-graders to help culminates tomorrow. Illustrations: Owen Fisher Teddy Grandy Arik Kraft Logan Mirzadeh Matin Farhangnia Brandon Lustgarten “I plan on living in Bos- “I see myself helping “I see myself running “I see myself as a “I plan to be an ophthal- ton as a lawyer working others. I want to get an my own hedge fund or business manager. Doing mologist (eye surgeon) in litigation, with season amazing education and real estate business. I something that can make and a teacher at the tickets to the Red Sox then create bonds with want to start a family our world better is what Maloney-Shamie Vision and Patriots.” my patients as a doctor.” and donate to charities.” I plan to do. ” Institute in Westwood.” 4 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School Year Ends with Students Back on Campus One-third of Paul Revere students choose to finish their spring studies with in-person learning. By NICO TROEDSSON students participate in their first advisory the front rose garden, where my students like session with their teacher who is present to explore, talk, and laugh together. We also After over a year of distance learning, in the classroom. Students are organized in have a weekly book club with the librarian, some Patriots have finally had the opportunity cohorts to keep class sizes small. Each cohort Ms. Gualano, where we chat informally to return to campus. Kicked off at the end meets every other day, and alternates Fridays.
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